*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview For "LoveFilm" By A 14 Year Old Fan

*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview For "LoveFilm" By A 14 Year Old Fan

This is so sweet. I think she did great. I think I might have been exactly the same at 14 if came face to face with Rob!

Find out what happens when LoveFilm sent 14 year-old competition winner and die-hard Twi-hard, Shannon Waters, over to L.A. last week to interview the Twilight stars, including Edward Cullen himself Robert Pattinson.

Thanks To Rhonda for the tip!


Tengku Sofia said...

She is sooo cute!!! And sooo shy!!! lol :))

Aslaug said...

Haha! Oh man, poor Robert. You can see how careful he is when answering the questions.. :P
Good thing it wasn't me... (a)

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Oh, that was so cute and kind of hard to watch. I feel bad for her, she is so clearly overwhelmed and shy and he is so super cute and trying to answer the best he can....it looks like he was going to shake her hand and she just got up and left. Poor girl, but she got to meet Rob, so it's all good.

Anonymous said...

Wow that was just lovely. The young fan was adorably excited and abashed and Robert was kindness personified to help her with his answers.
Well done and it just goes to show what a humanitarian Rob is.

Anonymous said...

The poor girl. She need a 1/2 valium. Rob was cute...he should have given her a hug, maybe he did off screen. I'm 41 and I probably would have acted the same way!

Noe said...

OH WOW! poor girl couldn't even hold it together and i don't blame her. i couldn't stop laughing my ass off.

oh and i think she looks like a young patricia arquette... so maybe if she met 14 year old rob he'd be returning her bashful smiles.

way too adorable.

TP said...

They are so sweet!!!!

tedgirl said...

Rob is trying to make the young lady at ease with his answers. His facial expressions say it all. LOL

I would be engulfed with emotions too, tongue-tied and might even cry like RPG.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Too adorable! That girl is so shy and embarrassed that it's totally charming but on the other hand, she is going to kick herself if she looks at this clip like 10 years from now. LOL!

Patti LaBella said...

O dear... that was how it was like to be 14...
If she's gonna re-watch this in 10 years, I hope she can laugh at it. Nothing to be embarrassed about.
Rob tried a bit to get her at ease. Even made a move to shake her hand or so at the end.

Xylem said...

Oh my gawd! That was so funny. In her defense, Rob did give her an intense look and said "YES" in a very deep voice. Then he kept touching his hair and stuff. I would have forgotten how to speak, but I would have gone into autopilot and spoken anyway.

In ten years when she watches this, she will realize that she was actually making sex sounds as Rob was talking.

I can't blame her. She is a visual manifestation of how I react to his interviews. Way to keep it real, 14-year old girl. Also, was she British or was she that nervous? I couldn't tell.

Roblove said...

She did ok for a dazzled teenager :) And we should give Rob credit for keeping a straight face :D

AP said...

Well, I'm sure there are some now who understand how it's hard to get the words out....Rob relaxes as much as he can and gives very straightforward answers....sweet interview...lol

SluttyPattz said...

I wouldn't have been able to speak so KUDOS for her. Better than I could do.

SluttyPattz said...

I wouldn't have been able to speak so KUDOS for her. Better than I could do.

shannon-paige said...

I did hug him off camera , lol i wouldnt just walk off, in 10 year ill still laugh my head and think i look stupid but oh well i meet the person of m dreams

Emily said...

Shannon - I don't think you should be embarrassed at all! Good for you! I probably would have peed my pants or thrown up on him. You did great! I can't imagine what it felt like. Congratulations on getting to meet Rob!

Loisada said...


You did fantastic just to be able to keep yourself upright in that chair and get your questions out without blubbering madly!!

There are plenty of women of all ages who would have been puddles on the floor after he flashed them that first smile.

Thanks for giving Rob a chance to show how sensitive and gracious he is. I think the two of you shared an absolutely lovely and very genuine moment together, and how many people can say that?! Shannon for the win!

Jane said...

Bless her heart. I think she would have fainted if Rob had shook her hand or hugged her at the end. He was very patient with her.

ordbajseri said...

Haha, this is sooo painful to watch. Up with the shame pillow! (if there is a big enough?) ;)

Robert seems bored in some interviews, I don't blame him 'cause some reporters are just plain sleeping pills who often asks the same old questions, over and over again. But he almost looked like a big brother here, so understanding, calm and well articulated. As if he was trying to make it easier and more comfortable for her. I don't think she could have coped with the witty, silly Robert. That was really nice of him!

Oh... I hope that Robert, or anyone else, gave her praise afterwards for being so courageous. It looked like he just wanted to hug the poor little girl :P

AP said...
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Netra2121 said...

Shannon you did great! I just applaud you for not screaming at him and saying that you love him and going all fan on him. You kept your cool!

Honestly I think anyone of us would have acted as nervous and maybe even speechless in his presence in a one on one.

And don't lie but he gave you a RObgasm just by his stare haha

LM said...

Rob is always so gentle when he talks with the younger fans. Remember the little girl who gave him the bobble head dog last year? He is a very generous big brother type. She did fine, I would have probably glazed and flopped over.

ordbajseri said...

Shannon ...

You did a fantastic job! You're so damn brave! Did he say anything to you afterwards? :D

Roblove said...

"He is a very generous big brother type" I'm not sure that's the case :) but I'm sure his parents brought him up well, and he is intelligent, enough to behave according to the situation :) He always tries his best :)

AP said...
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RPattzVoyeur said...

That was too funny! I was waiting for her to swoon...Rob was great about it, though. He must have realized how his presence was affecting her. Shannon's was too cute and adorable - great job for being able to ask him questions - cause I definitely would have just stared! haha!

Dahlia B. said...

That was cute as hell. Of course, if it was me I'd be very cool on the outside, but on the inside I'd be completely embarrassed and pretty much squeeing my brains out!

Loisada said...

If this makes us uncomfortable to watch, it's because we all remember all too well those days when you're a young girl who's being awoken on a brand-new level by a handsome guy who's got you squirming with feelings and sensations you didn't even know existed before, and it sends you reeling so hard you can't even look him in the eye!

Course we all know exactly how that feels VERY well, because Rob sends every one of us into that same whimpering state, no matter how old or experienced we are. The Robmagic is strong!

Jenn said...

so funny! i think i'd probably melt too if he was sitting in front of me and looking at me like that!

Jenn said...
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Jenn said...
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