Jackson Rathbone Describes Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast In One Word

Jackson Rathbone Describes Robert Pattinson & The Eclipse Cast In One Word

Well I don't think I could use just one word to describe Rob but Jackson manages it.


Haystackhair said...

I have to say, I loved Jasper in Eclipse. He was adorable. "my apologies ma'am." THUD

Haystackhair said...

oosp, I hope that isn't enough to be considered a spoiler. sorry!

Carole UK said...

What's this about Ashley being his wife!

Would totally agree that Rob is smexy

acullengirl said...

Smexy is the word along with a few others I use to describe Rob on a daily basis

Cheeky Chops said...


Taylor = shirtless

He's so cute. hehehe

Don't ruin it for me~! I can't see it until tonight~! LOL

MMc said...

Did he call Rob Schmexy?? or Awesome??

What does Schmexy mean to a guy, I wonder?

A combo between sexy and schmaltzy??
or what?

nikola6 said...

Yeah. Gotta agree about Jackson in this. He was wonderful. It seems he's been standing in the shadows throughout all of this but given his opportunity, he sure stepped up to the plate.

And Carole...
Jasper and Alice are married.

And femrock...
I don't think schmexy means anything different for a guy than a girl. It's just another silly internet term we've come up like...fuckhawt or win or epic or...stuff like like.

nikola6 said...

No. I don't think it was a spoiler Haystack. Anybody who isn't aware of Jasper's history before he was turned and that he's from the south, hasn't read the book. Or has read it and doesn't have much memory retention.

Although with these books having sold 100 million copies, how can the movies possibly be spoiled? Don't we all know what happens? I mean, here's the biggest spoiler of all...

Edward and Bella get married, have a baby, some other shit happens. The End.

I just don't understand how these films can possibly be spoiled when everyone already KNOWS the story.
Although I suppose it is possible that there are still some who come to the internet to read and talk about Rob Pattinson who haven't read these books.

Ya think?

And I got no problem with a spoiler thread. I'm just perplexed as to why one is necessary with a story that is this KNOWN throughout the world and with this fandom.

But then...I can be a bit thick at times.

Ana73 said...

that was really cute...i am so glad that he had a bigger part in this one along with all of the "cullens".

so what records have been broken for the midnight showing????

Carole UK said...

It's not that, Nicola, it's just that people don't want all the detail of the film before they see it.... we all know the story but the movies are a different thing.

That's how I feel, anyway.

That's why I have managed to only watch a couple of the scenes given out by Summit. It's nearly killed me but I want a few surprises left when I'm at the cinema.

Kate said...

Nik the reason we have a spoiler thread is because they often change things in the films and also people can be VERY specific when they're talking about scenes. It's just to make sure everyone enjoys the movie ;-)

Oh and Jackson ALWAYS calls Ashley his wifey has done from the first movie LOL So cute!

acullengirl said...

@Carol you will be there is lots of fun suprises

BellaMarie247 said...

Jackson got his due in Eclipse. He is wonderful and really nice to look at!
Did I read somewhere he was a runner up for the Edward part?
Well, he's best as Jasper, and no one could have been better than Rob as our beautiful sexy Edward!

Roblove said...

How very interesting! :)

nikola6 said...

Okay Carole and thanks Kate.

I guess I was just thinking in terms of the entire story in that we know the beginning, middle and end as oppose to say, Remember Me where there was no source material that preceeded it. I wasn't thinking in terms of the specifics. And true, things get added and deleted in an adaptation.

Like I said...I can be a bit thick at times. And I don't just mean my waistline. That's so sad. Not my thick brain. My thick middle. I want my 26 inch waist back again.

Yeah? And you wanna be 5'9" too.

Ain't gonna happen.


nikola6 said...

Yeah BellaMarie...

Jackson was one of the final contenders for Edward and he proved here that he's a good enough actor that he could have played the role as well. Except for one thing...

He does not possess that Byronic quality that Rob does. He does not possess that other worldly beauty that Rob does. In essence...he didn't have 'the look'.

nikola6 said...

And you know who else impressed me here? Nikki. She only had a few minutes of screentime but she managed to change the audiences' perception of her character. And more importantly, she made you care. And what she did in those few moments is going to serve and inform what lies ahead in BD. Spade really did deliver here and pulled the best performances out of these actors yet.

Was that a spoiler? I didn't give anything specific away. I just made obsevation on a performance. Even so, I best get off this thread before I get spanked.

Where is that spoiler thread anyway? Still on the first page? I'll go hunt.

shoegal2547 said...

Awww, Jackson...love him as Jasper! He was awesome in Eclipse...heading out to see it again this evening. Midnight show was crowded, no teens (thank goodness) and very respectful of the film...audience applauded when Bella finally accepted Edward's proposal...emotional moment...quite a few men there as well, surprised!

Congrats David and Twilight family...truly moving art...the Cullens owed the fight scenes! ...because of Jasper! ;-) Still missed Rachelle though...just sayin'!

solas said...

He is a cutie-pie. And his hair looks so great here--why in the world could they not have let him have his hair like this in the movies?

lemonie said...

Really like Jackson - again seems to be grounded and no ego.... haven't seen film yet - plucking up courage to go to Midnight showing on my own in the UK - what do you think? Is that too sad or what??!! Would be interesting to know who else was on the short list to play Edward - I think I read somewhere that 5,000 actors applied for the part! Will be interesting to see how Last Airbender fares - hopefully this is the start of a bigger career boost for Jackson - I think he is a genuinely talented actor.

nikola6 said...


It is not sad to do things by ourselves. I do things by myself all the time and that's because, I enjoy my own company and I simply do not care what others might think if they see me doing something that normally would not be done alone...like go to a movie. I go to movies by myself all the time because a lot of the films I like to see (in the arthouses) some of my friends are interested and some of my friends are not available to go. And I don't wait for them. I go.

What would be sad is if you stay away from your midnight showing because of what you think others might think because you are alone. Hell. They're gonna be so wrapped up with the movie that they're not gonna notice or care.

If you want to go to that midnight showing...


What did Kristen say the other night on the red carpet?

'Be safe or be happy and fuck everyone'.

Which of course got misinterpreted again. She meant, do your own thing and to hell with what others might think. Little girl is right.

(although I thought it was so funny and REAL when she slipped and said 'fuck' on the red carpet. I think she thought so too)

gracefulgrace said...

I wish people who have seen the movie would take the hint and use the SPOILER THREAD. Sorry, I love you all but jeez! :(

nikola6 said...

That should have read -in reference to
arthouse films-

that some of my friends are NOT interested in

lemonie said...

@Nik - thanks Babe! Will take your words of encouragement and go on Friday - to be honest as you so rightly said - nobodys gonna be looking at me!

nikola6 said...

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

But no one gave up any plot points here and so many of these threads are now going to be be Eclipse related and there's NO WAY that reference to these films is not going to made in these many conversations. And as long as people arent' giving up plot points, then I think it's asking a bit much to ask that we only talk about this on ONE thread (that's going to get buried by the end of the day). But that's me. Unfortunately, blogs are not designed like forums where all specific subjects are placed under one heading or section. Here, information is slapped on one page only.

If I didn't want to know ONE THING about this film, I'd stay off the internet and not watch any news or entertainment programs or read any magazines or newspapers where a snippet could pop up. Because it's going to. This is going to be the number one film in the world for at least the next week or two. No one is going to be able to spit in any direction for the next little while and not hit a reference to this film. And not just here in the Twilight bubble. But in the worldwide pop cultural media. Hell...

A reference was just made to it in the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Elana Kagel.

Yeah. I'd lay low for a bit and I sure as hell wouldn't come to a Rob Pattinson website.

But again...that's me.

And again...my apologies.

nikola6 said...

Sorry. I meant Elana Kagen. Guess I was thinking 'bout my exercises. LOL!

Well...I tend to think of my 'kagels' when I crawl onto ROBsessed.

What? Don't tell me you guys don't either. Well. The NB's at least. In fact, we don't even have to be on the blog to think about them.

All we have to do is think about...HIM!

And a one and a two and a one and a two. See. I'm doing 'em right now. Heh

nikola6 said...

Your welcome lemonie...

Go have fun and to quote baby girl...

'fuck everyone'.

That's my new motto.

Thanks K.

Anonymous said...

Jackson was sooo freaking cute I loved that accent !!! Cant wait to see him in The air bender this weekend.

Vangie said...

@so true adana,way to go jackson!

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