Robert Pattinson Tells Extra How He Would Propose

Robert Pattinson Tells Extra How He Would Propose

And for the second time today I'll say it, "Marry Me ROB!"


"Extra's" Lauren Sanchez caught up with "Twilight" heartthrob Robert Pattinson, who told us the interesting way he one day plans to pop the question... "With a prenup right next to you," he joked.

Pattinson, whose "Twilight" character Edward Cullen will be taking a trip down the aisle with Bella, also said he wouldn't get down on one knee to propose.

"Something about kneeling down, because I had to kneel down so much in the 'Twilight' movies and it always looks really awkward. I've actually got quite long thighs and it doesn't work," RPattz said (Kate: I'm sure we could make it work Rob :-})

Since the release of the first "Twilight" film, Rob still hasn't come "to grips" with his fame. He told "Extra" that when going out in public he "basically runs down alleyways and hides in dumpsters and stuff."
The actor is good about staying out of the public eye, saying, "If you dont ask for it, for any kind of craziness you don't get it... It's all about expectations. If you're walking down Rodeo Drive people will probably recognize you." At the age of 24, Pattinson says that he's already feeling old. "I feel like I'm getting old. I used to go out every night when I was doing jobs, now I can't. I want to go to bed at 9:30 every night. It's terrible," he told "Extra." (Kate: LOL now you know how I feel Rob!)

Source Extra


RTP_KJS_Lover said...

"Long thighs" and "on my knees" Really?

Just kill me now, Rob. Please just kill me now.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said... shit...

Long thighs, yeah, we know, we look at them everyday....

on your knees, oh god, mind in gutter...

hiding behind dumpsters..LMAO...

Vangie said...

i say an interview with rob awhile ago different shirt and a different jacket,leather one,i couldn't understand clearly what he was saying,it's ABC interview

solas said...

Well, we know how he would NOT propose (on one knee). We don't know how he would propose (f he would even propose--perhaps he and his love will talk about it and conclude TOGETHER this is what they want to do) and I hope we never know--let him and his bride, whoever she is, have that for themselves.

PrettyBrownEyes said...

Rob is so funny and hilarious but he's not the only celebrity to say that he feels old
The acting business as well as the music business makes you grow up fast, so even when stars are really young they tend to feel old.
aaww it's ok Rob you go to bed at 9:30 if you want to you have every right!! lol

TotallyRobbed said...

He's soooo funny - hiding in dumpsters (rolls eyes!) as if ....

I think Rob takes an experience and adds about 75% of pure Robness to it to make it hilarious!

HeneciaD said...

thats why I love you you are so great and unusual =)) and agree with you Kate Marry Me ROB

PrettyBrownEyes said...

Just like Kristen said on their Oprah interview
he gets a kick out of 'shocking people' lol
gotta love him

Keira Gillett said...

So long as he doesn't propose while in a dumpster it's all good. lol :)

Cheeky Chops said...


Someone should tell him. When you marry someone with more money than you; No pre-nup required. ;)


Kate said...

@ Keira I'd still say yes! LOL

AP said...
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Vangie said...

how much money have rob made so far for this year?any ideas girls!

Anonymous said...

Aw SOO Sweet and romantic! And Kate I love your commentary, you always crack me up!


PrettyBrownEyes said...

hmm i'd say over 20 million??

Kelly Louise said...

Oh well.. it's better than never actually having felt young.

Vangie said...

@cherrycullen,thank you,did you read he does not like to pay taxes,so lets just hope he is doing the right things

PrettyBrownEyes said...

oh geez I hope he does
lol but Rob is always joking he probably doesn't do his own taxes but I'm sure he has someone to do it for him
at least I hope so
if not..YIKES

twmmy said...

who likes to pay taxes? Me, I don't. But Rob! You've told us your little story about walking down the street in front of the crowd before new moon premier, and you've told that nobody recodnized you. So... you can walk on the streets without bodyguards,just choose your outfit well for it.NA, and if I remember well, I've proposed my hobbie. He said only one word: OK. You can do it esy if you choose a storng woman. And you choosed, didn't you(?) one.

sabella said...

he feels no so young? it sometimes happens to me....
oh work a lot.... don't worry dear, is just you need a holiday..or more...the problem is we need to see you, to know everything about you.... love is very demanding.......but you are so special in the way you live, with that fine sense of humor, your lovely heart,
and this beautiful Brain , not to tell your smile, you rock our world!!! Thanks for to be like that.....
This ladies and me are so happy to know you !!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh correction of my above post, I thought he said he "would" go down on one knee, but apparently he said "he wouldn't go down on one knee", so I take back the "so romantic" part of my comment"! LOL

But I stick by my "So sweet" part of the comment and my opinion of Kate's wonderfully funny commentary, lol.

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...

Rob you are awesome...

"Long thighs" ahhhggg kill me RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

Vangie said...

how c ome kate or gozde,has not posted the ABC interview of rob speaking of pulling his hamstring and vallium the shirt is very similar to the mustard but it's lighter in colour and the jacket is leather,i think the sleeve has nos67,i think

Jazz_Girl317 said...

Rob talking about his own long thighs.... Oh Sweet Jesus, if you ever knew the things I've thought of doing to those thighs, Rob... *drools* *THUD*

SluttyPattz said...

long thighs - the thoughts that come to mind with that comment alone aren't for the faint of heart.

Whew - Rob everyday you amaze me more.

Vangie said...

okay ladies;i as just looking at a show name today show it's in cleveland saw eclipse,she said taylor did not have a chance

sarsaparilla said...

Let public and private life remain seperate - fans do not have any buisness in how? whom? when he does or does not get married!Of course it will be nice as to the fact he does get married at some point and gets some bliss , nothing is permanant.
Most of his answers are -to the questions asked by so called witty interviewers - not all are bad(the interviewers- not answers)
I don't think if given a choice he is going to start a topic of how he would propose.

nikola6 said...

I would venture a guess and say that about more than half of what he says in interviews is very creative language in that he creates a verbal diversion away from the truth...especially when speaking about himself. Now and again a tidbit or two will sneak past (and when it does, it stands out like a flashing neon light) but in actuality, he's giving up very little of himself up. Which is why I've said, we do not know him. We know OF him. Big difference.

The irony is, even though he's more talkative and appears to be more open whereas Kristen comes off as the closed and guarded one, she's the one who's revealing more of who she actually is than he is. Which is kinda funny if you think about it, in that every word he utters is so scrutinized and of course...JUDGED! He's being judged on verbal 'air'.

As for his income...
The speculation is that after five films (including dvd sales and all of that merchandising) this franchise will in all probability be approaching the four billion dollar mark. If so, if the numbers hold up, it's being speculated that he could walk away (after taxes, after salaried employees) with around a 100 million in his pocket. And most of that will come from his back end deals.

No worries. His kids are going to college. His grandkids too.

LM said...

Rob you are so silly always going on about how awkward you are. Do I care? Not at all. You are 100% perfect.

PrettyBrownEyes said...

ITA but I think Kristen always gets more crap from what she says and how she acts than Rob does
even though she's not acting that's just the way she is, but I think Rob just knows how to deal with the whole fame thing better and Kristen's getting better too.
I'm proud of both of them for continuing to stay grounded and not listen to what the negative people have to say because if they let that get to them they will go crazy.

LM said...


I suspect that Rob borders on genius though he would never say so himself. I would love to see him have time to write and maybe with all that money rolling in he will make time down the road.

MsTaurus14 said...

Yes, my love, how I know about those looooonnnggg thighs....sigh..

nikola6 said...


Kristen takes more criticism than he does because figuratively speaking...

What we've got here is one male who is the focus of the females of the herd and one of those females, Kristen, has secured the attention of that male and so the other females...don't like it. So...their criticism is pointed at her.

Nothing new here. It's called...biology.

nikola6 said...

The things that she gets criticised for, he gets a pass.

His messy hair is called 'sex hair'. His bummy clothes are called 'hobolicisious'. His awkwardness, his foot planeted firmly in mouth is called 'endearing'.

Why? Because like I said, this is Biology 101. The females in the herd want his attention and one of the females has got it and the rest of the herd is standing on the sidelines...torked about it. So...we pick on her. It's pretty simple really. It's stupid, petty, jealous and female, but relatively easy to grasp.

Anonymous said...

This is an excerpt from his recent ABC interview and there's a link to the transcript of the same interview on the bottom as well. In it he reveals how he has to put up an act of him enjoying his fan/media encounters and the such to get over how much it actually freaks him out! It's an interesting reveal IMO.

((Pattinson appears to have a good idea what appeals to the largely female fanbase dubbed "Twi-hards." They appear at premieres and "Twilight" conventions screaming their undying devotion for the cast. It's a reaction that, for Pattinson and Stewart, took some getting used to. In the past, both stars had commented that the high-pitched outpouring of devotion was upsetting to them. "I guess me and Kristen sort of panicked," he said. "If you're getting applauded for something then you should be giving something back." But Pattinson said he is adjusting to the attention, trying to be more accommodating to his fans. "If you sort of let a little window open into your reality, that always seems to go down well, I think," he said. He joked that it was helpful to look as if he was enjoying himself, "rather than looking like it's freaking you out and you want to leave.")) ves-fame/story?id=10910604

This video has been added as well

nikola6 said...


I totally agree. I would guess that if tested, his intelligence would test off the charts. As for his writing...

He's said that he's already working on some scripts and is trying to adapt a novel. I just hope that he does walk away for a bit when Twilight is through, that he'll have some 'quiet' time to get those other creative juices flowing again; write or adapt some scripts, get back to his music and maybe get that production company organized that he's talked about. But mostly I just want him to run away and Just for a year of two and let all of this go away and then come back and start the next phase of his career.

I just hope Hollywood lets him go. They're not gonna want this and will do all they can to keep him working. The more he works, the more money can be made off of him.

Be strong kiddo. Tell them NO. And run away.

But please come back.

lallieb said...

Hi Nik, been kind of chasing you around and sent you an email today, but you probably don't check there anymore.

As usual, you've aptly described what Rob does - creative language to deflect with occasional lapses. It's when people don't get that about him and are taking him so literally that it's frustrating (see the "date" thread, Aargh!) Yet, the way he chooses to answer does tell us more of him, in how he has chosen to instinctively handle the attention and never-ending questions being zinged at him, he doesn't get grumpy, serious, frustrated, bored, he gets creative and has fun with it! Less revealing, but more in terms of his unique personality and mind.
Kristen cannot get creative, she desperately chooses to stay true to herself and tell it like it is for her, albeit awkwardly, her heart is in the right place. She wants people to know her (not her private life), but that she cares.
So ITA with you Nik, we have learned more about her these past couple of days, and less about him. It's been a great ride, though. I just love 'em both, and can't believe what they've put themselves through for this franchise. I never, ever dreamt we would see this much promotion for Eclipse. It doesn't need it, but Summit will squeeze them for all their worth to make that one extra buck on top of the millions its already guaranteed to make. I think we're hearing more of who they are, 'cause they've gotten kind of loopy on this junket, especially Rob.

nikola6 said...

Oh dear Rob.

Now some of the nuts will be screaming that you're not grateful either and that you're faking it.

Man oh man. Is he gonna EARN that 100 million.

nikola6 said...


I did see that e-mail last night (you got it to the right address) but after an exhausting weekend, was too pooped to respond. I will tonight.

lallieb said...

@Dede, thanks for that link. I just read the interview and it was quite revealing of his thoughts and POV. A must read, for those who want to know more about how Rob feels and thinks about his situation. He didn't get creatively deflecting in this one, but afterall it's ABC Nightline, not Extra.

lallieb said...

@Nik, no worries, just wanted you to know. I read everything, and often reread, so just wanted no misunderstanding to occur.

Capitu Santiago said...
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solas said...

lallieb-he is also exhausted, and when one is so sleep-deprived (aside from other issues) one's defenses are down.

PrettyBrownEyes said...

great way of putting it..
couldn't have said it better

Nancy said...

Really Rob, hiding in dumpsters?!!!

I don't think so... you are so funny

Nancy said...

Hi NB's, OT, sorry.

Found a great story if you're into Harry Potter and Twilight

Writer is A.E. Giggle
The Secret Keeper
The Wisdom Seeker

Crossover HP/Twilight.
SK, Bella is a Witch, affiliated with the DA and Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Her Galleon (DA) tells her to apparate to Hogshead Bar, Aberforth Dumbledore. She tells the Cullens and they won't let her go without them! Really great connect up. All Canon too.

WK, Bella returns to Hogwarts with Harry, Ron, Hermione, etc. Canon for all characters. The Cullens are invited by McGonagall. It is hilarious, romantic, rich characters. I love it. Check it out.

Rominiwi said...

Where does the line start to propose to him? Can i go after you Kate?
*le sigh*

lallieb said...

@Solas, yes, that's what I meant about being "loopy" from exhaustion. He said himself about his lack of sleep. I truly don't know how he managed this past weekend, chalk it up to his youth. He does what he must do, but doesn't know how to pay attention to what his body and mind are telling him, he just pushes through it. Once again, his youth. So we get to see it all, Summit gets their pound of flesh, and Rob hopefully doesn't compromise his ability to function and work this week.

lallieb said...

@Solas, despite his depleted condition, he did pretty good, actually better than that with all the interviews. He's such a sweetheart, but needs to get a clue about taking care of himself.

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