With all the votes in our end of year poll now counted it's clear hellomagazine.com readers have some firm ideas about the memorable star moments and trends of 2008. Questions about who you think made the biggest comeback, which new actor got your vote for the unrivalled breakout role and the most talked about moment in the world of entertainment in the last 12 months got you clicking in your thousands. And you were equally opinionated about the variety of other topics in the poll.
You found it much easier to choose the best candidate for unrivalled breakout role. A whopping two thirds decided handsome Brit Robert Pattinson deserved to win for his performance in Twilight. He left the likes of Mamma Mia!'s Amanda Seyfried and Ben Barnes, who starred in the second Narnia film, trailing far behind.
And you can still vote for Rob on their poll for Most Attractive Man of the year HERE.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 424 Newer› Newest»Finally the results lol.
I can't belive how many Rob dedicated websites were recruiting everyone to vote a million times. Finally our guy won! Yay! :D
Rusharthi the most attractive one is not finished till the 20th. He's ahead ATM but who knows what will happen but really he should win hands down!
Kate, last time I looked, Tennent was ahead of Rob again. hehe, I said Rob and (a)head. Okay, I was reaching for that one. Ha, that sounded funny, too!
Just a reminder to vote as often as you can.The Dr.Who's fans are relentless and we've had a heck of a time keeping Rob out in front.We have until the 20th to get him the win. Thanks to all the Rob fans out there
Well at least he won one Hello Magazine poll.
Sabrizzzzzz, how are you, girl??
I'm good Ellie, I have a 5 day weekend ahead of me. How are you, love?
I'm good...
Watching the news, aboutthe plane that went down in the Hudson River this afternoon.
Hello, lovelies!
Congrats to Rob on yet another aknowledgement of his hotness.
I saw that! It sounded like they hit a goose from what I heard. Scary. I'm glad that everyone seems to have gotten out unharmed.
Hi Lynn!
Hiya, Lynn!
The other day, I saw that you were going to ask me a question, education related??
I heard about it at my PTA meeting, I am so glad that everyone is alright. I waspicturing something catastrophic like the Potomac crash back in the 80's.
Oh, yes! I wanted to mention how we have a new student teacher that is autistic at our school.
It frightens me that a goose could take down an entire plane, it doesn't make me feel too good about flying again.
that's so cool Lynn! I's assuming she's (or he?) Asperger's??
Oh, he is a really nice guy and I am assuming that he has Asperger's. I guess I will have to disuss this on FB or by email....very OT!
OT- I'm watching Ellen right now and she called this lady in Orange to give her tv or dvr or something. Small world.
Lynn, I've got both on, if you want to chat about it...
Gah! Don't leave me....
Sabrina~~Ellen's a riot, no? :)
Okay, we're here, calm down... haha
Yeah, I love Ellen. She's such a goofball.
lynn, I'm going to have a raincheck on that chat...our dear Sabrizzz is very needy, at the moment. hehe
Haha, sorry.
I spent forever trying to put everyone in my email contact list earlier today, it was a nightmare.
I picture Rob looking at himself in the mirror.. going..
"what is wrong with these girls? I just don't see it"
Sabrina, how many more classes before you're done with the course??
Hi Tess! I love that Rob is humble, but I wish he felt better about himself. It makes me sad when he beats himself up.
I only have 5 more days of class Ellie. Spring semester starts on February 2nd.
Yessy Tessy! How are you?
and, yes, with rob self-deprecation, I can see that...
Hello Sab and Ellie,
I'm doing great this morning.. I have big plans today..
Grocery shopping followed by seeing twilight again.. alone :)
Sabrina---you must go to a taping of Ellen at least once while you are going to school down here!
So coll, Tess. I've only seen it 3 times in the theater. Nobody wanted to go again with me and I'm not one to go it alone...I know, that's sad :( lol
Ooh, more Robward viewing! I'm jealous Tess.
Yeah, that would be fun Lynn.
Hi Ladies I was heading to bed 45 mins ago and didn't go yet !!!LOL
I sorted out my e-mail list today too, gonna make life much easier.
Gosh that plane going down is gonna make Rob even more paranoid about flying :-} Hope everyone ok. Right I'm off this time. So Hi and Bye !!
It's an all day thing...but totally worth it!
Hi and goodnight Kate!
I'm giddy! it's only my 3rd time (ok... that didn't sound god)
Hello Lynn! I'm going to have to shoo if I'm going to get the shopping done before the movie starts.
I miss you all. It's been what?? like 30 some hours since I've been on the blog w/you?
Just a testament to how wonderful I think you all are.
Ooh forgot to say I'm really starting to get into Ellen too really loved her show today although I think we a are weeks behind ye!!
Bye, Kate!
Olive juice and sweet dreams!
sorry, I meant "cool"
Hi and bye, Kat!
All are well from that plane.
It's all over the news, here (local channels, anyway...)
Tess---do the Robkat growl for us! Have fun!
Have fun Tess, make sure you don't pass out in the theater!
Tess, blow Rob a kiss for us, while you're watching him say "Olive Juice"...hehe, I said blow and Rob! (without the "and")
LOL Ellie!
Lynn, do they tape a whole week's worth of Ellens at a time?
I think I heard Ellen say they tape it the day before the show airs but maybe I heard her wrong.
No, it is one day ahead of time. She sometimes will tape two shows.
The show doesn't start taping until about 4:30....and it is quick and very organized.
I estimated that Rob's interview was taped exactly one week after the taping I went to. But, you know nothing when you book the tixs.
I've been to Regis and Kelly twice. It's a well-organized show, too. One of former my student's mom is a producer of the show, and we got tickets through her. We (my 3 three assistants and me) met Regis. He looks like a wax statue... hahaha
I also have a signed CD from him lol
The mom gave it to me as part of my Christmas present that year.
and an autographed kids' cookbook from Rachel Ray, woohoo!
*my fromer student's
GAHHH! *former
Regis looks like he takes swigs of formaldehyde.
LMAO Lynn!
Well, Ellen looks very natural and is very tiny....like all women on television!
Regis and Pat Sajak!
I just sent out an updated version of the Robkat list because people were replying to the list at different stages. I compiled everything I saw from the different versions going around and Stacy has also joined the party.
Speaking of wax figures and formaldehyde...Dubya is on the tv.
Watching him right now.
*rolls eyes* I'm glad he'll be gone in a few days.
Okay, it's over...
I'm hoping for some new updates on WA, I Love LA, and Scotch, Gin and the New Girl because I really want to read some more fanfic but I don't really want to get sucked into another story. I'm way too impatient...
Sabrina, I'm in chapter 3 of Boycotts. It's cute. does it get like I Love LA in its explicitness?
No, not really Ellie. It's more explicit than SM's writing, but it's not as lemony as I Love LA or any of Jules' stuff.
Oh thanks for the correction Kate :). I guess we'll just have to keep voting.
Btw I just found this Dani or Gozde...its from MTV guest blogger Laura. She talks a bit about Robert and then there is this little clip of Rob teasing her.
Laura Cullpepper's interviews with Rob are some of my favorites. You can see that he really likes talking with her, isn't uptight with her, and has fun with the interview.
Oh, thanks for finding that vid Rusharthi. I love when he teases her about scrambling for questions and then she turns the "what is your favorite color" question around on him and he doesn't have an answer. And of course the "umumummumumum" was great too.
Rob's so damn cute, I can't stand it sometimes...okay, I've recovered.
Hey all! How's it going? Got on earlier tonight, at least for a bit. What have I missed? A lot of drool and fantasies?
Hi Stacy!
Hi, Stacy! I added you to my email lost. Expect a deluge of them from us... :)
Is Cam is "The Unborn"? I just saw a commercial for it on TV. I thought I saw him in it.
Ellie, I think there was an article that said what other movies the Twilight cast will be in and it said Cam was in The Unborn in his undies.
haha, I didn't see THAT much of him...maybe that's why I wasn't sure if it was him!
Can I change my email address. I have my own special Rob email where all things related go. LOL. Yeah..I'm a freak.
Stacy, just email us and put in the new one... :)
My Park Magazine article on Rob.
My Park is a rag mag ergo quotes may be real or fabricated.
Yeah Stacy, sorry, I thought that was the one you wanted all of your Rob stuff to go to. Just send a reply to everyone with the email address you want to use written in the message.
AJ, hello!
thanks, I'm going to check it out now...brb
Hi AJ!
Oh no.. Sabrina that was the right one on the list, but I started getting a bunch of stuff at my regular email address and now I am confused.
Another My Park article.
They must be luring for more hits.
I'm going to go eat dinner, I'll be back in a few.
See you later, Sabrina!
And I fell right into in. AJ! lol
See, I got so confused I posted under a different name. Wow I am dumbing it up tonight.
Hi all! I was just reading the IMDB board and somebody posted (and then deleted) a pic of Rob & fan at a pub in Barnes recently. So he's still in London with Patty. Ahhhhh!
How did he look, AJ? Rested? Hair growing in?
Maybe the pic will find its way here.
Crap, I am so pathetic...
Stacy, I was wondering about that! lol
Ellie - somebody asked that very question on the IMDB board and got flamed for it.
They said all she cared about was his looks!!! LOL I'm so glad we're civil here.
Evening lovelies...
Scary place that IMDB board. Emotions run high.
Apparently the hair was a little longer.
Really? Wow, I heard it can get heated over there. I like my cozy spot right here.
Now that I think about it, I guess I sounded kind of shallow. But it's more than that, really.
I am wondering if they will just shoot his scenes at the end. Give him more time to grow it. He's not really in a whole lot of the movie and it will give him more time.
I hope he is having a very relaxing, stress free time with people he cares about.
Good evening, Kool Kat!
I'm really liking the Candy Mountain bumper sticker. Thanks for it. Have you seen the video?
Ellie - she got flamed for asking if he looked rested!!!! To me that is so NOT shallow. That shows caring about the person that Rob is, which I think we do here.
I don't think anybody cares about what length his hair is. He is pretty much attractive from the inside out. Short hair, long hair, sex hair, no hair, he is still beautiful. I think people are just concerned because of the movie.
I am 50/50 for hoping he looks rested. I hope he is resting, but I hope he is having fun with his buddies without being stalked to. I would maybe say "Did he look happy".
Thank you, Stacy. You made me feel better. You turned my frown upside down! lol
Okay..gotta take a break. Heading into the shower. He he. Just to wash my hair!
Oh, I bet that photo will be all over the place soon. I hope he's having a great time being anonymous for a while...
I've pretty much stopped going to other sites. I find all I need here.
Ellie - don't feel bad. I had the same reaction. Does he look well (happy, rested or whatever). Because we want the best for him.
And will the hair be long enough for New Moon?
Kat - yup. he's had a few weeks out of the spotlight with Patty. I hope they have snuggled and bonded again.
Ellie - me too, I stick with Robsessed... we're civil for one!
AJ - I think his hair will be more than long enough... he has another 8 weeks at least.
I will be buried in its depths and never make it out in one piece.
Both of you, thank you,. that's why I love it here so much. We all respect each other and there's genuine friendship.
And I agree, Rob's got more than enough time to get his hair back to the length he needs to be Edward. Seems his hair fairly quickly.
It's tentacles are reaching out and strangling me ..... aaahhhh!
AJ, are you checking it from both days or just today???
Ellie - 2 days. Can't breathe.
Gahhh! I can see why you're getting strangled. Today's crop, I've been checking ever so often to keep the numbers down.
Agh! 2 days of email, you need a life perserver thrown out to you AJ!
Sabrina - a life preserver please. A new pic of Rob perchance might just rescue me.
If there's anything important in there like the fact that Rob emailed me and asked me to remove the pics I photoshopped of him and me in a compromising position then somebody tell me cause otherwise I'm going to just hit delete a lot!!!
The ladies were on fire yesterday,; most I've had since joining the coven. lol
I'm back. Yeah, I'm quick.
AJ, there wasn't much that was important. Just make sure you update your info on the Robkat list. The one I sent out that was titled "updated Robkat list" had everything compiled on it.
Hey AJ, did it hurt when you had your chest waxed? hahahahaha!
Nice dinner, Stacy and Sabrizzzzzzzzz?
LOL Ellie, we really are like a coven. We are like the Volturri of Rob fans. Yesterday was insane for email, I almost drowned in it.
Oops! Not dinner for you, Stacy...it was the shower.Sorry1
I didn't eat, I just showered. Now I smell like vanilla and coconuts, and I'm clean for you guys. I will have salad in front of the computer in a few. LOL.
Dinner was rather crappy, I had a grilled cheese because everything else looked disgusting but the grilled cheese here isn't even that good. They use processed cheese, ick. I did have a coconut brownie, which was really good. It tasted like a Mounds bar in brownie form.
Ellie - No chest waxing needed. That's what photoshop is for!!!!
The bald spot on the back of my head might need a little filling in as well.
Hello everyone!
Hi Trixie!
Sab - that coconut brownie sounds delicious!
And the coconuts! Don't forget the coconuts!lol
Stacy, we don't want you clean, here.
You should have come here to eat. Oh wait...not tonight. I'm just having salad.
My body is clean, my mind and mouth are NOT.
It was Trixie, I had one at lunch today too. It wasn't as delicious as your new avatar is, though. I don't remember seeing that pic before, where did you find it?
Hey girls, Hope everyones ok :)
Just wanted to pop in and say i saw that fan pic earlier and Rob didn't look very happy in it :(
it was blurry so i could be wrong but it seemed like he wasn't smiling
(oh and he was wearing a beanie hat so couldn't see the hair)
Katie xxx
Hi Katie!
ATrixie, hello!
I love your new avatar!! I haven't seen that pic before. Very melt-worthy.
I agree.. Need that picture. Yumm.
Hi, Katie!
You saw the pic--I'm living vicariously though you, right now...
Thanks Katie. LOL - Nothing like a third hand rumour to stir things up.
Didn't anyone have cookies with supper? What is wrong with you people?
Yeah, i'm a member of the private board where the girl posted it
She was pretty upset when the imdb-ers got hold of it and started abusing her
She took it down because she didn't want to violate Robs privacy anymore which i thought was pretty decent of her
AJ, I had some for breakfast, actually. Two Snickerdoodles, and they were fucking delicious!
No cookies :(
Can't believe I managed to read "I love LA" and "Utter Darkness" in one night.. now I'm so looking forward to read the whole "Wide Awake", just read last month the unicorn-inducing chapters, lol
How rude.. evening girls! What are we reading now? Another fanfic? LMAO!
Hi Mich! I've missed you love!
Mich, I'm about to start A Heart's Savior. Quite excited...
Katie - yup that IMDB can be a scary place. Not like our little meadow of serenity slash debauchery here at Robsessed. Poor girl.
Atta girl Ellie! Snickerdoodles are a classic.
Ah, Mich, so happy to have you back here with us! You've been gone too long! xoxo
Kat, A Heart's Savior is quite good. I hope you will enjoy it!
aJ, glad you share the same taste in fucking delicious cookies. Snickerdoodles have stood the test of time!(Wonder if Edward's mom made them for him so,so long ago...)
Hi AJ.
AJ, let's pretend that I heard you shout "What is wrong with you people?" let's say, in a certain English pub, let's make it a pub in Barnes, yeah in Barnes. And we have always just missed each other in passing.
And I walk in and heard you shout. I walk in and we see each other from across the pub.
I want to run and do the Rob run& hug thing like he did with Stan when I see you but I don't. Instead I play it cool, hold back, but my hands in my jeans and just look up. Then you see me looking at you and you nod. I look down. I look back up without fully lifting my head and my hair falls in my way and I quickly push it aside and somebody grabs your arm and turns you away and you look at me until they turn you away.
Let's just pretend all that.
Then I go sit down at a pub seat and then decide I'll just sit it out.
Welcome back, Mich! So good to see you!
Hey Ellie, Stacy!
I don't remember where I found that picture. But, I about fainted when I saw it - Yummy.
Mich, Hi!
Hi everyone!
Gotta run. Sorry surfer dude just got here I'll try to get back on.
Hi Jov!
DAmnit, i'll try to be back thou.
Jovie, hello!
Jov - How about I just come give you a big smack on each cheek like the Europeans do only not a fake smack, but a real Rob-like smack that makes a sound.
If I walked into a pub you wouldn't know me but I look a lot like you. I'm 5'9.5" and blonde. I could be yo sista.
How the heck are ya!
You're so sweet girls, I've miss ya too.. I'm trying to read as fast as possible all the things I've missed during holidays.. not to mention I have an angry dog who seems to doesn't love me anymore and is demanding all my attention.. poor dog, he missed me lots (and I missed him as well) Don't know how Rob manages to be away from Patty!
5'9.5" and blonde doesn't sound like Angelina Jolie, AJ! Liar.
Funny, Sabrina!
AJ, We are both 5'9", You could take me.
You're blond also?????????
Get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ellie, go look on Rose's blog for a larger version of Trixie's new avatar. Fucking delicious!
Where did surfer dude go?
AJ, we look like Rob's sisters.
He would never, never be turned on by us!
Did I tell ya that TOMORROW is the day I'm going to see THA and TBMHB in my very own TV screen? My friend is coming to visit me and she's bringing my new DVDs, some British mags and other stuff she collected during her last visit to UK.. she's adorable and you're just too much!
What me a liar? NEVER happen. Nuh uhn. Nope. *fingers crossed behind back*
Sorry, Trixie.
I would rob/stan hug you that way also.
Oh I'm jealous Michelle! I need to by both of those on dvd.
AJ, I see you put eyemakeup on for me.
I likie.
MiCh - omg! I'm so excited for you!!! you have to report back and tell us about all the goodies you got AND how you like the movies!
Jov - what are you and surfer dude up to tonight?
Sabrina, do you mean Rose's blog on here or her FB profile?
Jov :) we would take turns rob/stan hugging each other!!!
Good news! My camera is home!
Ellie, click on Trixie's pic on here and then click on the blog she follows.
Mich, that is so exciting! both movies are really very good.
Have you seen then throught the links on here?
Trixie, I luv your new avatar!
AJ, describe yourself more. And don't lie, you little liar.
Mich, it's so good to "see" you again.
Yeah, I'm so happy you have your camera back, Trix!
I couldn't resist putting that pick up as my avatar... it is too delicious!
Jov - pretty sure I could figure out a way to turn him on. :)
Yes - I do go a little overboard on the eyeliner and mascara. What can I say? Anything for attention.
Thanks, Jov! I feel so much better now that it is home. I didn't realize how much it really meant to me! Strange. But, I'm glad I had the chance to find that out.
Are you and SD going out tonight?
Sabrina, we were going to watch a movie.
AJ, what the hell were you doing at the drama/hellhouse/immature/crazy girl place that they call Rob'simdb?
It is delectable Trix, I'm glad you put it up as your avatar because I haven't seen that gorgeous pic before.
I love it Trixie.
AJ, they were giving me a hard time about me being pretty the other night and you are so I think you need to stick up for me, because you are pretty and we look like Rob's sisters.
Kick their ass for me.
Sab - I'm so desperate for new rob pics! I can't believe I found one that none of us have seen before!
Oh yeah, I saw both movies online but there is nothing like Rob on big screen.. or flat screen! Besides I NEED to have all his movies on my bookshelf!
Robert Fucking Pattinson.. what are you doing to me!?!?
Hey to all the Robkats tonight!
I know Trix, I'm pining for new Rob pics. I'm glad he's relaxing out of the public eye, but I miss seeing new pics of him.
Sab - I wonder how long we are going to have to wait until he resurfaces again!
Jov - are you doing sexy things with you mouth to torture ryder while he is watching you?
Hi Melissa!
I've seen both of them on Youtube, Mich, but I also want to be able to watch Rob on my tv. And have the dvd on my shelf.
I hope it isn't too long Trix, but I'm worried that we won't see him again until March.
Trix, where is that photo from?
Also, I hope Rob just "disappears ala getting ready to portray Edward and doesn't resurface for awhile and gets away from all this craziness and process all that he has been going through.
And stays away from LA.
Jov - I lurk at IMDB cause although I enjoy reading the drama I don't like living it. Somebody needs to say the safe word over there. COOKIE COOKIE COOKIE! Scary place.
Rob needs to come out of hiding damnit!!!
Sab - that's too long! At least we know the April GQ will be out late March - hopefully some outtakes will make their way to us before then.
Hey Melissa!
I feel your pain girls, I'm also desperate for new RP footage! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that he's still in London probably spooning one day with TomStu and other day with Patty, but damn it, I really miss him!
I am so buying that issue of GQ when it hits the shelves, Trix. And they better release some outtakes for my own sanity.
Jov, I think I found it on flckr - can't remember exactly. Looks to me like it is from the Empire photo shoot.
Did any of you hear about the airplane that made an emergency landing in the Hudson river (NYC)?
I actually heard it - it was really eerie!
They had it on here as breaking news Trix, but that's really creepy that you actually heard it!
LOL, AJ. IMDB has some scary people over there.
Also, Trix, not he's just smiling at me and I'm ignoring him, not being able to look at two things.
I haven't thought about doing sexy things with my mouth, yet...
Also, AJ I just caught that you could still turn Rob on.
I hope Rob just stays away and gets his life back. The loss of anoymity and privacy and not being able to walk the streets would be death for me.
Rob, just stay in hiding, it's good for you.
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