This one is apparently Rob and his aunt.

Okay drunk Rob be my favorite Rob of all......
Go HERE for an awesome story about when our very own Robalicious Abs met Rob in London after the Twilight premiere. Lucky girl...and thanks for sharing.
Thanks to PowerBauer on Rob's IMDb board for the pics.
Thanks to PowerBauer on Rob's IMDb board for the pics.
This is not the afterparty. This is the meet and greet from inside the cinema. I was there, I went to the premiere.
After Rob left the premiere, he went to a pub in south west london (not gonna say where tho incase fans flock to it and set pilgrimage for him!)
Also meant to say this is the London premiere, as hes wearing the white shirt.
I just love his smile, really nice way to start the morning :)
Thanks Dani!
Thanks Abs correction will be made, I just woke up. I should have noticed that damn white shirt.
Fixed and fixed...Thanks for the updates Abs. Clearly I am not opperating on all cylinders this morning. Need coffee badly..
Aah cool pics, thnks for poasting and thanks to Abs for the info, lucky you getting to go to the premiere ;-)
Aah hope you're feeling better today Dani??
Im feeling okay Kate...not great but okay. We will see after a coffee and a serious nap how I feel. But I will try and update if there be any more Rob goodies out there.
These pics are adorable! Thanks for posting! :)
No probs guys
The premiere was great - as was the morning after, meeting Rob and the sex hair in all its glory at a nice little private area! hehe
Good morning, lovelies!
I just watched the German vid and I adore how much more candid Rob is in the European interviews. The comments about 7 and 10 year olds is hilarious and wrong all at the same time. Poor Rob, parents need listen to what their tween girls say to strange men!
Awesome time Abs, glad you got to meet the elusive beast in his natural habitat.
Lynn bb! Hiya babe. I need to call you. I love ya, and on that note I am off to take a nap wit the babe.
Abs...more info on the morning after meeting? :)
Everything about the premiere and meeting is here guys
The GMTV vid is in the archives. Abs---thanks for the link!
Dani---love you, too! Enjoy that nap!
Abs-Thank you for sharing your photo's and story with us. What a wonderful experience for you!
Loved reading it. ((I love his hair short, but the pictures of his windswept hair almost made me wistful...) It looked cold! You're an amazing fan.
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