Yeah.....ummm okay I had to laugh a little when I saw this. Rob is super buff oh yeah he is just the workout machine with a six pack and biseps for days!
(Enter a truckload of sarcasm here)

Robert Pattinson: Apparently, flying around the forests of Forks, Wash., and hunting Bambi keeps a vampire in -- dare we say it? -- ageless shape. The "Twilight" star has a lot more going for him besides those dreamy eyes: a buff, lithe body. He told Entertainment Weekly that he... more went a bit overboard in preparation for his role as Edward: "I used to go to the gym for about five hours a day but then I started losing so such weight. My head started to look really huge in comparison to the rest of my body." Now he's back to just the right proportions.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 382 Newer› Newest»BAHAHAHAHA! Okay, the most fit award takes the cake....Rob has to be laughing his ass off over this one!
Are they fuggin insane? Seriously...Rob being the most fit is like Cher being voted the best plastic surgery results ever. Just doesn't work.
LOLOLOLOL dani and lynn.
Hahahahahaaaaa - Oh My Good God, that is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. Is mistaking Jan. 30 for April Fools? I mean we LOVE Rob exactly how he is, but one of the fittest guys in Hollywood?? Come on! Rob himself always makes fun of how UN-fit he is!
And Dani, I loved your analogy. Here is mine:
Rob is to fit as bald Britney Spears is to sanity
Lynn--I totally agree! Rob would get the biggest kick out of this!!
I wonder if he even reads half this nonsense about him.
I mean clearly the guy is not the picture of health. No Mens Health mag covers coming up with Rob in a speedo.
You ladies mean he isn't a professional bodybuilder?! I'm shocked!
I guess you get into Rob's incredible shape by eating Hot Pockets and Cinnamon Toast Crunch, drinking Pacifico beer, and taking the occasional run like a cheese string, which in fact resembles a mountain goat (after which he takes a swig of Peach Snapple).
Bwahahahaha, Ellie! Nice.
HAHAHAAA Great Ellie!
Oh God this really takes the biscuit LMAO
Ellie... that is exactly how you get into Rob's incredible shape.
Now I just need to know how you get into his incredible pants and I'm sorted.
Kat, you are the dog's bollocks!!!
(yeah, I read email...) lol
Won't be on until about 10 ET, tonight...I hope I don't miss too much drama. :)
Talk to you all then.
He definitely bulked up a bit for Twilight and looked mighty good in his little t-shirts. However, if you are one of the "most fit" in Hollywood, you should be able to lift Kristen, who weighs approximately 85 pounds soaking wet, off of the ground.
Must be all those late nights with TomStu, drinking and smoking....
Hmmm...yea, it worked for me when I was 22. Now...not so much....
This list is really random. Where else are you gonna to see Rob listed w/Madonna, J-Lo, and Sallly Field - huh?
Holy shit TwiHeart, that's funny...I didn't even read the damn article I was laughing so hard at what it was pertaining to!
HI jules.
how are ya'?
Hey Acu...sorry to answer you back so late...caught up reading "Frenemies"....HOT so HOT!
HI jules.
yes "frenemies"HOT
Dani, Oh crap I LOVE the avi pic!!!
I read all of your comments when I come to this site, but never commented before until now... MSN.Com voting Rob as one of the most fit made me laugh so hard. I am HUGE fan of his and mean no disrespect, but "most fit in Hollywood"? I am sure he is laughing his ass off at this one too.
There's some zip zip action goin' on in the nether-regions of that pic.
Oh come on - don't tell me YOU didn't look?
Yep, AJ, I looked.
Many times.
I'm here waiting for the fun and good company.
Gals, I'm in a butt load of trouble over here...I'm being stalked thru text message by a really cute guy from work...he's only 21! What kind of fucking vibe do I send out...
Jesus...I need to bottle this shit! Then I need to send it to Rob with a map to my house!
Jules- scream from the mountains girl. Those youngins wan a piece of your ass.
Okay, the chat box was funny the first two nights last weekend...but we are beating a dead horse people!
I'm tired of having to keep up the rapid fire innuendo...Can I just relax here in the comment section for a while?
My brain is not cut out for the chat box tonight.
why do I feel so annoyed?
What the fuck was that all about in the cbox??
Hey hags -
Is it "safe"?
Thank you's starting to wear on my last nerve...and trust me my children are already stepping on it!
Agreed, Jules. I'm tapped out in the creativity dept.
Does anyone read Cascade and Cyanide?
I'm sure "Rob" is lurking.
I wasn't in the mood to be anyone 'else' tonight...
Hey Jules- I read your comment about bottling that shit. Hilarious.
Let them have it....I'm over it now! Let's get back to our proper crassness here in the comments section!
What's Cascade and Cyanide?
Alie, right? I thought you were switching to TwiHeat! lol
Hello over here ladies... are we safe?
I never go to the chatbox because I hate it. I was bored waiting for everybody tonight though.
Twi- its fan fic
Hey Ellie - yep, Alie. I haven't change it on my profile yet. Just started typing last night. LOL
Cascade and Cyanide is a fanfic, Twi.
Thanks TwiHeart...I called him out though...He was all posturing and making innuendoes. I texted him back and said "U wanna talk dirty...go for it. Just a warning tho...I wrote the fucking book. Don't mess with the fucking master!"
Haven't had a text since... LMAO!
I think it should be TwiHot and if you say it fast it sounds like twat. LOL
lololol Jules!
LOL Jules,
Running with his tail between his legs, so to speak, Jules? :)
Welcome home to proper crassness Kat! *Collective sigh of relief*
lmfao, Stacy!!
Rose, still feeling annoyed?
Stacy- I love how your dirty mind works
Yes, Kat...I am...
Maybe she just made him so hard with her dirty fucking mouth, his hands have been to busy to text.
Ta Jules... I need some proper crassness after being in client meetings for most of the day, really, they have NO sense of humour.
I'm trying to focus on the latest chapter of WA...
It was fascinating.
Why my Rose, why... don't be all thorny.
Don't mess with me... I'm a die hard flirt, but don't play a game and then back off...Fucking Bullshit!
For you my dear was truly Fucking Bullshit!
Oh - I'm addicted to fanfic. Haven't read that yet. Have you seen this -
It's from With the Vamps of Course - good links on there. It's a lot of text but kind of interesting behind the scenes. You'd love it Jules. Writing fanfic is brave.
This link is good - complete, short, and sexy.
Author: Starshinedown
Story: Aengus
Status: Complete
Rating: Mature/NC-17
Chapters: 1 (6,457)
Published: 09-21-08
Genre/Sub-Genre: AU-Human with mystical themes
Summary: Bella goes abroad to do research for her upcoming novel. What will she discover while on her trip?
He's coming down from a unicorn high and craving cookies but doesn't know why.
How hard was it for her NOT to fucking swear?????
"Maybe she just made him so hard with her dirty fucking mouth, his hands have been to busy to text."
Stacy, you are so on fire, tonight!
It was fascinating. I'm blown away and can not believe the cliff hanger. I'm angry at her for that but totally forgive her...
Thank you...I love the fucking bullshit!!!
I'm just starting You Get Me Closer to God
How about TwiHag?
Kat - I was gonna read it 2nite but I don't know if I can handle a cliffie right now
Oh no. Do not compliment that undeserving bitch by putting Hag in your name. She would think you really like her and she taught you a proper lesson.
Aw shit I gotta go find my Nine Inch Nails CD....I always fantasize about Rob to "Closer" now!
Alie, it's really good. and different.
I have so many damn open ended stories gets confusing
Who is fucking swearing?
OK - Twat, I mean TwiHot - The Robkats named me.
When I fantasize about Rob it always has a soundtrack.
Wear the nickname proudly, Alie! lol
Me to. It's called anything on the radio.
Rose- I know exactly how you feel. There's some great shit out there. But I always have to go back and read the previous chapter to refresh my memory before I read the new chapters.
Or whatever is in my head...
Or the sound of moaning...
Oh yeah..didn't mean to type that.
Ellie - I think I'll get a tattoo. and to think I was scared to comment on here a week ago.
Exactly, Dana...sometimes I get the Edwards and Bellas mixed up..lolol
Stalker just texted me again...he was actually reading my story!!
Stacy- I have specifics cued up on my ipod. They give me inspiration for some fanfuckingtastic dreams
Right,'s sometimes tough going from one story to another. such different vibes and it takes a little time to adjust.
Jules- where did he hear about your story?
Dana - you should check out the one that is recommended on that blog I linked. It's short and sweet and a good fix when waiting for updates. Definitely inspiring.
Yes, Jules, I was just going to ask the same thing as Dana...
umm.. yeah Jules. Did he double letter a lot like his keys were getting stuck together?
But...I'm absolutely addicted.
lol, Stacy!
Stacy - ewww.
I'm knackered ladies... I think I'm going to leave and get some sleep for a change.
I wish I knew how to quit you...
But I don't. Good night all and don't go slaughtering any tweens without me.
Olive Juice.
Sorry, I have an attitude issue tonight and it makes me snarky.
Twi- I'll have to check it out.
I love weekends. Fan fics get updated so much more. Three already in the past 2 hours.
Nite Kat:)
Olive Juice and goodnight Kat.
Good nite, Kat! Sleep well! xoxo
It's okay, Stacy, we love snark.
Goodnight Kat
Stacy - snarky is good. Just felt like I needed some cleansing thoughts after that visual. I just looked at the banner again. I'm good.
Dana, I work with him. He heard me and my friend Nicole who is his boss, talking about my story! He actually (geek) is a Harry Potter fan! (Cute geek though!)
Anyway, he has heard Nic and I pealing with laughter about the fan fic, my story, the blog etc...
He's been fascinated by my lack of inhibition to saying what I think....
I tend to offend some people IRL so I hold back.
It's okay, I guess if I offend anybody I can change my username and get a new personality. Isn't that what everyone does these days?
Nite Kat
I wasn't on the cbox very long. did our "little" visitor make an appearance?
Just a quick yes or no, please no need to prolong the agony of the thought.
Jules- so did he tell you what he thought of your story?
BRB---got to go get a cookie.
I'm guessing yes...
but i wasn't there very long either
Jules, is he the one who suggested you write a HP fanfic next?
Thanks, Rose. You're fucking fantastic.
And rose? That's what he said...
Okay, I am dying to have my fanfics updated. I have so many I am stalking for updates. I am thinking of bribing them with cases of batteries. Ohh...does that only work with Jules?
You're pretty fucking fantastic yourself, Ellie...
I feel drained.
I need an Edward either some reading...or some watching Twilight.
Love all of you old hags.
From the bottom of my shriveled old heart.
Bye for now:)
Great blog today, Rose.
Bye, Rose...maybe later. xoxo
(thank you, ellie, you're very kind:)
Yeah Ellie he was...and my text alert just went off again... persistant fucker...maybe I should just let loose on him and let his monster come out to play....hmmm?
Jules, maybe his monster needs to be put in his place.
He wants me to call him...should I? I'm feeling rather devious tonight....
Stacy - you should be sure. Don't want a good case of batteries going to waste.
Do it Jules. I wanna hear him cry from over here.
Sure, Jules...could be fun messing with his mind...
Call him Jules and then tell us all about it!
I just almost posted something from "The Monster" - forgot we weren't in the cbox.
Since you said you talk about the blog do you think he's smart enough to find it?
I'm calling him....jesus...there he goes texting me again...WTF?
Yes, Jules, Do It.
I couldn't help it.
Give me some time...hopefully not much...I'll be back with either horrifying details or giggletastic ones!
You said he is nerdy. Does he have sexy Fuckward glasses?
Funny, Alie!
We are all dirty smut hags now.
Stacy - you are a naughty girl. LMAO. You can't offend me. Changed my last sentence - I mean I've embraced my inner Robkat : )
Hey when I deleted my last comment I noticed someone making their presence known in the cbox...Do you think they can hear us?
lemme check...brb
LOL Marcy is a Robsessed hag right along with the rest of us. She's just to stuck up to admit it!
What a wanker. She's fighting w/her BFF right now. How sad.
Hey...where did you guys go? Something more exciting somewhere?
I'm reading fan fic. But I am still checking in here.
Hey Jules, I finally made it. It's Niko
Ughh...CB drama. Isn't it past her bed time yet?
Hi, Niko! Jules was here , but I think she may be on the phone right now. She was going to fill us in on her conversation when she got back.
Glad to have you here with us!
Jules said in an email that you would be making an "appearance" :)
Hello Niko :)
Dana, I just wanted to come out and say, "JOVIE, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
I still might. and I didn;'t want to diaguise my identity. she'as a fucking idiot who's delusional and needs some profesional help.
Okay, enough ranting. Love the zip pants.
Are you back here - I'm scared.
Oh, no, my bad typing is showing. At least I can spell; it's the quick typing that's my downfall.
Hello ladies and i use the term loosely :). I've been dying to meet ya'll. People asking about Jules' new prey? He's teddy bear cute but a young soul I hope I don't have to pick up too many pieces when she's done with him (Nico)
Alie, do you have FB?
A bunch of us are connected. I guess you can guess who the "bunch" is... lol
Ellie- someone did call her Jov!
lmfao, Nico (is it Nico or Niko?) !
He's already texted her numerous time while she's on here...that's the call.
Hey, you guys are chatting without me? Rude!
They did? Great! What happened?
I was SO tempted, but then that would have just opened a whole new can of worms...I guess it just did.
Satcy, what was going on, there, after I left? and why was that little shit think I was believing her little shit story? she kept singling me out. Maybe because I was a real name??
Hi Ellie - yep. How do I get it to you w/out any stalkers getting it though?
Ellie- it happened right when I left to come back here. So I am not sure how she responded. Probably lied though.
I was Rob btw. "Little Shit Stink" LOL - she is not just naive. Psycho.
Hi hags!
I have a psychological problem.. see, I DO believe I'm Patty Pattinson, Marcy just helped me to figure it! Gosh, what would I do without Marcy's help!?
Hmmm, Alie, not sure. I think Jules' email is in her profile. Maybe you can request her as a friend and tell her who you are. We can all access you from her.
MiCh - Sally are you in here now? I might have to go back out and see what's happening. I'm scared. Oh she's gonna see this and take it literally. Lil Shit Stink - hee hee.
Yes, she left an impression alright. Just not the one I think she wanted. I actually feel kinda mean. I think she needs some professional help.
Mich, Woof Woof, Bark, growwwwl, and yap!
Mich, you were Sally?
Niko I guess. I'm handicapped by doing this on an iPhone so it'll probably end up being natch eventually. Thomas needs to get rode hard. I even told him to find a cougar to train him right. I should have warned j how obsessive he can be though.
Who was Sally? Are you in here? Saaalllllyyyyy? just want to hump Rob's leg. THAT's why you think your Patty.
MiCh im glad i influenced you... lol
*wags tail* Woof Woof *licks faces*
Translation: I LURVE YOU &heart;
Noco, you didn't offer to do it? lol
Alie, I thought you said Mich was Sally.
Oh for fucks sake. She's back. GO!! Shoo annoying little gnat.
No Ellie, I only was me.. I think Sally was a newbie who had the bad luck to meet Marcy.. poor girl, she seemed nice!
I was looking for everyone - randomly typing names. Sorry. I saw your name.
Is Jules typing Niko's text mssgs. LOL
Hey ladies. what the hell...
what is happening here?
I think Sally was legit. Poor girl.
Sorry, Nico, the two letters are close together...
Hey Tess.
Ohh look.. Skittle lips is here!
Waving hugely!
Tess - you missed the ultimate fighting match in the cbox w/the delusional teen and team Robkat.
Hello Dana, Stacy, Mitch Twiheart, who did I forget?
Ladies, give a welcome to Nico. She's Jules' friend from work (boss?). Seriously,.
Oh and before that Ellie re-named me TwiHot - say it fast 5 times. I'm having it tattooed on my ass tomorrow. : )
I caught the tail end of it and I was a bit mean. I feel bad now. hate to go there.
skittle lips.. I like it.
Me, Tess! :(
How are you, babe?
I renamed you TwiHot. Bahaha.
Hello Nico! Welcome!
Sorry bad manners. Hi Nico!
Hello Nico, and Twihot. Do I know you as another name?
Boss - really? I wanna work w/you Jules. Don't think I'll be inviting my boss here anytime soon.
(Nico) I barely had the patience to train him how to make coffee let alone do a proper Pattinsonian wake up call
ELLIE, I didn't see you.
This is what happens when I see only pictures of Rob as avatars... I need real faces people (or body parts)
Yeah, but is he hot? And does he have the hot nerdy fuckward glasses? I need to know.
Skittle Lips...It so becomes you, Tess! :)
May bad Stacy - of course it was you : O
I think I need a drink.
That fan fic You Get Me Closer to God is some fucking fantastic smut.
Nico, you're into the fanfic, too?
You really DO belong here!
Hi Nico! Wohoo, I think you're our first male visitor..
Hi ladies, I'm on and off, I'm trying to read the last chapter of Wide Awake..
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