Christian Serratos: Rob's become more humble and more introverted

From OK! :

Twilight star Christian Serratos, aka Bella’s high school pal Angela Weber, has a job many girls would just die for — she gets to be on set with Robert Pattinson and the rest of the vamp-movie gang all day. So does she think R-Pattz’s new reputation as a ladies’ man is deserved? OK! chatted with Christian at the Charlotte Russe 2009 Fall Launch in NYC, and we asked if the thought Edward Cullen had turned into a playboy since skyrocketing to fame over the last year.

“I don’t think so,” says Christian, adding that if has changed, Robert has gone in the opposite direction.

“If anything he’s become more humble and more introverted,” Christian tells OK!.

So what about the romance with Kristen Stewart? Christian teased us with a sort of yes, sort of no on whether the two are together.

“I truly don’t know, I don’t know. There is a possibility,” Christian reveals. “There’s a possibility that it’s all BS, I just don’t know. It’s going to be interesting finding out either way.”

Christian and the rest of the cast will be reunited on the set of Eclipse in August, something she’s excited about.

“I feel like we’re all going to have a blast. I feel like we all know our characters and we’ve all had a lot of help with Stephanie [Meyer], too,” she explains. “She’s there on set and if we have a question, she’ll answer our question. She’s just really chill. She’s really supportive. She likes what everyone’s doing, so I think everyone just wants to make her happy, as well as the fans, so it works out.”


Anonymous said...

It's the introverted ones that you sometimes have to look out for....


Haystackhair said...

still waters run deep. hehehe. Goz, LMAO -womanize me Rob. Me too, me too Rob!!!

Maryann said...

"Womanize me Rob" Roflmao Gozde you KILL ME with your tags! LOL, they are starting to become my faves of this blog lol.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wish I could type this morning...geez, what Rob does to me..

Ok magazine does some great interviews...hehe...

albaville said...

more introvert??? god more than he already was?..ok now I know I really like shy guys :))

Mommamary said...

I bet Summit keeps this rumor of Robsten alive until after BD comes out. It keeps the curiosity level up and sells tickets. Then when the franchise is all released, then we will know the truth and I am betting that the truth is they are NOT a couple. They are just friends. That is my story and I am sticking to it until I see public displays of affection, not movie scenes and/or an official quote from one of them acknowledging it.

Anna said...

Mommamary - I'm with you on that... it will be interesting to see how they handle the inevitable gossip-related questions during the NM promo. Dare I say it, I am genuinely curious to hear what they have to say!!!

Pandora said...


Probably the same as Christian. (Isnt that a boys name?!)

Beating round the bush to keep the people hoping.

Anna said...

Pandora - not so sure about that. They've been pretty clear in the past that they were not dating, even though I'm sure Summit would have loved them to beat around the bush. (remember Rob complaining that they would not deny the rumours?)

One of the reasons I love Rob is his lack of media training, and I'd be seriously disappointed if he started giving in now.

Oh, and yeah - Christian is definitely a boy's name in my language!

Yvonne said...

I agree that the lack of media training is one of the things that makes Rob so appealing, you never know what he might say :)

He and Christain would make a cute couple... I dunno, I'd just like to see Rob gettin' some with SOMEBODY! LOL and she seems nice :)

BTW, Christian is a boys' name here as well :)

RPnKSaddict said...

I love the shy quiet type. Partly why I'm so intrigued by Rob.
Get them one on one and usually you can't get them to shut up.

I'd love some one on one time with Rob.

I agree about Robsten..I want to hear it from them or see some blatant displays of public affection. I admitt I wouldn't be disappointed if the rumors were true but I still need some unquestionable proof.

noisefaidaus said...

Now this I can believe, he is the multi-talented sensitive type, that has always come through loud and clear in all his interviews.
I doubt seriously that he is a womanizer, he's not the type and he doesn't have the time!!! The guy would be exhausted hooking up with all these babes! LMAO

Yvonne said...

Wen, I agree, tho it is a sad, sad day when the worlds hottest guy doesn't have time to hook up... :(

Little Red said...

Indie British guys tend to be quiet, introverted and artistic and can be found in dark corners of pubs / bars.

Anonymous said...

RobMorning Kats!
I totally agree with momma (sorry can't spell) and RPaddict. Unless something official comes out, I'm not buying the Robsten crap.

Christian is a boy's name generally but it's getting common now to use boys names on girls. When you shorten it to "Chris", it can be either Christine, or Christina. Well, I think it's unique on a girl.

As for the idea in general, as long as its not like too boyish like naming a girl Darryl or naming a boy Antoinette. Know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

Little Red- For real? do you live in Britain right now? U hookin up with one of them ? If so, congrats!
It ain't Rob but still. ~_^

Little Red said...

@luffscruff yes and yes. Bf in a band, plays bass guitar and if I can't get hold of him he'll be with bandmates in a shabby corner of a pub. He knows of my Robsession (I have a NM poster up in our flat), and is bemused by it. Still, he's no RP...

Anonymous said...

more humble? is that possible? all the more reason to adore this man :)

Temptation said...

As an Aussie I hate to tell you but we have more crap coming out this week, it just hit the shelves. It goes on about how Kristen and Rob are back together and Emilie is broken hearted. It then shows a photo of Emillie and Rob from a scene of the movie and he is apparently telling her "it's over". I think it's OK or Famous magazine Im not sure, I read them at the checkout when getting my groceries.

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