Scans From SFX Magazine


Anonymous said...

yikes cartoon Edward does look scary

Anonymous said...

who else was hoping this was "sex" magazine? c'mon... i know you did

the caricatures of them are kinda creepy...but rob's jaw is chiseled nicely

Anonymous said...

aahhhh is anyone else as anxious as I am about tomorrow? :(((

Anonymous said...

That doesn't even look like Rob's hand on Kristen's neck. It is filthy!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

EWWW, creepy...

Anna said...

"shut up, I'm the 13th sexiest man in the world!"

==> LOL, Rob's still got it!

Sophia Z.86 said...

That cartoon is creepy!! Poor gorgeous Rob, he looks scary!

"Rob, gorgeous wet lover, you can come (yumm...'come'...) and 'scary' me as much as you like. Come babe come... your own private Sophia..."


kimberlesk said...

Way to go KATE!! You're doing a great job!!


Rominiwi said...

You're right... Cartoon Edward is creepy...
Thanks for the amazing work Kate! :D

Cami said...
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Cami said...

i definitely thought it said SEX as well.

can't wait to be @ comic con tomorrow. i will finally see that man in the flesh. he will be real.

fragile human said...

Those cartoons are ugly caricatures of both Edward and Bella. Even my other favorite vampire- Spike doesn't look as gorgeous as he normally does.

I so sort of worry that Twilight and the actors are being over exposed and this is going to backfire, JMO. But maybe it's just because I am attached to the internet, lol.

maha said...

He is really a adorable

He makes me laugh when he said (Hey ,shut up, I'm the 13th sexiest man in the world )

love this guy

Thank you so much for posting this .

WinWin said...

Ha, I must have sex on the brain, I got all excited about Rob on the cover of "Sex" magazine. LOL I need help.

WinWin said...

Just read comments, I'm in good company. Cheers!!!

Haystackhair said...

LMAO Kate. cartoon Robward IS scary!! LOL

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