"Official" New Moon Site Launched Today

Check it out here


Little Red said...

So exciting! Only 4 months to go!

Haystackhair said...

SQUEEEEEEE! I'm soo excited for this shirtless Rob...er...for this movie!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMG-hurry up November!!! Anyone doing a midnight show?

I'm going to try-but I'm old, may not make it..

Unknown said...

i cant wait for the movie..!!

Anonymous said...

I thought they launched the New Moon site like a month or so ago......

Anonymous said...

Nope....guess it was the raw site I saw...this site is very cool!

Anonymous said...

um.. they left billy burke off under 'cast' - PARTY FOUL

Emily said...

I love the movie poster. All three of them look amazing.

Does anyone else find the Cullen crest wristband Rob wears incredibly sexy? Not sure why. Maybe because it brings attention to his forearms. I love it.

Pet73 said...

This is sooo exiting! How will I make it until beginning of next year? Already love NM Robward! Can't wait!!!

riddleinside said...

wow the website is awesome!amazing!you got to hear Rob's voice while playing Edward!I love what they did with this website!!thanks to the webmasters!!I'm so excited now!!

Pet73 said...

Riddle- You're right. The NM site is soo much better than the Twilight one, even not "running" completely yet.

Robward's voice is sooo sexy :p!

Babs said...

The site is so cool! I'm so gonna buy Edward's wristcuff :)

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