Entertainment Weekly Video

This is ranking up there with my favourite interviews of all time. I just HAD to put it up before I head to class. I don't know how many times I've watched it already!!!


SummerGirl said...


Sooooo funny!!!

Rob is giddy :)

And I am late for work!! :)

Kate said...

I'm gonna be late for class Summer girl so I'm turning of the computer NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

See ya later!!!

lostinphilly said...

Thank you, Kate. I love this video.This is one that you keep watching over and over just to hear Rob say "shut up",

Rob is just SO funny and quirky, LOVE HIM !!

maha said...
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maha said...

"Complete animosity"

lol I love Rob reaction

Rob is so funny

it is great to start your morning

with this video

Thank you Kate

Anonymous said...

Damn it's loud when Rob pops his fingers around the 1:03 mark! OUCH!

Echo said...

too much cola for rob. love it. but found it sort of...rude...lol. rob never has louder-than-whispering conversations about nails with taylor when kristen's talking =P i so wanted to hear his rant about a guy falling in love with a girl thing all in one go. he was on a roll! nuts!!!

but i love the open rob. his shut up sort of scared me lol.

Tess said...

Hilarious how A & K were making subtle fun of him trying to give a deeeeep answer and he just became all flustered...

good one.

Cindeeloo said...

Ok so this video definately ranks as 1 of my top 3


I love the expression on the interviews face as she listens to Robs rant....SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

I also love at the end when he describes his chemistry with K..."It's not Chemistry I'ts Annimosity" lol.

I love to see him with his vampie family. He always seems to be more comfortable, happy and relaxed!!

When will my lil school girl crush ever going to END!!!!! (sigh)

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant. Love to hear his voice again....and he hasn't lost his accent thank Goodness.
I have to say I think Kristin was dowright rude in her behaviour when Rob was talking. I couldn't see Rob doing that to her when she starts babbling incoherently. Maybe she thought she was being funny and lightening the mood but she came over rude and ill-mannered to me. Poor Rob he didn't know where to put himself!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

rude? noooooooooooo!

he looks like one happy man right now. no one can deny these two are STEAMY TOGETHER!

Cindeeloo said...

At times I think they just get on eachothers nerves...and then they somehow just laugh it off!!!

Too Cute.

Mochachino said...
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Cuccicella said...

I cannot stop watching it...LMAO!!

Rob is more confident and has more things to say this time around than Twilight time.

He is so concentrated, so serious... LOL..

Ashley and Kristen are very playful interrupted Rob concentration... That's was funny

They are very close friends it is normal do teasing like this. I do not think it's rude at all.. Cute though

Without that interruption we all might never see him giggles and laughing hard like that the way we've all been waiting to see - The happy ROB :)

Relax Rob...

Rhonda said...

Rob is adorable & charming, especially under the circumstances. All the interruptions were simply rude. Kristen may not like these things, but she needs to respect her castmates and let them have their say.

Hello, I Love You! said...

Polite... Rob is POLITE!

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I'll probably get the Kristen fans angry over this - but why the hell is she so 'twitchy'? Every single comic con video I've watched it's more than her typical awkward nervousness, she's downright twitchy. What is her problem? Seriously - does no one else notice this?

Dahlia said...

Love that! Absolutely love it!

Anonymous said...

Love the interaction of the cast and when Rob tells Ashley and Kristen to shut up...I about spit my coffee on my screen! FANTASTIC!!

wanabRPsmom said...

Kristen might be nervous but she really does NOT look professional out there. Her messy appearance constant hand movements,,,mumblings never at ease on her seat..is unnerving to watch.

She seems to be on a HIGH Caffeine mode;)..putting it mildly. I know some will say she's NOT comfortable in interviews...but my..my she has been dealing with it for years now?
She TOTALLY stands out ODDLY...w/ Rob's mild gentle manner...Ashleys grace and Taylor's professionalism.
I know they are FRIENDS...but she can set aside the teasing/ interruptions after business. She can learn a LOT from her 3 co artists if she EVER watch these videos.

As usual it is FUN to see Rob smile. He is so calm and at ease...he never fails to IMPRESS the CEO's. More Power to you Rob!!

SummerGirl said...

Thank you so much for posting this :)

Snix said...

Yeah, Kristen has ALOT of nervous energy here, or a 'high' of some sort. She had a long working day yesterday and had a 3 1/2 hour drive until 1.30am this morning. She's making some awesome flms - give her a break, she's a teenager... Yes it might be a tad frustrating because we want to hang onto Rob's every word, but this is who she is at the moment, that's the package.

Meeno said...

hmmmm . . . Rob did not call Kristen much during their separation??? I hear a little "abandoned child" syndrome in Kristen. But that will disappear soon, I hope. The three of them were joking around while Rob is talking, so Rob jokingly told them to shut up . . . yeah... that is just being friends. Nothing really there to criticize.

Unknown said...

LOL, I think Kristen is still in the Joan Jett mode . . . and Rob is in the Remember Me mode.
Great fun. If they can tease and scold each other openly like this, then they are really friends!!!

AnnaD said...

Yeah, this was by far the best interview of all time. Even my husband thought it was funny, and he's not such a huge fan of my crush on Rob.

RobaliciousLover said...

I LOVE IT! Rob's just like shut up. He's so adorable! LOVE HIM!

RPnKSaddict said...

This was an awesome interview. I love the way they were all teasing each other. And Rob saying "Shut Up,and God" was priceless.

Kristen is still filming The Runaways thus the hair. She's just a giddy nervous teenager. I still love her and apprantly Rob holds her in high regard even if he does get a little aggravated with her. That's enough for me.

RPnKSaddict said...

Just a post about Rob's hands.... I couldn't stop watching him twist and bend them and then the loud popping sound. I'm having a serious fangurl moment...they're beautiful.

Marna said...

I love this interview, he's just so dorky! I wish I knew exactly what was going on, Ashley & Kristen are teasing him with something, but I have no idea what. It looks very funny though!

Xtyn said...

I've watched this video twice, hoping that I would have a different view on Kristen. Did anyone notice the reaction of the interviewer when Kristen interrupted Rob? She was annoyed!...and so am I! I wanted to hear his thoughts but Kristen just had to steal that moment from Rob.
So, I agree with Lizzibee & wanbrpsmom, when someone is talking, don't interrupt. It's rude.
My thanks goes out to Kate who catered us the convenience of putting this video on the site rather than having us look for it in youtube! Thanks Kate! You are awesome!!

Loisada said...

They are in full teasing mode. That's what this interview was set up for, having all 4 sit cozily on a couch together. The informal setting is more conducive to playful jesting than introspective analysis. I know we were all anxious to hear Rob's thoughts on being in love, but he was so tuned into the fidgeting going on beside him he could not keep his own thoughts straight. KS did not interrupt him per se, but she did refuse to reverently listen to him. He was rather irreverent himself up on stage, when he made her jump in front of all the cameras. Seems to me this is a sly 2-sided game of one upmanship! Look at 0:18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUF1hWa5qDI

Tenneil said...

I think I just died!!!

thanks Kate!!!

Oana said...

I'm truly sorry to have to take Kristen's side for once, since I vowed to hate her guts for all eternity, but Rob seems to be taking himself a little too seriously lately.
Ok, now's the time to drive a stake through my heart :)))
So since I'm a dead woman already :) I will get even more blasphemous and say it's almost like he's trying to copy Taylor, who's been around the PR block for a while despite his age and who always tells the audience exactly what they need to hear in a professional, precise and flat manner.
So Rob should stick to your old, honest, awkward and funny ways - after all, no one ever actually listens to what you have to say, we just ogle and drool :)))))

Sara said...

WW13, thanks alot!
I went back and listened to it and now I'm freaked out. ahhahaa.
Though I kinda love it at the same time...

anna F said...

I found it quite amusing the 1st time, because they seem so at ease with one another, teasing one another.

I agree that everyone usually listens to what the other is answering and doesn't interrupt, and the gesture is kind of rude. But I don't think that Rob took that very seriously, he switched to joking mode too.

I don't agree about Rob taking himself too seriously during this interview. In interviews, he has always been :either downright silly, or answered as precisely as possible. He was going to answer that one seriously, that's all. But we saw silly him a couple of times too during comicon...

Anonymous said...


It's HEAVENLY to see Rob back to his old self after all the heaviness of RM in NYC. He's SO FUNNY and so charming and so gentle and deep in his vocal tones it just really made me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY to see this. I've watched it over and over about 6 times now. GREAT STUFF. THEY ARE A FAMILY and it's lovely to see how close the cast has gotten and can have so much FUN together. LOVE IT. That's so good for Rob too....especially after NYC.

Did I mention ALL OF THIS makes me HAPPY?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Sorry, but Kristen was really rude and juvenile here. This really demonstrates why I could never see these two together. I'm so glad he didn't shrink back because they were on camera to tell them to "SHUT UP." Go, Rob!

Temptation said...

CHICAGO GIRL we will get bagged for this but I totaly agree with you, I think you can see the age difference and maturity when things like that happen. Remember we can express our opinion freely on this site so no BITCHY remarks.

Marna said...

I can't stop watching the last part with Rob, he is just adorable!

Marna said...

Loisada, I just watched the video & paid attention at 0.18, & you're right, I think Rob grabbed Kristen's ass! She jumps & looks at him, & he is definitely smirking. Something was going on there LOL.

Marna said...

Listen around 0.13, Rob says something to Kristen & you can hear her say "shut up". Now I have something new to obsess about LOL.

Temptation said...

MARNA he may have said "GOD THAT'S AN UGLY HAIR CUT" what do you think????? just enjoy stop over analysing.

Anonymous said...

There's rob trying to be romantic and serious and they are f*cking with him. LOVE the shut up! hehehehheh

These guys are family now and it must be joyous to have a family of actors when it's usually a temporary and lonely business on set. JOY.
so glad to see him happy

Cuccicella said...

Loisada wrote:
"he made her jump in front of all the cameras. Seems to me this is a sly 2-sided game of one upmanship! Look at 0:18. "

I watched the other video shown a full angle at 0:38 - 0:39 and I noticed that Rob pinched Kristen on the back to make her look down then he smirked.. LOL..


They both being playful with each other :)
Their chemistry still there but I have no solid evident to proof myself the rumor but personally I like them both even though Kristen was not looking so presentation at Comic Con..I am OK with that..

And I did not feel that Kristen interrupted Rob (the way I look at it), Rob just being self conscience if he just ignore the others talking then he can finish his talking.. LOL
Looks like he want their attention when he speaks..

But overall Rob... OH ROB.. what can I say..
It's your fault I didn't sleep well this week and still typing (devoted to you) at 3 am!!

What was I saying?? (Lost concentration a bit there)

Oh Thank you Kate for great blog.

kit kit said...

Kristen was acting like a hyperactive jr. high school girl in this interview. It was annoying and distracting. I think she was either tanked up on caffeine & cigs or pot (probably all three)

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