Happy Rob makes me happy

Rob and the "Twilight-New Moon" cast at the showing of the "Twilight" movie at Comic-Con 24/7/09
Dear God get me some earplugs. Do these people not realise that if they actually stopped screaming that the cast would actually be able to talk properly!

Another Video of the cast introducing the movie here

These are from Socialite Life take a look over there for loads more


Source MrPattinson.com there are loads more HQ photos there.

And these ones are from Radar Online


Snix said...

It's lovely to see him so relaxed. Everyone needs to let him have his two weeks rest now. There's enough footage of him for us to cope without new stuff for a few weeks...

Mickeefan said...

I agree. "Happy Rob" is the best Rob.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or did Rob and Kristen seem somewhat cold with one another yesterday? A lot of the photos I've seen, her body is facing away from him and everything. These are the only pictures where she even looks like she playing "happy." Any thoughts?

noisefaidaus said...

I loved to see RP & KS so relaxed and when they look at each other things just seem to be intense.

PerfectDate said...

Here is another "happy Rob" pic, credit on photo via RPattzNews: (copy and paste)


*sigh* I love to see laughing, good mood Rob....

wanabRPsmom said...

Anyone noticed Rob's managers Nick and Stephanie in the background? It's nice to see them with him in most appearances for support and friendship! bet you..TomStu is somewhere in there also:)

It's a JOY to see Rob happy!

Haystackhair said...

Actually I am seeing alot of closeness...making me suspicious that the Robsten's are on to something. LOL. It seems like they are purposely putting someone between them at times. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

Lina said...

Guys, relax :) To me they (R and K) seem to be just friendly to each other. That's all... Don't you think so?

Babs said...

Happy Rob always makes me happy.

I was watching LA and HA for the umpteenth time yesterday and I noticed that Rob has a scar under his chin (when you already know the story you can indulge in Rob porn :))
He must have been a lively child

dee said...

they all look like they are happy to be back together again And it is really nice to see both of them smile again

dee said...

they all look like they are happy to be back together again And it is really nice to see both of them smile again

Alexpz said...


Kelly said...

Luckiest girl in these pics.. Christian Serratos... hello.. who doesn't want to be sandwiched between those two pieces of deliciousness...

Dahlia said...

It's nice to see them all back together looking happy. Even though they must be used to the screaming I bet it is still so overwhelming and frankly annoying!

I feel sorry for Taylor really because he is still so young and he always looks so taken-aback by everything.

Rob is looking good as always :) I hope he gets to have a nice relaxing 2 weeks off!

RPnKSaddict said...

All I could think was this is not a hang on Rob session.(sorry about the pun) get him out of there.
They were not interested in ?'s just a piece of Rob.

Sometimes it makes me wonder about the people who plan these events.It's like they're completely unaware just how exuberant the fans are.

Anonymous said...

i am so glad to see him and kristen chilling with each other and looking happy and giving their little smirks. =]

Haystackhair said...

Hmmm Rob, whatcha lookin' at?

AnnaD said...

Kelly- i was thinking the same thing!

And I don't think there's something going on with RobSten. I think that they're just very aware of how people are watching to see what they do, so they're trying very hard NOT to seem like they're a couple...only it seems to be backfiring. She was all over Taylor, too, though. I think they're all just a bunch of very touchy-feely people and it can come across the wrong way.

Haystackhair said...

oops that didn't work....
try that. lol

Haystackhair said...

Hey! it keeps chopping stuff off??anyway, it is picture 142 that I am looking at. LOL. Sorry!

Haystackhair said...

for the love of God. Picture 141. I'm done. off to find my brain. LOL. I think all the Robhotness has finally fried it.

Maryann said...

@Lina yep I totally agree, they were just chillin as friends as ALL the cast did. I think they were all happy to see one another again!

albaville said...

AnnaD I agree with u..

I dont think Rob and Kris are together, actually during the press conference and pics they look a bit far from each other and not so confident, Rob doesnt look in love with her or anybody, I hope that when he's in love he'd be different from what I've seen...he looked quite relaxed and chilling out with all the cast..HOPE HE'S GONNA ENJOY 2 WEEKS OF PEACE, RELAX, FUN,BEERS AND SMOKE AS HE LIKES :)

Cindeeloo said...

@ haystackhair,I was able to bring it up and the only thing that comes to mind is....


(now lets both try and recover our brains..lol)

I Love Rob and his vamp family (jumps up and down)

maha said...

I am really happy today , Rob looks happy and having fun with New Moon cast

and I think there is nothing between Rob and Kristen they seem friends more than anything else

Ok that girl with a hat is really really stupid girl when she said to Rob " why you are shying " or something like that hahaha she thinks herself smart or funny or what ??!!
and I think she tried to kiss him Thank God she couldn't.

And Rob as usual is so amazing he sign for the woman before he left he is just a wonderful star he cares to satisfy his fans.

Thanks Kate for the pictures and the video.

WinWin said...

I love that Rob is with his castmates. He seems the most happy and relaxed with them all.

Nicky looks awesome. Glad to see her and KS are still close. Ashley looks beautiful. I am also feeling nothing romantic with Rob/KS, especially after the ew.com interview. They look like really close friends.

Thanks for all the updates Dani and Kate.

Lynd said...

Maha: I was in the theatre that day and a girl from that room told us that she did try to kiss him and that's why they had to pull her off. Rob just had in his face "help".

WanabRpsmom: I didn't see Tom Stu, I saw Rob left into his limo just with his bodyguards.

Too bad I only saw him as he was leaving the theatre. He is very handsome in person!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

On my piece of crap PC it would take 6yrs to comment on each thread, so forgive that I"m doing it all here...

I feel blessed to have watched all the panel interviews & backstage interviews...I truly love these people and these movies.

Chris W is hysterical & must have been a blast to work with..

Kristen looked more relaxed & happy that I've seen here before-and I freaking love that she brought up getting PREGNANT in
BD-love the znger to the rumors, and Rob's response was just as priceless!

Rob-OMG-really, there are not enough words....He's so funny, and when he said "I'm a pussy, I guess" I almost fell out of my chair...

From some reason, when he says any swear or nasty words, makes me JIZZ!!!

Rob looked HAPPY and relaxed, and I think they all felt great being together again.

I saw NO tension between Rob & Kristen...

I love in one of the interviews when he told her to shut up!!

I'm a happy girl today and love him all the more.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

You're welcome ladies.
Please forgive me for being so slow posting my broadband is seriously crap today!
It took me nearly an hour to dowload the last lot of photos!

Maryann said...

Kate you are doing a FINE job! Don't worry, and your tags fit right in with Gozde's and Dani's lol. These tags are some of my fave things with this blog lol!

rpattzgirl I TOTALLY agree, no tension or hints of anything other than a kick in the balls to the gossip mongrels out there, I LOVED their rumor zingers too. Even backstage with Taylor Kristen had one to the rumors LOL. "Read into this" when asked what team she was on. LOL

Also happy to see the hug between Kristen and Nikki who looked STUNNING there, I missed her! They all looked great IMO and seems genuinely happy to see each other again.

Wait...some stupid chick tried to kiss Rob? He got attacked AGAIN?? WTF?? What on earth makes ppl think it is OK to jump a total stranger just cos they are famous?? Would these ppl jump any random (but hot looking lol) stranger walking down the street? Stupid skank. Any wonder why Rob get paranoid? Stupid skank! It only takes one moron to ruin things for the COOL fans!

Anonymous said...

Christian looks JUST lovely!!

Julie Alencar said...

I really believe that twilight cast is the same tha Lord of the ring...everybody very friendly, and love being together all the time...The people need to stop saying that they are together

WinWin said...

I just finished the panel videos and I have a question, what does he say after the "cesarean participation" comment. Nothing but good stuff from this year's Comic Con. Pure win!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You're right-you can see the cute little scar under his chin during the, uhh, rather sensual scene at the beach....

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


they look totally in their own world. they stay very close, and are always looking into each others eyes, and unable to stop smiling...

yesterday, even when kris was turned towards taylor, she would keep her body up against ROB...
she was very respectful of taylor yesterday, and gave him his due, as her equal in the new moon movie.

but if you watch the videos, she's always staring at ROB, and him at her.

Snix said...

The footage of the question time with the fans... That could have gone so pear shaped, they were wise to ship them out quickly once 'fans' started just launching themselves at Rob.

The female who asked him for a hug, I'm sure she was excited or whatever, but she's the sort of fan Rob was talking about when he said 'you give them a hand and they take the whole arm'.

His body may have been in your arms, but he was too overwhelmed having his personal space intruded on by the OTT hugging, his head was turned away, he was wanting to escape.

This is what our over enthusiasm is doing to the poor guy!! :(

marie said...

Nothing has changed . Nikki reed still makes sure she positions herself next to kristen. She happens to be a supporting actress and should stay on the side.

AW said...
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tsfan12 said...

I also attended Twi Experience and was sitting in the third row center at the Panel. I'm not a shipper, but my sister/friends noticed the tension between the two. They were separated by Taylor- but that didn't stop the glances, he pushed his chair back- than she pushed hers- looks.. They were not cold w/each other. Rob turned red when Kristen said that "pregnant remark" it was cute, he blushed. she treated Taylor like a brother, pulling his hair-playful, but not flirtatious.
In the theatre we were surprised to see Nikki. She was leaning against Kristen and answered this question that they "loved each other"& afterthought "not in a weird way".

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Poor Rob and Kristen with all of the speculation and nary a bit of firm evidence. Ugh to all of the fantasizing about every time they look at each other, speak or pose for photos. I take them at their word...just friends.

Temptation said...

I have to agree with the comments on Nikki she looked sooo sexy, she looked relaxed and casual but she is ONE GOOD LOOKIN GIRL. They all looked so happy to see each other, one big happy family.

Anonymous said...

Nikki and Ashkey both look like they're wearing rings on their left hands..third finger. That's what Ashley was showing Kristen in the EW interview when Rob told them to shut up.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I went to the Twilight screening, but Rob, Kristen, and Taylor left early. I'm glad the rest of the cast stayed to greet their fans; it was really neat to see them and hear about NM and the next two movies.

Maryann said...

Chicago girl now in LA amen, totally agree. I wish ppl would stop analyzing every move, I see nothing but friendship amongst the cast, sure they are touchy feely ppl, I am like that with my friends LOL, hey even co-workers I like I am like that with lol.

Rob blushes easily lol. He blushed when ppl cheered during the Italy clip of NM when Edward is about to step out in the Sun, he just blushes easily! It is cute lol

Anonymous said...

AMEN on the ROB makes me happy.
Such a DELIGHT to see him happy and laughing after the darkness of NYC.

He does TRY to be good to the fans when he's not working. :))))))
Happy to see him SO HAPPY.

Temptation said...

DEBBO I think it may be a little deceiving in NYC we always see him at work and avoiding screaming girls. In Vancouver we never saw him at work and from the sound of his interviews he is very serious and focused on what he is doing. Perhaps what we are interpreting as "Bad Moood" maybe trying to focus on doing his job. Hasn't he flown back to NYC allready????

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