Pictures can be deceiving - Rob Arrives in NYC, Hugs (HOT) Fan

Pictures can be deceiving, my apologies to the fan. I removed the previous post. She didn't attack him at all, it was a 3 second deal anyways. *hangs head in shame*

Try to ignore annoying pap talk. Do they realize HOW annoying they are?

source: SplashNewsOnline

Rob arrives to JFK looking scruffilicious and supporting Jaw porn!

Thanks to for the following pictures, check 'em out for larger :)

Thanks to our affiliate Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the pictures. If you haven't checked them out yet please do, they have an extensive gallery with HQs :))

Additional pixs from PopSugar.


Anonymous said...

first thing i thought "she has pretty eyes"
NO LIE. i forgot to think something about rob's hottness.

what has happened to me?

Pet73 said...

OMG, she really is beautiful!

May I say I looove the way Rob holds her with his hand on her back? (me also wants :(, stomps feet)

Gozde said...

Letters, the eyes are contacts :)) She is really hot though, it's normal you forgot about Rob :P (I guess)

Maryann said...

Hm..I won't repeat anything but I stand by all I sad before the retraction post. Nothing has changed for me about this.

Rob STILL looks hot and I had to giggle abit at the ppl in the background by the AA airlines counter, they were so wonderfully and blissfully unaware of who just passed them by! :-D. So funny!

Rhonda said...

She IS lovely. Rob seemed really tired, but was kind and obliged. He is a real sweetheart.That black shit and jeans combo are LETHAL I tell ya!

Rhonda said...

Gozde, those are really contacts? Sucks that now anyone can look "exotic".

Anonymous said...

Okay, so she didn't jump him, I apologize too then for my previous comment! LOL!!

Regarding the video, which I feel bad about watching, that papz is so obnoxious. Does he really think that Rob will answer any of his stupid questions. What a sleazy job to have! I love seeing pics of Rob but not under these circumstances.

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

I hate that stupid pap, he's trying to get our gracious Rob mad to get better pics. Dirtbag! I hope he trips next time.

Anonymous said...

dayum he looks good even after traveling!

she is very pretty and i'm thinking his little smirk means he might have thought so too ;)

bevwild said...

it kinda bugged me how she posed with him for the pap to take a pic....poor rob...he's always so gracious

Pet73 said...

Thirty- I was thinking the same! There have been a lot uglier girls tangling around his neck :p!

Haystackhair said...

He still just doesn't look comfortable to me. UGH. Hugging strangers must be hard, even if they are pretty.

WinWin said...

30 and Pet, giving your guys a big hug. Missed you!

albaville said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tnan said...

Wonder what time this was? Yes, imagine he's very tired (but gracious) after a cross country flight. Notice how papz will throw out the most random questions just hoping to get a reaction: 'are you gonna play a villain in spiderman 4??' Ugh!

WinWin said...

OK, I take my earlier comments back.
Lucky hot fan!!! Love Rob, hate papz. Why do they feel the need to talk to him???? Did a papz take a crotch shot on purpose????

The fan is very pretty and ROb is such a sweety. I still don't think I have the nerve to approach him let alone hug him.

Gozde you are a graceful goddess and we love you!!!

Krystle said...

I didn't see your first post where you said she attacked him BUT I don't think she was a fan. I think she wanted to be photographed with him my the paps so she could get some attention. When she asked for a pic with him, why did she pose for the paparazzi? (she had a camera in her hand that was never used) Then she asked for a hug because she wanted to make it look like they were a couple or something. Yes, I think she is very pretty. But this was a whole setup - I'm telling you!

albaville said...

She didnt attack him but she was very annoying anyway, the poor guy just landed and is tired and wants to leave the airport as soon as he can instead he had to stay there and take pics and the hug I repeat was rude and not asked,i cant find anything good or exciting or nice to hug someone like that especially if u are a woman doing that on a boy..she's ridiculous to me..I couldnt do it even if is Rob!!

Anonymous said...

ugh...i watched that vid with the sound (i know, i tried to warn us) and that guy is a total jackass. i hope rob is able to tune all that shit out. i almost wish he would walk through airports and such with earbuds in so he wouldn't have to listen to that garbage. clearly he's a pro though and takes it all in stride...keeping his composure. LOVE HIM

Pet73 said...

Hi Win! We never ever seem to meet (stupid time difference). And now, I also cannot talk to you anymore, as I'm just leaving my office :(. Maybe we'll meet again when I'm back home.

Gozde said...

Contacts :


Anonymous said...

awww win {{{hugs}}} missed you too bb!

@ the crotch shot! i think the paps are pervs

Babs said...

Ok she didn't attack him but as I said before she got to meet him and she got a picture with him so that should be it. The hug was uncalled for and he looked quite uncomfortable to me.
The paps' blabbing is just ridiculous.

wanabRPsmom said...

a LESSON for all the ladies out there!

Start dressing up when you TRAVEL by plane! Rob could be at that airport by chance! ;)

WinWin said...

Pet73, I'll email you.

30, they are pervs, I saw the ass shot last night. Good shot too. : P
How are you?

RPnKSaddict said...

Looked to me like she was hugging and asking at the same time. He couldn't just push her away. stil think it's crossing bounderies to even ask for a hug imo.

He's forever a gracious gentleman.

lol sounded like the camera man crashed into something as they were going through the door. Ha!

Cristin said...

He was totally ogling her boobies... good boy Rob.. I hope you got her number and banged her.

crazylife said...

The paps do not care if they sound annoying. They are just in it for the money.

Yvonne said...

Nice of you to retract the post....but, she's still a little bold :) I guess it must be next to impossible to resist him, so she's forgiven :) And although Rob still didn't look thrilled, I guess he didn't look too pissed either, which is good :)

Those papz, agrivating, they go on and on and on....and then when he gets in the car they are all nice and like, "nice talking to you Rob...". I'm glad he ignores them. Fuckers.

phosphorus said...

@ Creepy: Didn't notice it. Where did you see that?

xoRobxo said...

Geeze~ the Paps are such a bunch of low class morans. The diffence between "going through the airport Rob/walking to set Rob" and the "Rob we see and hear in interviews or like at comic con" are like night and day. Like 2 different people. Its like he has to put on a sheet of armor - a steely presence - because of the stupid paps and crazy fans. I hope at some point it does get less crazier for him. I surpose the positive side of the video (if there is one at all) there was only 3 fans there

wanabRPsmom said...

This is Funny!

Do they really think MOST of Rob's fans are twi tarts?
They should VISIT Robsessed and FIND out for themselves.
We are PRETTY NORMAL EDUCATED Nice looking ladies here!! :)

There's Something Different About This Crazy Fangirl....

keely said...

First thing I saw were the contacts LOL There must be something about checking the potential competition that we women absolutly forgot the guy...just kidding, I can share ;-)
Definitely a pretty girl :-)

Maryann said...

Oh she is pretty, but er..why wear white bras underneath a black top?...yes I admit I noticed that lmao.

keely said...

ROFL me too, maryann and then I decided it´s to get more attention on THEM ;-)

Xtyn said...

Crazy lady with a red underwear couldn't help her self. She just probably lost it after seeing Rob. I don't blame. I would be too!!! Rob didn't look happy though. In his mind he's probably saying " here we go again!"

marie said...

She still invaded his personal space. You ask for a hug and at the same time stretch you arms out for that hug.???? That is invading somebody's personal space. Rob was just so gracious and a gentlemen to just walk away.

He is always being accused of oogling someone's breast because he tends to look down too much. poor thing

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

At least she asked for a hug & didn't just body slam him...
hmm tip for when I got to Vancouver..

It was very sweet of him to accommodate her, as always, the gentle Brit...

God, he's hot as always..

Pappz, they disgust many times did the one ass hole say "huh? .

fragile human said...

Rob is such a sweetheart. Stopping to give autographs after a cross country flight. And those woman weren't flying anywhere, they were stalking him. Yes, the one was pretty, but like many people have said, she invaded his personal space. In the 6th pic down from the video, he looks like he is grimacing. And she's got her hand on his butt. Now that said, the video does show it was a very brief encounter, and if I got that close to him, I'd have my hand on his butt too. ;)

And the papz, UGH, they are just so obnoxious.

fragile human said...

And how friggin' hot does he look? OMG- lots of stubbly jawporn goodness. I will say- if Kristin is on set with a good case of beard burn, that would be more convincing of a Robsten weekend, than some of the "other" evidence people have been talking about. lol.

Anonymous said...

I still feel like being bitchy.....maybe someone should tell her to wear a black bra under a black shirt.....

Dazzle said...

From the video, it looks like he's not too thrilled about hugging her. I think he's sick of all this. But trying to be polite.

Sonia09 said...

Dazzle, I'm with you. The whole video shows a Rob that screams "Get me out of here! I'm tired and just want to get home!" Wherever that may be. I felt so sorry for him. He is a gentleman putting up with fans and making them feel good, but still he looks so sad. Even his smile, after she huggs him, looks forced.

Hang in there Rob! It too shall pass!

spellbound said...

I also think asking for a hug is crossing the line. Rob is very nice & tries to smile through that but like someone else said it's pretty easy to see he just wants to go home. Asking for a pic is okay I guess, depending on the circumstances but a hug, no, I wouldn't.


Freaky! NY...This is the difference between America and Europe.... TO RESPECT!

Pet73 said...

I think, Rob is trying very hard to strictly separate fans and papz. I noticed that he always is nice to the fans, no matter how crazy they are. That didn't change as we see. But over the last weeks /months he got a toughened stance in treating the papz. (Remember the clip in which he's scolding the papz for running into other people?)

I think, I love him even more for treating his fans better than some of them deserve. It's shows, that he still seems to be as thankful for his success as last year (when he said it in interviews). He truly has an remarkable personality.

Anonymous said...

Pet73, I want to see the clip where he scolds the paps for running into other people!

Pet73 said...

Lovis, I can't remember exactly, when it was, must be a few weeks ago. I'm pretty sure, Goz also posted it. I'll check. (Maybe someone here does know, when it was?)

kchambers77 said...

god i hate papz. if i don't see any updates of rob i'll be sad but fine with it as long as he's left in peace.

Gemgirl65 said...

Man I would kill for that girl's figure. She was beautiful! And Rob barely noticed, apparently. All he sees is somebody else ambushing him at the airport. After I watched the pap video I was appalled. I would have punched that guy who kept peppering Rob with inane questions. I'll be Rob dreads airports more than anything else in the world!

Pet73 said...

Lovis, I checked back all of May and couldn't find it. It must have been earlier. Sorry.

Maryann said...

Pet73 I think that video you are referring to is here:

Yep he looks pissed off lol.

...wowie! said...

mmmm...button-flys. YUM!

lostinphilly57 said...

I just think she had alot of nerve putting her hand on his yummy butt. That is crossing the line, it's bad enough she practically attacked him with the hug. And she looks like a skank-whore. This video was also posted somewhere on twitter and in it someone asked Rob if they could make out with him !!!I don't know if it was her or one of the other girls there, but you can hear it in the video. Things are just getting too crazy for our Rob; don't know how much more shit he can put up with.

But he does look so FINE in them bf jeans and black shirt AND the sexboots !!! HOT, HOT, HOT !!!!

Ok, I'm done ranting now...sorry..:(

Dazzle said...

Ah....I think he was just in a hurry to get back to TomStu in NYC! hehe! Love the Bromance!

Tinker said...

Lucky girl. Was her hand on Rob's behind? thoughts?

Anonymous said...

what a sweet guy for giving her a hug. and i am glad that she didn't just jump up on him. she asked and was nice about it. that is the type of fans that they like!!! not to everyone who is crazy out there and lunges at them!!!

Loisada said...

Lynda... that's the first thing I noticed too (does that make me pervy?!). Hawt mama certainly slipped her hand right down there, before she went for the tata rub and neck wrap. Problem is... that's treating him as man meat for your personal pleasure, because a very tired Rob looks like he's simply enduring but not enjoying it. Anything that invades his space by treating him as an object is selfish. A fan should want to give him some kind of tribute for all the wonderful parts of himself he already shares with us, not snatch another bit of the man's soul by trying to feel him up (as absolutely delightful as that would be!).

So Gozde I don't think the video was deceiving, the "fan" was smooth and sly but still skanky. Where is the self-restraint ladies!

Temptation said...

What I want to know is what the hell does his HUGE body guard do???? I haven't seen the video but there is one shot there where the look on his face tells it all. A long flight, hectic weekend and all you want to do is go home and sleep, why would you want to hug some stranger??? even if she is good looking... I still think he is going to have a paparazzi explosion soon and tell them where to go, can't wait for that one.

Xtyn said...

I think, bottomline, he's just being polite to a fan who has asked him cordially if she could hug him. Rob is not shallow to distinguish a good looking fan and fan who is not, by not giving in to our wishes if we ask politely. He doesn't have the heart to break ours. That's just my thought. He is tired but he knows that part of the job is to make his fans happy. Let it be known to all skanks that you need to be well-mannered if you happen to see Rob.

xoRobxo said...

This was the first story the ran on TMZ. From a differnt angle (the one on TMZ) it looks like she tried to kiss him on the cheek. Apprently those girls missed thier flight and boozed it up in the airport bar. Funny one of them had her BD book ready and available!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Xtyn said...

Ahahahahaha! That comment of yours is too funny katiedennis! U really believe that?

Xtyn said...

Sorry for that last comment. It was meant on another post. My iPhone can't distinguish which is which when I click 'post a comment' and it just went to this blog line :) * feeling stupid now*

Pet73 said...

Maryann- Thank you so much for finding this clip! I thought it was earlier, already in May, not in June!

Anonymous said...

After watching the video a few times I'd say he wasn't all that pleased. He was gracious, but really wanted out of there fast. Don't blame him.

Maryann said...

Pet73 happy to dig it out :-).

I do not care if she asked or whatever, if that had happened to me (lmao as if lol!) I would still be majorly annoyed and pissed off. I bet Rob was too but he is just too polite for his own good at times. He just went along, I notice he barely looks up "there must be something wrong with my neck..." (yep there was Rob, a crazy girl is the problem lol) during the video, always looking down. Not smiling a genuine smile must a "jeez wtf is wrong with ppl!" kinda smirk. He was anything but happy.

I am also sure he wished he could punch the paps in the face but all the bruhaha that comes with that is just more annoying, so he just endures it and looks down. I would hate to be in his place here. Ugh.

kespax said...

He's looking awesome in these airport snaps, sex shoes and co-ordinated black top. some really nice arse shots amongst it all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pet73 for looking for the clip and thank you Maryann for finding it:)

Anonymous said...

She may not be crazy, but to impose upon him the way she did was inconsiderate. He is TRYING to get through the gauntlet of paps - who are all hurling comments at him - and she asks for a hug?? His body language is screaming 'get me out of here.' Yes, he was gracious but he was stressing all along.

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