Hayden Pannetiere is So Wise (*eye roll*)

Dear Petite Cheerleader,
We don't project Edward's character on Rob.
Edward is perfect and Rob is so not :)
That's why we love him...


Thanks to RobPattzNews for the link ;)


Maryann said...

Why does these celebs automatically think we like Rob cos of Edward? Edward didn't win me over for Rob, ROB did, with his interviews etc I saw in youtube. I like the Edward character but I prefer Rob way more! Sheesh. Not everyone is a screaming teenager who cannot seperate real life and fiction!

Unknown said...

Hmmm!! Does she actually realise that he has played other roles before and after Twilight!!

Tinadora said...
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Tinadora said...

Well, some people are unable to separate the character and the actor, which is really weird, but hey, I do! That's why I'm here at Rob-sessed... Otherwise, I'd go find a blog called Edward-sessed or whatevah. lol

kespax said...

There are too many celebs with an edward obsession, maybe when we send Remember Me into box office stratosphere records they will get that we love Rob not just edward.

RM,Hmmm he looks so fine, I can't wait to see those blue eyes on the big screen, over & over & over again.

(Oh & by the way how many favourite characters have you seen murdered on the big screen by actors who were meh, some kill me Heathcliff for one, bastards keep on miscasting that book soooo horribly;I hate all the Hamlets & Romeos - if some love him as Ed it's because he's an adorable Ed)

Crystal said...

Well said, Gozde!
At first maybe we found out about Rob thanks to Twilight, but soon enough we started loving Rob more than Edward!

albaville said...


Rhonda said...

Well, he's about 20 years too young for her, so she can stick with the old men. Let the rest of us have our Rob love, NOT our Edward love.

Why was it kinda cute when JLove said that, but notsomuch when she does?

Georgie said...

Yes I'm really looking forward to RM and hopefully it'll be a major movie feature and showcase Rob's acting talent.

All these celebs seem to be jumping on the Edward bandwagon and then merging the character with Rob, which is as immature as the screaming tweens, as we saw earlier with Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Barb said...

I'm with you guys totally! I wasn't that impressed with Twilight and when I saw Rob in it, I didn't think twice about him until my co-worker start raving about the movie. I had to go back and watch the movie again to try to see exactly what she was talking about but I had the commentary on so I heard ROB. That sent me looking at all his youtube interviews..I've been in love with ROBERT ever since!

I really can't wait til these Twilight movies are over so we can weed out the Edsessed people from the real Robsessed fans.

Can't wait for Remember Me. I'm so excited to see this movie.

Anonymous said...

The screaming Teens are all shouting Taylor at the moment from what I saw on the clips at Com Con..the rest of us just call him
Rob..(Lord and Master, Roman God, His Hottness..etc..etc...) so who's calling him Edward?

Silly girl..everyone's a comedien huh? Actually she just wanted his name connected to her's for the free ride like everyone else...Bof!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...she's like totally blown our cover...wow....that chick is soooo smart.


Anonymous said...

Hey wait....isn't this chick the same dumbass who let her f*ck partner film her and now there's some cheap ass porno of her?

Or is it that another stupid starlet?

Babs said...

Some people just don't get it, they haven't seen the light yet LOL
Only smart Robsessed girls do :)

lakerkat said...

Coming out of lurkdom to say little girl SHUT THE F*CK UP, grownups are talking!!! Someone should tatoo clueless on her forehead.

Gozde "dear petite cheerleader" love it, gonna have to steal that.

Aneska said...

First time I saw Rob it was in Twilight movie, and I liked him. So I started looking for info, pics and videos, and after that I LOVE him. Now I prefer Rob to Edward (sorry, Edward :P )
This lady thinks that she knows why we like/love/adore Rob. You have no idea, sweetie.

tine_1983 said...

1. true: i had never heard about robert pattinson before twilight.

2. true: i first tought he was sexy and it is probably because i liked edward in the book when i first read it.

3. true: after seeing the movie i wanted to know more about "edward" aka robert pattinson and watched ALOT (hihi) of his interview on youtube.

4. i do not think of robert as edward. true edward is romantic and everything but rob might be even more romantic just because he ain't perfect. it makes him perfect. get it? ahah!

5. false: i am in love with rob.

6. true: i have a HUGE celebrity crush on rob!


have a good day. :)

noisefaidaus said...

Screw you Hayden!!! Rob is not Edward; please repeat this a thousand times, and maybe you'll get it that the character Edward and Rob are not the same.

Rob did an amazing job of bringing to life a character in a book, it is not the only work he has ever done in film, and he is loved for his many other and varied roles and I'm not just talking about the Harry Potter movie.

Stop,trying to tell Twilight Saga fans what they believe. Most of us are very clear on the distinction between fiction and reality.

Is it so bizarre that fans can appreciate the character in a work of fiction, as well as the actor for his skill, talent and artistry in general and separately.

Rob is a multi talented man who seems to be very down to earth and humble, not to mention drop down gorgeous, qualities not often found in one human being, so we admire him and he should be admired for remaining true to himself.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'll just repeat what's already been said...


Haystackhair said...

Love Edward. Love Rob even more, would watch him read the phone book. Nuff said.

WinWin said...

This sounds like a Miley Cyrus comment. Some of us get it and these two just don't get it.

RPnKSaddict said...

Maybe for some it is that way..why? I cannot understand. Rob and Edward are two different entities.
For me it was Rob before Edward. Rob's the reason I gave the books a second glance.
I've been Robsessed since HP and the GOF.

Rob is Rob and he's incredible at bringing characters to life in his movies. However I fell for him like many others through interviews, his adorkable ways,brilliant mind, and oh his hot looks...
So speak for yourself "young one", and not for others on what you do not know.

Yvonne said...


It doesn't even bother me that she said that, because she is obviously an idiot....what gets me, is WHY? She's what, barely old enough to drink, yet she acts like she has some insight into us "fans", you know, us lowly common folk....she's so special...
so stupid, some people should just STFU.

Hannah said...

I think for alot of Twilight fans her statement is true.
Although she's kinda colouring us all with the same crayon. There are plenty of us that know there is a difference between the actor and the character.
I dont believe Edward is typically perfect either. He has his flaws too.
But I am much more interested in Rob as a person, his views and comments and why he chooses the roles he does.
And of course the fact that he is far hotter as himself than as Edward!

kchambers77 said...

the only reason I watched twilight was because I saw all his interviews and laughed and sighed and awww'd at his quirks and fears.

rob is worth 10 edwards in my book. the psychos can have the over bearing stalker with man juice that can cause another hiroshima nagasaki incident in my womb. I'll take the sweet goofy brit with the nice butt dimples. :)

kchambers77 said...

p.s. I knew who he was from harry potter and I read the twiseries. I just don't care that much really. does that make any sense?

nextstopsf said...

Rob brought me to Twilight- I had refused to read it- then I read an interview of his and thought 'what the hell' and read all four books in about 2 weeks (would have done it faster if I had not had children to raise and job etc - lmao!)and loved the books (having read the set several times now) but was way more interested in Rob as Rob! NOT as Edward. I am a big girl and know WTF fiction is!
I agree with Kespax...only time and the success of Rob's other movies will prove who we are here for! Frankly I can't wait to get through the Twilight Movies so that maybe the fangirls will fade away!!! LOL!*crossing fingers*

daydreambeliever said...

Let's give the litle perkster some credit she did say girls and I wouldn't consider myself a girl at *cough* 39 *cough*. So, she may have a point. I think a lot of us discovered Rob through Twilight. I personally discovered Edward first because anything vampire attracts my attention, hello Buffy fan for life, and I am one of those people that have to read the book then see the movie. I read the book and thought to myself godamn, this kid has game. Then I looked over at the BF reading it for the second time around thinking "How did I end up with this guy?". Then I thought about the fact that a women wrote the series so of course he's a fantasy, but thanks Smeyer, Edward was needed. Anyhow, went to see the movie and this guy was unbelieveable. I had convinced myself that something that beautiful had to be CGI. Then I started seeing photos and interviews and I literally got on my knees and that God for his glorious creation, really out did yourself on this one *wink to sky*. Halleluah, after that I was like Edward who? It is all Roblove in this woman. RobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRob, one more time for the cheap seats and airheads Rob!*eyes roll back in head and throwing hands up* Rob! Sorry, having a Friends flashback. Does anybody else think that they would have been willing to get arrested by corrupting the HP Rob? Because I would be in my jail cell now 4 years later, still wearing a smile on my face and thinking it was so worth it!

daydreambeliever said...
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kkattita said...

I believe that the vast majority can differentiate between fiction and reality. I am 1000% with rob, I saw him in Twilight and I loved it and then began to see their interviews on youtube (thanks to exist *) and a girl said in a previous comment, I too have a HUGE celebrity crush on rob! (sorry if this poorly written commentary uses a translator)

SeamusDuncan said...

To Haystackhair:
Love Rob even more, would watch him read the phone book.

close my eyes, think of lying in bed next to him while he reads the phone book to me. Softly, slowly,... with kisses between each name....

Yup - I could really go there. Any time, any day, all day and night. *thud*

TwiHartRK said...

LMAO Goz @ "Petite Cheerleader"
Don't you understand that Hayden is so much MORE than just her character? People love her for her diverse talent, intelligence and self-deprecating sense of humor. I can tell she is an old soul. Ya, I'm like, totally serious.

Barb - I love your story. Rob's commentary was the best part of the Twi DVD.

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