Fandango Video

Thanks to RP for Dummies and Kim for the tip


AW said...

So did what did Rob do behind Kristen's back at 0.18? He looks like he enjoyed the joke!

Haystackhair said...

Hmmm, they do look like they keep looking at each other alot. Hmmm. LOL

Anonymous said...

is anywhere going to be getting the clips from the comic-con. the movie clips?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Please, stop the speculating!

I've been soooo missing hearing Rob speak...thanks for posting this!

I think Rob's hair looks too short in front...we need length, baby!

heather said...

I love their chemistry. There was definitely something weird with them at the last part of the EW video. I thought he was going to really explode when he said "shutup". LOL

Temptation said...

How pissed did Kristen look when they asked her about the Chemistry of the screen. After watching all 3 video's her fidgiting was driving me crazy, god she is so nervous. I loved it the questions were great and clarified a few things about New Moon fo us die hard fans. Taylor and Kristen did touch each other a lot, didn't they....

...wowie! said...

This sooo rocks!

I don't like the dude asking about off-screen chemistry. "Are you seriously asking that?" Dude...foreal. I woulda loved to see her go beast mode. lol Cute how Rob just laughed. Odd that Taylor just sat there. Hm...

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

I was so pleased to see how thing unfolded today, with lots of silliness and smiles. Glad that the madness of the RM shoot is done, and Rob can get back to the business of being himself.

...wowie! said...

ChiGirl...I agree...we need length. Oh're talking hair. hahaha No, but seriously, I agree. I like it longer. Like Rome longer. ya kno?

RPnKSaddict said...

Just watched the EW interview twice. I loved how Rob kept telling Kristen to "shut up". lol
That was a great interview!

Lucerne said...

Thanks for the videos and pictures.

Do not know if this has been posted, but found this cute E! online backstage interview with Rob, Kristine., Ashley and Taylor from Comic Con.

Rob was adorable.,,20213067_20214927,00.html?bcpid=27761062001&bclid=30413172001&bctid=30509199001

Dazzle said...

Sorta looks like there's somthing goin on between Rob and Kristen...she just gushes at him..and the "looks" and smiles back and they are hot to get to a hotel room...and fast!

RobaliciousLover said...

i read a summery of the clips & got so mad. i beat up a pillow for 10 mins. bella cannot say wolfie is beautiful. only Edward. hmph! but did you note how when they asked about Robsten they didn't say no? they AVOIDED it. hmmmmmmmm..........

Anonymous said...

finally saw the EW video everyone keeps talking about. gotta say, flustered Rob....cute! as always.

that shut up was epic.

Marna said...

Thanks for the video link Lucerne, I really liked the interview especially the bonus Rob part.

Unknown said...

Actually, neither of them seemed upset when asked the chemistry question. I think the way she answered was misunderstood... I loved listening to all of them. They are great young actors... I really can't wait for the next movies to come out.

Rominiwi said...

Bonus Rob part is brilliant!
I love when he says he can't concentrate anymore... he was so inspired and KStew started talking... xD

Dazzle said...

I can't get the EW interview, it says it's not available...does anyone know where I can find it?
Ya, they look like they might have something goin those two....hmmmmm
(Rob and K)

AW said...

I wasn't speculating - just enjoying the moment between two good friends - co-stars. I truly fear the pappy crap about 'off screen chemistry' will end up destroying the on-screen chemistry between them. They're professional enough to do their jobs well but that heat was part of what made "Twilight" the movie fly, even if it couldn't encapsulate the book. Paraphrasing Rachelle - because the movies will be with us "FOREVAH!"

Rominiwi said...

Lucerne posted it before:,,20213067_20214927,00.html?bcpid=27761062001&bclid=30413172001&bctid=30509199001

Is it me, or in the 'Bonus Rob part'he made some 'Daniel' gestures?

marie said...

When asked if there is anything off screen notice rob starting to say ahh that's a personal....... I hope he got to finish his answer.

Why is he turning red all the time?????

Hmmmm there must be something going on...

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...



this is the happy one with ROB AND KRISTEN, laughing and joking...

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

sorry its entertainment weekly...

marie said...

rob also cut his hair to support kristen....

Mochachino said...

Rob continues to impress and showed up with the most intelligent and articulate answers of the bunch, with wit still intact :)

Can't wait to see the panel videos!

As an aside, if you find the PEOPLE mag cover this week to be insulting, please DON'T BUY it!

RPnKSaddict said...

Robaliciouslover- It's alright. Bella does tell Jacob he's sort of beautiful in the book too.But it's a different kind of beauty from Edward. It's more a realization for Bella about her best friend.
Edward will always be her angel and saving grace.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

please stop speculating?


speculation is half the fun...
really, inquiring minds think for themselves....
you get that right?

Cindeeloo said...

Ok so I'm arriving here a lil late and trying to catch up. So from what I'm understanding there are NO VIDEOS of the panel or clips of NM anywhere????????? WHY??????? I was SOOOO looking forward to this.

@Lucerne....That video was so effin cute. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
I love how everytime Rob mentions the Love between Edward and Bella she puts her head down and tries to find a distraction (ie Ashleys ring) I love how Rob is so comfortable and himself with the cast...And by the way Rob Chemistry/Annimosity...same thing?

And since it's my first time posting...THANK YOU KATE AND DANI...xo

Anonymous said...

LOVE to see this stuff...thanks for posting. Will watch again and again. SO NICE to see Rob smiling and joking! LOVE YOU ROB!!!!!!
love to all.....

Anonymous said...

In Part 1 of the video, at around 5:46. Kristin indicates to Robert that he needs to wipe his nose. Take a close look. She looks at him, sniffs and then wipes her nose quickly, to "tell" him to do the same. She saw that he probably had something on the end of his nose etc. And he promptly does it.
Its cute. You can tell there's a good friendship there. ;o)

Anonymous said...

EW Rob- Best interview ever!
Loved the Bonus! Kristen's being rude while Rob is trying to speak. They're all tired and jittery but please--- give each other a break!

Aitch said...

thanks for posting this. Rob is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Rob comes off older/more mature? Then the others I think. Kristen, Ashley and Taylor fidget like teenagers and act sillier. I watched Twilight with the commentary last night again, and noted how many times Kristen said "Rob almost punched me in the face 6 times during this scene." So ya..animosity...but then again, hate/anger is not the opposite of love, indifference is..there is no indifference there, that's for sure.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

yeah, i think ROB AND KRISTEN, play
like that. they tease each other... the whole 'animosity thing' was not serious.
ROB IS TOO TASTEFUL TO INSULT A PERSON IN PUBLIC, therefore, i believe he was playing/flirting, and the same with KRISTEN.

enjoykim said...

@ Lucerne,thank you soooo much for posting the link,loved it!!!

Well,maybe I´m the only one,but I can´t see any love/sexual chemistry...(wishful thinking?!;-)dunno).All three looked like just good friends,lil bit kidding around,tired,hoping they´ll survive the mayhem...And I don´t think Robsten keep looking at each other the whole time,it´s just the angle...they´re looking at Taylor most of the time...
BTW,Taylor tried hard.He did a good job...Kristen,well,it´s Kristen,its straining to listen to her...
Rob was adorable as always...tired,but he seems to be more mature and serious...or just tired ;-)

Babs said...

I watched the EW video and I understand that it must be boring and stressing for them doing dozens of interviews but geez KS acts like a child! Rob always tries to give articulate and mature answers, he's very polite while KS looked kinda rude to me. This is part of their job so suck it up!

enjoykim said...

@ babs

That´s exactly what I mean!!

enjoykim said...
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enjoykim said...

Oh,dunno if this has been posted yet,it´s the panel with the fans:
just screaming...
earplugs ladies!!!
New Moon scene Bella+Jacob
New Moon scene Bella+Alice

Cuccicella said...
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enjoykim said...
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Cuccicella said...

Hi ladies,
There are some NM panel interviews on YouTube 6 parts (not movie clip)..

On Part 5 video - When a person asked the cast "what are they looking forward for next movie?" You can see Kristen answered "Can't hardly wait to actually pregnant" (lots of laughing) and Rob (laughing and smiling) said after her that "do cesarean (C-section),can't hardly wait!!"


Look at their faces when they said it..wowww..

(At the beginning of the video)

disclaimer: I did not made this video I found it on youtube

Cuccicella said...

Oh Kate found a better quality videos ...
Thanks Kate!

Babs said...

It's interesting how KS and Taylor look up at Rob when they're asked a question, you can definitely see that he's older, he thinks his answers through.
Taylor is a cute kid. Sorry but I can't stand KS attitude, she can't articulate a coherent sentence sometimes.

Dilia said...

in the video of the press conference when they are asked about the whole off screen chemistry rob laughs and says very little...ive seen all the videos so far and really i just see a really close group of friends, no Robsten anything, just people who are really good friends and have fun around each other.

noisefaidaus said...

Loved it, loved it, there is a lot more going on between Rob and Kristen than they would like us to think. Look at the eye contact, and when they were taking pictures how she would lean into Rob and away from Taylor and Rob would put his arm around her back.

Kelly said...

I loved this strickly because there was no screaming... love to hear what they have to say... still.. nothing changes.. I ADORE HIM... :)

marie said...

hey they didn't say no to the off screen question. Kristen: Are you kidding me....Rob: That's aaaa per.....

albaville said...

@ usual I totally agree with u about everything...
i cant stand kris attitude and she seems a ritarded..not able to answer in a normal way to 1 question, the look is orrible..
Rob is sweet, nice, kind and funny as usual..I REALLY LOVE HIS SMILE!!
HIS HAIR are so cute, his answers so when he's in the street he looks down more often <3
so this guy..2 weeks off..enjoy them Rob, relax, drink,smoke and chill...

GOROB said...

You can see when they are standing there taking pictures Rob does something to Kristen! I think he probably had his hand somewhere on her butt and gave her a grope! You can see her turn and give a look like what are you doing and he tries to hide a devilish smile!LOL

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