EW Shooting Stars Comic-Con Portraits



maha said...

wow so wonderful thanks for the pictures

Anonymous said...

ashley looks so beautiful.

Yvonne said...

Dani, LOL at your label :) I think it's the Joan Jett hair that is making it hard for KStew :) However, her eyes are beautiful :)

Ashley is hot. And Rob's perfection as usual. I need a thesaurus to come up with better adjectives for this man :)

Even TayTay looks cute....

monika said...

ok Megan we get it,now get in line lol


TheCheshireCat said...

I like those pics! I thought the one of Rachelle holding the Rob pillow (on the EW site) was cute too!

Anonymous said...

LOVELY pictures. They are all so gorgeous. JEESH to be that young and full of piss is an amazing and powerful bunch of energy. LOVE IT!

I love how one is serious and the other smiling. Very cool idea. I bet that was Rob's idea.

Ashley has the best legs. I WANT THOSE SHOES!!!!
hehehhehehhehehheheh Those are sex shoes for sure. LOL (shout out to the girls at "RANDOM ACTS OF ROB)....hahhahhahahah. We'll get ROB to leave the sex boots on and we'll each borrow Ashley's shoes and WOOO WEEEEE wouldn't THAT BE FUN???
OH I'm sorry....wrong blog. LOL Sorry....Rob has me SO HAPPY I can't contain myself. SO GLAD TO SEE OUR HAPPY ROB AGAIN. I AM UTTERLY ECSTATIC AND EUPHORIC!!!!!! :)))))))))))


kchambers77 said...

i think she looks cute. i would love to be that tiny. that's how she can pull it off. i think she would look like she was trying too hard with a dress with that joan jett hair. is she still filming? ashley green is so gorgeous! and duh about rob. he could show up in a potato sack and still be super dreamsicle.

Ana73 said...

i think they all look great and they all look like themselves not all made up like at the premieres. they look comfortable.

alot of sites are talking shit about KS but i think she is great and dont care what anyone thinks and she is just herself. i also think that she brought a little of joan jett with her since she is still filming the movie.

rob is always great. but taylor looked the most comfortable up there, he knows what to say to get the fans excited. just my opinion.

haven't seen any pics of rob since yesterday, has anyone else???

Rhonda said...

The one with the bloack background is just stunning. All their eyes are just amazing. Kristen really could've changed from her Runaway set clothes. But Ashley is a total babe.

AnnaD said...

Yeah, i've had a girl crush on Ashley for awhile. I want to be her BFF. Just sayin'...

And the thing about Kristen...SHE NEVER STOPS MOVING. I noticed it in the interview from E! She was saying really great, well thoughtout things, but it was really hard to listen to her with her MOVING THE WHOLE TIME. It was very distracting.

And yeah...can we get Rob in a potato sack?? Please?? I want to see it just 'cause...

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I cannot say how thrilled I am to have regular, normal Rob back in town. The pics and vids are great.

Ashley looks fab, so much better than the hair/dress she had for the MTV awards.

I am getting so pumped for "New Moon."

Jaime said...

Is it just me or are the jeans Robs wearing from his Remember Me wardrobe? I'm pretty sure he's wearing them in the pics from the carnival scene. Love it.

Jaime said...

Also normally I don't have a problem with Kristen and actually really liked her in Into the While. but her hair, even tho I know its for a movie, makes me really angry and kind of hate her. I don't know why I just really really hate that haircut and literally she pisses me off now mostly because of that. There's just something about that hideous cut that makes me hate her. Ok sorry done ranting now.

Suz said...

Rob in his DMs WIN, Happy Smiles, WIN, Blushing, WIN. Same Rob.


KSTEW not her best day.

Anonymous said...

At "randon acts of rob" we were talking about his pants and (uh huh huh huh everything else)...but WE think those were the ROME pants. But you got me thinking maybe they are RM pants.

We all LOVE the sex boots. We were sending him ESP thoughts to wear them. LOL
Thanks for wearing the sex boots Rob.

Love you Kate for all the work you did.
Hope GOZ is having fun on her vacation.
There is a topless beach in Nassau called cabbage beach. Not sure if it's still there, but it's fun.
Hope she HIT IT. LOL

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

jaime said:

"I don't know why I just really really hate that haircut and literally she pisses me off now mostly because of that. There's just something about that hideous cut that makes me hate her. Ok sorry done ranting now."


they have doctors for that... :)

Sara Tavares said...

Taylor is the younger and the one who deals with press and fans better than anyone else in the crew.

annabella said...

kristine is taken her Joan caracter too seriosly.She needs to be herself AGAIN!!! and that not only include her hair ...

annabella said...

kristine is taken her Joan caracter too seriosly.She needs to be herself AGAIN!!! and that not only include her hair ...

Pet73 said...

Girls, I think you are all right. Kristen already previously "practiced" her piss off face. But this time, I think it's too much. Maybe that's hard to do, but she should leave the Joan Jett attitude behind and (which IMO would have been easier with different clothes) and try to make the best of this whole CoCon event. Everybody else of the cast (including Rob) seems to have fun with it. Maybe she could have given it a try, too?

Temptation said...

Pet73 I agree with you and my other Robsessed girls, Kristen didn't make a real effort, now before all you Kristen lovers attack me you have to admit that out of all of the cast members she looked fairly average. It's almost like she is uncomfortable in her skin, yes I know she is young and shy perhaps an introvert but the knotted TShirt look, plllleeease. Even Joan Jett used to scrub up better.... It looked like great fun a bunch of friends getting together, I hope they go to have a few drinks after and relax.

phosphorus said...

Perhaps she had reasons for dressing down like that, wearing a t-shirt that doesn't suit her. And perhaps she isn't too happy with the hair cut and colour herself.

Anna said...

I would normally give my two cents about KStew, but I am honestly unable to focus more than one neuron on her right now.

Because the sex boots are back. And they kill me dead.

Anonymous said...

Whatever their hair is, however they dress, this cast has to be the most gorgeous one!

Ashley's so cute, she has such a pretty face. Kristen has so beautiful eyes. Though her hair cut and color are really awful on her (I would never be able to do such things for a role myself and I do admire actors for that), she's very pretty and has a nice body. I agree that it's very difficult and straining to listen to her. Not that she doesn't say insightful things but she stutters and looks so not confident in herself that she can't end any of her sentences and seems to seek help from her costars with her eyes. She's always fidgeting, I know she's very nervous in public and I hope that's not her usual self and is more relaxed and calm in private lol. I like her and I really feel for her, it must be awful to stand and talk in front of people when it's visibly not your thing at all. I can relate.

As far as her clothes are concerned, that's how she usually dresses, she's herself here and I have no problem with that. It's not like it's an award ceremony. Out of the whole cast, she and Robert are the less dressed-up. So they match in that way lol.

keti said...

The pictures are great. Rob looks so Delicious in the first one.
But someone throw a bucket of cold water over KS and tell her too wake the F* up. She has really Pissed me off, Make an effort please. She is apart of the biggest Franchise since Oh I don’t know say Harry Potter – but on a different scale – I mean I was embarrassed watching her answer the questions at comic – con, I’m honestly in two minds about her. I know she is young and might feel a bit uncomfortable with her hair as it is (she might not like it) but hey deal with it. And please find a better T-shirt too wear!!

Ash is SEX on legs she was hot as!!
And Rob always looks good – not matter what the GOD is wearing. It was so good too hear is sexy voice…

Pet73 said...

Keti- I had the same feeling about Kristen after the MTV Awards, when she, Rob and Taylor introduced the NM trailer. I (and I think a million other people) watched the awards only because of Twilight/NM and Kristen was like: "Fuck off, I hate all this stuff". I really got angry with her. Keti, you said it right: Kristen, please make an effort!

I'm too old for this said...

I really like Kristen,but felt the same way when I initially saw the first pics and videos.But after listening to her and thinking back on some of her interviews I think this is a combination of JJ,nerves being tired,and rag mag's F/U.It was reported she worked til late and didn't get to SD til 0130.I watched a very serious interview with her where she talked about letting characters go at the end of finishing a movie how the whole process consumes you.She sure looked intense in the Italy NM clip didn't she?Lastly the print media have been brutal she threw some zingers at them.(didn't one claim she was getting really pretty outfits to win her man back?)So I'm giving her a break.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if how kristen's behaving in interviews is real shyness and nervousness at being in public or a 'I don't care' attitude or anything else. But if that's shyness, I really feel for her. I know for a fact that if that's the case, just being in public is taking a lot and is already making a huge effort. So imagine having to talk and say insightful things as well. No matter how great you are in your domain, no matter how you do know it's an honor to be part of something like that, you can't help being uncomfortable, stutter, loose focus.
And it gets even worse when you think and know that you look awkward and people will mock you (which Kristen seems to know since she said something to that effect at the mtv awards). People who don't get so nervous that they go to pieces in public are very lucky and they'll never imagine how sometimes you can't overcome this, whatever the effort you make.

Robert's very lucky to have lots of fans who support him and love him in his comfortable as well as awkward phases and it has to help get more confident, which I'm happy. I wonder how Kristen's dealing with bad comments about her though.

Now I have NO idea if that is really shyness that makes Kristen look so nervous and fidgety. And I have a hard time imagining how someone shy could become an actor. But if so, I feel bad for the girl.

On the other hand, if she's not shy and just don't care enough, I'll roll my eyes and tell her to make an effort and be appreciative and do her work. She's paid well for that.

But right now, I'm still on the fence, don't know what's going on with her behavior in public, so I'll wait and see... But true, it's really painful to see her talk in public.

Anonymous said...

@'Im too old for this'. I agree about her being tired and also about the rumors the media threw at her which probably took its toll on her. She's obviously very aware of what's being said and didn't like that at all seeing how she had a few digs at them. That most probably didn't help her be comfortable! eek

TwiHartRK said...

I just love these pictures. These people are beautiful and brilliantly cast.
I agree, KStew seemed more uncomfortable than ever and she looked exhausted.
One of the funniest responses at CC came from her: "I can't wait to really get pregnant" - and Rob's response to the same question was WIN. Taylor looked at ease sitting in between them watching the exchange.
CW's assessment that Taylor, is not as prepared and not as confused by the attention as Rob and KStew was spot on. Neither of them are gonna have a hard time getting work in spite of their lack of comfort.
Rob looks more at ease and less awkward than last year but he has not lost an ounce of his adorkable charm!!!

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