Recycling the Old 'Cause I Heart Rachelle Lefevre and It's a Sad Day

Post updated with new information.


WinWin said...

Although I like Bryce, I love Rachelle as Victoria. She is part of the TwiFamily. You just can't break up family. What happened to continiuty. Why couldn't they film her scenes first or later???? So sad. :(

Haystackhair said...

OH NOOOOOOOOOOO. WTF?? I don't want any changes. WAH!

phosphorus said...

Of all the actresses in this franchise, Rachelle is my favourite.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I read this last night, and just don't get it...

the start date has been set for a while, wouldn't someone know if she was available or not? And I agree, you can shoot scenes first or later...but maybe her schedule doesn't match with Robs, and they have a heafty scene together...

At any rate, this is really, really sad.

Anonymous said...

So surprised by this news and I'm very disappointed. I really like Rachelle she's great! Like WinWin said, she's part fo the TwiFamily so WTF happened?

Mommamary said...

Oh, I am so SAD! I heart Rachelle! I am so loyal to the cast members of my favorite franchise. That is just crap! She is a "relatively unknown"? Not to millions of Twilight fans. We don't need Richie Cunninham's baby girl. We need our Rachelle! Rachelle ROCKS! I am so SAD!

Mommamary said...

Hollywood is so fickle!

Maryann said...

I have NEVER heard of Bryce Dallas Howard, apparantly she is Ron Howard's daughter?

I am saddened by this, I got pissed off reading about this, this morning at work. I was SO looking fwd to see Rachelle strut her stuff as Victoria in Eclipse and ESP to the major showdown between Edward and Victoria! I'd love to see how Rob and Rachelle would work together here. Sadly now I will never see this grrr... thanks a LOT Summit. NOT! Also it sure seems a bit late to do this recasting now with Eclipse production only weeks away?? Sheesh... We'll never find out cos well either party here won't say what REALLY is behind the excuse called "scheduling conflicts".

I do wish Rachelle the best in her future projects though and hope her careers continues to soar!

Anonymous said...


On the bright side, Bryce is a very pretty actress and I think would do a great job as Victoria.

Ashley Green has been my favorite amongst the vampire women of the film(s) so losing Rachelle isn't too much of a blow to the franchise.

Losing Alice, Bella or even Esme would upset me more.

Yvonne said...

There is something more to this than scheduling conflicts. It'll all come out eventually.
She was so enthusiastic about Twilight, I'm sure if it were possible at all, she would be doing Eclipse. Doesn't make sense...She is so well known to the series, wow...

As far as casting somneone more well known, not always a good idea...I mean, that is part of what makes Twilight special, and it's characters real. We haven't seen them all in a hundred other movies. Can you imagine if they start casting big name stars? I definately DON'T want to see someone like Angelina Jolie in Breaking Dawn....

Little Red said...

Surprised and disappointed with this news. It's hard to invisage anyone else playing Victoria other than Rachelle! Arg!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMG, can you imagine angelina? Ewwww is all I can say...

Bryce is ok, and a pretty good actress-I'm sure she'll do ok...but it really sucks, and I'm sure the cast is also upset.

Mommamary said...

I bet the other cast members aren't happy about this either. But they are all part of Hollywood and are probably used to seeing this stuff all the time. However, as a paying fan, I am very disappointed. I was also really anticipating how good I believe Rachelle would have been in that fight scene, in controlling Riley, etc. I wonder if Ron Howard is going to be directing BD now and this was part of his deal or something. I am so happy to be getting better quality in the rest of the movies as opposed to the cheesy effects of Twilight, but if all the big names in Hollywood start trying to get a piece of this b/c it is a big money maker, then it could get ruined. What a monster this is becoming. Maybe we are finally getting to realize what Rob and the other cast members have been living through. Maybe we should start protesting. WE WANT RACHELLE! WE WANT RACHELLE!

phosphorus said...

@ Maryann: I hadn't heard of this Dallas-woman either.

I wonder if that replacement has something to do with the new director. Or did Rachelle ask for a pay rise? I can't imagine that the other one comes cheaper.

EllaLove said...

I liked her personality a lot. She was a woman in a cast with so many very young actors. She seemed very grounded and I really like how Rob acted around her in interviews - he spoke more like a grown up and I really enjoyed seeing him act more mature. Am I making any sense here?

albaville said...

I liked her, she seems very nice and into the part of Victoria, is gonna be strange to see someonelse as her...i dont know why they did it..does anybody know?

Moychy said...

So sad she's leaving :s

Yvonne said...

Ella, I agree, Rachelle was more mature, and yes, Rob acted a little more mature as well, when he was around her. I know what you mean :)

rpattzgirl...right? Eeewww

Maryann said...

phosphorus I suspect MONEY is one of the keywords here..who knows. I am sure that we'll never know the true story behind this atleast not while the the saga is under production lol. Maybe 10 years from now some E! True Hollywood story will reveal something...

But yep I wouldn't at all be surprised if money was the key word or one of the key words here...

Anonymous said...

so sad to se here go =[ but this is an amazing career move for her. she gets to work with dustin hoffman. good luck to rachelle!

Mommamary said...

@Ella and Yvonne
I totally agree. I saw that too. I thought, actually, that Rob seemed more relaxed with her like they were more equals than the others. You know what I mean? And I loved her passion for the characters, etc. So now we lose part of our family. I really hate it.

scarlett said...

I am soooooooo disappointed by this!

I absolutely loved Rachelle. Not only was she a talented actress but she seemed like the most lovely and genuine (aside from Rob) cast member.

And Ellalove I completely understand what you mean. My fav Rob joint interviews were with him and Rachelle. I thought that she really brought out the best in him and a side that no-one else has.

Just recently on Rachelle's twitter she had mentioned that she thought the casting for Riley was perfect, so I really can't imagine that she left willingly? I am confused and just really wanted to see her as Victoria in Eclipse and future interviews with her and Rob! Damn Summit... I am sure the rest of the cast will share in our disappointment too.

Okay end of rant....

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

..... NO ONE BELIEVES IT!.....

or i should say, no one believes summits story. its a little to convenient. rachelle was so excited about the third movie. i think the studio had the 'talk' with her, and found a way to dump her...

and i'm just reaching here cause i'm pissed; but ron howard probably 'networked' this for his daughter. everyone has been trying to get a part in this franchise...


scarlett said...

Hey Mommamary, I totally agree with you!

I think that it's become more and more apparent in the recent comic-con interviews (and Japan too) that Rob is a lot more mature than Kristen and Taylor etc... really almost on a different level.

And I think he definitely saw Rachelle as more of his equal. He mentioned on more than one occasion that Rachelle was intelligent and articulate.

It was actually so refreshing to see him with someone I think he respected and that he was able to be relaxed and himself with.

I really don't like this turn of events one bit :((

Cori said...

i´a so sad :-( I can´t belive it...
Rachelle we will miss you!!

@ scarlett
which interview??

Anonymous said...

This really sucks. I liked Rachelle. She's gorgeous, talented, and seemed to be a true professional.

I think Rob liked her a lot too - platonically. During Comic Con last year, when asked what it was like to play a hot, sexy vampire -- he said Rachelle would be the better person to answer.

And during the recent Comic Con screenings, when he was acting like the emcee asking questions of the cast, the person he called to answer was Rachelle.

Feel bad because it seemed like she had great rapport with everyone. I wonder if this was about money or Summit wanted a more "high profile" celebrity to play Victoria.

I barely know of BDH so am not sure if she's more mainstream than Rachelle -- whom the die-hard fans most certainly know already, and will now have to deal with continuity issues.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Not related to this post, but I'm having some Robler withdrawals-big time..

Purely selfish on my part, but I miss him

Pandora said...

BDH as Victoria?

I died and am in heaven. Sorry for all the Rachelle lovers (I like her too) but Im a huge fan of BDH since I saw her in "Lady in the Water" *loves that movie*

But I have to say. If Rob would start dating Rachelle I would run around in circles screaming "alleluja". They look great together.

Rachel {polkadots and puppies} said...

This is B.S.!!! We don't buy your "scheduling conflicts" excuse, Summit!!! I hope that the decision makers get their heads outta their rears and reconsider this awful decision. Rachelle AND Twilight fans deserve better!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Do you think her daddy had anything to do with this?

Celebsessed Blogger said...

This bites...nepotism in action? I hope this isn't just about getting Ron Howard to direct Breaking Dawn.

wanabRPsmom said...

don't hate me;)

what if rachelleF is the robsten triangle? eclipse is too big of a part for her to chose another project. unless the other role offered is MUCH bigger and more money. i would say her manager would fight for her benefits.

anw,..rob always respected and adored he seemed to gravitate to mature, classy intelligent ladies.

ok..i'm done..:)

albaville said...

I read that Ron Haward said to Rob that her daughters were great fans of Twilight during the Oscars and now we find his daughter replacing a cool actress that fit perfectly in the part..I'm so scared that Howard that is powerful in USA is doing this to "push" his daughter and direct Breaking Dawn..that would be awful and he's nothing to do with these kind of films!!

phosphorus said...

@ wannabe: Isn't Rachelle dating the British actor Jamie Thomas King?

Anonymous said...

I guess that I am going to be killed by all of the wonderful girls at Robsessed for saying this but: Rachelle was my favorite in the Twilight Saga. She's gorgeous and seem to have a great personality in interviews. Rob is my favorite out of the guys, but I really HATE Edward and I am not going to go and see Eclipse or Breaking Dawn (I didn't like the Breaking Dawn-book) now because of this.

I'm looking forward to other Rob-movies and keep watching "How to be" and "Little Ashes" until the other movies hit the cinema!

Sorry if my english is bad!

Babs said...

It's really sad because Eclipse is my favorite book and Rachelle is a perfect Victoria. Changing an important character like her right now can be risky too.
I agree with you guys about the way Rob and Rachelle interact, they would make a great couple :)

scarlett said...

Yeah I'd love to see Rob and Rachelle together... I think they'd actually make a great couple and an intelligent mature woman would be really beneficial for him.

And I love that Jamie is from London and shares some similarities with Rob... I think she has good taste in men so it could happen one day ;)!

phosphorus said...

@ wannabe: Here is another pic of Rachelle and Jamie. Doesn't look like a love-triangle.

@ Lovis: Hooray, I am not alone anymore. There is someone else who did not like Breaking Dawn. (I bet Rob did not like it very much either. He already felt a bit uncomfortable while reading Twilight.)

Anonymous said...

@phosphorus: YAY! I agree, all of my friends seem to think that Breaking Dawn is the best book but I just don't like it.

I really love Rob but I think he can do so much better than Edward. And he will! Long live Rob and his acting career!

Anonymous said...

This is dumb...wish I was savy enough to start a campaign and tell Summit we have to have her. It will change the feel of the story, we'll have to constantly remind ourselves who the red-headed chick is...oh ya, it's Victoria. Very STUPID on Summits part.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I can't imagine anyone hating Edward...but I guess people have different opinions.

It took my 2 times to like BD & now I love it...

However; Rob's acting abilities are stunted in the Twilight saga-he's much better than this...

wanabRPsmom said...

ita rpattz!

Two more twi movies for Rob..arrhg!
He needs to MOVE on to adulthood! Those screaming twi teens are annoying!
Not going to the theaters but wait for the dvd's only..

But RM & UnboundC...I'll see at the big screens :))

phosphorus said...

@ Lovis: It definetely needed a better editing than it's got. I'm not so keen on Edward, but then again, I'm not such a Twi-fan either.

By the way, I was the heretic who wished Rob would decline Breaking Dawn. No-one could understand me when I said so here on Robsessed some months ago. It was before he signed on for it. I shall be glad when this franchise is done and we'll get to see him in other roles.

Anonymous said...

@ rpattzgirl: Edward makes me scared, what's attractive with going into someones room while they are sleeping? He seems pretty psycho and I dislike that. But for some reason I liked "Midnight Sun" very much, it was easier to understand him, it made him seem less scary. But still, if I had a guy like that after me I would change identity and move to Australia or something.
I am reading the books again now, and maybe I'll like Breaking Dawn the 2nd time, but I thought it was really nothing special with it. I love New Moon.

phosphorus said...

P.S. And I hope it will be in films that teenagers are not allowed to watch. ;-)

Anonymous said...

@ phosphorus: I think that since he have been i Twilight, he should do all the movies but yes, I very much want to see him in more grown up movies.

I remember when I was 12 or something and they talked about casting someone else for Harry Potter since Dan Radcliffe were going to be too old- I was furious. Switching cast is not good in series (is that the right word?) and this is what is wrong with switching Lefevre too.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO! I get what you're saying...

but if it were Rob sneaking in my room, yeah, I'd be ok with that!

phosphorus said...

I'm worse, Lovis. I did not want Breaking Dawn to be filmed at all but left to people's imagination.

I only started reading the books because I had seen interviews with him and loved them. Then I read Midnight Sun and found it amusing: a vampire almost bored to death. Liked the idea.

phosphorus said...

@ rpattzgirl: You'd probably have a heart attach before you'd realize it was him.

phosphorus said...

heart attack!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Probably...but what a way to go! He could give me mouth to mouth.

phosphorus said...

Hate to tell you but that does not help when you have a heart attack. :-)

Loisada said...

This is a big wrong-way warning sign for me. I don't like the direction Summit seems to be heading with the movies. I realized once Twilight became a box office hit the studio would start inching the films towards the standardized Hollywood franchise (Burger King crowns, do they think the core audience is 8 years old?!?!). I have nevertheless been holding out hope they'd keep a bit of an edge. I groaned when I heard the sappy music used in the clips presented at Comic Con. Have they thrown the entire offbeat indie vibe out the window?! I don't like all the musicians Hardwicke included in the soundtrack, but she created an offbeat mood and driving energy that made Twilight pulse. And Rachelle was another "imperfect" (in Hollywood terms) woman who throbbed with life and gave the film some real kick. If things keep going in this direction, and the franchise goes full-on Hollywood, the last films could be cringe-worthy. On a good note, Slade is not a bland paint-by-numbers director. But he and Rachelle would have kicked ass together!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Dammit to hell!

SarahBella said...

What?!?! Of all the characters to recast, I can't believe they're doing this to Rachelle. She seemed to be the coolest and most down to earth actress out of all of them. Very underrated despite her beauty. Not only that, but she seems like a genuinely sweet person who was loyal to the franchise and adored by both the cast and the fans. I agree that her and Rob had a very comfortable vibe between them that was unparalleled in his interviews with other cast members.

To be honest, they should have recast for the part of Rosalie. I'm sorry, but Nikki has NEVER been right for that part. She doesn't meet any of the physical characteristics of the Rosalie described in the books. And it's clear that she there's some tension now between her and the rest of the cast. If Ron Howard wants to hook his daughter up with a role, then hook her up with the role of Rosalie. It would almost be appropriate....since Nikki got the role due to her connections with a director as well.

Anonymous said...

@ rpattzgirl: Rob is on a whole other level!

Ha ha "He could give me mouth to mouth"

@ phosphorus: I disliked Rob because of Edward until I saw a interview with him. I even wrote a essay about how ugly I thought he was. But oh, so charming! I spent the whole Christmas watching him on youtube. Now he's my favorite, along with Johnny Depp.

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marna said...

SarahBella, I couldn't agree more. Nikki Reed was NEVER right for Rosalie, if CH wasn't her friend, she would never have gotten the part. It's so stupid, Rosalie is supposed to be the most incredibly gorgeous TALL blond. I've always pictured her as looking like Farrah Fawcett in her prime. Nikki is too short, but mostly, some people are never meant to be a blonde. Nikki Reed is one of them. She makes a terrible blond, & is so much prettier with her real hair color. Why couldn't they replace her? Her part isn't that big, & I can't believe they couldn't find a tall, beautiful blonde in Hollywood for the part.

I don't believe that Rachelle is leaving over a scheduling conflict, it has to be something else. She was one of the most enthusiastic cast members right up until last week. She would have known if there was a schedule problem by then.

Diane said...

Cutting the delightful Rachelle from the cast couldn't be a money-saver for Summit; Bryce's higher profile brings a bigger price tag. The timing of it would imply something major happening pretty suddenly. Maybe someone dropped out of the Dustin Hoffman film & it was too great a career boost to resist. Still, Summit didn't have to release her unless they were getting something huge in return. Bryce can look a lot creepier than RL, but that wouldn't be worth the risk of breaking up such a popular cast. Since I'm a sucker for a happy ending, I'll make one up.

What if RL is offered a part in a much-
anticipated mature movie that could seriously advance her career, but she's happily committed. Then what if Summit, who have been spending more money on the saga than they'd have to (Fanning, Sheen, Bowers) think they have a chance to snag one of the most successful directors in HW for BD? It would be Win for everyone, especially the fans who would actually have a chance of getting a great ending. Even SM said BD was impossible as a movie but if someone with both experience & clout took the helm - I'm just saying . . .

phosphorus said...

Really, Lovis? I didn't think so when I watched the film for the first time. Even with this bouffant hairdo I could tell that in reality this actor got to have a nice shock of hair. And his two songs made me sit up and take notice - I didn't know it was him, singing. Since the film was dubbed I could not hear his lovely voice. But I noticed that his nose can look very sexy when photographed at the right angle.

As you may have noticed by now I tend to make a fool out of myself for men with a nice shock of hair and lovely voices. And yes, I think noses can be quite erotic.

@ A: I can do without the headboards and feathers and all this "sex is too powerful for you little girl you'll only get hurt"-stuff. I'm a grown-up woman, I'm powerful myself.

Anyway, I don't think you'll get to see a lot of that kind of action. Because of the teenage audience and Stephenie Meyer.

Anonymous said...

@ phosphorus: I like his hair when he went home for Christmas when it was chopped off. But I must say that the other look with the messy big hair is nice too- so nice that I colored my own hair brown and stopped washing it for a month just to get some of his sexiness:P

Have you heard Marcus Foster, Bobby Long and Sam Bradley? I think I'm in love with Foster, I took my first paycheck to buy flight tickets, skipped school and went to London to see him. I would kill for his talent. He co-wrote one of the songs.
I'm a nose person too.

But am I not off-topic now and destroy the comment area for everyone?

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
phosphorus said...

Lovis, I cringed when he chopped of his hair. Guess, he had to make a statement because people talked about his hair all the time, saying it was his trademark.

I've heard their music (not live, though). Foster musical arrangements are very good but I'm not so keen on his singing voice. Unfortunately it reminds me a bit of Neil Young whose voice I don't appreciate. Sorry. I like Young's songs a lot more when they are not sung by himself.

I bought one of Bobby Long's songs. And like Rob's voice best.

Now, how do I get back to Rachelle? Oh yeah ... Like you I'd would have loved to see 'the dance' during the fight scene - and the outtakes.

@ A: Weren't you irritated by the image Stephenie Meyer gave to sex in Breaking Dawn? The little girl that has to be protected from the man's lust? The man who has to control and restrain himself all the time because he is the one who knows fuck all about sex and lust?
Oh, come on! As if Edward knew what he was doing. That was his first time, too, just like Bella's. He still was a virgin when he was changed in 1919 (or whenever it was).

phosphorus said...

1918. Sorry. I always forget when the Spanish flu started spreading. It lasted from March 1918 to June 1920.

phosphorus said...

And I bet that Stephenie Meyer forbid Edward to read The Joy of Sex or books by Lonnie Barbach. ;-)
So he was left to reading other people's minds. Well, THAT could have given him some strange ideas if he tuned into the wrong minds. Must have been like watching pornos.

kchambers77 said...

i thought in the book he went on a spill of asking the boys on what to expect and and carlisle gave him pointers as well as jasper.

Sophia Z.86 said...

OH noooo!!! I like Rachelle as Victoria. She is perfect!

Why don't they "blow" disgusting false blonde Nikki??

phosphorus said...

@ kchambers: Yes, he did. Still, he had only theoretical knowledge - like most young people have at the first time they have sex. So he must have been quite nervous, too.

Anonymous said...

@phosphorus: It was "A" who wrote of the dance scene, not me:)

I don't like Marcus Fosters voice so much, it's too light. Like for example, I like Rob's version of "I was broken" more than Marcus version, but Marcus lyrics and the instruments he plays is to die for... .

And I agree on what you are saying to "A" about the sex in Breaking Dawn. But I am disappointed on how extremely good Edward is in bed, I mean; he had never had sex before, can't he at least be bad at something the first time around?!

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Maybe if the fans complain loud enough Summit will change their minds and bring Rachelle back. I really can't believe that they did that!

I also noticed how different Rob acts in interviews with Rachelle compared to them with Kristen. Rachelle is so well spoken!

I agree that Nikki is not what I thought Rosalie looked like. Nikki is a beautiful girl as a brunette but not as a blonde.

Rob has so much potential as an actor. I too can't wait till his other movies come out so that everyone can see that he is a good actor. Twilight was all about restraint and he played it well. Reminds me of Brad Pitts role in Joe Black, he also was criticized for playing so stiff, but he was supposed to play like that since the character that he was playing entered a human body for the first time.

Edward is not all knowing, he just knew that he could kill Bella in the throes of passion if he wasn't careful. Remember her bruises? He may have been a virgin, but since he's able to read minds I'm sure he knew enough in a century to know what to do!!

Just needed to add my 2 cents. :)

Anonymous said...

@ LindaRose: You got a point about that mind reading-thing ;)

Anonymous said...

i will miss Rachelle in Eclipse! i like her

SarahBella said...

@Marna I totally agree. Nikki is a pretty girl as a brunette. But she is laughable and unconvincing as a blonde....or as "one of the most beautiful women in the world". When I'm reading books or fanfic, I envision that Victoria's Secret model Doutzen Krouse as Rosalie. Sorry Nikki...but you're not cutting it boo boo. That's like casting me as as cute, pale little pixie Alice....even though I'm 5'9 and black. Come on.

@Phosphorous and Lovis. ::covering my ears:: I choose not to EVER, ever think of Edward as being anything other than absolutely amazing in bed. He would probably be nervous and cautious at first, in true Edward style....but for as many as decades as he's been a vampire, reading minds, absorbing information, and even reading the minds of his own siblings and knowing of all their "activities" in his own household, I'm preeeetty certain he would pick up on everything he needed to know and then some. ;)

Anonymous said...

Did you see this?

Marna said...

As for Edward's lovemaking skills, I get that he would know a lot because of the mind reading, but I think of it this way. I watched people drive cars for years before I finally drove one myself. It feels a whole bunch different when you're the one in the driver's seat :-). I think once he actually got in, it would be all over pretty quickly. Just like any other little virgin boy.

SarahBella said...

Ahahaha! Okay Marna...good point, good point. But since BD is from Bella's perspective, as a virgin who's just dying to get some action, SHE thought he was amazing. A more experienced girl miiiiight have been less impressed, at least the first time (I still choose to believe he is both amazing in bed AND a quick learner ;), but Bella had no other frame of reference. So to her, amazing he was. And the fact that he was trying not to kill her miiiight have slowed the 17-year old virginal propensity to have a need for speed. Maybe. Hehe.

Marna said...

True, also Bella is very lucky that he was basically an ice pack. It probably made that whole first time thing easier, even though I'm not sure making love to a popsicle is my idea of happiness. :-)

Mommamary said...

I think BD was portraying the sex as being so awesome b/c it was between 2 people very much in love and they gave themselves totally to the love and really knowing each other before they tasted physical love. I personally believe that is the way God intended it to be, the epitome of saying I Love You. Not just lust. And I think that is the way SM was trying to portray it.
On BD, I think it will be a very difficult thing to film, mostly b/c of the baby's rapid development after birth. But I think NOBODY could portray the "burning man" like Rob will. I can totally picture his intensity in body and facial expressions. He will be awesome. But I hope they revise the C-section scene b/c that will be just be gruesome and I can't picture Rob biting into her uterus. Yuk!

phosphorus said...

@ Linda Rose: Since Edward is well-bred he would not "eavesdrop" when people had good sex thoughts. That would make him blush - only that he can't blush, can he? - and tune those people out. He tries to tune out his family as well (otherwise he would not have to ask Carlyle and Jasper what to expect - he'd have known that already). But he did listen to quite a lot of rapists in order to kill them. So he has some eery memories of those rapists' sexual fantasies. Stuff for nightmares, only that he can't sleep anyway. Try to erase this from your memory as a vampire. Don't think he can. Knowing that he killed people haunts him, so he has to remember why he killed them. Because of what they had on their minds.

@ Lovis: Or at least a bit nervous or a bit clueless. Have both of them giggling a bit because of it.

@ A: Of course I'll put up with headboards and feathers to see him act. My point here is: if it was not for Breaking Dawn he could make a different film then. And maybe we would have seen him masturbate, hit a woman, vomit profusely - or play another sex god ;-) - in 2011.

phosphorus said...

@ Marna: LOL!

Haystackhair said...

LindaRose, that was my impression too, Edward was as aroused as Bella but he was so afraid he wouldn't concentrate enough to not hurt or kill her. He was also nervous the first time if I recall. LMAO marna, popsicle. OF course, if the popsicle were attached to Rob...hmmmm. And I'm sure Bella was hot enough finally getting it she didn't even notice. That said, I was totally irritated we didn't get more description, although I had no problem filling in the details. the rest of the book I am luke warm on still, except I love the last few pages when Bella let's Edward into her head. Just my two cents.

Marna said...

This is what Perez Hilton is saying about Rachelle. Of course since it's Perez Hilton, grain of salt.........

We mentioned this morning that fan favorite Rachelle Lefevre had suddenly been recast in the third installment of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Fans have been dismayed, wondering how this could have happened. Many have sighted Rachelle's enthusiasm to conclude her character, villainous Victoria's, story arc in the next film.

Some details have been revealed that could shed some light on the situation, but we're sure it won't make the fans any less angry. Basically, what was mentioned about the scheduling conflicts was true: filming for Eclipse would overlap with the filming of Rachelle's indie project, Barney's Version.

However, reports are saying that the studio, Summit Entertainment, may have intentionally done this in order to recast the red-headed actress with someone cheaper. Rachelle would have received a hefty raise for Eclipse and in order to cut corners (and probably afford Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart), Summit let Rachelle go.

A source reveals that this will not only be a heavy blow for fans, but also for the cast as she has become somewhat of the "mother hen" for her younger cast mates.

"They'd all come and talk to her about everything," says a source. "She knew all the drama on and off set. And she is one of the easiest people there to deal with. She never complains, does whatever anyone asks, and she has a good head on her shoulders."

Hollywood is a dirty business!

scarlett said...

Okay everyone finally some official news, and this time I am really angry at Summit!!!!!! GRRRRR

The following are two tweets from Rachelle's official twitter that include her statement from access hollywood.

I cannot believe how Summit has acted towards someone that was so loyal to twilight and the fans.

Looks like they just wanted a bigger name, and found an excuse to dump Rachelle... Not happy!!!!

"Thank you for all your support!! I love you guys. My full statement is available for viewing at www.accesshollywood.comabout 3 hours ago from web"

"I am so touched by all your responses and feel incredibly blessed to have fans like you. From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU.about 1 hour ago from web"

I am soooo sad over this :(((

scarlett said...
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