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Haystackhair said...

your doing great Kate! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow....Kristen looks freaking doped out of her mind and the Joan Jett look although gorgous, isn't helping! Taylor looks like he's 15 again with that hair cut...not becoming although it makes me want to squeeze his cheeks...(face cheeks!)

ASS cheek squeezes I save for Rob!! Mmm...num num num!!

Anonymous said...

More photos at:

Julie said...

Poor guy looks exhausted.

Julie said...

I agree PattinsonForever. She looks horrible.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

do we have a working live feed yet?

Kelly said...

Pic #2.. all I could think was

"O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I
might touch that cheek!"


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