Little Ashes Luis and Salvador (Robert Pattinson)


keely said...

I know I have said that before and I hope you´re not bothering if I do it again but I so can not wait to see that film!

Ellie said...

You and me both, Keely! I think Rob's performance is going to blow the critics away!

keely said...

You are so right, Ellie, he will!!! I hope I don´t have to wait forever ´till I can see. There is still no signs about being able to see HTB over here.

Lynn said...

Oh my goodness, could you imagine being in the prescence of such greatness? Rob is just androgynously sexy (is that even right) and to see him with Javier Beltran will be even sexier.

Anonymous said...

I am so looking forward to this film - Rob's performance looks like it is going to be outstanding. Every time I see him he just gets better and better.

Jewels64 said...

I cannot wait to see this movie!

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