Official "Let Me Sign" Lyrics

Bobby Long and Marcus Foster who cowrote (let me sign) have posted the lyrics to the song. Now we finally know what Rob is mumbling about.

"She was standing there by the broken treeHer hands were all twisted she was pointing at meI was damned by the light coming out of her eyesShe spoke with a voice that disrupted the skyShe said ‘ Come on over to the bitter shade,I will wrap you in my arms and you’ll know you’ve been saved’Let me sign, let me sign, can’t fight the devil so just let me sign.

I was out for a drink in a soho barThe air was smoked out liked a cheap cigarShe rose out of her seat like a painted ghostShe was the woman that I wanted the mostAs she reached for my arm I gave her my handI said ‘Lay me down easy let me understand’Let me sign, let sign, can’t fight the devil so just let me sign.

As I walked through the door she was still in my headAs I entered the room she was laid there in bedShe reached out for me all twisted in blackI was on my way down, never coming backlet me sign, let me sign, can’t fight the devil so just let me sign.let me sign, let me sign, can’t fight the devil so just let me sign"

Take a closer look at the talented musicians Marcus and Bobby at their myspace pages.
HERE for Marcus Foster, and HERE for Bobby Long.

Thanks to Spunk-Ransom for the info.


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DirtyD said...

Jov- I just was re-reading the comments and just saw your question about seven pounds. I watched it on my computer so the only person who saw me crying like a baby was my husband.

Jewels64 said...

....and me! (forgot that a little excited!)

Rose said...

Hi Dani:)

Ellie said...

Hello, Mona!
And I totally missed that Dani story...what happened?

Jewels64 said...

Hi Dani!

Melissa said...

I want to see Seven Pounds??? Worth it?? Oprah says it is and anything she says has to be true, right???

Jewels64 said...

Oops! Sorry Mona, I didn't mean to forget you my lovely!

Rose said...

I missed it too....

bella's mom said...

Hay dialed 911 and hung up.. then the cops came to check it out.

Rose said...

And since I fucking live could I possibly miss anything?

DirtyD said...

Melissa- It was the best Will Smith movie to date in my opinion.

Hey Dani :)

Jewels64 said...

Melissa not true about Oprah...she passed on the Twilight publicity!

Not happy with her for that one!

Ellie said...

Oh, no,how did Dani handle that?

Melissa said...

I know, we all are living here tonight...hubby wants to watch a movie but I said "Nah, thats ok."

DirtyD said...

Ha ha, that so funny. That sounds like something my son would do too!

bella's mom said...

laughingly! The only way our Dani would.. lol

Kat said...

OK... I'm going to go capture some unicorns before sleepy time. Wide Awake and fanfic in general really should have a "Thank You My Wife Is Always Horny Because of You" award that husbands can vote on...

Night all, don't fight over the naughty room all night. Olive Juice and cookie/smokey/beer smelly hair to you all.

Ellie said...

rose, how the fuck did you miss out on the naughty room? You are so naughty ALL the time! I have been remiss (huh?).

Jewels64 said...

Wait until Rob becomes hot enough for "her" and I hope he says "NO THANKS, I DID TYRA!"

Ewwww.....did I just type those last four words? MORE VODKA TO RINSE THE NASTY TASTE OUT OF MY MOUTH!

Melissa said...

Thanks, Dana, I will have to check it out soon...Oh and Jules, I totally agree about Oprah. She just likes to "think" she knows everything about everything...but she did NO Twilight stuff now did she....hmmmmmm

bella's mom said...

Nite Kat! huggles and hornycorns to you baby!!

eternaltwilight said...

Lolz, was he drunk when he sang this song? The lyrics barely match up, the only part that does is "let me sign". But regardless, i love how his voice rolls across his throat and tongue in this song so i forgive him.

you ladies crack me up, how's everyone tonight?

DirtyD said...

Night Kat!

Ellie said...

Nite-nite, Kat..olive juice, baby!xoxo

Rose said...

Night Kat. Bullshit pictures.

Ellie...How could you forget me?

Sabrizzle said...

I think Oprah is kicking herself for passing on that interview. She would have had record ratings for that episode, I'm sure.

Jewels64 said...

Nite Kat! Olive Juice...I'll be checking in with everyone periodically tomorrow.


Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Kathryn!

Rose said...

LOLOLOL Jules!!! I cannot stand Tyra, either.
"Look at me. It's all about ME"

Melissa said...

Nite, Kat...I'm still looking forward to that avatar some day, woman...LOL Have a good night...dream about the naughty room....

Ellie said...

Rose, will you ever forgive me? I must have eaten too many fucking delicious cookies...

DirtyD said...

"I DID TYRA"!?!?!

No way Jules, he is going to be saying "I DID DANA"--yep that's right girls we be doing the horizontal dance :P

Ellie said...

Jules, will you be at the hospital all day?

Sabrizzle said...

OMG, I had a dream with Tyra in it along with burning planes Saturday night, before I had to fly Sunday morning. Fucking scary shit!

Melissa said...

True that about Oprah. She probably thought it was just some low budget nonsense movie..little did she know...Oh, and I think Tyra looks like a man...occasionally she has good topics on her Rob...just

Jewels64 said...

Ah yes...the dance with no pants....

Rose said...

Well, I do many women to naughty room.

Jewels64 said...

Sabrina that was a fucking bullshit nightmare!

DirtyD said...

Sabrina- was Tyra on one of the burning planes! LMAO

Jules- any dance with Rob should be minus pants.

Jewels64 said...

Els...pretty much. I'll be checking e-mails, Robsessed, and facebook by phone though....

Melissa said...

Dana, will this be taking place in the naughty room??? hahaha

Sabrizzle said...

Yes it was Jules! I told my mom about the Tyra part and she was like "ewww, creepy!"

Jewels64 said...

Just as long as he doesn't do the "PIANO MAN" that Kim sent us....

Rose said...

I'm glad fucking Oprah didn't get Twilight now. They don't need no fucking Oprah.

Ellie said...

Crap, you really DID call...but damn it, you didn't leave a fucking message.

You bitch.


Jewels64 said...


Melissa said...

Oprah might be kicking her self in the ass right about now....

DirtyD said...

Melissa- The first dance will be in the privacy of his dirty apartment...a fuck it there will be no privacy...TomStu will probably be watching from the corner. But the second dance will most definately take place in the naughty room. I may even let you girls cut in...

Sabrizzle said...

No Dana, she was after the burning planes. After the burning planes I was on a ship that had a leak and everybody was trying to find the leak. Tyra tried to trick us and throw us down a trap door!

Jewels64 said...

Some of us bitches have manners you know!

(I typed that with my pinkie stuck up in the air!)

Sabrizzle said...

That was one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had.

Ellie said...

Hell, forget Piano man, Rob could do a whole pipe organ! lol

and Jules, honey, you know I'm Robsessed. I can't fucking help it. I need, I need rob!

DirtyD said...

Sabrina- were you drinking that night?!?!? Those are some fucked up dreams!

Jewels64 said...

Sabrina....your dream was just a major psychological hot mess.....

Jewels64 said...

Dana, quit reading my fucking mind!

DirtyD said...

Jules- Dirty minds think alike!

Sabrizzle said...

No, I was completely sober. I think it was because I was channeling Rob's anxiety about flying. Waking up at 5am to get on a plane after that was not pleasant.

Ellie said...

Maybe I'l get to fucking sleep earlier tomorrow night.

Yeah, right.

You bitch.

(no pinkies were lifted for this message).

Love you lots,
fucking Ellie
fucking xoxo

Sabrizzle said...

And then when I got to the airport there was a car on fire on the ramp to the departure deck. It scared the shit out of me. Thankfully my flight went smoothly.

DirtyD said...

Sabrina- waking up early for planes is the worst! I had to wake up at 5 am to leave when I went to Canada, and when we came home we were up at 6 am!

Amy said...

Hello hello!!

Just stopping in to see whats happening. Thanks for posting the lyrics girls :) I love this song. I wish Rob had of recorded the whole thing, it would have been amazing :$

Ellie said...

Rose, where's your fucking bullshit language? I'm the only one on a fucking roll, here, and the pressure's fucking killing me, here!

DirtyD said...

BRB girls.

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Dana, it sucks. I went to bed at 12:30 so I only got about 4 and 1/2 hours of sleep and it was crappy sleep. Needless to say, I felt like a complete zombie yesterday.

Rose said...

I'm fucking burned out. It's exhausting...fucking all the time.

Sabrizzle said...


That was for you, dearest Ellie.

Ellie said...

ALL the time, Rose? Wow, I am in fucking awe of you...Dark Edward would fucking approve.

Ellie said...

Thanks, Sabrizzzzzzzzzzzz (love how that soundsssssss).

Rose said...

Dark Edward is the fucking bullshit cause of all the fucking.

Ellie said...

True, that.


Jewels64 said...

Right...well bloody fuck all of ya! Piss off then...No, FUCK OFF!

You nasty potty mouthed bitches have just ruined my fucking day. Not that it was anything to fucking crow the fuck about.

Fuck! I just realized I didn't say the word "Fuck" enough in that last fucking sentence! What the fuck is fucking wrong with me? (Fuck! I'm fucking worried!)


Muaahhh! Love, Peace, RPattz and all that fucking shit....

Melissa said...

Dana-LMAO about the dirty apartment...can you even imagine???? Holy shit!!! Well ladies it has been FUN but my computer is having a "moment" so I must be off to bed....!!! Have fun and see everyone tomorrow! Have a great FUCKING night!!! Stay out of the naughty room...Rob and I will be in there all night...hehehehe

Rose said...

I miss dark Edward. Where the fuck is he?

Rose said...

Fucking slaying me, Jules. No bullshit.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and schmexy fucking Rob dreams Jules and Melissa! Fucking Muahhhhh!

Jewels64 said...

Rose...just wait! It's a different darkness in my story...but...just wait....

Ellie said...

Jules amd Rose: just .... fuck.

good night, Melissa!
enjoy the naughty room while you can... Jov's turn at midnight.

Rose said... already know how I feel about your story!!!
(fucking brilliant.)

Sabrizzle said...

What happened to Jov?

Jewels64 said...

Give me enough vodka...Ah fuck the "Field of Dreams" fucking analogy. I'm so fucking tired of that fucking shit.

Really, who the fuck believes that fucking shit? I wanna fucking know right the fuck now!

Hands up in the fucking air! Who believes in that fucking shit?

Really? You people fucking suck. Get the fuck outta here!

Ellie said...

She's prepping herself for the naughty room..remember? Midnight? Fucking duh!

Jewels64 said...

Wow! Did I just become possessed by Joe Pesci?

Ellie said...

ooo, me! Fucking me raised her fucking little, me, MEEEEEEEEEE!

And shit.

(new one for tonight; enjoy.)

Ellie said...

All's forgiven, shit, just kidding. You've been naughty. You know where to go, and it ain't no fucking hell...

Rob, here's another one, love!

Geez, they're dropping in like hitcakes, tonight!

Ellie said...

crap...fucking HOTcakes...

Sabrizzle said...

I'm totally willing to serve my sentence.

Ellie said...

Okay,'s REALLY fucking time for me to go to sleep and dream of my dreamboat. Rob, here I am, lovey! (fucking saccarine talk) :)

Good night, my sweet ones!

Jules, I'm saying my prayers after I get off here...oh, wait, that sounded good. :)

But really, you know. xoxo

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Ellie! Fucking sweet dreams to you! Fucking Muahhhhh!

Rose said...

Fucking Bullshit, Ellie. Good Night.

Jewels64 said...

Time for me to disappear! I have schtuff I need to do...

Hopefully like's hoping they schtuff me!

Night Ladies! I needed the giggles! This is why I love the fuck out of all of ya!

Olive Juice, Rob Kisses, Sexy dreams about our Man wishes and fucking change the sheets when you are done will ya?


Sabrizzle said...

Fucking goodnight Jules! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Rose said...

Night, Jules:) (my thoughts will be with you tomorrow)

I'm off like a dirty shirt. Hopefully Robs!!!

DirtyD said...

Goodnight Ellie and Jules. And goodnight to the rest of you too. I'm off to have sweet Rob as Dark Edward dreams.


DirtyD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Rose! Fucking hugs and kisses!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Dana! I hope you feel better in a jiffy! Fucking sweet dreams!

Kate said...

Are we back to the fucking again??
Damn and I fucking missed it this time!!!
But I'm really sorry I was so fucking busy in the fucking detention room,actually no I'm not sorry :-p

Anonymous said...

you girls are craaazy...
where are you from?

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