"..Even though it doesn’t sound like we’ll be seeing much but Edward Cullen for a while, I believe he is going to have great success as an actor once “Twilight” is over. In reality, Rob is nothing like Edward Cullen. Anyone who has met him or seen him in an interview knows that he is really just a big ball of goofiness and sarcasm. He’s nice to everyone and still doesn’t understand why people like him so much. That’s exactly why I think he is so talented. To be able to change yourself into a completely different mind set takes a very special person, and Rob is definitely one of those people."
Go HERE to read the full article.
This post is dedicated to Stella-D cause she loves that damn bubble brown leather jacket. Muuuuuaaahhh bb...I love you!
I hope Laura interviews him more for mtv during New Moon. I love the awkward interviews. They're always so cute!
She is great at interviewing him. Ihope she gets to do it more too ;-)
I hope she gets to interview Rob more, too. He is always really sarcastic when she interviews him.
Different German interview than the one posted on Wed Jan 14.
Same candles in background. Kristen is also interviewed.
Yummy BBJ action!
Oh, how I miss my Rob :(
More Vanity Fair Outtakes to go GAGA over ;)
I seriously love this shoot. ;)
Rob's always so cute in Laura's interviews. I am so looking forward to any that she conducts with him for NM.
Thanks, Amy; going to check them out right now...brb!
Silly me, I forgot to say hello to you all!!
Oh, yes, hi, Amy!
Haha, just checked out the pics, Amy...there was an animated ad for credit rating scores, with hopping unicorns in it! They're popping up everywhere! Check it out...lol
Thanks, Amy!!
OMG, OMG, the swing picture!!!!!!
I really love how all the mag scans use the Sex Drive premiere pics in their articles about Rob. Those really were amazing premiere photos! He looked extra yummy that night and clearly everyone else agrees since magazines around the globe have been using them so much :P
No prob! And Hiiiii Ellie :)
I know Laura the swing pic is so cute. I love the one with Taylor, Cam, Rob and Kris too. KStew is just wrapped around Rob in that one...lol It's funny.
Amy, yeah, they were some of the yummiest pics ever of Rob. A super sexy look for him. However, Rob wearing a paper sack and his hair in pigtails would be just as sexy...
Hey, is Rob giving Taylor a purple nurple in that one? lol
Hey Ellie and Amy! .Just popped in for a sec...I'm going eat..be back later, though
LMAO Ellie!
I think he is, hahaha
Come back quick, Laura!
Amy, did you read the new chapter in I Love LA?
No I haven't. Is that a fanfic??
Yes, It's a Rob fanfic. He meets a girl in L.A. and then the fun begins... :)
Lots of humor and ver, very hot in places. It's the humor and witty dialogue that hooked me, though. A lot of us have read it. Do you want the link?
Thanks for finding the new pics, Amy!
lol k what is the link...
Amy, here is the link to I Love LA:
Thanks, Sabrina, I was just about to do that. :)
Thanks girls :)
I'm back! Anyone still here?
No problem :)
I finished my Rob vid that I was working on, you can see it on my blog that I just set up.
Hi, Laura, how was dinner??
Coll, I'm checking it out...
Dinner was fabulous!
I'm going check out Sabrina's vid, too...brb
That BBJ in those pictures are FTW!
Hi ladies, I know you all miss me, but calm down on the emails! LOL.
Btw, those Vanity Fair outtakes are genius. Love the one in the swing :)
Hi Stella! I've missed ya babe!
I love the vid, Sabrina!!
LOL at :33
OH HOT DAYUM at 2:48!
I'm glad you liked it Laura! I love the look on his face in the pic at 2:48, it's schmexy.
Sabrina, it's awesome, babe!
You began with my avatar! woohoo!
I'm going to go get dinner, I will be back in a little bit.
Hello, Stella! Haven't chatted with you in a while...missed you!
I'm glad you liked it Ellie! I had to include your avatar at the beginning, it looks like he's guarding the naughty room.
Bye Sabrina!
Yeah, him and me both! hehe
Be back soon-- trying to put a pic of me when I was little on FB, like Jules, Rose, and Trixie...Jules and I were talking abou how that would be fun for everyone to do...
Hey everyone!
Ellie - I was kind of hoping everyone would start to put up baby pics of themselves - thought it would be fun to see!
Look at me! I started something! I NEVER start stuff! LOL!
Hey Trixie!
Yes, you do,; you start trouble! lol
Hi Sabrina, Ellie..
how have you guys been?
I have been going out almost every nite, and well, I dont come here as much.. CAUSE I JUST NEED NEW PICTURES OF THIS MAN :(
Katie's helping me with it when the commercial comes on, during Monk...
We miss him too, Stella. :
Damn it! I'm stalking bumper stickers on FB right now, and I found one with a giant unicorn on it, but I can't send it cause I'm maxed out for the day :(
Trixie~ you are always starting trouble...
Laura, I can search for it...where is it? And did you type in "Unicorn"?
Rose, how the fuck are you, sweetheart?
I added it to my bumper stickers (there's not a limit on ones you add for just yourself), so you can probably find it on my profile.
Hey there Rose!
just popping in very quick to *wave* at everyone.
I miss you Dani and Twinkle.. send me an email!
Hi Ellie, Hi Laura!
Tess my love...love what you wrote on my wall!!!!
Evening ladies...
Hi Kat:)
Rosie-which one?? the first or my response to your reply ;)
Hello Kat!
Hello sab... I'm trying to load your vid to watch..
The response to my reply, Tess...it made me giggle and my husband made a face at me.
Those men of ours! my sweet man noticed a small pic of Rob I had attached to an email to a friend of mine and he was like "Who's that?" I told him, and he rolls his eyes.. ;)
Hi, Kat and Tess!
laura, I'll check out the bumper stickers in a bit and pass it around...
Rose, where did you find today;'s pic on your blog...I haven't seen it before.. It's sigh-worthy...duh!
what?? rushes over to see new Rob pic..
Ellie~ I don't remember...I just am always copying pictures of him...so I get confused where they come from after awhile.
GAAAH! My computer is flipping out again...
Hi Tess and Kat!!
I swear one of these days I'm going to take a hammer to this laptop and tell my husband that I "dropped" it.
I think that pic is from around the time of GOF.
Bye sweet ladies.. I'm going to go catch up on my reading. I'm almost finished with all of Jules masterpiece. Then I'm still only on C.10 of WA. Have not even started I Love LA..
Talk you all later. kisses
Have fun, Tess!
bye Tess:)
Olive, juice, Yessy Tessy!
Laura, going to FB now to get the sticker...
Okay, I'm back.
Ok, Ellie. Let me know if you can't find it. Thanks!
Hey Sabrina!
Hey Laura, I love the bumper stickers you've been sending out!
Thanks, Sabrina! I've been getting a little obsessed with them...
I keep finding good ones, but they always cut me off!! I started saving them on my profile so I could send them later..I found a unicorn one that Ellie's trying to send it for me cause I'm over my limit!
Haha, I went over my limit sending out Wide Awake flair when I discovered it. Apparently they only let you send a certain number of flair pieces to the same people in a day.
Laura, I can't find any access to your bumper stickers. can you add them to your wall, or something??
Ellie, try this.
Go to my profile and try to find a button that says boxes or bumper stickers on my page. (It will be toward the top) It should be there. If not, I guess I could send it tomorrow...
Laura, mission accomplished! Hope it went through...
I saw that spunk-ransom.com had a new pic up of Rob and Nikki on the Twilight set after doing the flashback reshoots.
Thanks, Ellie!
ROFLMFAO Laura! That pic is hilarious!
What an odd picture!
I know! Nikki looks creepy! But Rob still manages to look adorable :)
Did y'all watch the "hair montage" video on there, too? I'm watching it right now...
I have a pic of him wearing that outfit signing some autographs, but you can just see the side of him. The hat looks good, but that make-up is horrendous.
Go watch that video! :54 and 1:04...DAMN
*sigh* I miss that fucking sex hair!!!!!!!!!
Oh, forgot to tell you! I was just in the freezer looking for something, and out drops a frozen bag of corn! Kinda cool karma, huh? (line from Legally blonde...)lol
Going to it right now.
LOL, Ellie! Did you get that bumper sticker? haha
Oh sweet Lord, do y'all agree that he looked especially fucking gorgeous at Comicon?? I swear, if I had been there, I would have jumped his bones right on that stage. With everyone watching.
1:47!!! GAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I'm hyperventilating here!!
Posted the new stuff...Thanks for the links peeps. Im not feeling well and I have been working all day so I wasn't able to post much.
Appreciate the patience.
Hi Dani! I hope you feel better really soon!
Oh to be that water bottle at 3:21.....
Thanks Sab baby...I hope I feel better tomorrow. I hate being sick.
Nurses make the worst sick patients.
My name is in the color of the rainbow!
fuucking yeah! :D
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