Rob Wins Z100 Hottie of the Year Award

YAY He beat out McLady Effron and the Brow Brother #1!



Sabrizzle said...

Hellz yes! There is just no competition, Rob is the sexiest not only for his dashing good looks but also for his adorkable personality that we all love.

Anonymous said...

I concur, sabrizzle. and
Why you still up this midnight, sabrizzle? if you don't mind i ask,of course.
Ros xxx

Sabrizzle said...

It's only 11:16pm here, Ros. I'm just watching some tv and reading some fanfic. I usually stay up pretty late.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i ask sabrizzle.
And it's afternoon at here.
Ros xxx

Sabrizzle said...

No problem Ros. Where are you? I'm in California going to college, but I'm from Washington.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sabrizzle.
I'm from martapura,indonesia. and this area have a lot of wild forest.
Wow you a college's great.
Ros xxx

Sabrizzle said...

Indonesia, very cool! This blog gets more international by the day!

Anonymous said...

ooh so you think indonesia is cool, sabrizzle? and by the i have been following your blog since the begining or october. and this is awesome blog especially gozde and dani.
ros xxx

Anonymous said...

see you sabrizzle.
i must go to feed my daughter.
ros xxx

keely said...
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keely said...

Good morning everyone! I don´t know why,its weird, but all the other kids just look so similar to me. I´m even not able to keep Zack Effron apart from Chase Crawford. . It´s sad, somehow, but maybe I just need some better glasses ;-)And suddenly the word " puppy protection " appears in my head...
Never mind, we already knew who would win, didn´t we ;-)

Kate said...
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Kate said...

Keely Zac and Chase look very similar to me too so it's not just you and at the risk of sounding stupid i don't know who Chase Crawford is :-0 LOL
I care less to be honest LOL

Rob won that's the important thing!!!

Anonymous said...

The Brow Brother - FTW!! and oh so agreeing re McLady Efron. Our boys a man, dammit! And hot to trot.

keely said...

Thank you , Kate! And I can give you some support too: I have not a clue who this guy is. But I´m very okay with that ;-)

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