The Summer House Video!!!

Rob's part starts at 1:57 and I should give you a "OH HOT DAMN!" warning :))

We posted an update about the Summer House a couple of days ago HERE. It's set to be released in April! A Robful year awaits us :)


bella's mom said...

Warning duly noted AND duly needed!! Goodness why did that chicka walk away? Any one of us would have held on tight.. lol

Kim said...

Thanks for resurfacing this Goz.

keely said...

Holy cow, no words for that! Thanks for posting, Goz!

Melissa said...

AH!! I'm at work and if I can't watch with sound its not worth it....I will watch tonight at home and comment then....

Gozde said...

Melissa, no need for sound. There is no talk, just a song playing over the video :)

Gozde said...

I'm finally done with Chapter 2 :)) I see a long night ahead of me :P

Rhonda said...

Hands @ 2:26 OMG
Jaw @ 2:56 Unicorns galore!

Tess said...

Thanks for posting this Goz. I watched this a few months ago somewhere.. Maybe it was on youtube during a particularly Robsessed day..

Oh I agree with Rhonda.. His hands are mesmerizing in that one particular shot..

Anonymous said...

Wow! That looks awesome. Can't wait for it to come out. Woo-Hoo!!

Anonymous said...

Gah! *thud*

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