Pics Can Be Decieving - NOT Happy Rob at Dinner Last Night

Video of Rob out last night with Sam Bradley, Nick Frenkel (manager), TomStu and Jenny Lumet(?). Makes me regret posting the smilie pictures below. *sigh* I wouldn't have posted them have I seen this video before.

Rob says: “Who told you I was here?”

Pap: “Huh?”

Rob: “Who told you I was here?”

Pap: “I followed”

Rob: “Who?”

Pap: “I followed on my bike”

Rob: “From where my hotel?”

Pap: ‘Huh, yeah, followed you in and out”

Nick: “Alright, but you give him a break after this right? Just take a couple of pictures and then we’re done”

Pap: “Okay”

Nick: “Alright, that’s good, you got him right?”

Pap: “He’s looking down. A few pictures please.”

Rob: “You’ve got to find a new vocation, you’re not very talented.”

Nick: “There you go”

Nick: “Thank you”

Pap: “So how’s the movie going?”

Sam: ”See you later, bye!”

Thanks to KStew411 for the link, @Serndipitydooda for identifying Jenny Lumet and FakerParis for the transcript :)

Rob was happy leaving the set yesterday :) It was being filmed by the paparazzi while trying to have a night out with his friends that was intrusive. Here is smilie Rob :)


Alexandra said...

Well damn. Now I feel really bad :(

Pics can definitely be decieving. Poor Rob

Anonymous said...

I just feel so sorry for the bloke!

Capt'n KC said...

this is all bad :-( and i thought he was happy...funny tho...he was more pleasant with his fans when he left his trailer. the video shows a genuine smile. unlike the annoying paps after dinner.

enjoykim said...

I like how he´s saying "Who told you I was here?" in the beginning...dunno why...

Nnenna said...

I am so mad at them!!! He can't even eat in peace! I can't wait for him to go to Vancouver!!! At least the paparazzi are not too crazy there. I LOVE YOU ROB!!!:-*

kARLOTITA09 said...

awwwww.... :(

Scandinavian_girl said...

Who can blame him being just a bit tired?! Cameras in the face all day long...

Poor guy :/ All though I love to follow (through the web that is) him and his work, I really felt sorry for him when I saw this vid..

Hello, I Love You! said...

Damn it all! I hate to see this!

However,I think it's good for all of us to see it... EYES OPENED NOW!!

Pandora said...

I didnt really get what he said when he was dancing around there. What was it?

He seems so pissed off. Especially after Nick told him to pose for some pictures.

Only shows that he seems to be loosing his patience with those people.

Anonymous said...

Destination FRUSTRATION! I feel sorry for him and I have to say He was ALOT nicer than I Would Have Been! He needs a BREAK!!!

Cindeeloo said...

Happy pics because he was probably looking forward to spending time with friends...Sad pics because SOMEONE obviously gave away his location.

I so feel badly for him although I'm happy he's with Sam, Tomstu and Nick...But who's the blond curly haird girl?

He also sounds a little tipsy? well let me rephrase that, I HOPE he was a little tipsy!!!!!!! ( I LOVE DRUNK ROB)

enjoykim said...

@ pandora:
"Someone ought to find a new vocation. You're not very talented!"
That´s what he told the paps.

Scandinavian_girl said...

He's definitily a little drunk!

"you're not very talented" :D

Maryann said...

Gozde don't feel bad for posting the smiling pics earlier, he was probably happy then and didn't mind those being taken. The pap video shows he is REALLY fed up with being stalked by paps and not happy that someone leaked his location. I read a tweet about someone being at the restaurant..I bet someone THERE leaked it to the paps or tweeted it, thus paps got a wiff of it.

Sux, cos he could so use some time away from the insanity....

Pandora said...


Thanks! Good line actually XD

Unknown said...

Actually I think he did have a pleasant night with his friends. The earlier photos also prove that. But after the dinner, when they were leaving, they are caught by paps, but it was only for 1-2 minutes. I don't think that he felt sad about it. Infact he is used to them. You also don't feel sad Gozde, because 1-2 minutes in a night is nothing. :-)

Michelle said...

These dirty pap videos are like my guilty pleasure. I don't know what it is because I feel incredibly bad for him but I also like these 10x more than all the RM pics.

zlove said...

yup, he's sick of it. there's no one that can stay "nice" under these circumstances forever.

Stacy said...

Um, obviously he was fine leaving the set today, and then annoyed at the pap for finding him, especially when he has been left alone in his private time. He's actually had more privacy that way in NYC than anywhere else. I'm sure he's over it and is fine.

Maryann said...

I seriously doubt Rob was depressed for the rest of that night, but he was certainly pissed off then. And let the paps know it. But I do not for one second believe that the rest of his night were ruined. I am sure he had a good time apart from that incident :-D.

Cindeeloo said...

He's DEFINATELY in good company, so I'm sure they went back to his room for a little late nite drinking and jam session... I HOPE!!


showme said...

he was tipsy, tired and OVER IT i'm sure. but the smiling pics are from the set. the confuzzled, madder pics from the restaurant. it's cool goz.

He needs to get to safe set in Vanc. so no more pics all day long, then when we see him in pics out at night, hopefully his patience will be a little better.

Dahlia said...

Ohhhh :( Definately in too deep... this has actually upset me. I don't blame him for being pissed off with the paps... fair enough take pictures when he is filming but just leave him alone when he is trying to relax! I doubt (or more hope it didnt) this made him depressed for the rest of the night though and I hope he had a good time and got very drunk!

anna F said...

well, that's the first time he expresses his contempt for papz, I kind of love that part.

I'm pretty sure it did not ruin his night, but he clearly was pissed off to have been bothered during his time off.
I wonder if it was alcool induced, but I like it!

You can always remove the X17 pics from the evening if you feel like it Gozde.

I agree that he seems to have been able to move around less bothered by papzs in NY outside work. But he certainly has to bear with a lot of them during the day~

SummerGirl said...

please can someone put up a YT link as I cannot see this - thanks :)

Stacy said...

I'm sure he would rather have peace and quiet in his down time and able to move freely, like he has in NYC, then have stalker fans and paps following his every move off set like they will in Vancouver, and in LA.

kkattita said...

poor rob!! =(

noisefaidaus said...

Not your fault about how the the pictures were obtained.

But I agree that the paparazzi were very intrusive and rude, god they basically asked him to put himself in display while he was trying to enjoy and evening with his friends.

Rob has been so put upon by the fanzillas and the paparazzi its a wonder he poses or speaks to anyone with a camera or a question.

enjoykim said...

@ summergirl

is it working?

Anonymous said...

Lol at the transcript hahahahha

They were having an argument over at IMDB about what he said, I think he said, we are going to find a new location we are not very talented. I dunno what he meant

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well it's obvious it's the pappz he hates, not the fans...

What a holes they are-isn't it enough that they get all his photos while he's working?????

I'm glad he got pissed, it's about time!!

It's great his friends stick up for their mate!

Poor baby, come to mama & I'll take care of you...

showme said...

no butler part

"I followed you. On a bike"

RP: "From my hotel?"


Stacy said...

Goz, I don't think that transcript is right. Sounds like the pap says "I followed you, on my bike," and Rob says "from where, my hotel,"
and the pap says something like "yeah, I followed you in and I followed you out ..."

Anonymous said...

that's more like it showme :)

I love how polite Sammy is I love him to death :)

wanabRPsmom said...

Lol! Rob asking the pappz who told them of his location? He was sassy to them...too! Well, bet ya' he felt bad about it later. He might been tipsy but the kid is still a polite SWEETHEART! ;)

imo,,, there's too much of Rob right afraid of his STAR meter burning out so soon!

Michelle said...
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kARLOTITA09 said...

the blutler? seriously? I thought he said "I FOLLOWED YOU IN MY BIKE' which is beyond creepy

Letters to Twilight said...

hahah he's SO drunk! i love it!

also transcript at the beginning is a little off. the pap says he followed on his bike from the hotel. not that a butler told him.

LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the opposite. There's just too much of him among our circle who visits blogs about him but in the larger scheme he is still relatively unknown.

Hello, I Love You! said...

not sure it was 'butler'...

SummerGirl said...

Thanks enjoykim, it works great.

Defs annoyed :(

Allyson said...

Poor Rob. When I think about what I was doing when I was 23 ..... I truly do not know how he handles it.

The amount of pressure on his young shoulders has got to weigh a lot, and the few times he would like to just relax and let loose, he is stalked by the paps.

I totally see now why some celebs lose it on the paps .... there is a limit to what a person can take.

Anonymous said...

Rob: Who told you I was here?
Papz: Huh?
Rob: Who told you I was here?
Papz: I followed you
Rob: From where, my hotel?
Paps: Yeah I followed you in and out

some might be off I was typing from memory

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love it
You're not very talented!

Bad ASS Rob once again!

Hannah said...

The paps were out numbered. They should have killed the fuckers and thrown the bodies in the boot of the taxi.

margot said...

damn, now I'm pissed ....

If only he got more respect an privacy, I wouldn't raelly need so many pictures, less those of his time with friends, seriously

I was just thinking .... what is worse : being followed by papz everywhere or the feeling that everybody can betray you, slee you .... that's f***ing ugly

Cindeeloo said...

@ rpattzgirl..Bad Ass Rob LOL..I love it when he gets pissed of at the paps and speaks his mind..(even if it's a lil slurred HeHe!!)

@cute...glad u noticed our 1 sec of pleasure (luv me my Sam too!)

Gozde said...

LMAO, okay removed the "butler" :)

margot said...


margot said...

actually, I think you're doing the right thing, Gözde

obsessed ppl tend to be a little bit blind (craving for everyday feed :)
so I think it's good to remind that what is another pic for us - is in fact a real piece of his private life, flesh and blood,

food for thoughts - then hopefully more respect

RPnKSaddict said...

sigh...even ticked off he's least he had some backup from his manager and mates.

Still he was cool with the fans earlier. Hang in there Rob.

Gozde said...

Mystery bangle lady identified?

Ana73 said...

i know he is a star and this is part of the business but the shutter sound of the camera all the time would drive me nuts. i think i would have nightmares of it, he has to be sick of it:(

click, click, click...

Cami said...

awwwww. i hate paparazzi. he just went out to dinner for goodness sake. but i gotta say, drunk Rob is comical. haha

Cindeeloo said...
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Cindeeloo said...

How do you do it Goz????? And by the way Thanks!!!!

Rosie E. said...

Thank God Rob stood up for himself. Thats more than I can say for his manager. If I was the manager I would have stood in front of every shot so he wouldn't be able to get one. WTG!

WinWin said...

n_ohiaeri, really the papz waiting outside their every meal is not as bad in Vancouver? Most papz activity has been on set. This is the 2nd time a lone photo got him on his off time. So many think that it's so bad here in NY, Isn't it just in Vancouver, they got him all the time getting coffee or at the airport or outside the restaurants or clubs on his private time. Let's not even talk about LA. I think it seems more crazy here because he is filming everyday and people are sharing set locations (which are not hard to figure out in NY because of the required parking permits).

Maybe as a NYer I'm touchy about people saying how bad it is here for him and how they can't wait till he escapes to canada or London (which he has gotten followed hanging with friends).

Sorry for the rant.

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear him talk though.
Although his voice is a little different. Must be from stress. Yes.
Awww... poor bb.

heav85 said...

He looks as if he may need to punch that guy. I would. The way he said who told you I was here the second time.

Stacy said...


You know I 100% agree:)

WinWin said...

Thanks Stacy(gives big hug), I'm taking your story on the train with me tonight. Needed a good Rob FF : )

maha said...

I never saw someone react in this way while he has been annoyed by paparazzi like Rob did. What a sweet anger by dancing and saying you are not talented.
I love this man

And there is a different between fans and paparazzi

fans love Rob and he smiles and waves to them

but paparazzi just annoying him even though

he didn't get mad just being patient and act in a very sweet way

if I am a paparazzi and thank God am not I will feel shame of myself and quit this stupid job lol

thanks for posting this sweet video

Rhonda said...

I love "in your face perhaps a little tipsy" Rob. I am glad he called the papz out. Glad to see he is chilling with friends. And this confirms what I already knew--Sam is the nicest guy in the world. Dude cannot even be rude to papz. And TomStu is looking fab as well. Love those three together!

Cindeeloo said...

@ Rhonda

MEEE TOO!!!!!!!

Stacy said...


*Hugs back*

Can't wait for you to read it, but it's Bella and Edward. I haven't tried my hand at a Rob fic, altho I am thinking about it:)

Shani said...

Well, he WAS happy until he stepped out the door of the restaurant.

K, so that is Jenny. Gotcha.

Haystackhair said...

I loved the little dance when he said you're not very talented. LOL. And the voice reminded me of ComicCon when he said It''s filling a void...LOL. Well at least his buds were there to protect him.

WinWin said...

Stacy, I totally picture Rob when reading Edward parts. : ) I'll email you tonight.

Stacy said...


LMAO, ME too, and I feel so guilty about it. I will look for your email:)

Cindeeloo said...

Stacy...can u plez give me the link!!! Thank You.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame him for getting's got to be tiring...BOLD though not to have his security entorage....I'm shocked to find out that a single pap can find him at his hotel but fans haven't figured it out???

WinWin said...

One more comment about NY/Vancouver, we never saw fan pictures of him eating dinner in NY have we. We've seem so many in Vancouver, so where is he getting to eat in peace.
I think the difference is he has the rest of the Twilight cast to share the insanity with and here he only has his friends who visit.

Yes, I hate that the one papz was stupid enough to follow him. I love his reaction so badass, sarcastic and adorable. ENough of my rant.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

it's ok, we know it's not just NY-he just seems to be more out in the open there, and the pappz are more aggressive I think....

He's gotten so big now, that it probably won't matter where he is anymore..they will stalk him


Laura said...

he better not be losing his beautiful accent!! he sortof sounds different...

anyways, this kinda reminds me of the deleted scene from step brothers where Brennan is in the car and he won't get out and his mom yells
"get in the house Brennan!"
"i made chicken nuggets.."
"what kind?"
"the kind with the crunchy skin"
"what kind of sauce?"
"ketchup and mayonnaise.."

don't ask me why it reminds me of that, cuz to tbh i don't even know, but yeah :D

Anonymous said...

@ Cindleeloo and Rhonda
awwww we love our Sam

my heart does a little thump whenever his name is mentioned. Im so glad our little circle is expanding :)))

Anonymous said...

I think Rob DESERVES to "get his drink on" he's got friends to hang with FINALLY away from the set and he's been busting his ass working and TRYING to be so nice to people even when they ask too much of him. Man, gotta love Rob. He is under so much pressure. Nick I'm sure is worried and is trying to keep him from going wild I'm sure. BUT ROB NEEDS TO BLOW OFF SOME STEAM. I hope he got good and drunk and played some music with Sam back at the hotel. GOOD FOR YOU ROB...tell the papz to go fuck off! If you are willing to take a picture, cool, but if you aren't, tell them to go fuck themselves. :)
True fans will be there when you come back...

WinWin said...

Thank you rpattzgirl (hugs back). I agree, I think it will be like this for him where ever he goes. We saw it in Italy and at Cannes. I think we don't give him enough credit. He understands the dynamics of his fame and is just glad to get great opportunities. I do wish him some peace and quiet. : )

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Hey, Gozde. First time commenter but long-time lurker (and my RL nickname has been Bella since long before Twilight existed, so ignore that).

Anyway, don't feel bad. The video was disturbing, of course -- but I don't think they negate the earlier pictures. He WAS smiley and waving to fans, and he did get to have a pleasant dinner with his friends. Yeah, the asshole pap crossed a line, but it was only a few minutes out the entire day and it didn't actually disrupt his dinner.

As you said elsewhere, he's done a damn good job of staying below the radar when he's offset, which is great -- it means he's not being plagued on his own time, which is much more important than his time at work, where he can expect and prepare for it.

So as much as I want to strangle the paps and the overzealous fans, I also think we should keep it in perspective. Rob's going to be OK. After this horrible experience of filming Remember Me, he'll go back to the safety of his Twilight cast and crew, a more remote location than NYC, and get back to being his dorkalicious, goofy self.

Haystackhair said...

He must feel like man meat having to stand there and let them take pics.

WinWin said...

PattinsonForever, most fans know where he stays, we just stay away. I know people (coworkers and others) who have seen him out at cafes and bar/restaurants who could care less about interrupting him. I think these paps are probably amateurs. I think the last time we saw angry Rob was the night which he supposedly went out with Eva Mendes and Elizabeth Reaser and that night someone twited about spotting him. So I think that's how it leaks. I think the same thing happened last night.

lostinphilly said...

Those paps from X-17 are such LIARS!!!!They told Rob's manager Nick that Rob was looking down and they couldn't get a good shot of him;LIARS - I saw pics from Twifans and what do I see on there, but a pic of Rob looking right at the camera and the X17 watermarks are right on the pics!!!!!!!!!!LIARS, scum paps;they're almost as bad as TMZ(and that's pretty bad)!!!!!!!!Grr-rr-rrr...Poor baby can't even enjoy a dinner out with manager and friends without pap-scum following him (on a bike yet!!)That's sad.

lostinphilly said...

DrunkRob should just come out and kick their cameras one time and say, "Get the f**k away from me, will ya?"TMZ will definitely air that on their show and Rob's true fans will stand up and applaud him.

peeling a fig said...

It was bearable until the Pap pushed his luck by saying: aw, his head is down, and that was when Nick and co. should have drawn the line. Worse, the paps continued filming afterwards and a asking further question. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Bastards.
Rob's accent almost sounded 'Brooklyn' rather than British: Who told you I was he-ah?

enjoykim said...


I def would- and it probably would turn me on...

peeling a fig said...

I am ashamed to say that it was nice to hear his voice again, after so many weeks of just photos.

Anonymous said...

As a psychologist it's been obvious to me for some time (mainly due to very clear and concise body language) that Rob is a seriously unhappy individual but when I posted my concerns last week I was told to 'relax'. The boy is seriously pissed off and who can blame him....come home to England Rob, your fans/photographers here know how to treat you....with respect!

lostinphilly said...

Wen: "fanzillas", love it!!!!!!

Haystackhair said...

OH and lets not forget that tomorrow the load of crap mags will all have him sleeping with and impregnating Jenny. LOL

Anonymous said...

lmfao @ you need a new vocation! he's so proper...and possibly had a few drinks?

love him and happy he's hanging with his boys :D

hi win, rp and stacy! long time, no see...

Tess said...

[Sigh]... I'm annoyed and I only watched it.

There's a point where you just have to say "No. I'm sorry, not tonight guys" I don't mean to say something negative about Nick (I don't always understand these things) but I can't even begin to understand why he would've suggested that Rob take a few more pics.

starfire09 said...

It must really be a drag for him when he is leaving somewhere or trying to and the paps are all over him. God, I would SO hate that!

Anna said...

Tracy - do you think maybe it could also be because whenever we see him, he is, by definition, being photographed and therefore uncomfortable?

I have no doubt he hates those situations. But I'm still hoping he also has other moments, off camera, when he can be happy and relaxed. Maybe wishful thinking :)

...wowie! said...

I remember when I was 23 just going bar hopping not giving a rats ass. I realize this is what comes with fame but it would be nice if he really were able to do things that guys his age should/would be doing if the cameras weren't in his face.

I feel bad but I kno I contribute to the madness by looking at all the websites just to catch a glimpse of any new pics. I can say this tho, I wouldn't be a fan girl. I'm not like that. I'm a screamer at the tv as opposed to in person. Usually bc I'm in shock or bc I totally think I'm just as famous.


lulusfolie said...

oh my god ... that is just fricken ridiculous. FRICKEN LEAVE HIM ALONE. I literally feel dirty for having watched that. ICK

Kate said...

Aaaaahhhh I hope it didn't ruin the night for him!

It's so true that pics can be SO decieving. He was definitely happy in the pics leaving the set and he does look happy in some of the pics leaving the resataurant, just goes to show!

They really need to give him a bit of space, it's starting to get a bit ridiculous now but I can't help feel a little guilty about it all. If it wasn't for us the paps wouldn't be following his every move and with his schedule for the next while I can't see it improving for a while either. :-/

Anonymous said...

What's sad is that he posed as asked, even eventually lifted his head up, and then the d-bag pap still continued to harrass him and snap away.

Lisa said...

Seriously...I just don't get this. What's the point? What do they want from him? Or, for that matter, from any celeb that they dog?

Did the pap think Rob was going to start posing for him or something? *epic eye roll*

starfire09 said...

I agree with you Valiumwaltzes. You have a really good point. Rob I think tries to accommodate the paps and his fans whenever he can. He's a nice guy let's face it, but just because he DOES do what they ask, doesn't mean he privately enjoys it. You know what I'm saying?

Anonymous said...

His tone has really changed over the past couple of months. There's a real edge to his voice, I'd say a lot of his innocence is gone, probably forever. Not that I blame him, I'm just sad to see it go, it opens the door to more changes.

Michelle said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

What he needs is some of his "mature" fans (like us) to walk him around and bitch slap these assholes.

I'd proudly do it, anytime...

starfire09 said...

To rpattzgirl! LMAO!But seriously, that's not a bad idea. I know I would definitely apply for the position of Rob's personal bodyguard. Anybody else?

Ripley said...

I volunteer to walk around with Rob and other mature ladies. Definitely no pap would get near him. rpattz--- bitch slap...I like it.

MizzSarah said...

I thought I´d never say that, but after seeing this, I just wan´t them to stop! Can´t u see he dosn´t like it??

AnnaD said...

this seriously breaks my heart. I feel so bad for the poor guy. mainly because they had no idea that he was going to be this big. yes, it comes with being an actor, but this is getting out of hand.

Georgie said...

@ Ripley, Starfire & RPattzgirl - here's another "mature" lady that puts herself up to the task of being a minder to Rob - not only personal bodyguard but comfort provider in other ways: home cooked meals, washing well worn jeans and shirts, taking tags off new clothes, smoothing furrowed brow, other "tasks" as directed and desired...

VeilsofLight said...

@WinWin...cheers to you defending NYC. I'm not a New Yorker, but am a New Englander, and people should know that New Yorkers are actually known for not giving a crap about celebrities most of the time, or at least probably the most likely to not be star struck. There are always people who are going to get excited about celebs...Rob is an enigma, and the paps are the paps, but overall NYC is incredibly tame compared to other cities in terms of being respectful of people's privacy.

This is the first time I've ever seen him get sarcastic with the 'media' before. It's wierd to see him lose his cool, makes me sad how fed up he must have been to finally say fuck it, even drunk Rob before has managed to keep his cool.

Bet he wanted to relive his fight scene from the other night...can you IMAGINE the fallout if THAT happened? Wow.

spunkinator said...

I heard him say:
"We need a new location, we're not very talented!"

Oh well, either one if fine with me. : )
Poor guy, they should really leave him alone. : (

enjoykim said...
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Lisa said...

VeilsofLight, thank you.

It is true...there are so many celebrities who live and visit this city, and, more often than not, no one really notices or cares.

But you are right, Rob is an enigma, and there's nothing that the paparazzi love more than that.

How he's managed to keep his cool up until now is a testament to his manners and level of self control. I know this NYer would have kicked some pap butt long before this if I were in Rob's Nike's.

Anonymous said...
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enjoykim said...

@ripley,Starfire,RPattzgirl & Georgie

Well,im a cosmetician,so I would take care of his looong fingers,shorten his pubic hair and of course give him relaxation with a massage...;-)
OMG this picture in my head-Rob naked on a massage couch,his little sweet bum laughing at me *giggle*

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@Gozde, i think he said "I think I must find a new location where I'm not so talented" sort of?

Yvonne said...

That was so uncomfortable to watch. Rob standing there while that guy was just snapping pictures, like he was some circus freak on display. I hated that video, but I'm gald I saw it, it reinforces everything I think about the papz. This is why I don't buy those rag magazines. Thank God Rob is speaking up for himself. You can tell he never speaks down to people, so even his one little comment to that guy is a good thing. Good for him.

VeilsofLight said... sounds like Rob would benefit from having YOU as his bodyguard...could show Cheech and Chong there how it's really done. :) PLUS, the extensive body contact would be a nice little bonus, and if your job description entailed helping the poor guy home after a drunken night, well, I guess you'd just have to suck it up and put in the overtime. ;)

OK, I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER now after reading some of your posts clarifying what he said at the end, and after listening to it again, he DEF said "We need a new location, we're not very talented."

As much as he has a right to speak his mind at this point, I have to admit, it threw me to see him seemingly act so out of character. I know he is only human, but I'm glad he was being goofy, drunk and annoyed rather than outright sarcastic towards them. I'll say it again...a true class act, even at 23.

Yvonne said...

And another thing....the nerve of that guy, to say he followed Rob to his hotel and then back out....unfuckingbelievable. Like he was proud of himself. If I were Rob, I would've gone Christian Bale on his ass. NO, he's too classy for that. THIS is why we love you Rob.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure he said "You need a new vocation, you're not very talented"

I assume because he did pose, then they complained they didn't get good enough photos and blamed it on him for not looking up. A good photographer would have been able to adjust to that.

Anonymous said...

poor guy. he just wanted to have dinner in piece. i love how he is like...who told you i was here....damn that accent it hot!!!!

Yvonne said...

Lynda, I agree, I think that's what he said....and it was pretty funny :) That photog was a whiner. "he's looking doooown...." about Rob like he's not even there. Maybe he should've just asked nicely if he could have a picture, instead of just blinding him the minute he walks out of the restaurant.

Lisa said...

@ Veils....LOL @ "Cheech & Chong"! So very fitting!

Now, if I were his bodyguard...well...suffice it to say that body would definitely be well guarded! LOL Not to mention not being anywhere close enough to a taxi to be grazed by it.

VeilsofLight said...

n. Informal
One of distinctive and superior quality
(ex: Robert Pattinson is a class act.)

Rob∙ert Pat∙tin∙son
p.n. Informal
Sex god.
(ex: I want to endlessly f#@! Robert Pattinson.)

VeilsofLight said...

@keriw08...I SO agree, his accent that night was crazy hot. I love how, like all of us, his accent is def exaggerated when he's been drinking.

*long, heavy sigh*

Anonymous said...

Yes Yvonne, a very whiny photographer. Rob did stop and pose, he didn't have to, but he did. The photographer was ultra rude. And I did love Rob's put down, nothing vulgar at all..but very quick and to the point...LOL!
It really shows his breeding.

starfire09 said...

@ Georgie:

You wrote: "taking tags off new clothes"...

You meant to write "taking off new clothes" right? LMAO!

kchambers77 said...

i just want to pull a woody harrelson and scream "zombie!" while smacking that guy's camera out of his hands. then yell "run rob! before he eats you!"

aimary said...

I feel so bad..poor Rob! I hate this paps, it's not good, they are so intrusive!

kchambers77 said...
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ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

i personally cant wait for the new york shoot to be over. ROBS tired of all the crap, and frankly, it must really f*cking suck to have to pretend to like all the 'weirdos' that dog his every move...

he needs a change of scenery, hope they let him go back home for a little vacation... but i doubt it...

Mommamary said...

I think he probably had a few drinks at dinner, was tired after a long day's work, and was relaxed enuf from his drinkypoo that he spoke his mind. Good for you, Robbie!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Rob sounded plastered and Nick was smoothing everything out for him. Gotta love Nick. Rob must be sick and tired of the flashes!

VeilsofLight said...

hmmm...I may stand corrected on his comments. Another listen made me think Goz was right about his put-down, but it's all good and certainly well-deserved, we love ya Rob, unconditionally.

Even when smoking makes you old before your time, and your teeth are stained and falling out, and your face is shriveled up like leather, and your muscles have atrophied...we'll still love ya.

P.S. Knock it off already with the smoking, for god's sake.

Mommamary said...

@ VeilsofLight

I totally agree. Well said. We love you, Robbie, always will, and also, please stop the smoking. You do look hot smoking, I hate to admit, but you look hot anytime, anyway....except for the unfortunate Tuck picture, Jury's still out on that one, honey.
I heart you, Robbie!

Chicago girl now in LA said...


I totally agree with you that these past few months have changed was inevitable, a person couldn't go through what he's experienced and not have it affect him. I still love him but I expect him to be more self-protective in interviews, etc.

Georgie said...

@ Starfire: yep that too!! And I definitely wouldn't charge him for any of my administering services.

Gemgirl65 said...

Yvonne: 'That photog was a whiner. "he's looking doooown...." about Rob like he's not even there. Maybe he should've just asked nicely if he could have a picture, instead of just blinding him the minute he walks out of the restaurant.'

I cannot agree more. That pap totally deserved the put-down, and as put-downs go, that was pretty tame. I can't believe Nick actually let that guy take more pictures after he complained that Rob didn't look up enough for him. Way to pimp your client!
I know the easiest way to get rid of them is to just give a couple pics, but come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Vancouver may have been worse for paps catching Rob on his down time, but NY has certainly been the pinnacle of paps invading Rob's work space. I don't know which is more annoying for Rob to deal with. Personally I'd be more irritated with all 100s of people bothering me while I was trying to concentrate on doing my job, but I'm not Rob, so who knows how he's feeling about it? One thing's for sure: if he ever decides to do live theater, he should have no stage fright whatsoever, since he performs for dozens of people every day, all day long.

This isn't the first time Rob's gotten his drink on and had fun with the paps. Early in the RM shoot, a pap caught Rob at night and Rob kept deliberately bumping into him and then saying, "Watch where you're going!" He was taunting the guy but laughing the whole time too. There was a snide edge to his voice that night too, and I don't blame's just too much, what these stalkerazi do.

tkayyyy said...

ok, a couple of thoughts about this video:

-god, he's hot
-he absolutely does not have to pose for pics at all in his private life. i don't understand why this nick person asked rob to let the guy take some pics. that would have pissed me off. and just cuz the pap whined about him looking down? why does nick care at all about satisfying this pap?
-i think all the friends should have been surrounding him, making sure the pap couldn't get any pics.
-someone above mentioned this is the first time we've heard his voice in a while. didn't realize that, but true.
-aren't most big stars followed around by paps? this doesn't seem like anything new. and either he's not going out at all or he's been getting lucky avoiding paps.
-god, he's hot

ok, too many thoughts/questions in my head. t think i need to blog about it! ooh, and tomorrow will be my 1 month anniversary of seeing him in the flesh, so, it's the perfect time to reflect on what's happened to him (and me) in the past month.

xoRobxo said...

Spunk- I also heard :
"We need a new location, we're not very talented"

wish Nick would have told the pap no more picks after the initial first few.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rob's musician friend SAM Bradley is so sweet and cheerful. He always is. I'm glad he and Rob are friends since age 12. Rob has good taste in friends.

I still love it that Rob stood up and said something to the papz. Drink or no drink, he had every right to in his OFF HOURS. LEAVE HIM ALONE.....

MJ said: "Leave me alone....."


Marna said...

I'm not really sure what kind of pictures the pappz think they're going to get, how many pictures do you need of someone standing outside? Do they think he's going to do something thats never been seen before? Why do they need 2000 pictures every time?

My theory on Rob's voice, yes, he's been drinking so that would make him sound different, but I think he has a "professional" voice, & a "regular" (real) voice. He uses the professional one in interviews, but when he's hanging with friends, he just uses his real voice. I remember reading an interview with him where he said his mother made sure that he & his sisters all learned to speak well, so maybe the accent is a British thing? (anyone from England to discuss?)maybe his professional accent is the "good" speaking voice.

Robbie said...

I never thought I would say this because I pretty much adore him like so many here do. But... I have to say I am so over the whole 'celebrity' thing in which we regard someone like Rob as important or heroic. It's not like he is saving lives or doing charitable acts (yet).

I know he was annoyed with the pap, but his comments make me say, "You know what? Get the f**k over yourself. I mean really". He's better off not speaking to the pap at all, because this made him look like a first class jerk. You can say the pap was wrong to be there, but really he isn't. It's his job, he wasn't tresspassing, it's a free country and all that... and we still looked at the pics he took.

For the last couple of weeks after Michael Jackson's tragic passing, I had to re-evaluate celebrites places in the world (at least to me). MJ was a gigantic superstar of epic proportion that Robert will never achieve (no one really will). Yet he was kind to people despite his troubles. He was a man with a heart that ached for the suffering of others, and he gave his attention and his money to help them. He cared for the homeless, the lonely, the earth, and for animals, and orphans.

Is fame going to ruin Robert? I hope not, but this comment...“You’ve got to find a new vocation, you’re not very talented.”. Made Robert a complete asshole. Maybe the pap is jerk, but he didn't seem so. Maybe he needs that shot to support his family. Sure the paps are annoying, but's part of the biz. Suck it up and deal with it Junior!

Lisa said...

Well....there's a few things that I think about this

1. I love me some tipsy it me or is the accent hotter when he's been drinking?

2. He is a class act - I'd never be that accommodating when people are being D-bags around me

3. This just proves that if I ever accidentally/on-purpose "run into" Rob while out and about in Chicago (hey, it could happen!) I will send some drinks to his table and smile. That's it...if he wants to come over and say thanks in his own special way (hehe) then he can feel free. If not, so be it. I can always say I bought him a drink.

Point is, he's a normal guy in an extraordinary situation - he deserves a quiet night out with friends....

el said...

i love Rob pics, i come here every day to look, but why is Remember Me not filming in a closed set? it feels like the production company is trying to keep Rob in the media using the paps since he's not doing any official promo for anything. i could probably just read the Remember Me script while looking at his set pap pics and that's more or less the entire movie already. when you're exposed like that then the paps think you're fair game, whenever, wherever. it's nice for us to look at these pics but what about what he feels? and i totally understand people who don't care for him looking at his countless pap pics and going "wth, this jerk again??" the last thing he needs is overexposure and New Moon hasn't even come out yet.

Crystal said...

Please! Please, someone give me the name and address of this Pap and I promise I'll come all the way from Italy to throw that camera up his a$$, with the flashlight on!
Sorry, but this video really pissed me off! Grrrrr!

Dazzle said...

Oh, so Tom is still in NYC with Rob?? Interesting. They are very close aren't they......

Robbie said...

Well, I am truly annoyed that he had the balls to tell someone (ONE guy on a bike...not hordes), “You’ve got to find a new vocation, you’re not very talented.”

I don't care who he thinks he is. You don't put down someone else when you have more than they do. It would be different if he had said that to a fellow actor because the playing field would be more level. Evidently Rob needs a lesson in dealing with the press yet again. He is not even nearly as photographed as much as someone like Princess Diana was. Or JFK jr. and they were kind to people, and sort of shrugged at their own sense of self importance.

I really do like Robert. I do...a lot because he sure is 'pretty'. But he needs a bitchslap for this. Tipsy or not, I don't feel sorry for him on this one. The pap guy was not impolite. He annoyed Robert, but he didn't need to be told he needs a new vocation because he is not good at this one. That's rude. And whether we like it or not...we LOOK at the results of their work. And we enjoy it. Yes we do...and they are selling a product to a market that demands.

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Robbie, how can you defend the pap? I mean, in what world are these scumbags pardoned because "it's their job"? As for how much money they take in, believe me -- the best paps are making bundles. I can only dream of pulling in their income levels. So, cry me a river.

That said, I do think everyone is overreacting a bit to the video. So one pap caught him outside as he was leaving the restaurant. He's a celebrity, it happens. The d-bag pap didn't disrupt his actual dinner, and thankfully he's had an easy time staying off the radar in his off time.

I also don't believe that two months in NYC will have changed him. He's always been a delightfully shy, awkward, dorky guy and I'm sure it hasn't been fun to deal with the chaos and mayhem that has invaded his working location this summer -- but I doubt it will have such a great impact as to change his fundamental core personality. I love the guy, so don't get me wrong, but people go through much, much worse in life and come out unscathed. I think we tend to baby celebrities, and this is no different -- but the guy can handle his shit, I have no doubt. Everyone needs to take a deep breath, stop worrying, and put things in perspective.

Robbie said...

Heather aka Bella....point taken. I am not defending the pap, because I do know they are out of place and rude most of the time. I also know they make a lot money. More than me too, but probably not in the millions.

True the 'd-bag' pap didn't disrupt the dinner itself, because then he would have been tresspassing. I think Robert could have handled HIMself with a little more dignity by not saying anything instead of being smarmy. And yes, we do baby celebs too much (especially this celeb).

True, after the pap got his pictures, he should have said 'thank you' to Robert and left. But of course that is not going to happen. And I don't like it when they try to talk to the celebs either.

That said, I feel you get sweeter results by giving a wee bit of sugar. If the celeb is 'nice' (tolerant) of the paps, then the paps are nice to you. Nobody understood the power of the paps better than Princess Diana, and she fully used it to her advantage.

Sara Tavares said...

Let´s be honest, people.
It´s us (fans) that put Ron on this position, we´re looking forward every single pic of him.
If we didn´t care about paps pics, maybe he could have some peace.
Let´s try to not give audience to this bunch of crap.
I won´t see this video and I haven´t seen any other video from Remember Me´s set.
I didn´t read the script because I want to go to the cinema without knowing the end and I´m not buying magazines only bc Rob´s in the cover.
This is the only website about Twilight that I like to visited bc people here are always very decent.
I think we should start a campaign against paps, that´s the only thing IMHO we can do to help Rob a little bit.
Otherwise, he´ll get tired of this crazyness and stay out of hollywood for a very long time.

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Robbie, too true about Princess Diana. But she also paid the worst price of all because of these bottom-feeders.

I just think that amidst all of our armchair commentating over this guy's life, everyone has forgotten something key: He's human. Human beings have ever-changing moods, and Rob, simply by virtue of being one of us, is not always going to a) be in an awesome, upbeat, ready-for-prime-time mood, or b) make the best decisions regarding how he handles something like the paps irking the hell out of him. But I personally think that, all in all, he's handled this rocket to stardom with an insane amount of grace.

One thing we all know about the guy is that he's shy ("paranoid," even, as he's said many, many times over) and fame just ain't his bag. He's an artist -- he wants to act, or maybe to sing (not sure he even knows which he prefers) -- but he doesn't really dig having the spotlight on him at all times. That's cool; he doesn't have to like it. He DOES have to realize that as long as he's the current It Boy, he's going to be forced into the ring whether he's ready for it or not. However, that doesn't mean that he's not allowed to have off days where he can't summon up a bright-eyed, sparkling grin for everyone.

Anyway, I think what we should be looking at is the fact that he's still very friendly and gracious with fans; he's still the unkempt, scruffy Hobo we know and love; he still hangs out with his best friend TomStu as opposed to new, famous friends (funny how they're photographed together, but I'm yet to see a legit photo of him with a woman); and he's still just Rob. Isn't that what we love about him? His guileless, what-you-see-is-what-you-get self? Grumpy moods and all... So excuse the guy for taking a pot shot at the pap. He deserved it.

(And hey, I grew up in NY before moving to Boston -- and NYC can wear even the best of us out.)

Cami said...

i can see both sides. the paps need their money and i hate what they do...but in all honesty, i think Rob was just being silly, and had a few drinks and was just speaking his mind. like they all say, drunken words are sober thoughts...

enjoykim said...

@ Heather a.k.a. Bella
"Isn't that what we love about him? His guileless, what-you-see-is-what-you-get self? Grumpy moods and all..."
So so true!!I luv that he´s not such a pimped poodle.

Anonymous said...

Yes and look what happened to Diana. It was the actions of the PAPS that finally killed her. This constant chasing after him is beginning to echo her situation.
Yes - you do catch more flies with honey than vinegar and for the most part I think Rob understands this but come on - give him a bloody break. He was probably tiredafter a fulldays shoot and wound up and just wanted to relax. I don't think his response to that Pap was really that insulting. He couldv'e said worse things! As for Nick his Manager. I really don't know what to think about that bloke. My initial reaction was that he was just trying to smooth things over but he almost made it look like it was a bit of a joke? Don't know.
All I know now is that the 'Haters' will have a field day with this causing Rob even more distress in what I thought was going to be a better week for him. Sigh.
I feel he really needs to give a good long interview asap. It might clear the air a little bit.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


well let me see now, you obviously are on this site, cause you think
'he's somebody'...
so the whole 'who does he think he is' question, should be tossed in your court, 'WHO DO YOU THINK HE IS?'...
this is a fan site right?

ROB doesnt owe you or me anything, and he certainly doesnt owe some papparazi stalker anything...
not one f*cking thing.
his job is to make movies, not to model for stalkers, not smile and wave to demented women who are trying to get their 'fantasies on'...

so your telling someone else how to live their life? a 23year old little boy?

he's too young to have figured out how to save the world, with his money. but i'm sure someday, he'll contribute as much to charity as you do...

el said...

Blogger Robbie said...

I don't care who he thinks he is. You don't put down someone else when you have more than they do.
which is....stalking a celeb hoping to get A. some pics for The twihards to swoon over yet again or B. hopefully some shocking scandalous pic he can sell for $$$$$$$. oh please, what Rob said to that pap was nothing.

Blogger Robbie said...

That said, I feel you get sweeter results by giving a wee bit of sugar. If the celeb is 'nice' (tolerant) of the paps, then the paps are nice to you.
you can't tell celebs how to react to paps invading their private time. They react differently and resort to different tactics. Leo DiCaprio hides under his cap and jacket so paps won't be able to get a shot and he's always being accused of being a ass because of it. Robbie Williams used to wear the same coat going in and out of his house to his car because he figured if the paps caught him looking the exact same day after day they'd lay off staking out in his house at least. i thought Rob handled the situatation well considering how pissed off he looked. you can tell by the way he tilted his face to the pap and arched his eyebrows when he asked how he knew where he was.

Blogger lizzibee said...

Yes and look what happened to Diana. It was the actions of the PAPS that finally killed her. This constant chasing after him is beginning to echo her situation.
not really, it was the combination of Henri Paul being drunk way over the legal limit and driving like a maniac to dodge the paps and then the collision with the mystery Fiat which caused her car to swerve and hit the pillars of the tunnel (sorry OT)

katykeene said...

Actually RP for dummies I think the Robbie boy here is...
a): a pap himself or b): someone who just likes to get a reaction.
So Robbie if you are reading with glee the comments you encouraged then I just want to remind you that Michael Jackson (who you appear to hold up as a shining example)had his flaws and led a strange life. When he went out in public he would go in disguise because he felt so much pressure from the media/the paps. He covered the faces of his children to hide them from the cameras. The press hounded him ALL his life practically. Look how even in death they managed to be there to get disgusting photos of him on a stretcher being taken into the hospital.
It is sad that he died. In so many ways it is sad how he lived. I do not wish his life on anyone so if you want to compare him with Rob and make the statement that Rob could never achieve Michael's level of fame then all I can say is THANK GOD FOR THAT!!!

el said...

katykeene, word to that.

and to those who might be wondering why some are reacting this way, it's because THIS is how it starts.

Anonymous said...

Yes Henri-Paul was the one who actually crashed the car but he was trying to get away from the PAPS who were chasing them!
I was thinking on the way back from driving my son to school this is a real conundrum for me as a fan. On the one hand I relish seeing new pics of him every day on set. It's been great seeing him every day but he's on set and working out in the open so to a certain extent it's par for the course that he's going to get photographed and it would seem with the studios blessing. So as far as that goes he has to accept that in a way. What he SHOULDN'T have to put up with is the rude,humiliating and bullying heckling that these PAPS indulge in. THAT is out of order.
Howeveras far as the private,candid photos go well hat's where the conflicting feelings enmerge. We see so little of the 'real' Rob just lately. The last full interview he gave I think was in GQ Magazine? and he gave that in December. Since then we've had only little snippetts here and there in Cannes,MTV Awards,Oscars night. I know this is wrong but in some way these photos when takenin private moments give you some idea of what he's like....the clothes he wears, the places he goes, the company he keeps. The vast majority of us fans will never meet him or speak to him so a picture can sometimes speak volumes! He is a fascinating character and makes you just want to know more!

Fazra Ulala said...

Ugh. The pap was annoying. Poor Rob


luxurati said...

thruortijfkbmlgf ARGH. i want to strangle those paparazzi bitches with all their flashy gadgets. better yet, i'll strangle them with the straps of their cameras. i agree, though. if Rob's not happy, we're not happy. i want to punch some royalty - the Queen of England, perhaps - or the president, now. just to get the paps off his back for at least five minutes. :-( he doesn't deserve all these annoying picture-takers following him.

katykeene said...

Oh and by the way Robbie can't have it both ways!! First you say Rob is rude and then you say he is smarmy. Which is it?
Smarmy actually means to be quite sickeningly flattering and to be rude, in my book, would mean the opposite!!??
What I think Rob was really saying to this pest was "get a life" mate.. (preferably in Timbuktu.)LOL

katykeene said...

well said Lizzibee.

Anonymous said...

Thanks katykeene! I like your Timbuktu comment! LOL

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
anna F said...

I think it's sort of funny that some can't accept that Rob isn't always patient and nice (especially to people who do not "deserve" it).
He was obviously tipsy and expressed his bad mood at the papz who killed (momentanly) his happy buzz.

He was not as sleek as last time, but nor was he terribly rude, we have seen far worse behavior torwards papzs. I hope that he will be able to cool down and realize that he needs to basically just shut up when papzs catch him by surprise because, whatever he says, some people are going to find faults at it.

Beseides, this will be forgotten tomorow unless people make a big deal out of it.

anna F said...

(too bad previous poster removed her post, I was partly responding to that one ;_;)

Haystackhair said...

Let's just say Rob was a lot nicer than I would have been. I thought his comment was funny. The guy whined his head was down. Get a new vocation pal. LOL. Good for you Rob! And he was still articulate and polite. I would have said then get a @#$% real job a$$hole! LMAO.

Mommamary said...

We don't know if he has changed. He had a bit to drink and voiced his annoyance. No big deal. What if it were us? Probably wouldn't have been so polite. And as far as his comment to the "photog" about his vocation, if he is a decent photographer, he should do that legit, not stalk celebrities and hope to sell the pics. What kind of job is that anyway? Pretty lazy. Get a real job, work for a news media shooting real news, or a modeling agency, taking pics that are agreed upon ahead of time, etc. A lot he could do. So, I have to agree with Rob, he is not very talented. I can't even imagine what it is like to not be able to go get dinner w/o being stalked everywhere. He is just a guy, you know.

kchambers77 said...

i thought he was very nice compared to how most celebs react. he was assertive, did look annoyed (but who could really blame the guy) but he didn't try to kick the pap's ass like most.

is it bad i feel so protective of him? i wish i was there i would have told the pap that "leo was around the corner about to bang megan fox over the hood of a saturn with her boyfriend taking photos because they did drugs all night" just to get him away from our president of awesome.

starfire09 said...

@ROB PATTINSON for Dummies

I totally agree with you.
I couldn't believe this Robbie guy comments. He sounds as if he's one of the paps. Truly! But then he says he LIKES Rob mostly cuz he's pretty. Fuck! Give me a break.
I love how he says he's not photographed as much as Princess Diana or JFK was. Well umm yeah. They had been around alot longer than he has. He hasn't been around that long and look how much he is photographed, hounded, followed around, his every tiniest movement scrutinized. And I don't think Princess Di or JFK had to deal with crazy women grabbing his body or his clothes either.

Hansom Ransom said...

:::Wants to give him a big hug and tell the paps to shove it:::

Robbie said...

By the way folks, I am not male, and I am not a pap.

queenie said...

poor Robness he must feel so frustrated...didn't Summit decide to keep mouths zipped till the end of filming? well they got good people workin for them!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Me thinks maybe you're a pappz in hiding?

To call Rob an asshole & claim to adore him all in the same, thank god he has better fans than you..

How do you have the nerve to post on the BEST Rob site and be so disrespectful?

He needs to get over himself? do you know anything at all about this man? I really don't think you do or you could never make that kind of comment...

You're right up there with the obnoxious pappz in my book..

SarahBella said...

Come on, Robbie. You really must be a pap. Maybe you're THE pap in the video. That would explain a hell of a whole lot.

Don't forget that X17 were the same assholes who were up in Rob's face at LAX....talking about, "Where's Kristen? Are you sleeping with her!??!" All this while they were taking pics of him head on and GETTING all of their shots while Rob was silent. Feel bad for these douchebags? As bad as I feel for a cockroach! They aren't professionals. They're freaking dirtbags. If I go out tomorrow and get a job as a hooker, should you be obligated to respect me and cry over the circumstances that led to me down that path? There are more respectable options. I don't blame Rob for the sly little insult at all. It came AFTER the stalkerazzi had the nerve to whine and complain even after they were accomodating and let him get his damn pictures. Who are these people!?

I do think it's all starting to get to our boy. Just looking at the most recent pics, especially the ones with him and Emile on the stairs, he looks really down. And as jealous as I'd be, seeing him dating and being out and about with different girls, it is kinda crazy that this never seems to be the case. I hope it's a concious decision on his part; one that isn't revolved around his fear of being called a manwhore. He seems like the type of guy who wants something REAL with a girl. And I'm sure he's suspicious of every girl he meets now. Before his fame, he swears he couldn't get a date...just by being himself. Now he's worried that a girl wouldn't really be interested in the real him, but more the fantasy of him and the celebrity persona. I hope he can manage to find a girl that he can trust, and one that will make him happy. Of course, he really should be finding me. He just doesn't know it yet ;)

Anywayz...I felt hella bad for him while watching this video. But I think he'll be alright. He was with friends. He did look pissed, but he was also trashed...and I'm sure he cooled down and even laughed about with his boys 10 minutes later. The fame is clearly overwhelming to him, but come on...we're in a recession. There are people getting laid off, homes being foreclosed on, and widespread unhappiness and discontent in general. Everyone has their own problems. Hopefully Rob will figure out how to deal with his problem of being so damn fine and so sexy that people just can't seem get enough of him. There are worse problems out there ;) Just my two cents.

internetjunkie7 said...

This is vid is funny to me. cuz of the pap. he's the only one who decided to follow him. how sad is that? and desperate. and i thought at the end Rob said "i'm not really that talented" i'm pretty sure he said that. but at the same time i found this sad on rob's part. he just can't be left alone even after hrs. NYC is usually more reserved and nicer to celebs and leave them alone. i can't wait until he can get away. this is just too much. this was like the final straw.

internetjunkie7 said...

Fans are one thing paps are another. rob appreciated his fans although they are a little over the top. but paps aren't. especially after hrs. when he's not even working (aka personal time) and maybe he was smiling for them. and of course he wasn't happy then when paps (excuse me one pap then lol) was following him excessively. after they do everything to elude them.. no talking about him or putting him on call sheet. they even went to his hotel first. geez i wouldn't happy either. but he's always as gracious as possible to his fans. and although he's been advised not even to acknowledge his fans he still at least waved and smiled which was nice of him. something he didn't have to do. i wouldn't be happy either if i'm enjoy some personal time and someone is following me. i feel like going chris crocker on youtube and making a vid "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" even then people would just laugh no one would take it seriously. no one took chris seriously. geez get a life paps. it's too much. some new pics everyday not that it's not nice to see him but i mean damn it's over the top now. and everytime i see something new i cringe because i wonder what he was going through at that moment cuz they weren't leaving him alone. i mean not even jennifer aniston gets this type of hype and she's always followed. and she's in NYC right now filming. now mute has become my best friend. i can't watch a new vid unless it's on mute. i miss looking forward to new press pics and interviews. and i wasn't even on the rob train until earlier this year. jeez. i wanna just see press spots. maybe occasional private pic cuz those aren't gonna stop. but now although we get somethign new everyday.. it's nothing new. he's not really himself. the last tv thing on ET when they were still filming. he wasn't himself. and i feel it's gotten worse. bring back the funny carefree rob, the one who thought all of this fame stuff was amusing. we miss him. and we care for rob.

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