• When he isn't busy sucking blood, Robert Pattinson snacks on . . . dessert! The Twilight star ordered a cappuccino and a chocolate mousse at Martine's Fine Bakery Shoppe in Tuckahoe, N.Y., during a break from shooting his new film, Remember Me, in town. "He was a really nice guy," says an eyewitness. Even though everyone in the bakery noticed the heartthrob, onlookers gave him his privacy as he chowed down with crew members.
SOURCE- People.com
It's nice to read that, even though he gets followed and mobbed on the street, some people have respect for him and he can still go and relax and have a nice drink or bite to eat without being hounded :)
Ahhhh, Robie's getting his chocolate on. Go, Rob!
I'll bring the whip cream Rob!!
Mouth watering..
And I'll be the cherry on top!!!!
(not applicable...Damn!)
I thought he didn't like sweets. LoL
He doesn't like cookies!
this is how statistisc works :
if he has , say, 100.000 fans - there is , say 15% of crazy and offenssive fans, which gives 15.000 aggresive and stalking people - a real frightening number
and I do think that 15% fans might be unpleasant, plus I do think he's got much more fans that 100.000
Un related to this Rob getting his chocolate on, but i was wondering, do you know if Rob puts in iphone in a case? if so what color? does anyone have a picture of this?
I think (can't find picture proof) that his phone is not in a case, while my best friend thinks it is, in a black case.
If anyone can clear this up, please! Thank you in advanced! =)
Ok, Rob covered in chocolate, anyone have a tongue??? Yes, I do, I do, I volunteer.
oooo! gotta love a guy who loves chocolate! love the tags for this post!
also gave me some very "nice" images to think about! ::winks::
"It must be mousse." Couldn't resist.
There's a song that I start singing sometimes when I'm in total SWEET ROB mode. Not the hot and sexual, burning eyes Rob mode, but the sweet smiles and gentle looks he can give when he softens his eyes.....
Do you guys remember a song John Lennon wrote for his son Sean Lennon?
It goes...."Beautiful....beautiful...beautiful......Beautiful BOY.....! It's such a pretty melody and when I get my "mothering Rob" instinct kicked in (cause we are so lucky cause he's a chameleon that can go from a MANLY MAN sexual, erotic guy, to this sweet looking guy you just want to HUG instead).....so we get the best of BOTH WORLDS......that's why I think we love him so much! He feeds the "mothering instinct" in us and yet he also brings out our PERV side that just would be just as happy if that's all we could get....to hump his leg. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH
Speaking of package.......DEBBO DON'T GO THERE!
Ok....don't want to get as wound up as last night. I got too high on ROB ALONE last night. whew....
@ Hot4Rob :)))))))))))))))
I left you a welcoming post yesterday after your coming-out-of-the-lurkdom :)))
welcome again ! write girl, write ! 1) it's nice to read you
2) it will help ya :) I KNOW that myself
Thanks for all the welcomes ladies. They were funny to read also. You guys are so funny and make the cutest comments. Thanks for welcoming me into the "perv" circle of Robdom. Sitting in the dark with happy looks on our faces going....AHHHHHHHH>
love it. He makes us so happy. :)
That's not fair! My name is Martine! Why couldnt he come to my "bakery"? lol
I wuv he wittle feet when he goes in two directions. SO CUTE. Hope the picture works. This is a photo test of the emergency Rob-cast system. LOL
There's a Rob blog I love called ADORKABLE. She is so loving, but so FUNNY when she posts stuff. The GUMBY comparisons are priceless. He's so CUTE!
Chocolate mousse?
*mouth waters*
Do you think he's read Boycotts & Barflies?
*shivers, too*
woaaa!! I love desserts, I love Rob...I want a spoon please!!!!!!!!!
How about a Robnana sundae? hehehhe
awww, thats good to know that there are SOME sane people out there to respect his privacy.. i was beginning to lose hope.
Debbo - Can't believe there's someone else who finds his little pigeon-toed poses so freaking adorkable!
Hot4Rob4Debbo: Yes, the John Lennon song, "Beautiful Boy", you are SO right with that!!And the Adorkable Pattinson Blogspot written by AJ, I LOVE THAT BLOG..I love her Gumby comparisons (Gumby was one of my faves growing up), and Dianbe, yes, his "pigeoned-toed poses" are SO adorkable (gotta love those bendy wonky legs of his) Rob seems so flexible...Oh no, don't let me go there......!!!!!!! :D :P
peeling a fig- LOL I thought the very same thing. 'It must be mousse'.
mmmm Rob and chacolate....
I am so glad that Rob actually to eat without being mobbed!!
yep rob + chocolate has to be the best combination ever... ahhhh rob dipped in chocolate
A man after my own heart..YUM..love that stuff. I have a freezer full of it Rob, come on over!
he is a no case type a guy... all the pics i have seen with iphone no case attached.. check this pic out and site under candids and you will see! click on pics to enlarge.. YOU WIN!
Oliver Irving (director of How To Be) mentioned in the audio commentary that Rob likes cake.
THANK YOU!! for the reply!! :) And to clear up our mystery!
YAY I win, but maybe this is not a good thing, I'm super Robsessed.
@aimeebumbeblee - This is a little late, but on the iPhone question, most people I know have clear cases on them. My son insisted I buy one before I even had the phone (he knows me so well). If you look at it, it doesn't appear to be in a case at all, but it's completely protected by clear plastic. So Rob's black iPhone may actually have one.
I also break things, I have a clear case on my phone as well!
We need to find a really close up picture of Rob and his phone to figure this out. Or maybe, he'll pul lit out in an interview for Remember Me (in future, I can't wait!) I've been searching today but no luck.
Thank you for you webmistress
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