Robert Pattinson on the Phone NOT Talking to Me

Thanks to the fabulous once again for the pictures and the ROBsessed mention :) Check 'em out for larger versions of the pics :)


tracyvanhorne said...

What? His character can't afford a phone from this century either.... hahaha!

Haystackhair said...

either that or he just heard the Kristin is preggers crap. lol. And hey, I still have that phone. They told me if I got a new one the battery would only last a day. I barely remember to charge now....LOL

Haystackhair said...

Oh and LMAO at the tags Goz..

Suz said...

beautiful... just beautiful

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Rob's bike seat.....

Alexandra said...

lol what's with that big red background in one of the pics?

VeilsofLight said...

Veils: "Hello?"
Rob: "Veils? It's Bobby."
Veils: "Oh, hey Rob. Hey, Do you mind if I call you back? I have Daniel Craig on the other line and he seems upset."
Rob: "Um...ok. Just wanted you to know how incredible last night was and...I'd love to make you dinner again tonight and then play you this new song I wrote about you while I've been on the set and..." -
Veils: "Rob, honey, that sounds great, but I'll give you a call back, ok?"
Rob: Ok, sweetie...I just want you to know that in addition to wanting to do incredible, unthinkable things to your body all also make me want to be a better man."
Veils: "That's sweet, baby, I'll meet you at your gig, but right now, I gotta run. *mwah*"
Rob: *heavy breathing* "I'll be waiting, Veils."

Biel said...

I'm sure that phone was automatically self-destroyed by spontaneous combustion!!!!! *thud*

Diane said...

Oh, Veils, that was all-time great! You could sell that script for use in the privacy of our own homes & make a fortune.

Diane said...

Oh, & PattinsonForever - you wish!

VeilsofLight said...

@Diane - hmmm....I think you may have something here. I think I see a new little movie in the making. I have the female lead covered, but I'll need a body double for the love scenes with Rob. I have a no-nudity clause in my contract, but will take part in all the many rehearsals of course.

Only married women need apply, please. I may be generous, but I'm not stupid.

VeilsofLight said...

and Diane, BTW, your AVI rocks! I'm not sure if it gets much better than Sex Drive Rob.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Pic #10 (3rd to last):
"Kristen's pregnant?!"

Pic #11
"It's not mine..."

Pic #12
"F***ing Dakota..."

LOL sorry, after reading Haystackhair's comment, this popped into my head.

Brittany Renouf said...

haystackhair-yeah haha exactly what i was thinking! hahaa

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

God, I love it when he sucks on his bottom lip....

VeilsofLight said...

@rpattzgirl: Oh my god, you read my mind, when he sucks on his bottom lip....ahhhhhhh! He does that all the time on the red carpet, SO crazy O inducing.

Makes you wonder what else he can do with those lips.
It boggles the mind.

Haystackhair said...

Veils, LMAO. I'm married and I would definitely get naked with him!! Hopefully it wouldn't scare him too much.

Anonymous said...

Can't find a way to send this to Godze so I'll share with you all!

I found this photo ...randomly...and am not sure if it's real.

What do you think?!!!

HOT even if it's NOT real!!

Haystackhair said...

and Brittany Renouf, great minds think alike! Back to scrolling up....scrolling down....scrolling up....scrolling down

Anonymous said...
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Haystackhair said...

Picture 8 "WHAT? You want to do WHAT to me?
Picture 11 " offer I've had all year
Picture 4 "Hey, I can't finish tis scene, i really need to leave"
Picture 7 "Kathy baby, I'll be there in a NY minute, so get naked.
Hey, a girl can dream.....LMAO

RPnKSaddict said...

You all kill me. I just about wet myself I'm laughing so hard. I love Robsessed.

Love the lips mmmmmm....

Dahlia said...

*sigh* I love you Rob :)

showme said...

"He looks like he heard I posted the tuck picture :)"

This is what i get for teasing u ab tags on twitter and not coming here and actually looking at them first thing this morning.

i might have MISSED that tag! shame on me LOL

showme said...

OK....hahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha at VEILS script.

Omg. that is ridiculously funny...

lostinphilly said...

Bottom Lip Sucking is now an Olympic Sport and Rob's going to the next olympics!!!!!He'll win the gold by a landslide!!!!

VeilsofLight said...

Aw Shucks, showme, thank ya. But who am I kidding? This is perhaps a more realistic version of the call.

Veils: "Hello?"

Rob: "VeilsofLight?

Veils: (pause) *gulp* "Yes?"

Rob: This is Rob Pattinson."

Veils: *THUD*

Rob: "Veils? Hello? HeLLOOO? (aggravated) Are you there? Look, if you're there I want you to stop stalking me on that stupid blog day in and day out, it's getting creepy, and you're a grown woman for god's sake. (slurs loudly) You NEEED a new voCATION, 'cause you're not very TALLLENTED."

Veils: *whimper*

showme said...

OMG, I'm giggling hysterically. my dogs are looking at me weird...

i have to repost. i wish i could post this on twitter.....

everyone is making up these ridiculous convos from teh cell phone pics.

btw, that's the convo i would have with him too


Aw Shucks, showme, thank ya. But who am I kidding? This is perhaps a more realistic version of the call.

Veils: "Hello?"

Rob: "VeilsofLight?

Veils: (pause) *gulp* "Yes?"

Rob: This is Rob Pattinson."

Veils: *THUD*

Rob: "Veils? Hello? HeLLOOO? (aggravated) Are you there? Look, if you're there I want you to stop stalking me on that stupid blog day in and day out, it's getting creepy, and you're a grown woman for god's sake. (slurs loudly) You NEEED a new voCATION, 'cause you're not very TALLLENTED."

Veils: *whimper*

Ana73 said...

Question for anyone:

do you know any site that will be carrying the comic con next week???

oh, and Rob does look hot of course , what else is new :)

showme said...

I posted a link on twitter Veils.

That just deserved a special link. LOL>>>>>>>>>>>

JittzPattzing OK, from @ROBsessedBlog comments. RP Cell phone convo today. Scan down to VeilsofLight's comments. ROFLMAO

showme said...

Ana, Twilight Lexicon will be there. i'm not sure what you mean by 'carrying'
they'll be tweeting i'm sure tho

VeilsofLight said...

Thanks showme :) I've been laughing my ass off all day with some of these classic comments from Robsessors about the phone convo.

I seriously need to get my ass on Twitter soon, I think I'm the last of the Mohegans here.

Kidding effing HOT does he look on a cell phone? And smoking. And sucking on his lip. And breathing. And making toast.

Just threw that one in there.

VeilsofLight said...
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Ana73 said...

showme, thank you.

i am a little tired, i meant a live feed, i dont even know if that is allowed or not. just asking.

i guess i will wait to see what shows up on you tube.

Haystackhair said...

Veils, I'm not on twitter either. I don't have time to figure it out...too much time Robsessing. LOL.

VeilsofLight said...

Haystack...Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one left. :) I technically have an account, but still haven't delved into the whole tweet thing, will get there, but there just isn't enough time in the day to do that and Robsess, too. :)

A friend of mine used to have them as a client back when they first started and I was like "Why do people need (or want to know) what you are doing every second of the day?" Exactly WHY is this interesting to anyone? Umm, then I found Rob and now I sorta get it. ;) It's certainly taken on a universe of it's own. I wonder what will be next?

Haystackhair said...

LOL, I guess I kinda see your point.

Tinadora said...

I like the script in back pocket style ;)

Babs said...

Girls I missed you so much! I'm back from my short vacation and it's good to see pictures of Rob laptop-size again:) the iphone display is just too small to really enjoy Rob's hotness :)

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