Robert Pattinson's Internal "Battle" with The Pink Sleeping Bag

Earlier in the afternoon, Rob and his Stoli shirt getting ready for the afternoon ahead...

The word is I have to carry a pink sleeping bag today.

Kristen might have worn something blue today.

Blue is for boys and pink is for girls ergo Kristen carrying blue might be considered a sign we are screwing, I should NOT carry the pink bag.

I'll explain it to them and I won't care if they think I'm crazy...

Ms. Set PA, pretend you are listening to Ruby. I can't carry a pink sleeping bag.
Take my word for it. It's better for the well being of everyone around.

No seriously, you might think it's not a big deal because you are a tough chick with tattoos on her legs but this sh*t is serious! I can't carry the pink bag!

I can't believe how insensitive that bitch is! She acted like I was crazy when I explained to her how the pink-blue situation would work out. She is all "tough" because of the ink on her legs!
I shall carry this pink bag and hate her for making me!

Maybe I can make them take away the pink bag if I pull my luscious hair out?
EVERYONE knows how important "The hair" is...

No seriously

All right, I'm stuck with the bag and I'm a professional.

I LOVE my pink bag :)

The pink bag is my life now

Close up of how happy I am:

I want to carry my pink sleeping bag EVERYWHERE from now on

But still, they'd better be paying me good for this sh*t

They do. And I do, I love my pink sleeping bag :)


Thank to the fab for the pics. Check 'em out for more :)


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VeilsofLight said...

Goz, this may be your most classic commentary to date. I want to eat smiley, pink-sleeping-bag-carrying Rob up with a spoon.

MariahajilE said...

OMG! Quite possibly the greatest captions I've read... Still gonna be laughing about it tomorrow.

Lorna Gay Lopez said...

The pink sleeping bag asides are really hilariously funny!XD

Rhonda said...

BEST POST EVER. And Rob carrying that bag causes spontaneous ovulation. MUST.BEAR.HIS.CHILDREN. Gaaaaah!

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

LMAO! The end, with him smiling and loving his pink sleeping bag is CLASSIC! Poor baby!

Xtyn said...

Isn't it pathetic that we all just swoon every time he throws us a smile? Oh Rob.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Are you still drunk? Because if you are Goz, you need to do that more often when commenting! That was hilarious.

Alison4828 said...

That was fucking awesome! You need to crunk blog all the time its the bomb baby!!!

showme said...



you did very well w your pic commentary despite the fact you're a drunk ho right now


very clever!

ebbyface said...


Fire Crotch said...

The pink sleeping bag is my life now...effing hilarious!

Mezzie said...

OMFG Goz, I *love* you... Your tags were f'ing hilarious!!! But I totally agree with the whole pink/blue thing lmao

CallaLily said...

Hahaha!! Hilarious. Love to be that pink sleeping bag rolled up in those arms right about now.

TheCheshireCat said...

I had to try so hard not to just burst out laughing and having the people hanging out with me think I'm insane! Best commentary, ever!

Corinna Spencer said...

lmfao-that was some funny bloggin'
I reckon we will see that sleeping bag again, I feel he has a fondness for steeling-er-borrowing film set clothes/stuff. Our Robward has fallen in love with that pink bag..I just know it.

Thanks Goz

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I am still laughing my ass off!! That was the funniest shit ever Goz...

I love these photos...

crafterika said...

hahahah goz! this is great! and the smiling pic is soo cute! i am glad to see a smiling picture! and i just love the story! haha

Haystackhair said...

Goz, LMAO. and we love you.

Jewels64 said...

More vodka for Goz!!! I am howling my ass off laughing!!!

Rob better read this post.....

Unknown said...

that was hilarious!!drunk comments are the best!!

Kat said...

Goz, you're on fire my dear, I am laughing my ass off over here... love ya BB

ak said...

haha comments ever!! laughing hysterically.

Gemgirl65 said...

OMG Goz!!! Are you drinking as much as I am? Because that shiz is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

The commentary for these pictures is what dreams are made of.

Ellie said...

This is one of the funniest freakin' posts I've ever read, Goz~~You are on fire, babe!! xo

I love the feather or whatever it is that's sticking out of the middle of the PINK sleeping bag...

margot said...

Thank you Gözde !

I have been literally crying over it - now I can go to bed :)))))))))))

aimary said...

OMG I can't stop to laughing! Goz you're the best, I really, really love your posts, and yes, I'm going to miss RM too! LOL

Marna said...

I want to drunk blog too! LOL

The picture under

But still, they'd better be paying me good for this sh*t

is perfect

lostinphilly said...

Yes, more vodka for Goz! That was THE most funniest commentary you have ever given us! LMAO, my kids think I'm nuts cause I'm sitting here on the puter drinking beers (celebrating Friday for end of Rob's workweek,yeah, right)and laughing so hard they're ready to commit me to the looney bin.Do you think that Rob would visit me there?
Goz, I love you for all your pics and posts, and especially for your drunk posting.Keep 'em comin, girl!!!!!!
P.S.- what the f**k is that little white feather thingy hanging out of the sleeping bag?????Anyone??????

Jewels64 said...

Hello Robsessors! Happy Friday night! What a way to start the weekend! Everyone give Goz our merry ringleader a standing "o"...(not that kind! I'm sure she's appreciate it though) for this hilarious post!

Jewels64 said...

Hi Ellie BEAN!!!! Muuuuah! Glad to see you here my lovey!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Night Rob lovers-off to watch Little Ashes....again...

Hope Rob has a lovely, quiet, beer induced weekend..and look forward to seeing him a little while longer next week.

Anonymous said...

holy shit that commentary is FUNNY goz!

dear rob,

please show up at my door with a pink sleeping bag and a feather

jules and ellie!! :)

Jewels64 said...

TS!!! Hey BB!!! Happy Rob DAY!!! Any day with RPattz is a happy Rob day!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


last week was a rough week for you, hope your taking it easy.

thanks for all the damn pictures, that are taking up so much space on my computer... :)

Jewels64 said...

@ RPFD....Get a flash drive!!! It has saved my ass! And saved Rob's ass for that matter too! I already have three flash drives filled with his holy freaking hotness!

Kat said...

Jules, TS my sweets... how are we this fine Rob-filled day?

Anonymous said...

jules! for real....what will we do when our boy gets a break?

thank goodness we have five thousand rm pics to drool over!

Tenneil said...

What is up ladies!! Rob Look oh so yummy....his smile...swoon

Jewels64 said...

Fuck TS!!! I still drool over GOF pix! I'm a no hoper.....

Anonymous said...

kat! that fucking avi is ridiculous... i love it! xoxo

Jewels64 said...

Hey Tenneil! Thanks for the reviews BB!!! I need all the support I can get! Woo hoo! I blew past one thousand reviews today!

Thanks to my Britkat!!!!

Kat said...

Yup, the smirk, the ciggie, the tear duct porn... Kat's a happy camper...

Anonymous said...

t: whassssup?

jules: sho nuff... i watched gof last weekend and it took me over three hours cause i kept pausing and rewinding...lmao

Kat said...

Aw shucks Jewels, it's all you BB.

Kat said...

Hey Tenneil.... how are YOU?

Tenneil said...

Hey Jules... no prob bb... gah duckward is gett ing hotter... didnt think that was possible!!!great job...

Tenneil said...

you know I meant dukeward.. haha

Tenneil said...

Hey Kat.. good busy.. still having computer issues.. the usually... you??

Jewels64 said...

I thought I was bad when that damn movie started and I was all "Hello are getting to be just a little delicious...."

Yeah....then Cedbert dropped out of the damn tree and my undies dropped to my ankles.....

Tenneil said...

Hey TS ...girl...what drink are you on??

Anonymous said...

t: lmfao @ duckward...what'cha drinkin'?

Kat said...

I'm good Tenneil... sorry to hear you're still having PC issues.

Bwaaahahahaha at DUCKward :-)

Anonymous said...

hmm i may or may not be on my fourth drink...minus dinner. dh is pretty happy about that

Tenneil said...

t for typo.. wtf iam not even drinking yet!!!

Jewels64 said...

Duckward? Who the effing hell is Duckward?

Why did I just picture Donald Duck and Daisy doing the nasty?

onoimatwitard2 said...

I swear I'm in love with you Twi Blogging women. I'd forgotten how wonderful it is to laugh until my stomach hurts. Now I get to do it on a regular basis. PERFECT captioning on the pink sleeping bag!

Anonymous said...

you know disco duck does have some moves, jules.......hahahaha

t: get on it!

Anonymous said...

ellie....? you didn't stand me up for our date did you?

Ellie said...

Good evening, my sweet lovelies!!!

Jewels64 said...

Listen ONO....I thought the pink sleeping bag stood for something else!!!

That's how twisted my mind is!!!

Tenneil said...

Hi Ellie *waves frantically*

Jewels64 said...


Ellie said...


Long time, no write! (me, anyway...)
How are you, bb??

Jewels64 said...


Ellie said...

Jiles, we had a thunderstorm and I had to unplug for a while. I think it's passed. For now, anyway...

Anonymous said...

aaahhhh fuck... i had to read that name like 7 times before i could figure it out ono... and now i'm laughing HAHAHA

Tenneil said...

Ellie~ I am good... for the most part... been a hell of a week... glad to see you ladies tonight thats for sure!!!howyoudoing??

Anonymous said...

jules: are you pushing to the front of the line again???

Ellie said...

Whot the hell is JILES???

Sorry, Jules... lol

Here's the key, love.
the riding crop is back in Englandm though. You'll have to make do with Rob's suspenders, instead...
*sheepish grin

Kat said...

Ellie... HELLO!

Tenneil said...


Ellie said...

Damn, too many typos!
Typing too fucking fast...

Ellie said...

Ah, Kat! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Jewels64 said...

Giles? Giles from "Buffy" and the Maxwell House commercials is here....I love him!

Tedracat said...

Gozde, that was such frothy funny pink stink fun! Cheers to drunken blogging! Did anyone else adore the fucked up pocket on his cargos? Supremely Rob! Those cargos are pretty ridiculous - they're getting bigger every time he wears them! Although I have visions of them pooling at his ankles, I think he's such a bad ass for wearing them because he HAS to know they look like they're going to fall off. And his smile when he gamely carries le sac rose - magnifique! :)

Tenneil said...

Ellie.. its been so long since the naughty room... ROB missing us all??

Tenneil said...

Ellie I am doing the same thing i called Dukeward ...duckward...LOL

Jewels64 said...

Ah Ellie...that's what we RobKats learned to do to get a word in edgewise! We learned to think fast, type fast...

Rob loves us!

kimberlesk said...

Evening Bitches -- wassup??? I'm totally watching Little Ashes right now and IDK how long I'm going to make it ...

Anonymous said...

ted: gaahh pooling at his ankles? we don't wanna hurt the boy...pull the fuckers all the way off!

Kat said...

I'm in HP land.... an owl just flew to my door... I KID YOU NOT.

Ellie said...

Ten, he's almost finished in NYC...
He'll be in the naughty room soon enough.
He needs to recharge with us all...
and I could do with a bit of sparks, myself... lol

Marilyn said...

You are freaking hilarious!!

Jewels64 said...


HOLY SHIT! In my best Christian Bale voice EVAH...


Anonymous said...

kim: holy fucking shit....that avi is priceless! domward is uhmazazing.

and watching la... so jealous!

Jewels64 said...

Kat...Is it Hedwig?

Ellie said...

Hey, Kim!!!


Robvador got your attention, dear? :)

Tenneil said...

Hi Kim... gah LA mmmm dalirob... pretty hot!!!

Ellie said...

Of COURSE, Kat gets HEADwig...


Kat said...

KIM.... how are ya?

Jules... it won't answer me when I ask if his/her name is Hedwig... fucker.

Jewels64 said...

So...Now that we have been inundated with pix of Robster pretty much just being himself (or so we think for those of us who read the damn script to RM)....

Are you bitches ready for more pix of Edward Cullen?

Kat said...

Jealous Ellie???

Jewels64 said...

Well that owl is just inconsiderate. Have you thought about another pet....a rat or a toad perhaps....

Ellie said...

Um,...yeah, Kat, I am.

Will you share your (*cough) OWL?

kimberlesk said...

yes, that's right, I'm drunk and decided to join the RK party tonight!! How's everyone doing ... OH SHIT, NAKED ROBVADOR SCENE IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR, must rewind, many, many times .... BRB

Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tenneil said...

RM I will be a basketcase when it is released... Cant wait for Mr Cullen... yummy

Kat said...

Kim, drunk.... never!

Ellie, I always share my HEADwig... you know that.

Jewels64 said...

I am totes interested in seeing what David Slade is going to do with Eclipse. It's going to be a little dark I think.

It has to be to lead into BD...OMIGOD...the birthing scene...

I've already seen Rob covered in blood...don't know if I can take watching him basically disembowel KStew....

kimberlesk said...

OMG -- you ever watch a nekid scene, and the thing you want to see is just outta the shot and you find yourself bending your head to see if you can see past that point ... Yeah, that's what I just fucking did!!

LOL -- Hey Kat -- how's your Peter??

Ellie said...

Kim, I did that this afternoon, with LA on my computer. I couldn't slo-mo it, but just rewound it over and over and over...
the tuck is so, so cute, along with the pretend conversation he has going, with the ciggie in his hand. And the last tuck...fucking priceless!
and, yes, I looked VERY carefully to see ANYTHING!

kimberlesk said...

Oh and my Avatar is courtesy of
The Artist Formerly Known as McVampy!

Anonymous said...

ladies... db is out of pocket... but she says hi :)

Tenneil said...

Agreed Jules BD is going to be insane... that birthing scene.. thud!!

Ellie said...

Kim, my eyes couldn't see beyond or into the screen. Damn, I wish it were in 3D!

Kat said...

Kim - he's very perky tonight... thanks for asking!

I'm DIEING to see Little Ashes...

Jewels64 said...

Ask me how many times I went back just to watch the look on Rob's face during the infamous voyeur (sic) scene?

I got so freaking hot and bothered watching his facial expressions and seeing the sweat on his forehead.... I wanted to see something else... I spy......

Ellie said...

TS! (I still love my initials for
Tell db hello for me, and a big hug for her!

kimberlesk said...

I know what you mean Ellie!!!

And Jules, I thought 30 Days of Night was a great vampire movie, so I'm very hopeful for Eclipse!!

hi Tenneil

Tenneil said...

Kat you havent seen LA???

Anonymous said...

so kim... you were cocking your head to see his....

Ellie said...

Jules, the foreHEAD vein is in full force in that scene.
Mc V would/will love it!

Ellie said...

Kim, at the end, in the you see boxers on either of them???

Ellie said...

Jules, good things CUM to those who wait... xo

Anonymous said...

i haven't seen la

Tenneil said...

Well then that just plain sucks ass... I had to drive to Chitown to see it myself... nothing in my state... boo

Kat said...

Ten - nope, for Austin being so "artsy fartsy" I would've thought we'd get to see it... but no :-(

Jewels64 said...

TS!!! We are so going to be texting each other tomorrow after HBP!!!! No emails....I'll wait for you to text me so we can discuss together!!!! Everyone has seen it! I want to talk to someone who has seen it the same day I have!

kimberlesk said...

ellie, haven't gotten there yet ... will letabitchknow!

Anonymous said...

ellie: you know i love it when you call me ts...

i sent your message to db

Tenneil said...

When is LA released to DVD anyone know.... ??? hear in the states??

Jewels64 said...

Kat...speaking of Artsy Fartsy...
I'm getting the tix for me and Nic for Sam Bradley!

We are coming your way BB!!!!! YEEE FUCKING HAW!!!!!

Ellie said...

Thanks, TS!

(and TS is just missing IT in the middle...)
heh, heh, heh

Anonymous said...

jules: you know it baby! i will hit you up fo rizzle...

Kat said...

JULES... you are, for sure? YEAH... let me know the second you have your tix and I'll get mine... squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Ellie said...

Ten, I don't know when it's being released in the states.
I ordered from Amazon UK and got it today.

Anonymous said...

no fucking clue t... i wanna know though so i can order mine

Jewels64 said...

Nic and I got our time off approved! We are all set to leave that Monday as soon as I clock out from work at 1:30! I will give you the confirm on the tickets though!


Anonymous said...

uh oh sam is in


the best kind of trouble!

Tenneil said...

When is sam in Texas??

Kat said...

OMG, I'm so freaking excited.... just think (OK, dare I say this)... what IF ROB COMES BACK TO AUSTIN TO HANG OUT WITH SAM??????

Kat said...

August 3rd....

Anonymous said...

kat: isn't he coming just to see you???

Kat said...

TS - no, he's CUMING just to see me :-)

Tenneil said...

Sams a busy boy... take lots of pix !!!! and vid...

Anonymous said...

oh hell kat...what was i thinking? of course he's CUMING just for you

Kat said...

Oh we will, and we'll be nice and share too :-)

Tenneil said...

Looks like sam is getting alot of Robsessed love...

Anonymous said...

okay so linds is on the phone now... she just wanted me to remind you that she is going to marry sam... so back the fuck off

Anonymous said...

awwww, you girls are talking about Sammy? aaawwwww :)) hearing/reading his name always makes me smile :)

Ellie said...

TS, where the hell is Linds...tell her to get her cute little ass on here!!!

Kat said...

Tell Lindsey if she doesn't get her ass over here right now then all bets are off as far as Sam's concerned. She needs to cum protect "her" man... Jules is so getting some of that!

Anonymous said...

ellie: linds said she can't handle to the nawwwty room... huh?

Ellie said...

Well, if she says she can't "handle" IT, then she is certainly being a naughty girl.
Rob will teach her a lesson.


Kat said...

Ellie - if that's being taught a lesson then I can't handle it either.

Limey_1996 said...

That is bloody priceless!! haha

Your commentary cracked me up!

Looks like a big cherry Tootsie Roll.


Ellie said...

Kat, you're ALWAYS not handling it.
That's why you rack up so much fucking time in there...
Rob's clueless. He's cute that way. :)

Kat said...

I know, he hasn't put two and two together yet... hehehehehe....

Ellie said...

Those RK's are a PRETTY smart bunch...

And devilishly devious. ♥

Kat said...

Where the fuck did everyone go?

Anonymous said...

okay...back with a refill

where did everyone run off to? robvador take over?

Lindsey said...

What is it you say? I'm so HERE and OWN the naughty room! BWAHAHA!!!

Ellie said...

I'm here!

Anonymous said...

hahaha linds! you here to lay claim to your man?

Lindsey said...

That's right, TS!!! You totes know it!!! ;)

Lindsey said...

I couldn't claim ownership to my suggested username, though. Hahaha!

Treasure_7 said...

Love to see Rob smiling and getting to see his eyes. I love his sunglasses but I love those eyes....they are hot!!

Kat said...

Ellie, I know you never left me....

Ellie said...

TS, did you say Linds will LAY (claim)??

Muah, Linds!

Kat said...

Which was Linds? (Oh and good evening my sweet)

Tenneil said...

me too.. i am here

Anonymous said...

treasure.... the eyes have it

Tenneil said...

hi Linds!!

Ellie said...

Kat, I'm always there for you, baby!

Except on dd and I are going down the shore with her GS troop overnight.

I'll try to sneak to the hotel's computer, if I can, though...

Lindsey said...

SohoWhore, Kat! LOL...And, hello and good evening to you :)

Anonymous said...

yes ellie... i did say LAY (her claim on) sam

Ellie said...

Is it only in NJ that we say, "down the shore"???

Laura said...

Hey girls!

Jewels64 said...

Sorry I disappeared...crying child.... I have to stop my Robsession at some point. I tend to forget I have a family sometimes....

Lindsey said...

Hi Tenneil! :)

Anonymous said...

aaaahhh linds live it up! you wanna be a it

Lindsey said...

Jules, Laura!!! Hi :)

Ellie said...

Linds~~SohoWhore is your username on here? Or where? Huh?
WTF am I fucking missing?

I'm so fucking clueless.

Kat said...

Laura... are you sat on your ugly steps?

Linds... I totally thought you were calling me a SoHowhore for a minute then...

Ellie... we call it the "seaside".

Tenneil said...

what up Laura!?!?!

Ellie said...


Hi, buttercup!

Anonymous said...

ellie: i'm landlocked...the only thing i'm going down is... well you know

hi laura! :)

Lindsey said...

I'm doing it, TS!! I'm doing it! Of course I wanna be a SohoWhore; who doesn't? Especially if it's Sam's!!!

Laura said...

Kat, I found Rob waiting for me on my ugly steps today. We did naughty things on them. THANK YOU! HAHAHAHA

Laura said...

*waves to everyone*


Kat said...

Laura... I bet they're not looking so ugly to you anymore are they?

Ellie said...

Hey, Laura, how's CO Bob doing?

Jewels64 said...

Laura!!! Linds!!! Woo HOO!!! Let's get this party started gals!!!

What shall we discuss today? How about how insanely hot Rob looks with all that bruise and cut makeup? OMIGOD! And lets not forget the fuckhawt video where we get to see him wail on someone!

Anonymous said...

laura: ohhh like in "stay"? mmmm

and i do love that new avi of yours... he needs no company in that little box

Lindsey said...

Ellie, that's what I was trying to claim my username as; too long of a process...I have Sam's word, though!

Kat~I would NEVER say or think that of or to you!

Sorry for the confusion.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hello Ladies!!! Rob and his pink sleeping bag are just so darn adorable.

Ellie said...

Question: Is it about time I change my avatar?

I love this one, but everyone else keeps changing theirs...

Anonymous said...

t: you have that first drink down yet???

Tenneil said...

B fucking I what is up girl!!! HUgs bb

Kat said...

Linds... hey, I'm not offended... I was like WTF for a milisecond then I figured out what you were saying...

Laura said...

They are BEAUTIFUL now, Kat! LOL

And Jules, you are SO right about the bloody pics! I think they are so fucking hot! GAH!

Anonymous said...

oh my gaaaah! it's b fucking i! why 'ello there

Jewels64 said...

WELL HELL.... I'm going back to my old avatar then.... it's more current anyway....

Tenneil said...

TS girl yes I do thank you!!!

Ellie said...

Hi, BI!!

kimberlesk said...

Well, I'm watching LA right now, so that's why I'm here and there ...


Anonymous said...

jules: rob bloody and bruised.... umm yeah pretty much the reason i'm going to see this movie alone the first time

Tenneil said...

Bloody Rob makes me want to give him a bath... and hmmmm well.. you can figure out the rest I am sure

Ellie said...

Jules, Rob is SO hawt with that bloody make-up on him.
Rugged CUMS to mind...

Oh, no, the Lumberjack song...

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