Stoli Shirt Was NOT Made By Elves

I asked if Rob's clothes were made by Elves before. He's been wearing the same shirt, jacket, jeans etc for a LONG time now and I wondered how they were still "alive".
One item of clothing takes the prize for lasting so long: The Stoli T-Shirt!

And now Amcas solved the mystery behind the T-shirt that never seemed to get old: It did get old and someone (Rob? Tom Stu? Elves? (I still think there is something magical going on with that shirt) ) sewed it back together!

November 18th 2008, dinner with Nikki Reed(who has FINALLY resurfaced with *wait for it* Paris Latsis! Gag me with a spoon!) and Sister:

Let's look closely:

Yep, it's ripped all right.

November 19th 2008, LAX:


Again a closer look at the ripped shirt and some skin :)

*shakes head and tries to look away from the skin showing through the t-shirt*

What was I saying?

Oh yes, the magical shirt!

July 17th 2009, NYC:

Come closer Rob:

It's sewed back with the WORST stitching job EVER :)


Just when I thought I couldn't adore him more he comes out with this :)

For more pictures with the shirt and how this trivial piece of Robert Pattinson information was unearthed check out :))

Thanks to Kate for the tip and RPSource for the pics.


Suz said...

I fucking love Robert Fucking HoboLicious Pattinson!


The Pretty©

Lorabell said...

Um, I think I just noticed that the guy (in profile in the middle) in the old group pic of Rob, is Marcus Foster!

aimary said...

LOL!! I can't stop of laughing!!! OMG, I'm crying...I love him, love him, love him....HAHAHAHAHAHA
It's for this things because I adore him...

VeilsofLight said...

HOLY clothing recycling! I love the fact that the man could at this point afford an entire custom made wardrobe from Italy and he chooses to bum around in old rags (said lovingly). I love it. :) That's why we adore him.

I can see him sitting in his hotel room with the little sewing kit they provide, trying awkwardly to stitch up the little holes, and pricking himself. "I know I can get at least 5 more years out of this shirt, dammit!" heehee :)

wanabRPsmom said...

Ang did a GREAT detective work on this SHIRT, Gozde...LOL!!

Put a smile on my face:)
It is did Rob find a needle and thread...much more knowing how to SEW!?!

It is an OLD shirt with so many FOND memories..reason I think he can NOT discard the rag! It traveled with him all over the world...more like a SeCURITY blankee for him.

We should scour the net and get him a new one!!

Rhonda said...

Thanks for this Gozde. That HQ with the torn shirt combined with the sexpender pants and that badass smirk is HAWT!!!

LMAO in the first pic it is dark gray. Too damn funny.

Gotta love hobolicious Rob.

showme said...

I've just thought of something looking at the blue thread on a grey shirt which would explain a LOT ab his clothing

do you think rob is colorblind?


ak said...

that is hysterical. and i swear that is the same situation with my fave harley davidson tee. too bad robs not wearing out my tee

Leslie C. Franklin said...

I think that it is SO awesome that he has a favorite t-shirt! It is so endearing!

marie said...

Ha! ha!. He is just so adorable.

Elsa S said...

I think it´s time for us girl to create an acount to buy rob clothes, but lets buy him the same thing 4 or 5 times to make sure he really got it, just ajoke, he is so sweet to re take his clothes, thats why we love him

Bootstrap Intern said...

I love this hobolicious man... He is f*cking brilliant.

aimary said...

love the hobolicius man too!!!!
so adorable!!!

dayzdnconfuzd said...

How cute is that???

Anonymous said...

Get him a new one in BLACK (or white)!

lostinphilly said...

I love the sewing job that was done on his shirt;maybe he did sew it himself, who knows? He looks so deliciously hobolicious with that shirt on.
StoliRob rules! I love StoliRob!!

idontknow said...

hahaha that is HYSTERIcal!

Dontcha just KNOW he'll receive at least SEVERAL new stoli tees as gifts now from fans!

(what does it mean that I kinda want to buy one for myself? lol. Don't answer that)

showme said...

but the new black/white ones aren't in russian at the bottom

i'm sure that would be a deal breaker for him LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm sure somebody have already sent him some. I for one want to send him a pool of grey thread :)

Yvonne said...

I noticed the stitching in the recent pics, but I never noticed the holes before! Great detective work...thank for pointing it out!!! I love that we are all so fascinated by this stuff...sigh...what this man does to us <3 It is so endearing that he would have this shirt stitched up (and obviously by someone with no stitching talent :)).

Rob, I totally know how to sew, and would love to be your personal seamstress. I would even help you in and out of your clothes at no extra charge. Just sayin'.

BTW, I am buying a Stoli shirt and no one will understand why...but me (and ALL of you:))

xoRobxo said...

OMG -I just love this man. He is so frickin adorable. Cool, down to earth not some pretencious, full of themselves actor.
Just like he said on Ellen " I just want to be one of the people"

Lovin his sewing skills by the way, and isn't just like a guy not to match the thread color to the shirt

Yvonne said...

It's like his very own little "Flat Stanley" will travel the world over and be photographed in each and every place to document the journey.

sho, maybe he is color blind. Or he just doesn't give a shit, which is probably more likely :)

Ms. Bonderson said...

This is one of my favorite shirts of Rob's. That picture at LAX is in my top 5 favorite pics. The way the light hits his chest... just, yum! Thanks for reposting it. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking my little ole' site! I am Ang (Amcas) at Why Not? Twilight, RPattz, and Me.

The Vodka Shirt was all kinds of funny and cute to post about!

Thanks Again!

AnnaD said...

I've been wondering if he's colorblind, too. But maybe to just blues. I have friend that can't tell the difference between certain blues and greens...could be that, too. But he's still cute as a button.

TheCheshireCat said...

OMG! I was trying so hard not to laugh the entire time I was reading this post! You can just tell a guy did the stitching on the shirt (probably Rob! ::squeal::) just by the looks of it. Love it!

Nena said...

Bwahaha! I am glad you guys dedicated a post to the Stoli shirt. When you posted the last set of pictures I noticed the "awesome stitching" and I was thinking of looking for those airport pictures. I <3 you for making it easy and bringing out the lulz hahaha.

Treasure_7 said...

That is just too cute his favorite shirt!!

Lisa said...

Haa!! I love it!!

Something about that poorly stitched up old shirt made me think of that ugly taped up recliner that Frasier's father used to have on Frasier! :D

It's old, it's tired, it's well worn, but it's also well loved :)

RPnKSaddict said...

Cool love the Stoli shirt.
LMAO at the stitching job.
I remebered this shirt from very old photos of him pre Twilight.

He is hobolicious.We are Robsessed when we know his clothing better than he does.

keti said...

This is exactly the reason why we love him so much -
I cant stop laughing - he is absolutely adorable.
Can you imagine, him stitching the T him self " DAMN THIS TREAD ITS NOT GOING IN LOL LOL "
We have too find out the meaning too this very special T
that he can not live without.

SharonMacross said...

I love him so much harder now.

He must really like this shirt to put so much effort into it. It's not held together by safety pins nor is it stapled together. =D

Cuccicella said...

Maybe the sewing kit in his hotel didn't have the grey thread =)

maha said...

That's why I love him so so so so much.

I am admire of his unique personality and of being humble and natural.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Reed and Paris Latsis?

Anonymous said...

rofl. This is too funny. He doesn't want to get rid of it!

kristen said...

Holy crap, that has to be the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Gozde, thank you for documenting this epic repair job on the Stoli shirt. But seriously though, who in the heck sews a freaking t-shirt back together instead of just throwing it away? Robert Pattinson, that's who, and I love him for it. He probably got a lot of sewing practice from constantly having to repair the famous golden zipper pants - that sucker kept busting at the seams! And speaking of which, I really miss those pants :)

Krystle said...

That's the funniest shit ever!!! When I first started reading the post, I was going to say "dude, he must just have like a few Stoli shirts, no biggie." Then your detective work totally blew me away. I cannot believe he sewed/someone sewed that shirt back together. But, I do know he has a limited wardrobe, so he was probably like "fuck, I need to fix my fing shirt." He has some other t-shirts that are looking shabby too.

Gemgirl65 said...

Sho you are a smart KNOW that's why he won't go get a new Stoli shirt, because the new ones have English on them, and his is almost entirely in Russian. I have looked and cannot find one like it on the 'net! This one is like a collectible now! Rob would probably rather die than give it up LOL. Probably has sentimental value to him now.

Man, that is def. the worst sewing job I have ever seen. I love it. Every day there is some goofball thing I find out about Rob that makes me love him more.

showme said...

LOL i think it's ALL in russian isn't it?

i gotta look again.
i figured someone bought it in russia. and he picked it up at a thrift store. or maybe his parents brought it back from a trip to russia after a stoli brewery tour.

that seems the type of thing my parents would have brought back my brother LOL

Treasure_7 said...

Gee Rob is just so slim and trim and gorgeous!!

showme said...

oh yeah, i see the "product of russia" damn u can hardly read the the small writing bc the label is so crinkly

he's fighting a loosing battle with that one...

i hope someone asks him about it someday.

Marna said...

I just looked (very closely) at the HQ version of the LAX pic & realized that Rob is wearing black underwear. It's sticking out of the top of his pants. I.Am.Died. Also maybe horny.

Anonymous said...

please somebody going to Twi-Con:

So Goz this is just a suggestion but maybe you should do a post called:"You Know You're Robsessed When...."

And doing detective work over his hobolicious Stoli shirt would be one of them.
This is def. my favorite post of yours, Goz. Second, the talking pictures. I wish you unicorns and happy RobTrails for the work you and Dani do for enabling addicted Robsessors like us.

Anonymous said...

The resemblance to his sister is not so far off. Aside from the hotness, she's got the long slender hands, slender built, blonde hair, eyes, and the jaw....uhm...what 's my point?

The Pattinson family's got GO(O)D genes! I hope for them they pass it down. If not Rob, then his sisters! There's less presh on him. But since he's the guy the presh is on him to pass down the family name.

Mystik Malice *Twilight Shop* said...

Hahaha, it's too cute, I do adore him !
I think that his old clothes are a way to keep a connexion with his former life, when he was a normal guy, don't you think ?
Good detective work ! ;)

Tess said...

I love Domestic Rob.

He can darn my socks anytime...

phosphorus said...

@ luffscruff: Daughters can also pass on the family name. In Britain women can retain their names when they marry.

I don't think he's colourblind, guess it's because the sewing kit in his hotel didn't have the grey thread, like JacQue said. Light-blue was the closest to grey he could get.

Amy Acorn said...

I love your posts they make me laugh so much..but the very poor sewing got me, I just couldn't stop laughing at that point :)
and Niki eh? hmm i don't quite like the look of the guy (it's his hair xD)
Dazzle ME

Dahlia said...

I'm giggling away over here. I think that is the best thing I have seen in a while. Love you Rob!

annabella said...

He is wearing this old shirt as a farewell gesture almost every time he flys or just when he wanna have a good time and share good moments with friends. Is like it make him feels close to home and old friends, or safe...a token?.Anyway....that shirt is even getting too short for him!...He grow up a lot this last year!(in all sense).

scarlett said...

F-ing Brilliant... this has made me laugh and smile so much it's ridiculous.

Cheers to the terrible sewing job and the idea of Rob using a hotel sewing kit and choosing the blue thread to preserve his battered STOLI shirt ;).

Man Rob is just to goddamn cute for words *sigh*!

xoRobxo said...

OMG~ the little round loose piece of the T-shirt in the airport picture: IS THAT THE PORTAL TO HEAVEN???

*why yes.....yes I think it is*

Gemgirl65 said...

Show, we are are right, the only words in English are "Product of Russia." What's he gonna do when the label just peels off the cotton altogether? OR the shirt comes out of the washer/dryer in 5 pieces? Poor Robbie! LOL

I hope someone does ask him about it at ComicCon! Although, since he is a guy, we will probably find out he hasn't put near as much thought into its repair as we have. He'd probably say something like, "I don't know, I just really like it and I haven't found another one that's the same." And just shrug. Like no big deal. LOL

Snix said...

Oh my gosh, you killed me with this... hilarious.

He's even more adorable. LOL

spunkinator said...

LOL, I love it.
I never knew he knew how to sew.
Unless his mom or someone did it for him. ; )

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi ladies!

Hey Leann:

Knowing RP, I don't think there's any danger that this shirt will see the inside of a washer or dryer anytime soon, so it will probably not be further damaged by their mechanisms. ;P

And while the value of most "antiques" and collectibles is diminished by flaws and by obvious repairs, I can only think that RP's endearing patchwork has enhanced the shirt's desirability....

*Mrs. R wishing to assist RP with the wear...and tear...of his prized disintegrating shirt*

pat said...

The sewing is sooo bad that I think he did it himself... even MORE ADORABLE if possible!!! He is one in a trillion.

And yes please...will somebody in Twi-Con ask him about his shirt?

Babs said...

He's so adorable! These kind of things make him so special and different from everybody else and make me love him even more.
Someone should really ask him about this T-shirt at Comic Con 'Rob how much do you love your Stoli shirt? Because I know you sew it...' His face at that question must be priceless!

Corinna Spencer said...

Goz you are a legend :D



Unknown said...

hahah)) do u know what is written on t-shirt??? it's ad of russian famous vodka Stolichnaya.....hah, I wonder where did he get it!

Lynda said...

He can or has someone who can sew why the heck can he or that someone that sewed the T_shirt IRON!!!!!

JennB said...

Oh, man, I love this.... it's nice to know that people that we look up to and adore have the same little quirks that we "non-celebs" do.... I have several t-shirts that I wore down to mere threads... still do (but I wear them only inside, and usually just to sleep in). I love that he obviously just grabbed a similar shade of thread because it was the handiest, whipped some stitches in, and went on with his life. Also: remember: he's 23 years old. The fact that he knows how to sew even a little is somewhat astonishing. He's so unpretentious, so regular. No wonder he hates the shouting and screams and flashbulbs. As a "norm" I don't know how I would deal either.

Thanks for posting this. I needed a little smile today.

Now, if only I could see Rob in his threadbares, I'd be happy to show him me in mine... :)

JennB said...

Also - jealous of any of you that are going to Comicon....

Anonymous said...

Robmornin ladies! Or Good Robernoon across the time zones!

Seriously, I just LOVE this post.
I keep reading this over and over and just crack up!
Please anyone going to Twicon:
Ask about the Stoli shirt!!!

Oohh... that is interesting.

Nora said...

Yeah, I noticed that yesterday when I was looking at photos from the 17th. I think it's sweet. He must REALLY love that shirt! And I love him for it. ♥

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Just one more reason to love this man...

he forms attachments, and he is LOYAL

secamimom said...

OK, I am the person who got to meet Rob after his interview with Ryan Seacrest. It was on Nov 18 and he was wearing this outfit. I did a little bit of investitgating myself and you can see the holes in my pics. How did i not see this before? LOL

margot said...

I do think that we can see 2 different Tshirts :

1. numero uno - with holes and some pinkish-redish thread stiches

2. and then another one, blueish thread stiches

am I blind or what ?

phosphorus said...

@ Mrs Robinsane: By the look of this t-shirt I'm pretty sure it was washed a thousand times already.

@ luffscruff: Great Britain was the first European country I'ver heard of, where women don't have to give up their names after marriage. More than 20 years ago a friend of mine married and didn't change her surname to her husband's. Their son got the father's family name because it's rather rare.
In Germany you can also keep your name after marriage (but the children from that marriage have to have the same family name, either the mother's or the father's).

@ secamimom: You're probably the most envied person around here tonight. :-)
I guess you didn't notice because you had only eyes for him.

Hi margot, my dear neighbour! :-)

phosphorus said...

P.S. @ luffscruff: What does the law in Canada say, then?

Anonymous said...

Oh Rob, Master of the needle.....I can´t believe it, this is f***ing hilarious!!!

dina said...

Sooooo funny you made my day as always.I just simply love this guy more and more everyday. Please somebody ask about the tee, it will be so funny just to see his face after that. I love you all.Here in Greece we can keep our surname and the children can have both if the parents agree.

margot said...

Hel-loo Ph :))))))

Juli87 said...

*LMAO* OMG... I just LOVE Rob Pattinson!!! :o) Could it get any better or more adorable?! I really don't think so... his personality is just unique. There are no words. Can you imagine ANY other Hollywood Star who would revamp such an old piece of cloth? And my heart melts when I imagine Rob stitching it by himself... sooooooooo cute!!! Best (trivial) information about him ever.

(My face already hurts because I can't stop smiling... Gozde: You really made my day!!)

enjoykim said...

"Through the years..."

Robbie and his Stoli-Tee:

My fav is still Stoli+sexpenders+sexboots *sigh*

Chicago girl now in LA said...

This is proof positive of what a loyal guy Rob is. He won't cast off anything once he makes a commitment!

Love that blue stitching! HAHAHAHAHa!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Showme~I think all straight men are colorblind to a certain extent!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Phosphorus~You don't have to change your name in the US, either. The first time, I didn't bother because I didn't want to. I didn't want to be "Mrs. Somebody else."

The second time, depending upon the circumstances I do what works for me. Sometimes I use my real name, when I'm with DH, socially, I use his name and on legal documents I use both and hyphenate!

Anonymous said...

Of course his shirt was not made by elves... they were fairies.

Rayodeluna said...

Hahaha You're amazing!! hahaha This shows that he's so kind and authentic... he has money but still stay shy and simple! I love him! Mistery solve! haha Good investigation! You should be a CSI or something like that!

innoutwife said...

O M E!!!!! that is awesome!

phosphorus said...

@ enjoykim: The video with that song is hilarious! Ta.

And the Stoli shirt deserves a state funeral once it is beyond mending.

@ Chicago Girl: Can DH hyphenate as well?
In Britain a hyphenated name usually indicates your landed gentry. And in Germany nowadays only one partner can hyphenate, in former days both could.

Mrs. Robinsane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi ladies!

And Holi Stoli! ;P

Hi enjoykim: Thank you for linking us to the very amusing and literally up-to-the-minute "Through the Years" video. :)

I think the oldest, still wearable garment I own is my "Grad Nite '87" t-shirt, from Disney World, when all of Florida's high school seniors took over the park from 7 PM to 7 AM.

I may also have my Madonna "Virgin Tour" concert t-shirt in a box somewhere. :P

Jo said...

He sews just like my hubby.....and I love him for it too!!! So cute. Not at all matching the thread with the material and all over the place. Thats adorkable!!

Anonymous said...

That's a good question. What is the marriage law around here? Well I'm brought up old-school so the idea of women actually retaining their family name is a little new to me.

I really wonder what it's like for his sisters to have such a famous brother... especially one so desired in all seven continents including Antarctica.

Anonymous said...

@ Mrs. R:
You're hillarious!

kespax said...

Awww he's so adorable, and I do the same. I have T-shirts I refuse to give up on. They feel so nice when they get old and soft.
First you darn them, then you use it to sleep in or it becomes summer only wear (so threadbare it's nice and cool)stick it in your I love you so much draw. And sometimes you cut it and keep bits - like the stolly bits and stick them on another T.

And I commend him, those label bits on Ts are really hard to sew back together, usually they resist and you have to get the iron on stuff.

Remember Seinfeld episode called Golden Boy? About his favourite T-shirt?

Anonymous said...

Which one of his sisters is that? Anyone know? It's so cute the way they both walk the same way, in step together.

Hannah said...

This is fucking hystrerical.

I can just imagine him sitting in one evening trying to thread a needle! ha!

His normalcy is one of the most attractive things about him.

Melissa Sage said...

Stuff like this just makes me smile, dear, dear Robert, you are so endearing. :0)

Hanna said...

Time to give him new T-Shirt with a sign NEMIROFF(Honey-Pepper)...It's stronger is hilarious!

J said...

That man is pure class! That shirt is like a pair of comfy old slippers, held together with duct tape.

But seriously, if he wants someone to sew it up a bit more carefully - I'm sure there would be plenty of offers from us to help him out!

Anonymous said...

I've looked everywhere online for a duplicate of Rob's shirt (in better condition). The only ones to be found are written totally in English. Aagghh! How am I supposed to stand in line for New Moon with a less than perfect copy of Rob's shirt?! I guess his looks so old because it really IS and they don't sell the dang thing anymore.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE RObert he is my love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<33333333333(L):)

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