US Weekly Pictures

...Gozde died...
Her will was found next to her in a puddle.
She left her laptop and picture collection to her dear partner Dani.
A water hose was found next to her.
Police thinks she was trying to cool her self down and got electrocuted :)


Larger (if you can handle):

Thanks to RobPattzNews and christinagan


TwiHartRK said...

OMR - he's wet!!!!!!!!!!!

Letters to Twilight said...

yeah. he's hot.

Unknown said...

Just breathe...

Kate said...

LOL Goz your hilarious!!

Sarah Kane said...

omg....i think i just died and definitly went to heaven...haha....nothing better than rob heaven

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

O U C H .....!!!!!

(uhhhmmmmm yeah right GOZ, did that fire hose have any batteries attached?)

Macabre Kitty (Sara) said...

Well, I died the day of the shirtless New Moon shoot, so I thought. Holy crap.

caninecologne said...

fk! i must get this! now!

Stacy said...

I'll say it again ... WTH are these just out now? And I'm going to have to find a copy of this one, I think. Damn.

Scandinavian_girl said...

My eyes are burning! No I'm burning!!! Somebody please throw a bucket of water in my direction..

Anonymous said...


Wet Rob = Wet Mandy

meryma said...

Some of the girls discussed today something about wet Rob, no need to imagine him wet we have pics now! :)

Well I can honestly say that we are all wet now!

And dead!

Celtibera said...

Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the camel!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Is that his shark tooth necklace or another one? Can't tell

Dahlia said...

I just spat vimto everywhere!! OH MY GOD! *drool*

Melanie said...

I think I just fainted.

TheScrappyMama said...

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! I MUST find this magazine today. Wow, wow, wow. Hot does not even begin to describe what he is!

wanabRPsmom said...


omg...this is not going to help the crazy fans.

Rob..please be safe!

wanabRPsmom said...

Wonder how Much US Weekly paid for these shots??

Unknown said...

Where can i buy this mag???

Sophia Z.86 said...

OMG!!! Gorgeous Rob!
I love, love, love my man wet!

And the charm in his necklace is a "figa" -- I have one in my bracelet! We wear it in Brasil for good luck.

WinWin said...

Wow, the ones in the magazine are way hot. A must buy. : )

WinWin said...

His next role should be a surfer dude who walks around shirtless and wet all the time and sports some bruises and cuts after a fight. I would be one big mess on the floor. Lol

showme said...

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg gomodmikfnasoknvd'asodn


Anonymous said...


Why doest thou tempt me each day?!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Surfer dude??? OMG...almost as good as in a loincloth...

Yvonne said...

Finally, some PROPER photos of Wet Rob. It really is a good look for him. Yeah, I agree with Win, he should play a surfer....can you imagine...shirtless, wet, sunglasses, wet, surfboard, maybe a little tan(gasp), wet....

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Mr. & Mrs. Pattinson would mind it if we sent thank you notes to them for producing such a marvelous creature....

wonder how it would read...

Dear the Pattinsons, thank you from the world of frenzied Robsessed fans for the 15 minutes of hot sex that produced this magnificent creature....we will be forever in your debt...

in in debit for all the Robsessed stuff we're spending all our paychecks on!!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

WOW, Showme is talking dirty in whatever language...

Limey_1996 said...

haha bloody funny!

I'm having heart palpitations which I don't think is a good thing, right?? haha

Oxygen - STAT!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

The LOOK in his eyes and the way he is smiling in the first one, all wet, ALL WET... oh boy, I can swear he is calling me... oh yeah... it is definit.! HE IS CALLING ME!

sorry, girls, gotta go! Duty calls!

Brit Nic said...

Long time lurker first time poster.

Love this blog absolutely brillient - you are all hilarious and I love all the comments.

Nearly posted when the GQ photos came out, nearly posted when the shirtless Robward photos came out.

Today I have posted prompted by these totally unbelieveable shots the man is a legend - in my mind anyway.

spellbound said...

The happy trail in the pic with the open vest along with the smile omggggggggg it's never going to stop is it???

Marna said...

Holy crap. I don't think I have any more brain function left.

Haystackhair said...

will signed. check. eyeballs on Rob. check. DIED check.

Anonymous said...

Gozde, you crack me up girl!!!!

And Rob, you finish me up.....*faints*

Anonymous said...

How is it possible Godze? Every time we think we've seen the pinnacle, we are hit yet again. He is so beautiful it hurts, and he thinks he is deformed?

WinWin said...

rpattzgirl, I totally forgot he will go Comanche on us. I have to wikipedia to see if loin cloth is costume for UC. Imagine death by loin cloth Rob, crossing river then 1/2 naked horseback with cuts and bruises. If is wrong to want him beaten up. He's so sexy with the black and blues. lol

Yvonne said...

Brit Nic,
Welcome :) It's always so nice to see lurkers come out of hiding and join in the conversation! This is a great place, isn't it?

Anna said...

hey Brit Nic, welcome to our playground!

Fyi girls, and I'm not trying to makes things worse here (ok, I am... he he...), Comanche Rob will be all beaten up at some point. And all kinds of naked. Possibly at the same time.

Just sayin'.


WinWin said...

LittleBear (gives big hug), you've just killed me with that. They need to make sure he fits UC into his schedule. I need me some half naked, wet, eaten up Rob soon. : P

xoRobxo said...

Ok Ladies~ I just came back form Barnes and Noble and came online to see if these have been posted yet. And let me tell you the scans do not do justice! So run out and get this magazine! The shirtless one- one with the sleeveless jean jacket. I could not take my eyes off of it~and the grey Hanes undies. I about died right there in the store.

MmmK said...

I don't have asthma, but I suddenly feel the need to use an inhaler!

xoRobxo said...

Oh~dan scatch my last post,I just seen some better scans in a below post. But anyways this is one rag I may have to buy

Krissy said...

Long time lurker & first time poster...

Hard to type what with the flood of drool on the 'puter keyboard.

That man should be illegal.

And I want to be the first one to break the law!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Songirl! Hello!:)

"He thinks he is deformed"? Where did you read this?

Sophia Z.86 said...

"Songirl"... are you who I think you are?

Anonymous said...

I just got back from shlepping my lazy backside to 4 different stores in seperate geographical locations and NO ONE HAS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


The very nice cashier at the last store took pity on me and told me they should get it next week (her grandaughter called to check if it was on the stand before I got there).

I got the "oh, your one of those" looks but it was worth it :P

Mon said...

Okay, okay, OKAY. Inhale, exhale, inhale... doesn't work.I need an ice old shower.Now!

Yeah, he must be illegal!That is my absolutely favourite photo shoot for now.These eyes, Leather jacket, wet shirt...Glad I'm home alone & parents are far away!

I want that mag!Damned Europe...

Mon said...

I meant an ice cold shower, of course. This guy is messing around with my mental processes (well, not only mental ones, I must admit)

margot said...

this boy just is stupidly thoughtless and careless... after that what does he expect ? us being cold and silent ?? Ha ?
Girls, memorise my words - somebody will kidnap him soon ...

Allie said...

wet AND in a Ramones T-shirt?!?! I AM DEADDDDD. I can't take it...fucking dead!

margot said...

my inhaler is empty

margot said...

and I am officialy not going to comment this... I just cannot

Sophia Z.86 said...

I hope not, Margot! I hate violence...
Unless... I am Rob´s kidnapper... oh boy... imagine the "possibilities"... I can think of "a few" things to do with him... of another "few" for HIM to do with ME...

Can I borrow someone else´s inhaler?

RPnKSaddict said...

Sex on Fire....

margot said...

My own Idaho was an interesting film ... and there was Keanu starring (not mentioning River)

margot said...

Sophia .... who's speaking of violence ??? quite the opposite , bb , quite the opposite awwww

Rominiwi said...

Rob's a mass murderer then xD

Shani said...

Ohhhhhhh......Wowwwwww. *staring at computer screen with mouth wide open*

Anonymous said...

gozde seriously.. you kill me..:)

aimary said...

LOL OMG!!! I'm laughing!!! I can't breathe!! Gozde: you're the best,so hilarious!!!!!! and by the way, I'm deade too...R.I.P.

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