Robert Pattinson - More Photo's from the Eclipse Premiere

More Photo's of Robert Pattinson in his dashing maroon number from the Eclipse Premiere.










Many, many more after the jump...








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Spunky's said...

LOL...okay I likey

marina mia said...

starting to love the colour. God that is actually a sharp suit, he's bloody stunning.

Loisada said...

I look at it this way: whenever we see a pic of Rob in that red suite we'll know right away: Eclipse!

Way to etch the moment in our brains Rob!!

Vangie said...


Robs Bitch said...

It's working much better in these photos than it did on the live feed. That's all I'll concede!

Jane said...

Rob and Kristen look like a power couple. Her dress is dynamite. she has really come on strong in the fashion department, really beautiful. Not sure on the suit color for Rob, although he would look good in anything but it goes good with Kristen's dress. They look very happy together. Got my ticket ofr Eclipse today.

Brooke Moss said...

Like.....I literally sh** my pants when I saw Rob. He was that stunning in the suit. I absolutely cannot wait to hear the stories from Robstalk and my NB's!

Cheeky Chops said...

I don't know if I like the dress or not. Hmmm



Cheeky Chops said...

LOL@the pic with the cell phone. His face is so red. hehehe Too cute.

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...

GOD ROB can wear anything... seriously this man can pull anything off...

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...

going to go lick and save :D

BellaMarie247 said...

That was interesting, first time I've watched a premier event for over three hours.
They all looked hot hot hot!
There were times when I didn't see their security team, and it seemed like they were being swallowed up by the crowd. I found myself getting nervous and talking to the screen going: Where are your bodyguards??

Wish I was watching that movie right now instead of having to wait another week....

Anonymous said...

Well what do you know, Summit allows pictures of Rob & Kristen together *gasp* without Taylor as a buffer?
I'm getting a little attached to Dean, don't see him anywhere.

xoRobxo said...

NOT a fan of Kristens dress at all.. but like her hair and makeup. Rob looks handsome as always..a little tired, but who can blame him..

K-Mac said...

Hahaha oh god I love how this site never fails to make me feel better about my obsession. I too was wondering where Dean was. I've totally got a soft spot for him, Protector Of The Pretty!

Heygrrl86 said...

I love how Rob just decided to take it to the next level with the maroon suit. I love it. It gets really boring to see men wearing the same ol black suit routine.

You go boy!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just woke up to discover these great pictures! Not a fan of this new suit but he can wear anything and it's a nice change! Kris is stunning and it was a long time since we hadn't seen them together at a premiere... Really nice couple! Didn't see Dean!

Pattinson_Lover_2010 said...

Okay, pic number 53 is killing me - he is just looking at her so...idk, lovingly - best word I can come up with - if they aren't together then damn!!

Spunky's said...

The suit looks better in these pics. I don't like Kristen's dress at all, but it surprisingly works well with Rob's suit, lol. They actually look better together in the photos than apart. I also like the 3 colors red, white , and gray in the photo. They all look good together. I only wish Rob's outfits were sometimes a little edgy like kristen's dress.

I won't complain though these are good pics, lol. They all look happy to be there.

Cheeky Chops said...

It's not maroon. It's burgundy. :)

Anonymous said...

The last picture is fantastic when you see the 3 of them from the back.
The way she is hanging on to Rob is funny! LOL... Interesting to see that Taylor only has a hand on her whereas Rob is really holding her... It must be terrifying to walk a red carpet with so many people!
I guess I like the burgundy suit too... and everything else!

Vangie said...

what is wrong with all the men of twilight gushing over kstew and i don't mean rob

ShariG said...

I agree with Marina Mia. At first I wondered about Rob's suit and then started to really like it. The cut is perfect and it fits him like a glove. He looks fit and beautiful, as always and it really stood out on the black carpet as did Kristen's white dress. Very nice together, too.

Cheeky Chops said...

evang-what are you talking about? Men gushing over Kristen? If they were, then that's nice of them. What's wrong with that? Personally, I didn't notice it. I think it was a great premiere. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

@evangeline, people are entitled to their opinions, doesn't mean something's wrong with them. Since they do know her personally, they are entitled to voice whatever opinion they have of her

acullengirl said...

Aww the last pic is so sweet, the way they are smiling at each other, someone caught a good momment between the two of them

olejp said...

As I said in a previous posting, I love the burgundy suit. Kristen's dress is beautiful and very elegant. Taylor looks great as did the rest of the cast. They clean up great. Kristen is holding on to Rob for dear life or her hurt feet she later spoke about. I sometimes wish I could read lips and understand what he whispers to her. They appear so lucky to be loved by each other!

Cheeky Chops said...

Am I the only that thinks if it would have been more form fitting in the shoulder and sleeve; it would have been great? The dress, I mean. I like it, but I would LOVE it if that were the case. Good intentions, just not following through.

jlsentangledweb said...

I love the burgundy suit! Rob is gorgeous and yep, they look best standing together, the cream and burgundy combo---kinda reminds me of a Victorian Christmas color scheme! lol

le_637 said...

Kristen is not wearing the black shoelace bracelet, but i think rob is wearing it,where he has the cellphone taking the pic with a fan

K-Mac said...

I wasn't crazy about the dress at first but it's growing on me. I was really hoping she'd wear a red satin number to play up on the book cover, but she still looks amazing.

Rob as usual rocks the hell out of a suit. I like that he went for a different color, he stands out like the dashing star he is.

Love the pics of the pics of them looking in eachothers eyes. If he's not screwing me, I'm glad he has her. No matter what her critics might think of her, you can't take away the way he looks at her. Lucky, lucky girl. Keep making The Pretty happy Stewy...

desi said...


Fantastic photo's of beautiful people i.e. Rob, Kristen...& Taylor.

Love the "grabbing his back" shot!!!

Thank again for all the great shots Robsessed Ladies!!!

...allowed to pose together cool is that!!!

Vangie said...

is ashley greene getting the strapless fever

Loisada said...

CC: you are spot on, the bodice wasn't fitted properly. A few more nips and tucks and it could have been jaw-dropping. The back, however, was body hugging hot.

And Rob's suit fit him like a glove. The man is built for a suit. Dapper Dan would be jealous!

PrettyBrownEyes said...

such beautiful pictures ;)
I love that pic too like she's holding onto him for deal life.
It almost looks painful like she's grabbing some skin lol
but overall they all look great
wonderful pics :)

desi said...


(You know compared to the book and New Moon's total lack of kissing...)

Funny that...allowed to pose and walk together...compared with..."stay the hell away from each other" at the NMoon premiere.

K-Mac said...

Was just admiring the hand porn in the first picture when I noticed poor Rob's left hand is all cut up. Awwww....

acullengirl said...

K-mac ITA agree he does rock that suit!!!!

anyone else watch the my space live thread, I was rolling my eyes when they got Emily mixed up with Angela,and did anyone else notice when the one interviewer said that Royce king aka Jack Houston was the first vampire, he is not a vampire he is Rosalie's fiance or did I just hear her wrong.

Kimmie said...

He is wearing one of my fav. colors. He looks nice in this suit.

Kristen looks lovely, love the dress!

They both look good.

desi said...


..."grabbing some skin"...LOVE IT!!! That thought has me smiling...a lot...roll on Breaking Dawn huh!!!

We wish it was us...grabbing some skin...


maaahtwi4ever said...

OH GOD, HE IS STUNNING!! LOVED!! such a different collor, i never saw a tux like this before.

GiGi said...

Rob looks like he's on something. And I watched an interview he did with 2 guys and his answers to their questions were not great. I think he took a "chill pill" of some sort before he went out there.

Nancy said...

WTF, Maroon Suit, Sorry Rob, hate it on a guy. Love your Black Tux loads better. (even your blue jeans and t-shirts)


Really loving the RM DVD. Watching it over and over, just as hooked as Twilight... Love you.

Belladonna said...

great, great pics... Robert and Kristen shone like the stars they are... but what is going on with him and buttons... he's clearly confounded by them... well, I guess in the absence of longer unruly hair he's got to do something with those long vampire fingers... so funny to see them curling around a poor little suit button.

thanks for the photos... can't wait to see more... I wonder if they are seated together for the movie, itself, so many of those interviewed hadn't seen the finished film yet.

Kimmie said...

P.S. love how he did his hair.

Cheeky Chops said...

Thanks Lois-I know I sound shallow most of the time, but these things; I notice.

She could have been rockin' that dress. If only they would have done her body justice. It's not "cream" BTW.

Oh, and the shoes. *shakes head* I think Kristen and I need to talk. Stiletto. White. Fierce, sharp, and on the mark mayhaps???

jmm4832 said...

Finally, Robward and Krisella pose together on the red carpet as it should be. Kristen looks awfully good for someone who just got back from a whirlwind press tour of Europe (like her dress). And Rob is just dreamy. I wasn't crazy about the burgundy suit but it's growing on me.

Vangie said...

did anyone see the picture when he was walking in with stephanie he was look so handsome like he was on a runway with a sharpie,today i got my remember me and oh yes is my birthday!

Nancy said...

okay, kinda weird, why did Kristen grab the middle of Rob's jacket in the back? Is she having a panic attack? Her arm should be around him not grabbing his jacket like that. May it's me and I'm weird, but seems really strange to me.

Maybe Oprah got it right, Kristen is more worried than Rob?! Thought Rob was the worried one in this "Holy Trinity", as they're calling them now. Kinda cute.

Loisada said...

Cheeky.... check it out from this angle.

Hard to top, in my book....

dabby said...

wow!i so love rob on his suit!he looks amazingly handsome.he carries the suit really well,he's like a model.kristen is sooooo beautiful in her dress,very classic.sho looks so fresh and taylor is so adorable.all of them looks perfect!i love you rob!!

PrettyBrownEyes said...

@ desi
oh how i wish it was me

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

They should never tag over The Pretty.

@K-Mac - I noticed the hands too. Poor BB, his beautiful hands are all cut up.

Marna said...

How does he bend his fingers like that? I can't even figure it out, never mind do it.

Cheeky Chops said...

*sucks from teeth* That just made it worse. Sorry honey. The zipper should be on the side, and those shoes. UGH

She does have a great body tho. That's what I mean. Who ever made that dress and fitted her; NO. I don't care who they are. Famous or not. I don't like that.

Design = awesome.
Follow through = pfft.

jmm4832 said...

Kristen looks like she's hanging onto Rob and Taylor for dear life. Maybe it's the shoes and she's afraid of falling over. God, I don't know how people wear those things.

jmm4832 said...
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Cheeky Chops said...

BTW, there is nothing wrong with his hand. They are sharpie marks. LMAO

Vangie said...

mark malkin said rob suit is GUCCI,remember when was the bafta rob's suit was also GUCCI and i said that suit fitted him great,so i just that's the designer for rob and at the bafta lots of people did not find the dress was a good fit but i like this dress, oh and ladies i just saw a picture of the after party beautiful,cant wait to see what they will do for the wedding

K-Mac said...

Has Rob ever answered the question of if he decides what he wears to Red Carpet stuff, or if he just wears whatever a stylist tells him looks good? I'd imagine he has a stylist but the control freak in him has to approve of what he's wearing.

I also want to say it's really funny how proud I get when people that don't like Kristen are able to put it aside for a minute and give her props from time to time. Poor girl deals with so much negativity, it's nice to see people choosing to be positive.

Petra Eller said...

Good morning


The clothing - LMAO
Not only the 3, but rather the entire Cast were dressed horribly.
Yes, it does not always work. We do not find everything well. And we say it out loud here.
We are honest.
But to me Rob is my favorite, when he looks like on my avi.

Cindygal said...

...Rob a maroon suit!?, hmmmmmmmmm I think I like it but I didnt expect you to wear a maroon suit.
But hey he looked different from the rest and hot as usual!

Unknown said...

They all look amazing
especially Rob my my so hot
Kris is looking gorgeous loving the dress. I donno to me their relationship looks like a publicity stunt.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
K-Mac said...

@x_misz.nini - Do you really think Rob/Kristen/Twilight need to fake a relationship in order to get publicity? No three things in the universe have ever needed a publicity stunt less.

(Not meant to be rude BTW)

K-Mac said...

@HeartRob - Hahaha yeah there were a few eyebrow raisers. I was second hand embarassed for Nikki.

Noe said...

his hand placement is hilarious... just like the mtv movie awards they are matching inconspicuously. similar color pallets with the suit and her nails.

Unknown said...

- thats just my opinion cuz i remember when NM was being promoted R/K stayed away from each other once Eclipse came out they were back with each other just wat i think

tedgirl said...

Thinking the reason Rob chosed a burgundy/reddish tint is cuz of the "black carpet" as a contrast instead the usual red carpet.

Combination of R&K Reddish/White/Cream color stands out against the black carpet.

KStew dress befits her lithe figure
front & back. The mini accentuates her beautiful legs. The only thing ? is the long sleeve on one side. I know it's fashion, but ... That's just my take but overall, very glad they had photos together in the black/red carpet for their Eclipse premier.

I kinda like Ashley's gown ...

Rob is a bit tired but still smiling handsomely.......! The Precious & The Pretty...!!!!

I still have to view the rest of the photos. Counting the no. friends I have to bring along to see the movie. LOL

Dying to hear the stories/photos/vids of the Robstock II ladies !!!!! Cheers to ALL ....

Carole UK said...

Morning ladies! Well, what great pictures to wake up to! Looks like it was a great night - must have been really exciting to be there!

Haven't woken up properly yet but my initial reaction was "oh, I don't like that maroon suit, it's too different" - but got to say, the more I look, the more I like! He looks absolutely stunning!

And Kristen looks very beautiful - and terrified!

Nine days to go before I see the film, and I just cannot wait...

Kelly Louise said...

Damn, that is one sexy suit. No one but him would be able to pull it off. He does look absolutely stunning. But those fingers.. kind of creep me out. Freak. Nah, I kid.

And now I have to miss five days of this precious man.. but I'll be back just in time for the Eclipse premiere.

Ioreth said...

Oh my God.... Everyones loves that??? Ok I'm not. I don't like Kristen dress at all, don't fit well and it's too short. I don't like her legs. I like more his dress in Kimmel or the silver strapples she wear in Europe...

And Rob, oh god, he's gorgeus yeah, but camon he just came out from The Wonders video, I can't stop laughing :)

Nikki seems like she stole a dress from WFE set :P and Ashely just transform her bedsheets in a dress LOL

I like Anna wearing Marcheesa, I really like it and Dakota dress was very fitting too. I'm still thinking if Elizabeth's was good or not...

BTW anyone saw Felix from the volturi? Wow that was a surprise...

Carole UK said...

Does Rob REALLY say "everyone wants to sleep with me but they can't"?

Ha, love the guy, he says the craziest things!

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome afterparty picture: Our boy and his girl! LOL...

Have a nice day ladies... Take care!

Anonymous said...

And this one has got nothing to do with publicity, in my opinion!

Fae007 said...

Aaaawwww, I love how he takes a picture with a fan! :)

NO WORDS... except the letters...

Noe said...

thanks babes for the pic of those two love birds. my God is his hand placement hot or not? i would love his hand that high and possessive like with me. haha.

Unknown said...

oh my... Kristen is grabbing him all over the places these days..i totally agree with Kristen's dress being not fitted well. it makes her look out of shaped around her shoulder and waist.but Robert... when i first saw him on live stream, i am like... what??? Burgundy suit!!!! but then he owned it as usual. he could be a model for suit company... god.. *hyperventilating all over*

Unknown said...

and also look at the way he stare at her... ohhh i would kill anybody for a guy like this. gorgeous. he looked very happy . and Kristen is a lot less "im so bored " this time. she was actually smiling which is great improvement. though i did not like her after party dress. wtf was that? comfortable dress can also be classy. couldn't she find more of a decent dress??she is crazy.. but there must be something special in her cos she has the most gorgeous man in the world.. sigh......

Anonymous said...

wow - that's a hell of a grip KStew has on Rob's jacket.....

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