Ashley Greene Reacts to Cab Gate


Maryann said...

Ashley is so cute, "don't run into the street Rob!" LOL too cute!

Haystackhair said...

LOL. I'm still laughing at "cabgate".

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love Ashley!

showme said...

ahley his obv not a robsessor LOL

Alexandra said...

What does she say in the second one? People in the UK aren't allowed to watch it :( stupid MTV

Anonymous said...

Love her! So cute.

Stacy said...

She's so pretty. Very cute!

Haystackhair said...

Alexandra she just says how she just heard a second ago, and says "don't run into the street Rob! and that she is glad he's ok.

Alexandra said...

Thanks Haystackhair!

Jeez this cab story even made the London Paper today. Of course they made it sound like he's about to have a nervous breakdown from all the attention and picked out all these photos of him looking "stressed". What crap.

It's amazing how much I'm learning about the media through my robsession lol

Suz said...

am I the only one who found her giggles in response a tad inappropriate?

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