Robert Pattinson Films by Day, Prowls by Night

By day, Robert Pattinson is making the hearts of New York City women flutter at locations around the city where he's filming his latest movie, the romantic drama Remember Me. And after dark? The Twilight heartthrob is heating up Manhattan's nightlife in a hoodie that hides his signature floppy hair.

Pattinson, 23, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight, has been hitting the hippest hotspots – including his favorite bar, Black and White, in the East Village.

"He was smiling and laughing and just having a good time with his friends," said one onlooker who spotted Pattinson recently at the intimate, low-ceilinged bar. "He seemed really relaxed and didn't seem to worry about the people around him."

Escaping the Crowds

Whether it's over dinner at the Bowery Hotel or toasting a friend's birthday at another East Village lounge, Cabin, Pattinson is always reliably playful. "He's in great spirits," says a source, despite the mayhem he faces every afternoon when fans crowd around the Remember Me set. "He's like the guy that everyone wants to hang out with."

Twilight costar Kristen Stewart is currently filming in L.A., but Pattinson is hardly lacking for potential leading ladies in New York. The actor has been hanging out with actress pal Camilla Belle – the pair had drinks June 17 – and spending time with Remember Me costar Emilie de Ravin: The onscreen couple smooched for the cameras all morning on the Rockaway Beach set of their film June 19. Then, according to a source on the set, they retreated to the same trailer between set changes.

'Something Romantic'
(here is where gives into some salacious crap, enjoy and speculate away!)

Earlier this month, Pattinson was seen at a bar with friends, but was paying special attention to a petite blonde who spoke with a foreign accent. "They sat next to each and he was leaning close to her," recalls one observer. "They were whispering to each other the entire night. It seemed clear that he was into her."

Pattinson often headed over to the bar and ordered drinks for the table – until it came time to move on. Pattinson and his lady friend left holding hands and hopped a cab together. "There was definitely something romantic going on," says the eyewitness.


Rominiwi said...

Label 4 the win!

Cindeeloo said...

@I SECOND that motion!!!!!!!

Thanks Dani, always can count on you for the evening posts...

Hope you're doing well!

Rhonda said...

So is there now a major online battle between the Robsten and the Romilie shippers? LOL! Let the poor guy have some peace already. I hope he is actually getting all the action the tabs say he is. The boy needs to be relieving some stress, if ya know what I mean.

Rhonda said...

LOL at the label, Dani! I am a little slow!

franky said...

Yeah Rob is having fun at night. Let the guy enjoy his youth for crying out loud. I'm so happy for him.

Myra McEntire said...

I *kind of* think you should copyright your labels.

I can go blonde.

And I'm from the Appalachians, that's foreign, right?

Stacy said...

Here's the thing ... SO MUCH of this is sounding eerily similar to what has been said about Rob and Kristen. That ought to tell people something, but it won't. They will still believe what they want to.

My favorite part is that they left holding hands, as if that wouldn't have been all over the Net seconds later.

Anonymous said...

congratulations godmother !!

what can i say? rob is the sexiest. period.

keti said...

Cheers to you Rob, enjoy yourself honey : ) you deserve it - you work too hard

keti said...

Left holding hands ...WHATEVER ... and so what ... he is 23 enjoy !!!
its always Said Source, ummmm maybe it more like Question: "where they holding hands when they left" Answer " um yeah I think so ... yeah for sure they were holding hands.. but i was blind drunk ""

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


keti said...


Divinesally said...

congrats! ROtflMAOoOO!!~

Marna said...

How did people get close enough to hear my accent? He was whispering in my ear all night.

janehofstra said...

LOL, I'm the petite blonde with the foreign accent! Except not really a foreign accent, just a drunk slur. Mystery solved (:

Seriously though, I'm kinda ticked that People published the name of the bar, it's really just a dimly lit hole in the wall but with cheap drinks and friendly I imagine I'll have to fight for a bar stool. Or find another place for Happy Hour.

Diane said...

Wow, Dani, that's some responsibility you're taking on with the godchildren. From the sound of things, there must be dozens of them springing up every day. Hope they're better behaved than newborn vampires.

Anonymous said...

so sorry if this is not the proper place to vent my sentiments. dani/gozde, pls delete this if you find this inappropriate.

i've been to the website that publishes the filming location and time of remember me. due to the significant no. of requests for film info, a separate post was dedicated to the film. so far it has 300+ comments.

its so sad to read comments from some fans (or are they really?) ranting their way about rob not waving or smiling or acknowledging them in spite of the hours they spent waiting into the night under the rain, whatever.

i really feel for rob. these fans are putting rob in a very difficult situation. i dunno, but perhaps summit (or somebody else) is telling rob to avoid interacting with the fans coz it might cause another chaos or if he interacts with them, more fans will come the next time around & expect/demand the same from rob and if he does not give in to them, they'll get mad at him!

oh such a vicious cycle !!!

i do hope these fans will try to understand rob's situation and just wish him the best to come up with a quality film and continually encourage him in his young acting career.

RPnKSaddict said...

The poor guy just can't win, damed if you do, damed if you don't.

I just hope he realizes that he has fans that aren't as fickle.

He's a good guy and we love him here at Robsessed.

That was a great label I needed a good laugh.

Feather said...

The article says he had drinks with Camilla Belle and Emile de Ravin on June 17 - that's not true. He was with Emile, Elizabeth Reaser (Esme), Eva Mendes, Tom Sturridge, and a couple of other friends. They were celebrating Elizabeth's b'day. The person doing the "reporting" doesn't seem to know the difference between Camilla and Elizabeth.

Loisada said...

Hail Dani, glorious godmother to scores of gorgeous RP children the world over! Maybe they'll start a brand-new race of beautiful people.

What did I read somewhere.... RP seems to fall in love (or unzip his pants) as often as I change my underwear! All hail the new Dionysus!

phosphorus said...

Congrats Dani! Shall we start knitting baby socks?

Cuccicella said...

These magazines like to write their own version of news just to stir up their sales without considering the truth.

But the truthful fan like us in this blog knew better, we are not stupid, they cannot sell their magazines to us.. ha ha :)

zlove said...

obviously I don't beleive this load...but really if not one single story about Rob with some chick has been true..that means he has been completely celibate for at least a year.

Anonymous said...

Lol! About the celibate comment. I saw an interview with Rob on Irish TV talking about the theme of Twilight and it being written by a mormon. Rob said he believed in abstenance because he was a Catholic. I thought it was cute..I didn't believe a word that he said given that he was on Irish TV and all..

I really don't care who he sleeps with as long as it's not Paris Hilton or some other skank with a big mouth seeking publicity. It sounds like he's picking them well.
No 'tell all' books yet at any rate.

Anonymous said...

OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLEY! (yes, holey, like Rob's shirts and this story)

Give it a rest, rag mags!

Anonymous said...


Babs said...

The labels are genius!!! Well holding hands or not, I do hope he got laid :) boy needs some stress release :)

Anna said...

This is slightly odd, because People will usually only publish stuff that is confirmed / approved by the actors' reps. And I find their story very hard to believe.

I wish it was true though. Rob needs some TLC, and I'm not available right now.

KIMMY said...

Is it just me or anyone else thinks that RP has beautiful hands?... I wonder if that's partly because he has been practising piano since childhood... Should ask my little kid if he wants to begin piano lessons too...
Btw, first time posting here though being a long time silent reader... Thanks Gozde and Dani (hope i spell your name right) for your hard-work...

skathele said...

Dani, thanks for making me laugh so early in the morning.

Your blog is great!

scarlett said...

I agree Rob does have beautiful hands *sigh*.

Love the label Dani and who doesn't wish they were chilling with Rob in a cosy bar in NYC!!!

Just watched this quick interview with Rachelle too and thought she was very smart with how she answered the perennial Robsten question at 1.42. Rob who? :)))

monika said...

0_0 ouch,thank God it's just make up

monika said...


Georgie said...

Thanks Moonika...oooooh they're quite graphic pics aren't they?

Methinks where the gossip mags are supposedly talking about Rob holding hands with a petite blonde with a foreigh accent, they could be referring to Emilie...with her Australian accent.

Pet73 said...

Good morning, ladies!

RPVN- Welcome to the world of hand porn addicts :)!

Pet73 said...

Monika- Saw these pics before (ha, beaten you :p)

Does he look sexy or what? Love me some beaten up Rob!

Very good work of the make up artist!

Latebloomer said...

I almost don't really want to know anything about his personal life. I figure anything I see headlined in a gossip rag is shizz anyway.

Sometimes I think "Hollywood" is just another euphamism for Human Traffiking. The only difference being that those who get "pimped" out successfully wind up making alot of money... and they can eventually "free" themselves and gain some autonomy over their lives.

I hope this happens for Mr. Pattinson ASAP.

Re: the celibacy bit... I saw the same interview where he commented about being raised Catholic! I would like to think that he is a "discerning" young man who thinks carefully about where he "parks his johnson"... if he even takes it out for a run at all. I have a hunch tho that he "parks" it at home most of the time. IfyouknowwhatImsayinandIthinkyoudo.

Before Twilight, he's been heard saying that he couldn't get a girl. (Shy boy with no game)

I think he likes hanging with his guy friends because it's just easier on the brain... no second guessing- "is it me or my fame she likes/wants?"

Rambling on about shizz I know nothing about... maybe I could start my own rag?

happy wednesday... I <3 you all!

anna F said...

@ Robstruck

About the website publishing the set locations and the comments left by disapointed stalkers

There was a thread about that on imdb, and I read a couple of chosen reactions.


It is pitiful that they don't understand it's not a meet and greet in a convention but a work place. Just because they spend hours there doesn't make them "better" fans who deserve to be aknowledged (actually, it makes them the contrary in my book, but that's personnal).
The large amount of onlookers might even disturb the shoot (if it hasn't already)/ But those self-centered adult fans (isn't that pitiful? I understand young fans like that, not 20-30-40 something) only see their side of the story: their secret dream of meeting Rob and "something happening" is not unfolding...

*end of rant*

Haystackhair said...

Love the labels, LMAO!! Monika you rock! those pics are awesome. I so want to take care of his boo boos. And I agree, from what I've seen about Rob he is not man whore, he seems more thoughtful about things than that. Seems he is too busy these days anyway, and is right about whomever he would be with would be majorly attacked by the media. who needs that!! And good morning everyone! You guys always crack me up!!!

LovetheLips said...

Hey anna - you go girl!!

As for our gorgeous Rob....sigh.....I just hope he's gettin some.

monika said...

albaville said...


monika said...

wanabRPsmom said...

Latebloomer wrote:
he is a "discerning" young man who thinks carefully about where he "parks his johnson"... if he even takes it out for a run at all. I have a hunch tho that he "parks" it at home most of the time. IfyouknowwhatImsayinandIthinkyoudo.

good one! :)

Mommamary said...

Congrats, Goz! How wonderful. How many god-children to you have with Rob, now? LOL

noisefaidaus said...

I remember and ET interview where the interviewer stated that if he even looked at a girl she was his girlfriend, though Rob laughed and said it was like that before I think it really is true.
This guy works very hard and I can't imagine that in all his "spare time" he jumping in and out of bed with everybody he works with and speaks too.

Pet73 said...

Latebloomer- I would love to think about Rob this way! I would love to add this to the picture I have of his character.

Sadly, fact is, we don't know him - he can have 3 different girls every night and we wouldn't know. (Or probably we would because of the paps.)

So I prefer to believe he behaves like you described it :).

My romantic side definitely wants him to be such guy - who has only sex with a girl he likes/loves and that he does never betray her :p !

Okay, I'm no teenager anymore and still I am that naive - what shall I say?

monika said...

Alexandra said...

Good morning! or good afternoon to the people on my side of the pond!

ahaha that label is the best! It made laugh for 5 mins straight.

Woah Monika those links you posted... that looks... very painful. Thank God it's make-up :)

Barb said...

I just wanted to say that I LOVE this blog. I come here just as much for the comments as I do for Rob (God did I really just say that)..It's true. You guys are amazing and so mature in your thinking. Goz and Dani, you do a great job.

Monika, thanks for the pics. Man that was an awesome makeup job. Looks so real. I can't wait for this movie. I want to see him in something other than the vampire role.

Oh, and about him sleeping with everyone. Well I'm 21 years older than he but I still remember being 23. If he is, then he just is. It's no one's business except the people gettin "busy". I just hope he's having a great time with his life.

Rob, it goes by way too fast....ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

If he was holding hands with a mystery petite blonde those photos would have been all over the internet.

I'll admit Rob is in an odd spot right now. If he does meet someone he risks introducing her into his crazed fan world and some of these chicks are nutty enough that they might turn on her so I have a feeling he's not looking for anyone right now and even if he did find someone he's interested in or wants to shag, he totally risks it being splashed all over the tabloids. Look what that skank did to him at Cannes!

Imagine if he hooked up, got laid and then the chick sold the story to a tabloid?

Wow.....and if there were proof of the hook up like photos or dear Gawd, video?

(I'd like to see a Rob sex tape personally.....but......)

Gemgirl65 said...

Latebloomer, you took the thoughts right outta my head and typed 'em up here...thanks for saving me the trouble! ;)

Anna, I applaud your post.

Monika, thank you for the RobCrack as always, although seeing The Pretty so defiled is a bit disturbing.

And I'm so happy that so many of my fellow Robsessors have been hooking up with Rob in New York! Saves me the trouble of worrying that he's ending up with skanks and ho's. No need for tell-all books email is in my profile. LOL

Georgie said...

Monika, you're killing me with those links to beaten-up (though still HOT) Rob! A side post on a couple of those links talks about a "Twilight Cruise" with Ashley and Kellan - what a crazy twi-stalkers' melee that could be!

Kalanie said...

I just hope Robert is having fun in New York, he's young and single in the city.
I am very suspect of the gossip that is written about him but he's a young man and needs to enjoy this time in his life, you only live once.
I am just happy that the Robsten rumors are not the focus of this film. I am looking forward to seeing New Moon, but not the rumors that will accompany the publicity.

WildCat said...

I just had to pop in and say how I just about spit tea all over my keyboard at that label.

Well done, Dani! xoxo

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi ladies!

And Dani: I hope you are insisting that none of your godchildren shall be named RENESMEE!

Latebloomer, annaF, pet73:

Poignant observations re: RP's amorous activities!

Of course, what beloved RP does betwixt the sheets is none of my business (*...yet*).

But with the extraordinarily intense scrutiny of his every move, combined with his self-professed awkwardness in the presence of attractive females, and further complicated by his modest and thoroughly unconvincing protestations about being "a dick," (*ahem*) one can only speculate about the extent, and perhaps surprising brevity, of his actual romantic history.

And as much as it breaks our collective, dreaming hearts, it stands to reason that the most likely candidates for his affections will be actresses, or at least women involved in the arts, who have the opportunity to meet him in a peer environment—and not anyone who falls within the "fan" spectrum, who will be resigned to admiring him from afar.

*painful truth*

monika said...

RM: Up 347% in popularity this week on imdb

monika said...

more than Transformers 2 lol

nat_ said...

any idea who will play Robs sister in rm???

Barb said...

I wonder why imdb doesn't have Eclipse listed as "pre-production"? Don't they shoot Eclipse before he does Unbound Captives?

Just wondering.

wanabRPsmom said...

Mrs. Robinsane wrote:

And as much as it breaks our collective, dreaming hearts, it stands to reason that the most likely candidates for his affections will be actresses, or at least women involved in the arts, who have the opportunity to meet him in a peer environment—and not anyone who falls within the "fan" spectrum, who will be resigned to admiring him from afar.

*painful truth*

I won't mind as long as the gal he chooses - LOVES him and takes good care of him DEARLY!

LOve that picture of him, above.

Morning ladies!
I'm in the copy/paste mode today..;)

skathele said...

@Mrs. Robinsane: I think you're right. And if he finds some celeb girl, he wouldn't have to worry that much about getting their story sold to the tabloids. At least not firsthand.

monika said...

@nat,we've already seen her on the pics,it's Ruby Jerins

Sophia Z.86 said...

I was the blonde with the foreign accent!!! Yuuupppieee! I was me! Oh no wait... I am not petite... What damn woman was it then?

"Rob! Are you cheating on me now? Another blonde with a foreign accent? WHO WAS SHE? Damn, gorgeous lover, you'r impossible! Jeez!"

well, well... stupid Sophia...

nat_ said...

haven't had time to see all the pics.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Al'right! I admit it, I am not THAT blonde either...

phosphorus said...

@ Sophia: Well, I am blonde, not that tall (1,69 m), and I was away for a couple of days ...

IZA76 said...

have anyone saw the new OK mag cover for this week...they will do anything to sell this cheap mag.

Pet73 said...

Barb- I've been wondering the same for months now. Only shortly after they announced the filming date for NM, they did for Eclipse. Why is it not listed? They even know when it will be at the cinemas. - scratches head.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Phosphorus, you are tall! I am 1,67, and not small..., but dark red hair...

Pet73 said...

Monika- Are you IMDbPro? Do you have additional information?

JennB said...

Oh, man, I love how you tag your entries..... Congratulations, godmother!

Diane said...

Great posts this morning! The "fans" who watch the shooting and then expect acknowledgement don't seem to get that they've already won the prize.

How extraordinarily lucky to glimpse Rob doing his job! To be able to observe him without intruding on his personal life would be fantastic, and they're getting to do that. Then they want to be rewarded for doing it? Would it seem logical to them if someone lurked outside their office all day and then expected gratitude?

They may be attracted to him, but they seem to be lacking in empathy, which is a quality very evident in most Robsessors. You guys rule!

Pet73 said...

wanab, skathele:
I think the worst would be (someone like) Paris Hilton :( !

I really would be disappointed - but of course that's nothing to me.
I always hope he goes for the heartly and clever girls.

JennB said...

I have to agree with the masses here, if Rob's out with some ladies, more power to him. As much as it KILLS me, it's really true: "If he's not shagging me, then I don't care who he's shagging". Of course, I would love to be his dalliance, but it won't ever happen and besides, he's a young guy out there with a lot of gorgeous women. He's got his pick!

However, unless he's having these ladies sign NDAs after each tryst, wouldn't you think she would be famewhoring and talking to the tabs: "I F**KED ROB PATTINSON AND HE'S HUNG LIKE A _____" (fill in the blank, y'all....).


Pet73 said...

Just checked Ruby Jerins - Is she with Peter (Carlisle) on his new TV show (in the US)?

JennB said...

Unless he's found a woman with integrity, who values him for being him, and not because of his fame. And that would be the best thing ever.

But if he's intimately connected with every woman he locks eyes with, I'm going with the NDA theory.

(sorry, I can't get a proper comment posted succinctly today... durh......)

Barb said...

@Pet73 I'm on IMDB Pro

Pet73 said...

Barb- That's great! May I ask if you have additional info about Eclipse and Unbound Captives (esp. about additional casting)? And as far as I know Bel Ami shall be done before UC? Thank you :)!

albaville said...

I dont agree about the fact that he's gonna probably choose an actress or someone in that business as girlfriend just cause its easier for them to meet him ect.. I think that the doubt about being with him just do have a better chance with their careers would be always there, the gossip would be much more than with a normal girl...also I believe that his behaviour will drive him to some nice,sexy,sweet, funny smart girl not involved in the star system that can give him peace and normality..i think Rob is too intelligent to show up with some starlet or similar...

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, they make it sound like he shouldn't be out and 23? sheesh..but they always want to hook him up with where are the pics? Not that I want the paps hassling him 24/7..nothing like having an article stating exactly where to find him..sheesh...

WinWin said...

Thank you Dani. Hope you're doing well.

I have a theory. I think the media as a whole is completely Robsessed and are still in denial. They just want to talk about him in any capacity.

Have you guys seen this? I keep thinking about that fan drawing last week on set. lol

Yvonne said...

I love it when they describe him leaning into someone and's a bar, I'm sure it's quite loud.

Secondly, in every interview he's ever done, he hangs on every word the interviewer mutters, intently listening and then thoughtfully formulating his answer. He treats everyone that way, it seems. He's a good listener, probably an even better conversationalist (sorry Megan HoBag oopsImean Fox), and I would imagine that it would appear that he were "into" any girl he was conversing with.

But, of course we all know that. I wish these tabloids would realize that we know a tree.

Mommamary said...

I guess People Magazine is stooping to report things that are unverified and from shady sources. This story sounds like a conglomerate of a bunch of old stories. When fans saw him at the club in the Village, when he was seen lunching with Camilla earlier in the year. All sounds like repeated and mixed up to sound like new news. Can't believe anyone anymore.

skathele said...

I'm pretty sure, he'll end up with the right girl for him - whatever she may be or look like.

@Alba: hopefully a nice, smart, funny, natural girl.
But to give some actresses/art girls/whatever some credit: there are some like these out there in his biz, not all are like Paris (@Pet which would be truly the worst scenario!).

He just might not put some 'outsider' girl go through this public hell with all the papz, crazy fans and made-up stories. I think, he's a quite considerate type of guy.

Mommamary said...

I'm with you Robstruck. The man is working. Leave him alone. He probably has work and other stuff on his mind and how can he do a good job if he does not shut out all the crowds around him. That is a feat in itself to focus on work with shouting crowds about. I believe that he is a kind and gracious young man and is not rude on purpose. Actually the crowds are rude for bothering him when he is working.

Barb said...

@pet73 - I sent you an email to you directly. Not much out there about Unbound Captives.

Pet73 said...

Yvonne- WE know all this! But .... I never checked some Rob-crazy teenage blogs (no offense here but you know what I mean) but I think they don't see the things like we do. If they would, that awful incident of last week wouldn't have happened! (And those girls haven't been teens - even worse.) The stories of the mags are for those girls.

Sometimes, I think Robsessed is an island (Idk - shrugs shoulders).

Pet73 said...

Barb- I'll check when I'm at home :). Thank you very much!

Yvonne said...

Latebloomer @ 6:53

I love your post, and I totally agree, especially about the Hollywood thing....that's really a great comparison.

And as for where he "parks" it, I SO agree! I've said it before....I really think he's too shy to have one night stands, he would obviously rather have a girlfriend, but I'm sure it's difficult to trust anyone now, yup, I think he's a DIY'er :) Most of the time anyway :) And if there are any "relationships" he's had, he's discreet....

Hankging with his guy friends is more likely the way he spends his down time, relaxing.

monika said...

@Pet73,nope,am not.;)

and yeah she is in Nurse Jackie or smth like that with Peter.

Yvonne said...

Pet73, we are DEF an island! Great way to desribe us :) I love that!

Seems like these interviewrs don't have a clue about him....
I really hope they do their homework this time around with NM, and NO ONE mentions FANGS!

wanabRPsmom said...


I don't think Rob goes for skanky type a s s like Paris..yuk!
He is too soulful and classy to get attracted to these kind of fame wh o re s.

Saw those RM fake-bloody face ... funny...I feel hurt for him. *
I need a life..*sigh*

Been wondering if Mrs. Pattinson's been to NY lately. She has to be worried sick for her lil' boy working non-stop! Who is taking care of him?? HELLO Mrs. us some sign..

albaville said...

I dont know how many girls like that exist in his biz and most of all how many wouldnt use him for their careers and famehunger..of course there're exceptions, but I dont agree about the fact that:

"He just might not put some 'outsider' girl go through this public hell with all the papz, crazy fans and made-up stories. I think, he's a quite considerate type of guy."

It dependes who she is and if she's enough mature to take all the pressure and paps and media..
I think that if he'd be really in love with a normal girl, all these things couldnt stop him, he needs a strong girl...

Stacy said...

In regards to the fans complaints:

Quite frankly, they need to take their delusional asses HOME. I don't know how else to say it, but HE IS WORKING. They are pushing their way onto the set, getting close to him, with no regard that he is trying to make a quality film, but instead of being happy about just seeing him, they bitch cause he doesn't wave. HE'S WORKING. YOU SHOULD NOT BE THERE. It's one thing to stroll down and watch for a few, like Win and Jane did, in a respectful, quiet manner, but it's another to hang out all day and into the night, bugging security etc. There are many girls that are doing this ... no, I should say women. I've seen talk in IMDB from women in their 30s planning on going to NYC and stalking him in his hotel.

This has all gotten way out of hand, and the attitude of the fans on set REALLY gets to me, because these are the a-holes that Rob is seeing as his fans, and no wonder he thinks that all we see him as is an object of lust! Those of us that like him for many more things, and as a human being, will most likely never get the chance to express that to him, and he will never know how many of us are out there, because we aren't storming the set and chasing him over the city.

He has been accommodating to fans in the bars, at concerts, on the streets, etc. He should not have to be when he's working.

Sorry for the novel, it just really pisses me off.

RE: The bloodied pics look great, very realistic.

Stacy said...

Oh, and I'm on the fence about Rob and the one night stands. I can't believe he hasn't had a few .. I don't think he's as shy as we think once he has a drink in him, but I don't think that he's a manwhore either.

I do think he could be happy with someone outside the biz, but she would have to be very strong, which is exactly what he needs.

Yvonne said...

wanab....aawww! I felt the same way seeing those pictures...he looks just awful with all of that fake blood on his face, so sad! I just want to hug him :)
Yeah, his mom must be worried. I know that it doesn't matter how old they are, they are still your parents still worry and I'm 30 *cough* something....

Momma P needs to get to NYC and keep an eye on her boy :)

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi albaville :) :

I just wanted to respond to your comment re: RP's potential future mate.

My assessment of who this blessed lass may be was based on the unusual restrictions of RP's current situation—NOT based on who he would freely choose to be with, if he did not have the entire media world tracking his movements.

I would not be at all surprised if RP deeply craves the affection of a nice, intelligent, creative, and naturally attractive "regular" woman, who could offer him some relief from the artificiality which must dominate so many "Hollywood" relationships, romantic or otherwise.

But at this point, how, exactly, is he going to meet such a sincere and unspoiled woman?

Won't he always wonder if she has been secretly, well, Robsessing about him, before they met?

*uh oh, Mrs. R...*

I know that Katie Holmes has admitted that, as an adolescent, she had a poster of Tom Cruise on her wall, and look at them now.

*sketchy example?*

And I think that RP would not be entirely repulsed by someone who admired his work, and who was not completely unaware of his staggering handsomeness—after all, I'm sure he harbors some celebrity crushes himself, and can hardly judge the rest of us for our lusty weaknesses.

So the conundrum remains...where will he find this extraordinary and yet unknown woman, given the limitations, even the mistrustfulness, of his present circumstances?

*right here with wise Mrs. R*

JennB said...

Win - that NPR link was brilliant!

Suz said...

mierda de toro

albaville said...

@Mrs Robinsane
I know its very very difficoult he's gonna meet that woman, for all the reasons u explained very well and much better than I could do with my not-perfect english...
she should be very special and strong to take all the crazyness around him..I dont know hoe he could meet her, maybe a friend can introduce her to him or maybe she works at some place he's going to..
I'm sure that it can happen..I REALLY DONT SEE ROB WITH ANOTHER FAMOUS CHICK IN THE BIZ ON TABLOIDS ECT...NOT REALLY so I'm sure he's gonna meet her sooner or later...

albaville said...


Stacy said...

:) Albaville. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Babs said...


As much as I'd like to see Rob dating a 'regular' girl (a girl can always dream :)) I think that it could be a bit unlikely.
Think about what happens with football players here in Italy (they're quite the catch here), they all end up with models/starlets because they go to the same parties and places. It's just statistics.
Please Rob feel free to prove me wrong :)

albaville said...

I dont really see the connection between Rob and the soccer players, its a totally different enviroment and Rob has a different kind of friends,tastes and hobbies..he likes playing music, hung up in a pub with hid buddies and he's quite shy, he's respectuful and he hates gossip, tabloids and showgirls/starlet that could use him for their carrer...I really cant see him with those kind of girls, I'm sure he'll go for a regular,nice,smart, strong girl..its not gonna be me unfortunatly( i've never been so lucky) but he'll find her..
baci cara a presto

skathele said...

dove cade il cuore

(do you say it like this? ... my Italian is very bad, though I'm not far away and took some lessons about 100 years ago).

Cougar71 said...

All these gossip rag mags make me crazy! Maybe there is a fraction of truth to all of them, but there are always so many fabricated scandalous details. Rob can't take a **** without the paps watching him, and I know he knows this. It seems highly unlikely that he'd be holding hands with anyone in a pub, or making gooey eyes at anyone on a beach, or anything else like that. He doesn't seem to be the PDA type, esp. being watched as he is. And with all of the rags pretty much on board the "RP/KS--Are they or aren't they?" boat, I can't imagine that he'd make himself out to look like he was cheating (regardless of whether that whole thing is true or not), for the most part, the general public thinks it is true because of what paps have told them and RP and KS have quite denying anything...or talking about it period. Anyway, the point is, scandal sells, and if the mags don't say that Rob was canoodling in the sand or playing footsie with someone under a table at a pub instead of just saying "Eyewitnesses report that Rob sat all night drinking his beer and laughing and talking with friends. Or "Rob and Emilie sat and talked in between takes but appeared to be strictly professional." That stuff doesn't sell magazines and isn't any fun for the delusional fans. It's all a stupid game at celebrity expense. It's so ridiculous it should be illegal. And so all sorts of rumors will persist. I suspect by summers end Rob and Emilie will be engaged with a lovechild on the way and Kristen will be in therapy to nurse her broken, betrayed heart. Haha!

Kalanie said...

I just hope he enjoys this time in his life and lives with no regrets. I think he will settle down eventually. I am curious to see with whom like everyone else.

Latebloomer said...

@Mrs. Robinsane...

I<3 your face so much! You are most def the voice of true wisdom... and I am in total agreement on everything you say.

I know that I can't know who's hitting the sheets with "our" man... and it's a shame that we can't create a "dateline" for him! Imagine if you will his own personal dating screening service? We could take applicants and screen them FOR Rob so that he could be assured of only the highest, quality of character and "intent".

(I've never had a thought like this in my life... but I think there's a FF story here waiting to happen.)

We are women of the world, who have Mr. Pattinson's best interests at "heart"... right?

I'm sure he would be very *grateful* for all our loving care... *wink*.

We of course, would be the HBIC of said agency. It would be a raging success, because who wouldn't pay top dollar to get their app submitted, much less approved, to have the chance to become a potential Mrs. Pattinson?

And if we couldn't wind up with Mr. Pattinson ourselves... well, to coin a phrase from Elizabeth Bennett...

"Perhaps Mr. Pattinson has a cousin." LOL! cheers!

BTW... if you have not seen The Proposal... no words but these: Ryan Reynolds, full side view nudity= WIN WIN!!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


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