MTV Movie Awards Best Kiss

Thanks to HYBeccer for the gif and Kate for the tip :)


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CullenGal09 said...

Not good for either of them, you know?!?

CullenGal09 said...

Not good for their careers in the long term,either.

CullenGal09 said...

I just hate it for them. It's a shame it has to be part of the biz.

showme said...

stefani, you're right on. i feel the same.

Unknown said...

they can never win with the tabloids, that's the negative part about it all. The magazines is always going to feed people with more and more shit, just to make as much money as possible, they don't give a shit about anything else.
And if you're are the IT person at the moment then everthing gets even worse... I hope Rob doesn't settle in LA when he wants to have his own place, because there's too much focus on celebritys there and not great if u want to have your private life private.

CullenGal09 said...

Well-i better pop back out again. It's been a long day, and i'm getting tired. Hubby is out of the shower and want o visit with him for a while before we have to crash. Night ladies!

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-Stef-you go girls. I agree totally. Oh, and Rob can move to TN if he'd like-it's quiet and peaceful here-;)

Mechevpao said...

Bye Cullen Gal

CullenGal09 said...

On that note-i really will call it a night. This is just the beginning of a busy crappy week-tyhanks for the breather guys!

Unknown said...

nighty nighty CullenGal!

CullenGal09 said...

Bye Mechav! Hope to chat again soon. Happy Rob dreams! Muuuuaaahh!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

KK~Sorry I missed you once again. I'm gonna try to be on Robsessed more this week and I'm sure we'll both be online at the same time at some point.

ANNA F~"Shippers" is not like mailing/transporting but R/K Shippers is short for "worshippers who want them to be together" or "relationSHIP" is an abbreviation. I'm so impressed with your good communications!

Mrs. R~Cold fish is right. I agree with both you and Stacy on this one. I do not think it is the fault of Catherine or the script or any other laundry list of reasons why Kristen is the way she is. If you saw her in "Adventureland," you just keep seeing the same thing again and again. No passion. Reserve. Snottyness. Sorry, I cannot like her. She's a passable actress but something is missing.

SPECULATING: Sorry, I still don't see anything here that seals the deal on a relationship. We already know that Rob is friends with the Stewarts. They've been storing his old BMW. He's a guy without a family here in LA. Last night was a big "Twilight" celebration and I think we see only part of the story. I'm sure there was partying and drinking galore. And, many other "Twilight" people there. Please. Oye.

If you want to speculate, then I will change my mind when I see Kristen visit Rob for something unrelated to "Twilight" and see public affection. Plus, I'll have to see visible evidence of her thawing out. In any case, I still don't see anything long-term. And, also, it was a "Twilight" night--why would Michael want to intrude on that????

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Showme - Check your email.

DD said...

When I got home and saw what tonite's conversation was about, I told myself I wasn't gonna post. It turns out I can't seem to help myself (hello, my name is DD and I am a Roboholic-lol)

I don't care who he is with for 2 very simple reasons. 1=I want him to be happy...for his sake. 2=I want him to be happy enough to make more movies....for my sake.

I love this man and his work and want more so "Go Rob. Be with who ever you want and ignore all the rest of it."

Unknown said...

But now when they are going to be away from each other for a while, Rob filming in NY, it's gonna be interesting to see how everything's going to develop. But we all know that Rob don't mind long distance relationsship hehe:) So It might work out just well. I bet we'll see Kristen in NY soon visiting Rob:P

Mechevpao said...

This snipet is funny...

"Wonder If Robert Pattinson's Available for the Tonys?

Robert Pattinson just may be the best thing that happened to awards shows since Billy Crystal.

With Pattinson and his Twilight mates heaped with buckets of ceremonial popcorn at Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, the show, which also featured the debut of teaser trailer for the vampire gang's upcoming New Moon, scored a whopping 76 percent more viewers than last year.

Its average audience of 5.3 million was the show's biggest since 2004.

This is the second awards show this year in which a little bit of Pattinson has helped produce a whole lot of ratings. February's Oscars, featuring Pattinson on presenting duty, saw its numbers zoom among teens and kids.

Sacha Baron Cohen's Brüno's fall into Eminem's lap, meanwhile, would like to think it aided the MTV Movie Awards' cause, too. According to MTV, the incident was its site's most-watched award clip at one point today—drawing even more traffic than the New Moon trailer.

If such a thing is possible."

Aparently Rob is the IT boy in many senses

Stacy said...

You make some good points. I think that's part of my issue with R/K. She seems so cold and reserved, and he's warm and bubbly, lol.

Really? I didn't know he was close with the Stewarts or that they were storing his car.

Still tho ... I just think things look like they might be adding up. But I will say, if this is all a bunch of coincidences, they def need to come out and deny, or it will never stop.

Sam said...

ok girls wtf is this????

can u smoke weed out in the open like this?? Or is this just tobacco?? WTF??

showme said...

Chicago, there weren't other twilight people at their dinner...i mean, that's not speculating, that's just reports online from witnesses.

and i thought nikki reed had his old car?

Mechevpao said...

Amen Chicago Girl!!
Love the way you put this "thing" through

showme said...

sam, LOL...kris doesn't abide by no smoking pot outside rules...

there are pics of her toking a pipe on her front doorstep in LA...

Unknown said...

this is what's written on her imdb page: "She supports the legalization of the use of marijuana."
so yeah who knows what that is... But I don't think she would be doing it openly like that...

Sam said...

yeah i know she smokes weed- and i have seen those pipe pics, but what i am asking is- can you do that in italy? I knew amsterdam you can... but is this legal in Italy

Unknown said...

showme: yeah I remember that now! so that pic from italy can be a weed cig she's rolling...

Sam said...

her publicist should be kicking her ass- i mean seriously- first the pipe pics and then this? What kind of role model is she?
Look when i was a teen and all the way up into my mid 20's i was a HUGE pot head- don't touch it, don't like it, and strongly NOT proud of it... and i know they are gonna do it... BUT i was not in the public eye... and didn't have millions of young girls looking up to me. I realllly hope that is a cig- but i am sure it isn't...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago - Wait! I'm still lurking while writing!!!

I'm sure K was just rolling a cigarette.

The BMW that was in all the pics at Nikki's house was MUCH newer than Rob's (Rob's is a piece of crap with a broken roof).

Unknown said...

ooh I think I need to go to bed now, it's really late here. But it's been nice talking to y'all! Good Night ladies! I'll probably stop by here tomorrow again, I like it here:)

DD said...

I doubt KS would be rolling a joint in public in a foreign country. It is popular now (again) to roll your own ciggies. You can get flavored and scented tobacco and the unfiltered cig delivers a quicker buzz.

Chicago girl now in LA said...


There's plenty of online reports from witnesses, whatever that means--we've heard so many lies from Megan Fox to Paris Hilton...

Robsessed ran a pic some time ago of Nikki visiting the Stewarts (a new home for them) and we noted Rob's old Beemer languishing there. She came via a different vehicle. It makes sense that his car should be in a safe place where people who are home all the time can keep it secure.

showme said...

sam...i was also...followed around with the remnants of the Dead and Panic for awhile after school....

but i will say that's a hard hard job to have..."teen role model"...look what it's done to britney spears and others...they can't live up to those impossibly high standards. i say she shouldn't smoke outside and let paps get a million pics but if she'd for legalization, she shouldn't have to hide it

hell, i'm for legalization, if for no other reason than to stop a copious amount of drug cartel violence in mexico and guns oozing across our borders like mexican pinatas....

i don't know if it's true, but there was something online yesterday or day before about the entire Twi cast trying to stop smoking together on the next filming in order to be better role models...

Chicago girl now in LA said...

That old smoking on her front porch story with BF Michael Angarano is from some time ago. Old news. Yes, she did do this in PUBLIC.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

So, Chicago...not jumping ship yet, eh?????

showme said...

true, chicago, but this comes from many different ones....they match up, so, that tends to make me believe.

i have no idea about the car thing. that's the first time i heard it.

Night was fun!!!!

Cougar71 said...

Sorry if this has already been posted. What do you make of this?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

KK, the pic I'm talking about is from before you came on board here. She was wearing stiped socks or something which bothered some people--not me, I like colorful clothes. It was Kristen's parents' house.

Sam said...

i keep telling myself in the back of my head surely she would't be THAT blatant, smoking pot out in the open? (but there were the pipepics too-dumbass kristen) and if it had been pot there would have been a buttload of reports about it... I used to be a heavy smoker (and weed too when i was much younger)... i am sooooo against weed now- it is amazing how much you grow up- i NEVER thought i would- i loved that shit back in the day... Just dont be doing that shit out where everyone can see you (pipe pic)...

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Sorry, gotta go.

showme said...

hey cougar....yep, that's the pics that got this convo a rollin' :)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago - I mean, you're not jumping ship on Robsten yet?

showme said...

ok kids...i'm gonna go read some fanfic....

{{Hugs all around}}

crossing my fingers for everything to work out....

Sam said...

cougar71- i don't believe they are doing each other... and the whole report of the 'eyewitness' : 'i'm PRETTY SURE there was a kiss'... gotta see it to believe it- if they are- great- be happy.. but i don't think they are... think about it- how much BETTER would Twi-fans love it (the young onesespecially) if they were together.. It's what the fans want (not me personally though).. to see them really together- they wouldn't have to hide it. Unless of course they both have me and her boyfriend fooled! haa But nahhh- i gotta SEE evidence. I have spent the night with my best friends BF before when she was working and we went out partying- i was on the couch and he was in his bed and NOTHING happened. Just two partiers crashing at the same place?

Cougar71 said...

Thanks showme...that's what I get for not reading far enough back. lol Email me when you get a sec and tell me your thoughts on that. lol

Cougar71 said...

True enough Sam. I agree. Still nothing conclusive I suppose. I won't rehash anything since it's already been discussed.

Sam said...

so this photog got all these pics but just so happened to NOT have that lens a poppin when they were 'kissing'? I'd say no way on the story... what do you guys think?

VeilsofLight said...

Kristen should move here to Mass. where pot is de-criminalized. THOUSANDS of people at Fenway this weekend at a Phish concert, every single one of them smoking dope and no arrests.

In a perfect world as a role-model, sure, she'd be squeaky-clean, but PLEASE a full-fledged Libertarian-minded person #1) pot ain't my thing, but Government stay the hell out of my habits/bedroom/wallet and #2 Do the majority of twilight tweens seriously look like they would even CONSIDER lighting up or care about anything beyond the usual rob/kristen gossip?

Please stop blaming anyone other than parents for the choices kids make, its utterly ridiculous and goes back as far as the 'Elvis is a bad influence' argument.'

Just caught the tail end of the posts here, sorry if I missed the context, too busy watching MTV movie awards AGAIN.

God damn. Just when I think I'm out...he keeps pulling me back IN.

Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck.

This man is just too goddamn painful to watch anymore.

Think my fave moment was when Jim Carrey's mind said "That good-looking kid from Twilight" and they panned to his friggin stunning, embarrassed smile. Too cute.

God help me.

DD said...

Veils - I know how you feel. But I honestly don't think there is any help. Just when you think the obsession is waning, he pulls you back. He is so amazing to watch. It's like the gravity pull from a black hole.

VeilsofLight said...

Sounds strange in the same breath, but as a nutritionist, actually, the disgusting cigarette smoking I could do without. I get that it's more commonplace in Britain (no excuse Rob), but Kristen? You guys are still babies, enough with killing your lungs already, watching family members die of lung cancer and other fun stuff is not cool, never will be, sorry to be blunt.

These kids have it ALL right now, take care of your health for god's sake.

DD - SO TRUE and well-said. Honestly, I was having less time to visit this site and thought maybe my interest was waning a bit...but THEN last week I saw Little Ashes (a post for another night, let's just say 'porn for women') and then MTV last night...for the first time since this whole thing started I had an in-depth dream about him the entire night and today am like 'What the F is wrong with me?'

Actually, that's not trure, it's amazingly invigorating, but incredibly torturous and all I can think about today is: A) what concrete steps can I take to work with him and B) what concrete steps can I take to sleep with him? And C) Maybe if I wait til all the hype dies down, it will be easier. What? In like 8 years?


What do you do to cope?

kchambers77 said...

i think it's cool she's not hiding who she is. so she smokes pot. i did a while back in my 20s. you grow out of it. i agree with the legalization of marijane as well due to the fact that people who should not be in jail are and causing murderers and drug dealers to walk due to deals and crowded jails. and it's a cash crop you can make everything from it and you can tax it like cigarettes and alcohol and help pay off some debt way better than writing rubber checks.

oops sorry for the novel lol

DD said...

Veils - I gave up on trying to cope. I am a mature professional woman. I don't obsess about movie stars...until now. I have tried disciplining my time, fillin my mind with other books and stories. I have tried heavy exercise. I thought there might be something wrong with me. I am old enough to be his mother.

But then I realized (or rationalized?) that he is very special. He a rare quality that is only seen every couple of generations. He is crazy mix of contridictions and paradoxes. I think his attraction is timeless.

I am still well grounded. I won't chase him, stalk him or ever be able to have a conversation with him (much less than anything else). But I owe him. I owe him for the joy he has brought me. So here I am. Completely and irrevocably addicted to Robert Pattinson.

Mechevpao said...

Veil, I want to read your review for LA.. please!

DD said...

Hi Mech - have you recovered from the festivities last night?

Mechevpao said...

HI DD, how are you?
I haven´t recovered from the shirtless pic last week, but damn, I´m never going to recover.. and I don´t think I want to, it feels good hahaha
Last night just took away another portion of my brien, not that I have much, you?

Ohh something funny Peter Faccinelli said:

Team Edward or Team Jacob for his own daughters? “Wow. That’s a good one, my daughter? Can we go with someone human? I’d like my daughter to date someone human.”

Do his girls have crushes on Rob: “Not that I’m aware of. They’re a little young . . . I hope not.”

DD said...

Mech - I am never going to recover either. Been watching the trailer over and over. Still gives me chills....gonna be a long time till November.

But is was so much fun here last night!

VeilsofLight said...

DD, you made me feel better by summing it up with what we all feel to be true... that he is unique and incredibly special and he comes across once in a million years, so it is beyond our control the pull he has over us...and I wouldn't trade it for anything. ;)

Mechevpao...Little Ashes review tomorrow, I promise, prob in the evening. and I have a LOT to say. Honestly went in not expecting much, but HOLY CRAP. Let's just say, I like HTB ok, but me thinks I'll be purchasing LA just a tad sooner.

More to 'come'.....


Night ladies, hope to have time to join you more soon and enjoy your insights.

Goz...hope you're doing well.

xo VoLs

P.S. Not to mention shirtless Rob in Italy. Can we say unrequited love? *sigh*

Jala said...

As far as I'm concerned, the real question of the day is not whether R & K are an item, but is that a new pair of pants Rob is wearing?

I'm surprised no one's mentioned anything about them.

I can't remember seeing him in those before. Is this an exciting new adition to his wardrobe? Will we see him wearing them as Edward in NM?

Mechevpao said...

Veil, I will wait to read it tomorrow ;)

DD, last nigh it was a blast, I never went through something like this, it was so much fun, this is really an unique place... as unique as Rob!

It is very silence here tonight, are we trying to recover form list night? and failing?

RPnKSaddict said...

Hello ladies, I'm lurking agian. I saw the pic that are under debate and had to come here to see what the conseses was.
I knew it would be just as interesting to see what you all would have to say, as the pictures were themselves.
I think you all are awesome and I so enjoy the workings of your minds.
My opinion is inconclusive. There are still a few variables that can come into play with the pictures. I am however on the conservative side.Just as long as their happy I guess is what matters.
I hope you all have a wonderful night!

Lizalou said...

Oh damn, I was gonna go right to bed but I have to put in my two cents after reading all of the comments!
You all know i'm not a shipper, but after viewing that X17 link, all I have to say is this - if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a fucking duck!

Morning after + bed-head + Rob wearing clothes he wore to airport with said bed-head = hookup.

Sho - are you doing happy dances? ;p

Lizalou said...

And he looks mighty damned fine with that bed-head. Imagine waking up and rolling over to see that in your bed! Gah!

Nite Ladies!

DD said...

Jal - I noticed the gray pants. He looks all cleaned up and ready to go. I also say a pic where is taking off his shoes to go through security at LAX and I swear they look like new ones. The are the same black and white nikes but they look new! Would he buy a new pair of shoes just like the old ones? Of course he would....lovable.

xoRobxo said...

Hmmm... Well I don't really care one way or the other, but would like to see Rob happy.
There do seem to be some telling things.. i dont read every post on every thread, but did anyone mention or see the video from Italy where after the take of K jumping in R arms, she turned to walk away and I'm 99.9 percent sure he patted her butt, the crowd laughed~well for me that was very telling. Not to mention hanging with Robs parents and footies in that limo. No MA, oh well. My only hope would be if they were or going to get in a relationship and broke up-it wouldn't effect the other movies. I guess in time we will know

DD said...

xo - You are right - time will tell the tale. But we are not patient little Robsessors are we?

WithinMe said...

Hi all,

Luv the comments...especially KK/Chicago Girl/Stacy/Mrs. R

I watched the twilight after my sis raved about it in mid April 2009 but she prefers the book as compared to movie. I've watched the movie then read the 4 books in about 4/5 days flat.

I can't associate with Bella's character same goes with my sis and her friends. The 1st and 3nd books is ok but not the rest (my personal view - duck 4 any flying objects). The 4th book, too femine for Edward. It could be due to the different background or culture for the disassociate feeling.

As for both the leads... to be frank there were on and off moments. I wasn't 100% engaged but RP does have stage present and the camera loves him.

But if you disect him physically ppppsstt I failed to see the Demi God or Michelangelo's David.

Personality wise enigmatic + the British Accent = quite potent kind of being hypnotised.

As for the gossip and personal info for the actors - I don't have any preference.

- Left Brainer -

Mechevpao said...

RPaddict, I think I´ve seen those pants before, don´t remember which pic, but they arenpt new hahaa

Lizalou you made me laugh... it is a fuckind duck hahahaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

(This is boring- skip this)Sam/Le'Samara-

Since you asked, we've been having weird "May Gray" the last week or so. It's been overcast/cool most of the day and the sun will peek out for a while (which is why the MTV Awards looked sunny).

I'm all discombobluated... it should be like 99º about now. Not that I'm complaining.

- end of LA weather report-

Stacy said...

RZA - Thank you:) And I'm glad you at least see Rob's enigmatic personality:)

RE the pants - I'm pretty sure those are old. I think they're the same ones he was wearing in the interview at Apple Store in Soho, when he was wearing the beanie and looking all cute sitting in the chair?

RE R/K ... I still can't say its conclusive, but I don't see any other explanations for it. I think the next week or so will be really telling. Just hope he's happy and the movies work out.

RPnKSaddict said...

Came across this thought it was funny so I decided to share.

FIRST,Robert is an actor. SECOND,There are millions of girls(and women)-and I don't know how many million-throwing themselves at him.
and THIRD,I am unconditionally and irrevocably obsessed and in love with him.

Just thought it went well with some of the feelings expressed about the pull of Robert Pattinson on the female species.

WithinMe said...

Typo - 2nd book and 5th book on Edward.

4th book as a film - for moi YUCK!!!(sorry) however I would think if it is combined with the uncompleted 5th book as a flashback to the meeting in Edward's view then take the bits and pieces of the interesting parts of 4th book would make a better storyline.

Not the pregnancy and yada yada Rosemary's baby stuff.

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm undecided about the pics and R/K stuff. Jury's still out for me.

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm repeating myself just ignore the rambling it's stupid cold medicine.

WithinMe said...

Well.. stacy the personality can take you far.

On the flip side, I really can't c RP being an actor in a long term.

WithinMe said...

Well.. stacy the personality can take you far.

On the flip side, I really can't c RP being an actor in a long term.

Stacy said...

UNF this pic! I know it's stalkerazzi, but damn!
And it's HQ!

RPnKSaddict said...

mech- If there Rob's pants they're not new, not if it's Rob wearing them.

Stacy said...

RZA - I can't either. I think he will eventually do something else. Just hope all this doesn't break him down.

Ok gals, it's been fun, but I need some sleep tonight.


WithinMe said...

Yeah, physically he seems equipped with the actor's package. But somehow I dont see it "click" with him.

More suitable to be a writer and a good satirist.

Robnut said...

On lainey twitter it said that RP, KS, his manager, Pulicist, and a friend of his were at dinner. Don,t know how reliable it is but who knows.

Mechevpao said...

Ladies, I´m off for tonight
see you soon
rest well

Sam said...

thanks LA for the weather report! haha

RPnKSaddict said...

nite everyone. chat later

kespax said...

I got home ready for a Rob feast - and my damn computer is broken, this peeking at bits at work is like being a kid in a candy store and not allowed to taste. I'm taking home a laptop hope I can get web to work and feast finally on all of this MTV yumminess -& no telecast in Oz.
I'm so jealous of you guys!
Do you think now he's in NY he might be on Letterman soon???

Oh and his shirt - check it, it's the style not his clumsy dressing, all the buttons line up. Blue is sooooooo yummy with those eyes.

Marj said...

i love reading these comments,reading and watching conan too.just as long as RTP is happy,not a ks fan of her acting but i do believe mike has hit the road.i mean who could resist robward.

Marna said...

I didn't think they were a couple, but after seeing the X17 pictures, I believe they are. Kristen lives in LA, why would she stay at a hotel unless it was to be with Rob? And if they were in different rooms, why would she get up early (and why would her mom be there?) to see him off? They could have easily said goodbye the night before.

The only thing that makes me hesitant about believing it are those pictures of Rob with that girl Erica. I believed them too because they looked real, but that turned out to be a lie so this could be also.

LOL, I have no idea why I even care, I guess I'm just Robsessed.

WithinMe said...

Mebe we should have a bet over the R/K and non-R/K... wat do u all think?

Sara Tavares said...

I don´t like to speculate but I can´t help to do this.
I´m wondering about Nikki Reed´s absence yesterday. She isn´t the kind of person who loses a party like that and I don´t remember reading anything about she´s busy doing another movie.
Maybe she didn´t go to MTV bc RP and KS are a couple now and duo to obvious reasons she´s not happy about that...

RobLover said...

Hi all,

I've been following your comments for a couple weeks (I'm new to this site, but like the rest of you, LOVE me some Rob). I just wanted to say hello and that you've kept me thoroughly entertained. I don't feel so cuh-razy knowing there are others like me out there. I was beginning to worry! Thank you!

Loisada said...

Lizalou: yes, it is a fucking duck! A full grown duck that seems to have been in the making for many many months, not weeks. And it is absolutely understandable to me that this duck has been refraining from quacking (though it hasn't been able to stop itself from beaming!). Would anyone really want to be the new "Brangelina"? The thought alone makes me cringe, and would probably send most ducks hightailing underwater. I would not expect any public declarations anytime soon, but I do think we'd have to be in total denial to not think that actions have been speaking louder than words between these two for quite some time. This list of coincidences that have to be explained away is just too damn long. Speculation on my part? I'd think it's more like simple math, and I can't get 1+1 to add up to anything but 2! So like other wise ladies here have said, it's none of my business, but I wish above all that they are simply happy, cause I'm selfish. A happy Rob = a happy me!

kespax said...

Who gives a crap.

I'm more interested in his fictional leading lady - if he starts filming next week who the hell is she? And the rest of the cast, come on I'm dying to know more about NY - and please go on some talk shows:)

kespax said...

LOL - look at what he does to ratings -

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Robert Pattinson just may be the best thing that happened to awards shows since Billy Crystal.

With Pattinson and his Twilight mates heaped with buckets of ceremonial popcorn at Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, the show, which also featured the debut of teaser trailer for the vampire gang's upcoming New Moon, scored a whopping 76 percent more viewers than last year.

Its average audience of 5.3 million was the show's biggest since 2004.

This is the second awards show this year in which a little bit of Pattinson has helped produce a whole lot of ratings. February's Oscars, featuring Pattinson on presenting duty, saw its numbers zoom among teens and kids.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ble_tonys.html

monika said...

ah Robsten,how I love thou:)

monika said...

ahh I see Rob hugging mama Stew,and there's grandpa Stew there too,oh mah gah, too adorable:p

margot said...

@ monika , a gdzie są zdjęcia rodziców ?

albaville said...

Girls, its always great to read all your comments on Rob/Kris, analysing everything, pictures, people around, time and place..
I'd be totally lost without u my Robsesseds friends :))
I think that Kris is a nice girl, I met her in Italy, she's young but coll, I think that for Rob is impossible to have a relationship with a normal girl or with anybody at the moment cause of his over exposition, fame, gossip etcc..
I think that the only way to have some love and affection is from Kris that is spending so much time with him...I dont know if something romantic is going on for real..Rob just deserves the best..I wish I could be with him but I if I've to choose I prefer Kris compared to stupid fame-seekers whores like Erika Dutra..
kisses to all of u with my same obsession..that grows after Italy :))

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I agree with those that think Kristen is kind of a cold fish. I'm not a big fan of hers - I don't think she's a very good actress. All of the characters she plays are just like her, her mannerisms, everything. It's not Kristen Stewart playing a character, it becomes a character that is a lot a like Kristen Stewart. I'm interested in seeing how the Joan Jett movie turns out. She has the looks for the part, but can she pull off the attitude? This could be her biggest acting challenge, IMO.

With that said - I think Rob needs a girlfriend, and if Kristen is it, then she's it. I think he could do better, but I'm not his mother, so... whatever.

I don't think it's all that weird that the mother and grandpa would be around seeing him off/picking her up the morning after they spent the night together. This is hollywood, after all, and she is 19. I'm willing to bet MA/KS had a few sleepovers in their day as well under her parents roof. I just don't think it would be all that unusual given that environment.

Lizalou said...


You cracked me up going off with my duck analogy :p

Anna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
maha said...

my heart was beating so fast when Robert was so close to kiss her,

it was the best part of the show

Suz said...

Here is my take on the
"hookup" photos.

You are going to spend a night bumping uglies with your man, in the same hotel as "Pop pop"?

hmmmmm, that sounds creepy.

Remember, Rob is essentially a homeless man right now.. I think KStew is a good friend and his family a surrogate family for him in Cali.

They look after him. And that makes me happy.

Remember. These kids are only 19 and 23.

Is there a romance brewing.. who knows.... but hiding it doesn't seem logical with all the hype New Moon is already causing.

Watching them walk the streets (a la Efron and whateverthefuk the girl's name is) holding hands and stealing kisses sounds like something I'd encourage if I were a Summit Exec.

Just sayin.

nat_ said...

i should get a life.
being jealous of a movie star is definitely not healthy

monika said...

the video,check out Kristen's mom at 1:08,sweet:)

Unknown said...

monika: thanks for the link! Yeah, that was sweet:) I guess her mom is like an extra mom for him now that he don't get to see his own mom that much.

Ellie said...

I totally agree with you, Suz!

Rob's displaced, right now. He has no real home, he's transient. LOL

He looks like he may be close to her family, in those pics from outside the hotel. That's nice for him.He needs that, with HIS family so far away. :)
Just sayin'

Unknown said...
omg there's the video at LAX, the paps are crazy... They are totally respectless! I feel sorry for Rob...

Unknown said...
Rob arriving in NYC:)

anna F said...

ARGH to the video at the airport ;_;

Well, if you think about it: the rest of the airport was not bothering Rob at all, somehow ignoring the whole thing. Just the papz causing a scene.

Unknown said...,0,11
more from the airport in NY. I have to say, Rob only gets hotter and hotter each day:)

Suz said...

Ellie.. I love you!

And please talk me out of the Acela train ticket to NYC..

Please... I am not that kinda gurl... will not tattoo my azz, will not stalk every Gray's Papaya on the island of Manhattan, I will not... I must not....

Ellie.. help me... (please) He is 90 mins from my lovin arms...

anna F said...

GQ UK website trying to understand the appeal for older fans (or trying to get hits on their website? -OH, I am so blase sometimes ;_;).

(in answer to reactions to this article:

I am not answering personnaly, I feel like Rob has more than enough hype as it is -same for the vanity fair poll for most beautiful man. Plus I don't feel the need to explain myself to a journalist LOL

showme said...

hey ya'll
are Godze and Dani ok? It's weird they haven't posted any of the new stuff....

anna F said...

Showme, I don't know about Gozde's family development, but Dany seems to have a busy family life right now. Let's just hope they are both alright.

Unknown said...

showme: hey there! Yeah I wonder that to... Lots of new pictures now to update the blog.

showme said...

you can really see his pecs in this one. guess he can no longer say "that's when i had pecs. i had pecs for like 2 days" LOL,0,13

Also, i don't think it's weird that her mom and grpa were there seeing them off. it was the early afternoon. they prob showed up for lunch or something at the hotel...this is hollywood and like someone said, i'm sure K and MA had manya sleepover during their day...

showme said...

LOL suz....stay strong ;)

oh yeah, i hope they're cool too. i'm sure they are. i'm sure they're just busy and stuff, but they were SO quick on the draw sunday night...

showme said...


his hugging kristen's mom is soo sweet...that's as far as i've gotten had to come back and post it

Suz said...

Maybe they are boycotting the fucking paps pics..

I'd personally love that.

The airport scenes are totally making my heart hurt. I've had enough of them and their fuked up methods of procuring a piece of our boy. I hate them.

Animals. Fucking animals.

I am going to stop looking at them. Well try to, anyway. I know its 100% hypocritical to want them to stop and yet reveling in his stunning beauty at the same time. (I know, I know.. I'm a paradox of emotion)

We are all part of the machine.

I hope New York provides him a bit of annonominity he could use right now.

chanting: must not get on train, must not get on train, must not get on train...

(Please don't let DB see my novels today.. I am all fuked up)

Anonymous said...

Rob is a grown man, 23 years old, he is not a kid and does not need a sarrogate family while in LA, are u guys kidding with this? He has traveled around the world and been fine. He has never hidden his feelings for her, so you really think they are just friends? She has finally come around and seen the light and everyone should be SO happy for him. He got his girl!

anna F said...


*delaying tactic*
NY is really big... Wait at least untill his hotel has been spotted for sure... and untill you are sure he has a day off to be somewhat rested and has some time to really enjoy the meeting... After all, if I rightly understood, this will change his life forever!

showme said...

they make it seem like she rode with him in the SUV somewhere

and it looked like to me he reached over to hug her standing beside the suv then for some reason (i think bc the pap didn't know she was there and thought she was already inside) he swung to her mom

also, kstew's mom get something out of rob's hair and like straigtens it...darling.

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
showme said...

i agree with you Twilover...absolutely agree.

also suz, i expressed many of the same thoughts yesterday about the paps AND said the same thing about NY so we're on the same wavelength.

in fact, i think i said something like, after the LAX pics and how he's going to turn into Howard Hughes....ah i know i'm contributing to this...shit.

Unknown said...

showme: that picture you linked to from popsugar is soo hot:) Damn!
I like reading the comments on this site, u should read it showme:

showme said...


Where did you find that SONG!

That's freaking perfect....holy cow!

wanabRPsmom said...

Good morning LADIES!

I have a confession to make:

I am an RP addicted- obsessed mature woman!

This started when I saw the movie Twilight last March 2009. Never heard of him or the movie til then. You see, on a flight back home from Europe..had plenty of time to see in flight movies. After enjoying Hugh Jackman! :) boring Nicole's Australia.. I reluctantly checked a tween vampire story. Son f a gu... I was sucked in to the end!! Robert mesmerized me not as a vampire but as a talented actor .. something in him draws you in!
On my connecting flight, went to look for magazines to buy and he was on the GQ cover! Whoa..the boy is something else?!?.

To make the story short when I got home I checked the internet...realized that the kid is "hot" everywhere!!. Bought all the Twilight books. Read them all w/in 2 weeks! Bought the movie soundrack, read all I could about him..then happened on this particular message boards. I felt relief that I am not the only adult to see and appreciate the talents the young man have. I am a sucker for talented unaffected actors!

For awhile now, I've been reading all your comments,,,, then finally.. signed up yesterday! Made a mistake of mentioning another site and deleted the opps ;)Anw...
I just want to THANK YOU all for your diversity in wit, intelligence, lustfullness after him and genuine caring minds for our dear Robert. Enjoyed it all! I might not post often...but so you know...I am a fan of this site...

I need to take my obsession two notches down so I can go back to being productive when I am off work! ;) Please any suggestions are welcome!

.. if he is with KS romantically...though, am NOT crazy about her...,. since she's the only female that he likes for now..(well,, when does he has the time meet others?) am okay with long as she treats him very well!

also, Thank you for the ladies that welcomed me yesterday..I truly appreciate it!
Have a good day...:)

debbi said...

I'm beginning to think that their close friendship has blurred into something more and if so, good for them. They seem to make sense for each other right now. I hope they find the love, comfort and support in one another that they need, especially Rob.

I feel bad for the both of them (whether they are together or not). Everyone analyzing every little thing they do and judging them without knowing them. I can't imaging what that must feel like. They don't owe anyone any explanations or admissions.

Let's hope Rob finds some peace in all of this madness because if this continues like this, I think he will leave acting eventually.

showme said...

Thanks Stefani

I just commented on that guys blog and used Showme name, so u can see it.

yeah, what a tool. what a big hard tool that guy is. to think it's about Edward for the older crowd. pfft. men don't know anything

Yvonne said...

Welcome! It's so nice to see lurkers come out of hiding and join the fun :)

This site has given us all a place to congregate and enjoy Rob. He is definately something special. We have all been "sucked in" one way or another by this wonderful man, and it's nice to know you're not alone!

So, hope to see you here and glad to have you join us :)

Yvonne said...

show....what guy's blog? Sounds interesting....

Suz said...

Ana, that was funny!

Thanks, I need that this morning.
(you know that's right!)

And Twilighted.... you are right. Rob is a legal adult. (KS a minor). Still he IS displaced (as Ellie said) and essentially homeless. I think the Twilight team looks out for each other. I personally find comfort in that -- especially in light of the Papz madness.

Anonymous said...

I am not sold on Kristen, but if it is who he chooses, then she must be good because I really think he has a sense for good people, look at all his friends from London. I can tell he loves her, sometimes I don't see it in K, but she is always awkward so who knows. I just hope they last, it is so hard in Hollywood.

Unknown said...

showme: ok Im gonna read it now:) But it doesn't surprise me that he doesn't get it, he is a guy and a straight guy to I guess, so they obviously don't get the appeal...

Anonymous said...

Suz: KS is an adult too, 19, she is not a minor.

Suz said...



showme said...

hey yvonne

her ya go

the comments are hysterical...the women are like, um dude, you're totally wrong

showme said...

it hasn't posted yet stef..i think he has to approve them

Anonymous said...

Oh and I have lurked here for a long time, finally figured out how to log in and post. I am not here to stir the pot, just pointing out the obvious. I hope his fans will stay with him through this and not hate on Kristen, because that would hurt him. I know he has very devoted fans and I am sure that really freaks her out.

showme said...

as i told you the other day too...welcome RP's Mom :)

join in our crazy world...

Unknown said...

Yeah showme, they are great! No one agree with him hehe.. But It's stupid of him to assume all that... He is just soo wrong!

showme said...

twi, the fans here would never leave him over whom he's dating...

and i think the little girls who are his fans are sqeeeeeing right now

but his adult fans, the ones on here, all just want him to be happy

Suz said...

Show Me Thanks.

I deleted the comment over-thinking..

It's on my blog though. (see profile for link)

Jill Sobule is the singer/songwriter
she is amazing.

showme said...

NO suz...i think you're totally right...

about a million people on here said that yesterday. you are so not alone in thinking that....

Yvonne said...

Suz (9:42),
You make me wanna cry....I saw that pap vid of him leaving LAX and that is exactly how I felt. He looks absolutely misrable, poor boy can't even go through security (although I have to admit I was turned on when he took his shoes off....I know that's sick...)

ANYWAY, I too am torn. I love to see a glimpse of him, when it's not scripted, but those fucking papzmake me cringe. Those questions...ugh.

Where the hell is BG?? He really would have come in handy....

Oh, and's ok if you get on the train, you are only human after all.... :) ( a weak female human under His spell.....)

Unknown said...

yeah I saw ur comment wasn't there showme, check it out later then if it's there:) I have some things to do now, so I'll be here later, bye for now.

Suz said...

Suz <---grabs Yv and ShowMe for a very sincere GROUPHUG.

Thanks gurls.

showme said...

hey stef

this is what i posted btw...see u later...

"Dear Sir--
You are VERY VERY WRONG. There are whole COMMUNITIES devoted to Robert Pattinson who could care less about Edward Cullen. I do, in fact, love the Twi series, but it as actually the first time I saw an interview with Rob, that my heart went 'thud'. Then his striking looks became the sexiest thing I'd ever seen.

He is, by far, the most self-deprecating, witty, intelligent, down-to-earth, creative, articulate, talented, interesting man I can imagine. I'm a 34 yr old, highly educated business owner, and I have not known an obsession (well we call it robsession on his board) like this since I was a teen, and even then, it wasn't this bad.

This beautiful young man deserves credit for HIMSELF, and i know that his acting chops are only going to grow and grow as he's now presented with a plethora of choices due to his fame from Twilight.

The older crowd VERY VERY VERY much admire and devote themselves to ROB, not Edward Cullen."

Yvonne said...

show, TAHNK YOU for the link. WOW. What an idiot to say such things...of course, if his goal was to get people to check out his post, it worked.

One reply (a girl named Pam- if you're reading this, you NEED to come over here and join our conversation!) had the perfect reply....I won't even try to restate what she said, but you all should go and read it.

Yvonne said...

show, well said. Now I'm going to go post something myself. It's got me all worked up.

Suz...{{hugging u back bb}}

showme said...

WOW>...Pam must have LURKED here...come on Pam...we know you're out there....JOIN US! we already love you!

anna F said...

LOL, nice comment showme.

Thing is I don't want to get worked up by such articles. It's true that the more adult fanbase is snubbed by the media, but I guess that I don't really care anymore. To sort of quote Rob, people will know you for whatever they want, the press wants to only see a teen heartthob right now. The teen thing will fade away at one point, and hopefully we'll still be here ^_^. I just want him to have a successfull carrier if that's what he wishes for.

anna F said...

Look the guy did a Megan Fox interview:
Look what he said about the content of the article: "The following day, at the Sunset Marquis hotel in West Hollywood, Megan spent an afternoon talking to me about sex, success and the pleasures and pressures of life as 2009's Girl Most Likely. Forthright, funny, and apparently unable to self-censor, she proved a dream subject."

I wonder what the article will be like...

Yvonne said...

show, RIGHT? This Pam girl, we need to find her...she IS one if us! LOL

Yvonne said...

Actually , it's just funny how the thoughts we have about Rob are so universally cohesive. He brings out the same feelings in so many women. It's the oddest thing I've ever seen.

showme said...

Yvonne...I KNOW! It's so freakin' weird....doesn't it make you feel all warm and gushy inside, though, like you know you're not a crazy person?

I constantly need validation that i'm not a crazy person after becoming this Robsessed.

Reading those comments just made so happy...LOL

Yvonne said...

show....your post is up!!!

showme said...


showme said...

ROFLMAO at this M Girls's comment--

"Dear GQ, I love Rob because he's the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about him invites me in. His voice, his face, even his smell. As if he would need any of that. As if I could outrun him. As if I could fight him off. He's designed to kill. Unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Rob, M"

Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SHE'S RIGHT THO

Yvonne said...

show, you inspired me...

As if you need another comment, but here goes...
I'm sure you know by now that your assumptions about Mr. Pattinson and his fanbase are completely ludicrous. To even begin to assume that fans are dim enough to confuse their adoration of Robert with their infatuation of Edward, a fictional character, goes beyond silly. Come now, do you honestly believe that? In addtion, it is quite apparent that his appeal goes much further than the depths of his outer beauty. This wonderful man has given us the gift of ,not only his talent, but the ability to stay vulnerable and humble enough for us to appreciate it and him. Hopefully, with the world and the media scrutinizing his every move, he can find some peace and continue to do what he loves. If not, I hope he finds comfort in knowing that his admirers support him in what ever he chooses to do. There are not enough complimentary adjectives to describe him, and it seems most of them have been used already....Mr. Pattinson is one of a kind and he is here to stay, thankfully.

Yvonne said...

show....I read that and LMAO!!!!! I wonder if the nitwit journalist will even know that it's a quote.....?

showme said...

OK this is REALLY funny they wrote this so fast...

talk about lemons...i think they have the rob dialogue in the limo off a little bit tho ROFLMAO...

Stacy said...

Going back and watching the video and looking at the pics, I'm pretty convinced they had no idea the paps were there, but were just being cautious (if there is something to be cautious about).

I do agree with Suz, even tho Rob is 23, he's young and displaced, and I'm sure he's know KS's family since Twilight filming, since she was a minor, so I can see them being a surrogate family.

However, if you look at these pics in the context of the last few weeks, it's hard to think there isn't something going on. It may be something fairly new that they're trying to get sorted out. And now there are reports coming out that Rob didn't stay in the hotel, but went out, so who knows. Still, at this point, I'm just accepting it. I wish I could really warm up to her and get excited about it. I just don't want him to get hurt.

The last thing I'm gonna say is that while I didn't see him kiss or hug KS, or get close enough to really, it did look like he had a hard time walking away from that car.

showme said...

Yvonne.....that was great!

I loved the ending, too, about us supporting him no matter what...


showme said...

stace...i can feel your confliction oozing off the page girl...

yeah, that story says he went out but he obv came back to the hotel, so....

who knows what's true except what u see in photos....

Yvonne said...

why were they staying in a hotel if KS parents have a house in LA...? Wouldn't it make more sense if they just went to her house? I mean even if just KS went home and Rob went to the hotel....I dunno, I'm rambling....Just don't get why they would need to stay in a hotel. If I was in my hometown, I'd stay at my house.

Loisada said...

Morning ladies. Suz: I'm with you on the stalkerazzi. I'll admit, I broke down last night and looked at the X17 photos. And they even made me break Gozde's shagging speculation rule, because they convinced me this is a brave move about building happiness, not fooling around. But now I'm feeling lousy about helping stoke the paps machine in any way. Especially the lowlifes at X17, which is why I won't watch the video Monika posted. It's boycott time for me. Everybody needs their private garden, and as much as I enjoy Robsessing, I don't want to be part of driving this glorious man underground, or over the edge. And yes, I think he's proved himself to be uncannily equipped to handle all this madness. But should he have to? I don't think so. So I'm going to do my best to rein in my obsession (she cringes and pants!) I'll probably need somebody to hold my hand!!! Any takers?

janehofstra said...

Wow, you can really see he's bulked up in the NYC airport shots! (repeats to herself: I will not stalk, I will not stalk, I will not stalk)

Except for the random tourist or crazy, the locals tend to ignore celebs when they're going about their business. Everyone walks, everyone's in a hurry, the sidewalks are crowded, we all barely look at one another that it's really easy to blend in. I really hope he gets to chill while he's in town. (repeats to herself: I will not stalk, I will not stalk, I will not stalk)

Stacy said...


My confliction is based mostly of KStew and what I'm afraid of for Rob.

I am still leaning more towards thinking that something is going on, but I still stand by that I think it's fairly early in whatever it is (because I refuse to think that Rob could be 'that guy' and KS was cheating on MA) and that perhaps they are working on building a relationship and seeing where it goes, and that could be part of the reason for the secrecy.

anna F said...

Right, let's fight the need for a deffinite answer from them! (especially since it's their private life ^^;;;)

So, the boy is in NY to film an Non-tiltled project with no other cast members... Is it a biotic reportage ? LOL

On a more serious note: I would like to know who will be filming alongside...

Mechevpao said...

I´m in between, I think it is either the obvious, "a fucking duck" as Lizalou expressed or it is as Suz expressed, because I still find weird the aspect or her family there as we can see, and how if they´ve been hiding this for so long, or trying not to look like more than friends, they will let escape something like this just the day after so many eyes were on them.

My conclusion: if they really are together we will see in this next months that they don´t have an "excuse" to be around... and if they really are.. I´m not her fan but I don’t dislike her either, and in the craziness around them, she is the only person he could be with.. because we see the outcome of him meeting other people (Erika Dutra)

Anna said...

hey anna, long time no speak :))

I, too, really want to know more about this movie. No title, no lead actress?! What is going on here!

But seriously, surely we won't have to wait too long. If they're starting to shoot this week, we're bound to find out about the girl at least.

Unknown said...

Hey everyone!
Yvonne: LA is pretty big and her house is maybe a long drive from central LA, so that's maybe the reason she stayed at a hotel to, she must be really tired from italy.
But my guess is that they are early on in their relationship and Rob is going to be in NYC for a while so they wont be seeing each other that much now so they wanted to spend the last night together before he took off:)

anna F said...

HI LB!! Nice to see you.

Did you get to see the MTV awards? they actually were on MTV france "en direct"... So I went to bed soooo late that night.

Well, I wonder if it's not the summit way to do things for the remember me / untitled movie. Like for new moon, they tried to keep the casting secret for a very long time (too long...).
Or they need to try out with Rob and the finalists this week maybe?
I really would like to know what's going on...

showme said...

i agree with your assessment stefani. and celebs stay in hotels all the time on big night events, close to the venue.

showme said...

the lack o actress for Rem Me is starting to get bizzare.

i think they must be having a really really hard time finding the right girl...

Stacy said...

Stef - I tend to agree about the early on thing.

As for the Remember Me actress, yeah it's getting weird. I'm very anxious to know who she is.

Unknown said...

yeah it's weird that they haven't announce the actress yet, when they start shooting this week already. Im just so hoping that it's someone good, not emmy rossum, please...

WinWin said...

Hi girls, just popping in. The city's feeling very sexy today. I'm sitting in my office in Midtown Manhattan and so feeling Robhotness vibe in the air.

My friend and I were just having a cig break outside and we were trying to figure out were he would be staying. He really could be anywhere. I would think Summit would place him in one of the apartment hotels. Just wanted to share excitement. If I ever run into him, I'm not sure if I would approach him. Hope he gets some rest here. Really disappointed that he got nabbed at JFK. Hope he has time to work on soundtrack.

Going to get some work done. will check in later.

BTW, I saw RK photos and my only comment is I'm happy if they are happy. : ) and they look very happy whether is a great friendship or romance.
Showme, you must glowing with pride. oxoxo to you and everyone here.

One more thing, is everyone as RObhausted as I am. I feel like I hardly get sleep, but loving every minute of it!

Anna said...

@ anna - believe it or not, France was ahead of England on that one!! They only showed the MTV awards a day later. So, I had to watch all the clips on Monday morning, which pretty much ruined my day of "work"... :(

I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that it's not Emmy Rossum. Although, I trust Rob's judgement, so, whoever he wants will be fine by me!

Any thoughts on who might play the best friend? I was thinking Emile Hirsch would be good, but on the other hand he has such bad taste in friends... ;)

margot said...

hmmm ... just got back from work
caught up on news
saw THE pics
wished them all the best in privacy
welcomed sex hair and then the black hoodie back

Robsten as new Brangelina ??? wow roftl

so when are they going to adopt ? *just kidding*

margot said...

on a serious note :
it's strange that it seems to me no site links the Robsten photos so is it worth anything ...

showme said...

LOL WinWin

Like everyone else, i'm just happy if he's happy....

showme said...

oh and YES i'm beyond robexhausted....sleep, food? who needs it????


Yvonne said...

Well, i guess we'll find out soon enough about Rem Me...looking forward to it. I agree, hope it;s not Emmy Rossum....I think they can do better. I think Kat Dennings is adorable. Anyone see her movie? I didn't , but she seems cute, down to earth...

Unknown said...

an insider told press: “Robert is obsessed with Kristen and has been for a while. He likes that she’s a cool, down-to-earth girl. Kristen never saw Rob as anything but a friend, but that seems to be changing.”

showme said...

i'd like to note something about kristen's mom....she seems so sweet and affectionate. i absolutely LOVE how she mothered rob briefly in that video, knowing she wouldn't see him for awhile

I have to say, if Kris's mom is like that, then that gives me a lot of hope about her daughter...the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree

just a random thought as i was thinking again about that little scene.

Unknown said...

yvonne: kat is beautiful but I don't think i've seen enough movies with her to state a good opinion about her. But yeah in norahs playlist for example she was okey, or good I guess.

Yvonne said...

win, if you "run into" Rob...and you don't approach will have some VERY disappointed friends here... :))

I understand, I don't know what I would do either, it would be a tough choice between staying dignified, or, kidnapping him and tying him to my kitchen chair,shirtless, of course...(JUST KIDDING,Rob,darling).

showme said...

i saw that stefani, but i'm more than highly skeptical about 'insider' statements LOL

Life and Style's whole mag is based on 'insider' or 'close to the actor' statements....LOL

my eyes tell me all i need to know ;)

Stacy said...


I saw that earlier. I'm always leery of "insiders" but I will say this: First, as long as he's happy. Second, he strikes me as the kind of guy who .... once he wants something, he fixates and may not look at the cons of the situation. I hope he's thought it all thru. And I hope her sudden changing is just the culmination of her feelings building up and not a knee jerk to suddenly being alone (sans MA).

Again, we don't really know, cause we aren't inside their heads.

Anna said...

hey, just had a thought for the Remember Me girl: what about Emily Browning? You know, the girl SM originally wanted to play Bella? She's really cute in a sweet, girl-next-door kind of way.

lol, I love to play the "who will be Rob's leading lady" game !!

showme said...

i'm still hoping for that drop dead gorgeous Polish girl someone mentioned days ago. when i read her current projects, they were very interesting and indie and kick ass....

Unknown said...

No I rarely don't believe insiders either, I just though I could post it here because it's about rob:P and we have talked alot about R & K lately.

Unknown said...

showme: which polish girl?:) I need to google her!

Stacy said...

Little Bear

You mean Emily Browning?

showme said...

i'm sure rob has a good 'press clipping' machine if his publicist's office is half-ass, so i really hope he sees that GQ article and all the responses to it.

i'll want to slap him if i hear him answer a question in the NM interviews when asked about his popularity, 'oh yeah, i mean, it's not about me. it's edward. i'm just the man-meat.'

Yvonne said...

OK, so maybe Kat...I'll have to check oput her movie...

show...true,true. Says a lot about the girl if her mom is that nurturing. A lot of negativity follows KS around. I gotta say, I really like her. I think that all things considered (she's 19, instantly famous and working with arguably the most famous man in the world) she's doing just fine. I think she is just as shy as Rob, freaked out by all of this...the intrusion into her personal life must suck. She's been a working actress for so long and then all of a sudden she's crazy famous over night. Must have been hard on MA too. It was soooo obvious when they were getting ready to show the NM trailer....she had a really hard time saying those was so uncomfortable. Talent-wise, I think she's a good actress...she's so young, that it's gotta be tough to put up with everything and still act professional. Good thing she seems to have supportive parents.

showme said...

stefani, i was just looking for her. and i can't rem her name. googled polish actresses and still can't find her. will try some more

Yvonne said...

I think Emily Browning seems too young.....she reminds me of Selena Gomez....

Unknown said...

Emily seems interesting, haven't seen any of her movies yet though...
showme: hehe yeah, I wonder if he still thinks that?! That it's all about Edward why people like him.
But I still found it really cute if he does, I love his modesty:)

Anonymous said...


He might be in the pokey!

Pattinson Arrested, "Too Gorgeous" says NYPD
"Robert Pattinson was taken into custody at JFK yesterday for the crime of being too damn sexy."
** fair warning: links to papz pics of JFK arrival

Yvonne said...

show....alicja something....ask margot if you see her...

showme said...

WAIT STEF...i found her


man, that girl is pretty

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