Rob: New Moon definitely feels like it's a big movie.

As a spoilerphobe I miss the good ole days of Twilight when I could stay away from spoilers. I managed to keep completely spoiler free, didn't even watch the trailers before the movie and now I feel like I know every damn thing... I guess I shouldn't be an ungrateful bitch and thank God for this spoiler:))

From contains mild spoilers:

UNIVERSAL CITY, California — It's one of the most anticipated films of 2009 and already has hundreds of fan sites devoted to it. Now, the stars of "New Moon" are revealing details about key scenes from the flick that will surprise even the most die-hard fans.

"There's definitely a difference in scale," marveled Robert Pattinson when we caught up with him recently. "I liked doing 'Twilight,' but it felt very much like an indie movie — and ['New Moon'] definitely feels like it's a big movie."

"Kristen [Stewart] and Taylor [Lautner] had to lobby to get this one scene in the film that wasn't originally in — and I am forever indebted to them for that," revealed Mike Welch, citing a beloved moment from Stephenie Meyer's "New Moon" novel. "There's a scene that's in the book, the three-way date between Jacob and Bella and Mike, where Mike ends up getting sick, and it's just very awkward."

As for how physically ill Welch's Mike Newton gets in the comic-relief scene, he said we shouldn't expect projectile vomit or anything. "We're talking a little bit," he laughed. "A little sick."

"We did a lot of improv on set," Lautner said. "We'd just be in a random forest and, after Jacob transforms [into a wolf], he all of a sudden becomes very agile, and I wanted to show that, because pre-transformation, he's clumsy. But as soon as he transforms, he's agile. So we'd be in a random forest, and I'd be looking around going, 'What can I do to show Jacob's agility in here?'

"Sometimes [director] Chris [Weitz] would be like, 'No, Taylor, we don't want you getting hurt, spraining an ankle,' " Lautner recalled. "But I was like, 'Well, how about I just jump off that and then jump through this?' And he was like, 'All right, give it a shot.' "

The immensely popular "New Moon" trailer gives us a peek at Lautner's athleticism. It also gives us our first look at the infamous birthday scene — a moment that actor Jackson Rathbone had been eager to shoot ever since he landed the role of anguished vampire Jasper Hale.

"He unleashed the madness; it was crazy," Peter Facinelli remembered of the day when Rathbone finally got to display his inner animal and attack Kristen Stewart's Bella. "It took me and Kellan — non-acting — to hold him back."

Elizabeth Reaser also got knocked over during the violent take. "Jasper, played by Jackson Rathbone, kinda loses it when Bella cuts herself," Kellan Lutz recalled. "It's fun to work with your friends and see a side of them that you really don't expect. That's where the acting comes into play. Jackson did an amazing job portraying that scene, and it was fun being my character to try and stop him."

Speaking of favorite scenes, Greene also got to shoot hers — a high-octane moment where Alice Cullen steals a yellow Porsche in Italy. "It was really fun. I worked with a stuntman before actually driving it and learned how to do a bunch of unnecessary things that were fun, like fishtailing, and he was gonna teach me drifting," Greene laughed. "I drove it in a scene and came about 2 inches from the wall!"

"I hate you," a jealous Lutz joked.

"I know," Greene said. "Oh, my gosh — everyone does right now!"

"[The whole film] looks completely different, so it'll be interesting," Pattinson said, looking forward to the November 20 "New Moon" release. "I'm very curious to see what it looks like."

Thanks to for the article and Corrina for the picture.


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Diane said...

That's the person who makes sure everyone and everything is in the right position when the scene changes. What has bugged me since the first time I saw the trailer (not so much the 150 next times) is that Jasper attacks, Edward retaliliates, but when you see Jasper flying towards you, everyone else in the room is still looking the other way. Vamps have way faster reflexes than that - they'd be turning to see what Jasper was gonna break when he landed.

WinWin said...

db, wanna say thank you for introducing me to "stay" in love w/ this ff!

Sabrizzle said...

It's been pretty good TS, I've gone camping and have had a lot of time to hang out. I need a job though! I had my second interview at this rental car company yesterday and I won't find out until the end of the week if I get a third interview. It's rather ridiculous, especially because I don't really want the job, I just want the money!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Ahh you are welcome Win. LOVE that FF.

bbonin said...

Kelly, I know what you mean. My DH doesn't like it when I had Rob on my laptop's screen. I do have a pic of David Boreanaz on my cell phone. Ha ha! I have a thing for vampires! LOL!
The pic on my laptop's screen is a pic of Rob leaving Cannes with his mouth open. I just love it when he has his mouth open.... :D

TheDogsBollocks said...

Seriously, some of the things I have read on here could definately rival some of my more umm "hard core" movies in my library.

thirtysomething said...

lmao sab! money is good.

camping is a blast! in tents i's the only way for me

bbonin said...

I agree, Diane about the vampires not watching Jasper. I was disappointed about the part that Edward and Bella kissed in Italy. But movies isn't always accurate with the books.

Diane said...

You're right about HTB, RP. The other night I was feeling melancholy after watching the "Brightest Star" video (I love it, but the implications worry me), so I cheered myself up by watching Art sneak up on the faucet.

RPnKSaddict said...

D-Just hope that it's because of how fast they had to get a trailer out. They still have to fine tune everything.
I was laughing because someone said the wolf looked like a rabid
My fingers are crossed that CW will do his thing now that he has time.

Sabrizzle said...

Um, no tents. We have a 26 foot trailer with a full slide. My mom has a bad back and won't sleep on the ground. We spend most of our time outside though when camping. Plus when you're camping in Washington it's nice to be able to stay dry while camping when it decides to rain.

bbonin said...

Ha ha this can be pretty hilarious. I have only been here for two weeks and I'm addicted to it!!!

Other night, it was so guttery but hilarious!

WinWin said...

30, my dh wants to take my boys camping this summer. told him I'll pass. Last time we went, I got bitten in places I never imagined.
Sabrizzle, 2 words - bug spray!!

thirtysomething said...

oh shit db! you are the one who recommended stay? i started reading that too... i love that shit. to death.

and ummm yeah some of the comments...cringe worthy

bbonin said...

Actually I thought Jacobwolf was pretty adorable and I liked when his ears bend back when he growled!

RPnKSaddict said...

D- lol Art and the faucet. I love the part where he gets pissed at his parents in their bedroom. I don't know why but I have to watch that part a few times.

Tenneil said...

agreed Db .. agreed...

Sabrina... sounds like summer is starting out with a bang for you.. Hope you get that call.. evne tho you dont want the job.. I hate having to work for work and not because you enjoy it

Diane said...

Rabid Lassie - LOL. Yeah, since CW is a special effects lover, I'm hoping they'll fix things in post.

Suz said...

Thank you DB!

No offense, but the gals who involved just don't "get it"

We all like to get our "Rob ON"


but some of the comments the other night were just... fucking out there...

WinWin said...

I was excited about RObward's makeup looking better, but thought it was a littel too red in nm trailer.

bbonin said...

Yeah, you wouldn't believe what was said when someone posted a pic of Rob wagging his tongue.

RPnKSaddict said...

bb glad you've joined us here.

thirtysomething said...

well primative camping is how i've always done it... but sounds like a camper is necessary with the weather and such... plus i cheat and have air mattresses ;)

Sabrizzle said...

LOL WinWin! Thankfully the only bugs around here I really have to deal with are mosquitos, and they aren't too bad. Now if I was in Eastern Washington it would be a different story!

TheDogsBollocks said...

I actually like the wolf. I have seen some scary wolves in special effects. Ick. They can't make him to scary since they are still trying to appeal to the "young" crowd.

Suz said...

ohhh WIN.. you are going to LOVE
"my" Art

Marna said...

Can someone answer a question? I have stories favorited, but I never get an email when they get updated (not that they seem to be getting updated that frquently, DAMN YOU WIDE AWAKE!). Should I be getting an alert when they get updated like does? It's a pain to keep checking each story every day to see if there's an updated, but I don't see anything that tells you about alertsa.

bbonin said...

Yea, the book didn't make Jacobwolf unappealing. Just huge!

My advice...LOTS of OFF spray and stay away from sugar if ya go camping. Lol.

WinWin said...

Sab, that's good. my dh probably never wants to take me again anyway. it was so damp from rain, he had to let me sleep in the car. Trailer camping sound much better.

Diane said...

I'm not sure Rob's super-red lips are the fault of too much lip makeup. He's got that "English Rose" complexion (I am so jealous) with red lips and easy blushes. When they put the pale makeup on him, I think they're just going to look really red.

RPnKSaddict said...

I was here during all of the x rated talk, and it did get out of hand. I guess to each his own, but I felt bad that some people were offended.

TheDogsBollocks said...

I will be the first to admit that the RK's can be a bit ummm...excitable and descriptive in comments. We just have certain lines we don't cross that should be pretty obvious to people. When comments start popping up all over the internet about the comments here, something is wrong.

Either way, it's done. You don't have to completely sensor though. Proper Crassness is always welcome.

thirtysomething said...

bb: wasn't there... but read it the next day.

and love your rome rob avi btw! one of my fav rob looks ever

WinWin said...

Suz, I can't wait. I want to see him pissed and the scene when he hugs his mom.

Jala said...

I'd forgotten who had recommended Stay. I have to thank you as well, DB. I'm loving reading that ff.

Suz said...

i thought his lips were more peachy this time around..

mmmmmm peaches

Jules.. now I want peaches!


TheDogsBollocks said... guys made me break my epic post rule. Fuck.

bbonin said...

Is the movie, HOW TO BE available to watch on-line? I haven't had any luck with that and I want to find subtitles with it. I thought of ordering one from Amazon UK but they said they didn't have subtitles on the DVD. :(

Y'all lucky to be able to hear n speak! :)

WinWin said...

suz, did you get my email today? I checked and no marcus ny dates yet.

RPnKSaddict said...

d- and it doesn't help that he blushes easy.He said at comic con that his face is just naturally red.

Suz said...

Pissed Art is fucking TOTAL WIN

I want to take full advantage..

He should have spent that money on Dr.Suz


Rose said...

Oh hell... are there actual RKs in here???

Sabrizzle said...

Yes, trailer camping is much better WinWin. Sometimes it downpours in the middle of August around here and while are friends in tents are getting flooded we are warm and dry and have a good place for them to seek shelter, lol.

Tenneil said...

I wasnt going to point it out DB... but since you did... BBWWWaHHHH

Suz said...

Thanks Win.. we will be on the lookout....


TheDogsBollocks said...

Ahhh Rose...I fucking love you COCK lover.

Tenneil said...

Hey Rose.. hi ya babe

Suz said...

FUCKING ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sabrizzle said...

Hi Rose!!!!

bbonin said...

Yup, I noticed Rob's rosy cheeks in Harry Potter. I just loved that!

TheDogsBollocks said... so know you wanted to point that shit out with a neon sign.

Rose said...

DB... My love for you exceeds my love of cock...

Suz said...

Bring on the COCK




RPnKSaddict said...

bb- i have Rob on my cell phone. He won't let me put him on the comp.

thirtysomething said...

hi rose :)

Rose said...


Tenneil said...


Rose said...

Hey TS:)

thirtysomething said...

what is the max db...? 10 is it? so close

TheDogsBollocks said...

Wow Rose, I am speechless.

However, does it exceed your love for certain RP COCK? Cause that would be just wrong and then I would definately have to wear your collar.

Suz said...

Rose I missed you like Bella missed Edward in New Moon..

and like some people around here miss...


bbonin said...

RP- my DH chewed my ass about David Boreanaz on my cell. So I'd expect more of ass-chewing if I put Rob on! LOL!

Tenneil said...

DB~ I love that rule btw...
its a must!

RPnKSaddict said...

So who are the original RK's. Your Rep is intriging..

WinWin said...

Rose, your avi,just cured my Rob withdrawal. Hi, how are you?

Suz said...

the azz chewing would be worth it.... change it to the Rpatz

I know David B.'s poppa

thirtysomething said...

whats up with these dh's dictating what goes on YOUR cell phone?

pffft. to mine i say so what?

bbonin said...

I wouldn't know how I would react if there were pics of Rob's cock. I think I'd have dropped dead from a heart attack. Lol.

TheDogsBollocks said...

It's "supposed" to be a 6 line max unless what you have to say is REALLY interesting. By that, I mean interesting to EVERYBODY, not just you. LOL.

Tenneil said...

TS I beleive its 6 lines.. hahaa

Rose said...

Hello, my name is Rose...
and nothing exceeds my love for RP's... ANYthing.

Sabrizzle said...

Ohhhh, me likey that rule DB!

bbonin said...

The DH's just jealous. They would shut up if they had Angelina Jolie on theirs. NO difference!

RPnKSaddict said...

bb-had orlando blume as screen saver. Legolas...he called him fag boy and nagged until I changed it to mountain scenery.

Suz said...


Some people need their own damn blog!

Rose said...

Hey Win! Glad I could help ya out... I'm fanfuckingtastic...
How are you?

thirtysomething said...

aaaahhh yes 6 lines. you'll find i rarely go over 4. no need for mindless chatter from me.

Rose said...

Suz~ You have been in my thoughts and dreams lately... did you feel the sway?

Suz said...

wow.. i'd love to meet the man that could tell me what to do...

bbonin said...

I have a question for the married ladies:

If you went to NYC with your best friend for the weekend and somehow you got to meet RP. Surprisingly he asks you if you want to spend the evening(and the night hee hee) with him. What would you do?

Use the context of "things stay in vegas"?

Suz said...

Rose.. I am soo in the sway right now I am fucking sea-sick

I love you!

Rose said...


Diane said...

Would that be a Mr. Pattinson, Suz?

TheDogsBollocks said...










Tenneil said...

6 lines should do it.. unless you met rob want to share it ... then I'll read it

RPnKSaddict said...

Rose- That's the hottest Robhat and sunglasses pic ever....I have that pic in my wallet after I saw your avi.

Suz said...


I would soo BE BONIn


bbonin said...

Lol funny! I changed mine to a skyscraper scenry. I probably will change it back and ignore my DH's rantings.

thirtysomething said...

rp: you need to remind him who wears the pants in your family? one word: withhold

he'll get it quick and in a hurry

Tenneil said...

lol DB!!!!

WinWin said...

rose, doing good. Missed you guys. still sleep deprived. waiting to bump into hoodie boy in NYC.

Rose said...

bbonin~ I am married... and I would fucking knock my husband over to get to Rob.
Does that make me a bad person?

bbonin said...


I asked the similar question to my DH about Angelina Jolie or Jen Love Hewitt. He said nope, not a chance. I secretly think he'd change his mind.

It's ONE-time opportunity and I told DH I'm in for that. Lol.

Diane said...

Win, suppose he'll wander down to the rock n' roll annex while he's there?

RPnKSaddict said...

So 4 to 6 line posts you mean.
Us newbies need some instruction from the Robsessed Royalty.

Suz said...


or he will only get "it" quick and in a hurry!

thirtysomething said...

so for clarification... do spaces count in the 6? cause i could get into some trouble...

RPnKSaddict said...

I've been in awe of the RK's for awhile.

Tenneil said...

Rose~ never.. cuz I dont think any of you wouldnt do the same thing...

WinWin said...

Rose, lol, he just gets hotter and hotter, who could resist.

bbonin said...

No way. I wouldn't think you'd be a bad person. Hell, I'd be a bad person if that ever happened!! Like I said, it's an ONE time opportunity

Rose said...

Thanks RP... it is a delicious picture.

Suz said...

they are awe inspiring.. RP

Rose said...


RPnKSaddict said...

TS- thanks for the

WinWin said...

Diane, I even considered wandering around Sam Ash, in case he needs a guitar in NYC. Didn't see him with his.

thirtysomething said...

suz: nice call there...

doesn't every married person get a "freebie" with their celeb crush if propositioned? that's what i've convinced my dh.

Suz said...

Rose.. knock over hubby.. lmao

My freak of a husband would want to watch!

Ohhhh yea

bbonin said...

What's DB?

TheDogsBollocks said...

There are 4 groups here in my eyes.

The RK's
The NS
The DListers

Then, there are the new girls waiting for their group, or to merge. It's all good.

Suz said...

Win.. Sam Ash..


as if

But I am sad to not have seen the guitar case in ages.. I am hoping he had it shipped to NYC..

Tenneil said...

SUZ~~~ LMAO.. watch...bwwaaah

Rose said...

Haha Suz! The husband thinks I am obsessed with VAMPIRES!
Silly man.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL DB! True that.

Rose said...

I must have missed the DListers

RPnKSaddict said...

Do you New Yorkers feel the Rob sizzle in the air. The buzz that he just might be around the next corner? ....Lucky...

bbonin said...

30- omg...perfect...I'll use that "freebie" on my DH. Hee hee.

Diane said...

Good thinking, Win. I've been trying to guess where he'd be likely to go while there.

WinWin said...

TS, love that. the dh caould have his megan fox then if I get my Rpatz.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Oh Rose, you know I have nicknames for groups. It's just my thing.

They aren't always bad nicknames. I'm just silly that way.

Suz said...

OMG DListers...

Kathy Griffen is robsessed?

Rose said...

Suz... You know where Rob left his guitar for safe-keeping...

bbonin said...

Yeah, knowing that Rob's in NYC...who knows he'd stop by in Rochester.....ha!

thirtysomething said...

bbonin: db = thedogsbollocks

we all tend to shorten names around here...

Diane said...

Can you expound on these groups, DB. I am woefully ignorant.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Bahaha Suz.

D stands for something. Hmmm hmm hmm...

Sabrizzle said...

OMG, I would love to hear what Kathy Griffin thinks of Rob. She's hilarious!

WinWin said...

Raddict, something is definitely in the air. Anticipation, I feel on edge all the time. My gf and I are always scoping out towncars and limos wondering if its a rp driveby.

Diane said...

Please, Win, show Megan the proper respect. I believe her official title is now Ear Scab.

Suz said...

Yea Ten..but if he watches

he'd be like DAMN girl.. you only do that on Anniversaries, I thought..

Damn girl.. that move is reserved for birthdays.. etc.

you get the idea

Rose said...

DB... I know you like nicknames (and its one of the many reasons I adore you)

So which group supposedly left to chat elsewhere?

TheDogsBollocks said...

Diane...I would, but I'd have ta kill ya. Bahaha. Sorry.

Umm..Most people know which list they fall into.

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm a wannabe, newbie. But mostly a lurkabe.

Tenneil said...

SUZ~ With Rob is would be birthdays everyday...

just sayin...

Diane said...

Sabriz -No, you probably don't want to hear what Kathy G thinks of Rob. She was featured in a mag a couple of months back as one of the very few people to dis him.

bbonin said...

HAHAHA respect for MF a.k.a. that!

RPnKSaddict said...

Win- made my dh MF undies with Team Fox on them when he gave me crap about Team Edward. It shut him up.

Rose said...

Well... since I can remember when the number of followers on this blog was less than 10 people...


TheDogsBollocks said...

Ahhh RPaddict. I'm sure either
a) I will have a nickname for the new batch soon.
b) you will find yourself blended in with one of the other groups.

We all exist in harmony and love though. For the most part.

Suz said...

what a weird thing to call someone..
ear scab?


She is undeniably gorgeous..

You can fucking call me ear scab if I can look like her.. (sans tatts)

thirtysomething said...

thanks db... for clearing that up...hahahaha

true though that i'm pretty sure which of your groups i fit into

Sabrizzle said...

Oh, I missed that Diane. I tend to stay away from the gossip mags, the only magazines I really ever read are motocross ones. If KathyG is dissing Rob she can stay on the D-List for all I care!

bbonin said...

Whoa 10 people? How long ago did this start?

WinWin said...

diane, sorry, did you hear her stick her foot in her mouth again, she seriously talks from her ass.

Diane said...

Hey, not only do I have no idea what group I fall into, I don't even know what any of the letters stand for! But please, don't kill me. I have the Teeny Roblet to think about. Someone pointed out that he appears to have sprouted angel wings. Yeah, he does that a lot.

RPnKSaddict said...

No I don't like MF.

bbonin said...

Yep...MF's pretty but just in an evil way. She'd be perfect to play Cruellia or the evil witch.

Sabrizzle said...

Since I remember lurking on the explosion of RPL and joined Robsessed shortly after it's creation, Sabrina = RK!

bbonin said...

Thank you Diane for asking what those letters stand for! Lol.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Hell, I don't know which group I fit into.

Sabrizzle said...

Bullshit DB, you know where you belong!

bbonin said...

Have anyone checked out, ? Someone was curious about the aftermath of Breaking Dawn so she made diaries written by Bella.

Suz said...

Suz = Proud Newly Appointed Honorary RK

Diane said...

That's a great visual, Win - she's got her foot in her mouth while she's talking out her ass. Sounds clumsier than Bella.

thirtysomething said...

as if db....

Rose said...

Hahahah Sabrizz... Yes... The KOL concert.

When did Goz start this blog anyway? Last October?

DB you are SUCH a RK!!!!

TheDogsBollocks said...


RK stands for RobKats. It's not something you can call yourself unless the group calls you it first.

NS stands for Noob Squad, but they aren't so much noobs anymore, but it's my affectionate nicname for them and I cant give it up. Sorry girls.

WinWin said...

Not sure what group I fit into. I'm such a slow commenter that I probably don;t make sense to anyone.

Tenneil said...

Db~~ hahah Whatever!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

DB- that's what I liked about this blog is that you were all welcoming within reason.

bbonin said...

What is RobKat? Ofc I know the "rob" Kat?

thirtysomething said...

well i'm a ns... i'm guessing?

WinWin said...

Diane, Is that little Robbie? I guess I didn;t pay attention to his baby pics. felt guilty for drooling over his grown up pics. lol

Sabrizzle said...

If I remember correctly Rose, it was October 23rd or somewhere around there. That whole debacle over Annalysewhatsherface was total bullshit. I'm so glad we have a much better home now!

bbonin said...

I agree with you, RP. So far everyone tonight are pretty friendly and hilarious to chat with. It sure kills my time. I work overnights!

Suz said...

The baby pictures bother me....

a lot

Tenneil said...

Well.. then that makes me a NS???

WinWin said...

what does noobsquad mean?

bbonin said...

I don't really look much at the kiddie pics of Rob. I just like what he looks like NOW. :)

TheDogsBollocks said...

Yes...Tenneil and TS you are affectionately part of my NS. Not a bad thing, I promise. Don't take offense when I call you that.

Rose said...

I'm just fucking laughing about the initials!


Rk, NS, DL


thirtysomething said...

suz.... rk :) love it

Diane said...

Yes, it's the first documented sighting of him in a hoodiewoobie, and I've had him with me lately in hopes it will bring present-day Rob good luck in his efforts to hide from the papz.

Suz said...

you mean


TheDogsBollocks said...

You know what a noob is right? Well...Noob Squad. They were a group that bonded that werent RK's.

RPnKSaddict said...

I thought we had some of the original RK's with us tonight.

Win- I'm slow to. I'm just glad that I have others like all of you to share the love of Rob with.

Tenneil said...

Well then.. its offical.. I am a NS.. When I started there were 112 followers... my how times have changed...

WinWin said...

diane, I think it's working.

Suz said...

TS.. it's the first time I've said it....



bbonin said...

Gosh I suck at the abbr's!

RPnKSaddict said...

I've been following this blog since October but not the comments. That came around Dec.

bbonin said...

Say it. Out loud. Say it.


TheDogsBollocks said...

Only now the real noob group are the DListers and they are a different group. I know, it's confusing, but it's how I keep the cliques straight in my head. I also Have inner groups. NSa NSb

bbonin said...

Hmm you can't add any members here? Just followers? How do you know if someone's following your blog?

thirtysomething said...

db: no offense ever taken if none is intended...

Tenneil said...

Thanks DB..

Suz said...

DB.. I am thinking I am totes crushing on you BIGTIME right now

bbonin said...


TheDogsBollocks said...

I don't classify RK's. RK's are RK's. It's an honor and priveledge and from the oldest to newest all on equal ground. Bound by the love all all things Rob and each other.

Suz said...

lol @ "inner groups"

WinWin said...

gotcha, I guess I'm a NS too.

thirtysomething said...

suz... say it loud and proud

although i knew somehow?

bbonin said...

RK? Kat?

Rose said...

Shit, now I'm all confused.

TheDogsBollocks said...

TS...You will definately know when offense is intended in my case. LOL.

Suz the feeling is def. mutual.

bbonin said...

Blogger should add a chat room or messaging because refreshing the page can be pretty annoying.

Tenneil said...

Rose.. you need a hug...??

WinWin said...

db, you've lost me now with your inner groups and dlisters.

thirtysomething said...

db: your mind is a wondrous thing... subgroups?

Suz said...

I am very PROUD.. now Duty bound to do rude rude things to Rob..

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