Yet ANOTHER New "Old" EW Outtake


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Stacy said...

This is SO much better then the pics that went into the mag, or the other outtakes. He actually looks like a man here - an unbelievably hot one.

Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dani said...

Weird how the outtakes from various shoots of Rob and the cast (ie Vanity Fair) always turn out a HELL of a lot better than the actual pictures chosen to go in the magazine.

Vanity Fair outtakes were AMAZING, MUCH MUCH MUCH better than those chosen for the magazine.

Lets hope their are more outtakes to come and I just wish they would release them all at once so we can oogle a little more.

monika said...

But Tom does remember Pattinson being a real ladies’ man. “I remember the scene [in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire] when we were all dancing in the Great Hall - he had all the girls on set giggling and going after him even then!”

Anonymous said...

wow....Rob truly is a strikingly handsome man!!

Yvonne said...

Ok, I like this one much better, uhhh, much much Whew...

Stacy said...

I agree. The outtakes are almost ALWAYS better. Who makes these decisions, lol? The VF outtakes were awesome.

RPnKSaddict said...

wow I just saw this pic on lion and lamb live journal and fell in love with it. Just wow.

monika said...

are K/R reheasing here or not?
'what do you want me to do?'/'I don't know what you want me to do?'/'what did I do to you?'
whut is he saying?

Sophia Z.86 said...

Is this a scarf?

"Rob, gorgeous lover, i can needle one for you... long enough for both of us... hehehe... what about a green/grey one? just like your eyes... well, well..."

monika said...

hm looks like they're arguing.

Stacy said...


Dunno. I'm just laughing at Rob chomping on his gum!

crazy said...

hahahha...there she goes..."Rob. lover" That's the Sophia i know!

Oh and look at his eyes. Who am i kidding? I just started there and worked my way all over his gorgeous face.

hmmmmm...working my way all over...

sorry ;)

Jewels64 said...

Holy Crap! I just want to suck on his top lip....

I literally stopped breathing when I saw this one.....

showme said...

that looks like cashmere...oh man, i'd like to tease his whole body with a cashmere scarf....

showme said...

i've seen that video before, they're recording but that's certainly not something edward would do....shove on bella.

that was rob...LOL

the gum chewing is great...i don't know how u got any words there LOL

crazy said...

yeah...Rob in cashmere. I would never picture him in cashmere, really, but i'd like to see him wear more of the other things he wears in photo shoots. Like how about that black CowboyRob shirt in the GQ spread??? YUMMY~!!!

Sandra said...

Hi ladies...don't know if this has been posted but we all need to vote for ROB. Taylor is winning right now

You can vote as much as you like

Stacy said...

To hell with the cowboy shirt, how about the damn pants he wore in that GQ shoot.

Why doesn't he ever wear them that tight?

showme said...

OK< i cannot BELIEVE that Taylor is winning the poll on "Who is hottest"

gimme a freaking break. you all better go vote.
that link didn't work for me. you have to allow pop ups

Sophia Z.86 said...

Com'on Jewels... why suck only the top lips??? I could START there...

Cougar71 said...

Such a beautiful face...

Sophia Z.86 said...

I meant "lip", he is not a freak with two top lips... i guess...

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the outtakes turn out way better than the chosen pictures?!

It's not fair. But hey, its here for the drooling to re-commence.

Dani, Goz, Thank for killing me.

I just came home from work and when I find an update with manly man pic of Rob to look at. I dieee... in bliss!

Thanks! XDDD=====....

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hey, Crazy girl! working your way all over Rob... that is the Crazy I KNOW...

Mechevpao said...

That is a fantastic pic.
He has such a bone structure.

showme said...

i jsut voted like 30 times...looks like some others are doing taht too.he's starting to rise

i bet some of team taylor went and voted like a million times each

Sophia Z.86 said...

Mech! yeap! such a good bone structure... I would so much to check on the rest of his 'bone structure'...

he,he, BF is in front of me, watching some soccer game. I feel so dirty!

crazy said...

hee hee @ Sophia ;)

crazy said...

whoa! are we talking bone now? LOL

Sophia Z.86 said...

Show! what did I miss? what are you all voting for now? tell me, I am a little slow, you know...

showme said...

HA! i just watched it go over 50 in rob's favor...go me...LOL

showme said...

here sophia

go vote
you have to enable pop ups temporarily

taylor vs rob on hotness that's even a contest...but for some reason he was losing.

crazy said...

I know we all feel Rob should win every friggin contest that comes up; he clearly deserves to. But these sites put up these contests for hits. Even THEY know who will win eventually. I'm beginning to resent the time I spend voting on some of these. On the other hand, if Rob doesn't win them all, i'm gonna be pissed. What to do??

CullenGal09 said...

Hi ShoMe!

Hi Soph!

Hi crazy!!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Wow, I will go. Show, thanks.

I think he was losing bc of the boring teens... they are impressed with Taycob new muscles...

RobLover said...

Hi y'all! Mind if I join in? I've tried to see the fuss over Taylor and I just don't get it. Rob is a MAN and Taylor's a little boy. Where's the competition in that?

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Mechav! If you're still there!

Soph-"bone" structure-bahaha. LOL

Sophia Z.86 said...

Cullen, hey! Crazy is here tonight. She is another one with a handsone italian hubby... oops...

Gemgirl65 said...

Can everyone hear me whimpering from here?


Wow wow wow wow wow wow...

23-year-old once again makes incoherent mess of grown woman who should know better.

CullenGal09 said...

Taycob is quite impressive in NM from waht i've seen so far-but I'm WAY too old for him-not a pedophile ;)

Rob is ALL MAN BB. That's what I'm hungry for-rowr!

Lizalou said...

There been a migration - too many threads tonight!!

Bone structure... out, Sophia is in the pubes territory again! ;p

CullenGal09 said...

Soph-Italian hubbies are a handfull, but worth it-most of the time! ;)

Glad to be here and chat with ya, Crazy!

LEann-whimpering grown woman who should know better-LOL

Mechevpao said...

Hi cullengall, how are you?

CullenGal09 said...


Sophia Z.86 said...

Yeap, cullen, he looks good ~ for a kid...

CullenGal09 said...

Mechav! Hello! Tired, it's been quite a day, but my HTB and BMH FINALLY came in the postue, so
I'm a happy Robsessor. ;)

Lizalou said...

*gets ready for eggs and random garbage to be lobbed at her*

This pic, while gorgeous, just doesn't do it for me. It's too staged. I much prefer candids. Although, I don't like the way they go about getting the candids...

The exception to this rule for me is that In Style shoot. Hot damn. That one is on a whole other level...

Anonymous said...

Soph- yeah gotta love the "bone" structure. What I'd do....could only be left to the imagination.

As much as I love to look at him, I could only do it one pic at a time. So if I have to choose a favorite, I'm gonna go with this one.

Hey, anyone got news who his leading lady is gonna be for "Remember Me"?

CullenGal09 said...

Postie-oops! sorry. ;P

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-no way. VF and GQ-holy God. Imagunnadiedeadjust thinkin bout it. *sigh*

Sophia Z.86 said...

My brother was here tonight and he got me kindof drooling on that banner... I hope he did not see the pubic hair...

Cougar71 said...

Were there any Rob sightings today? (Though probably good if there weren't. Maybe he got a moments peace. Poor baby.)

CullenGal09 said...

The hoodie candids are adorable and sexy though-and the candids from off the set of NM in VC and Italy were amazing. Oh, and Cannes-Robviera-holy craperoni! Can't forget Robviera-EVA! Hot doesn't even begin to cover that Sh*t.

Stacy said...

Wait. Are we talking about "bones" now.

Sweet, I could talk about boning Rob all night.

Er, wait, I meant ... Rob's bones, yeah.

showme said...

HEY ROB LOVER! Join us, we're all one big happy dysfunctional Rob-lovin' family

CullenGal09 said...

Soph-don't start with the pubic hair thing again-i have a heart conditiohn for God's sakes! ;)

CullenGal09 said...


Sandra said...

lol Showme i'm all over that vote

And OMG this pic of Rob is mouth watering

Back to voting.... pffft Taylor

CullenGal09 said...

Stac-you bad, bad girl. LOL ;)

ShoMe-ain't it the truth?!?

Sophia Z.86 said...

No, we are not talking bones... only... we are talking pubic hair... OMG OMG OMG

I really hope BF's soccer team wins tonight...

crazy said...

Methinks Sophia wants to get her hot little hands on my "handsome Italian Hubby" LOL jk jk jk !

Am i married? Rob makes me forget sometimes...

showme said...

I think God decided he wanted to give us something to prove He is real....

...and then there was....Rob.

CullenGal09 said...

Sandra-pfffft tay-lol.

Stacy said...

Hi Cullengal! I know. I am soaking in the gutter tonight! But you're the one talking about the pubic hair!

Which ... UNF ... Happy Trail!

Lizalou said...

I think the pinnacle was RomeRob, though. And I know a lot of us are in accord with that.

*Liza might combust now from happy RomeRob thought*

RomeRob mugging for the camera on that red carpet.....

RobLover said...

Lizalou, Did you ever see the behind the scenes video of the Vanity Fair photo shoot? It's lke an hour long of gorgeous Rob. One big candid in between shots. It's my favorite thing ever. You'd proably love it. It's around 6 months old or so, but I never get tired of watching that man in action.

CullenGal09 said...


Crazy-LOL again!


Sophia Z.86 said...

sandra, I never saw a pic of Rob that wasn't mouth watering... srsly!

Stacy said...

Crazy -

showme said...

Thank you Sandra. I just sent out the PatzzSignal on Twitter did RPatzz twitter, the big one. looks like there's a use for Twitter besides OPERATION RUN-AROUND after all...LOL

Stacy said...

Ok, don't hate me for this, but RomeRob doesn't do it for me. On the hottness scale, RomeRob is like, and 8, and this Rob (or current Rob) is like ... 10+infinity.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Crazy, how do you that my hands are hot and little??

BF is half italian too, silly!

CullenGal09 said...

Stacy-i think we're all being bad tonight-Rob seems to have that effect on us. ;)

Rob LOver-I liked that also. VF shoot was so beautiful. Rob looked achingly gorgeous, and Kristin and the rest looked great as well.

Lizalou said...

Rob Lover:

I think so. I haven't left many stones unturned in my quest to see Rob photos ;P

It's just degrees of hotness with him. He never really looks bad, does he? I even like the beanie.

crazy said...

Hey did ya like HTB??? i Loved it! he is sooooo cute in that! what am i sayin....HOT. the hair cannot hide the face, at all.

showme said...

RomeRob...RomeRob...RomeRob...RomeRob...nope...only close is SexDrive Rob...well, and VFRob...ohh

wait wait...RomeRob...when he does that little 'head bob' to get his entourage to follow him...God.

Rob Lover, we ALL know the VF behind the scenes footage... :)

we live for that shit here...LOL

CullenGal09 said...


Soph-I agree. rob deosn't take a bad pic-have yet to see one!

showme said...



Lizalou said...


Ugh. RomeRob. *THUD* I was partial to how he looked at last year's mtv movie awards, too.
Hell, who am I kidding? I'm partial to how he looks all of the time ;p

RobLover said...

CullelGal, I kept wishing I was the one jumping in his arms and gazing in his eyes....that's actually a "PG" rating of what I was really wishing but you can imagine.

CullenGal09 said...


Crazy-I do love HTB! Rob is so dorkalicous and adorkable in it-i just want to adopt him-i could so make him forget that wench in the movie-but my hubby wouldnt allow it. ;)

TwiHartRK said...

The lips in profile! Parted. Gasp. Dani that is true someone is holding back on us!

showme said...

Oh Liza...HOW could i forget MTVMUSIC08ROB....oh man....

crazy said...

OMG i LOVE RomeRob!!! what? jk jk

Sophia~ i'm just wishing the dh was the same age as your bf right now..oh well. I'll take pics and video of a certain 23 year old though. does me just fine.

Lizalou said...

And I think he's delectable as Art in HTB.

*double THUD*

I'd even dooze him in that dragon movie. Yup. No shame.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Liza! Me too, I like the beanie. I would love it on my floor... with his jeans there too... well, well...

Stacy said...

Oh, yeah, last years movie awards.

Ok, someone send me a Rome Rob pic and try to win me over:)

Cullengal - I know, but being bad is SO much fun when it comes to Rob, lol!

CullenGal09 said...

RL-me too! OMG he was amazing in that shoot. I wanted to be Kristin soooooooo freakin bad-oh, yes. ;)

Gemgirl65 said...

"I think God decided he wanted to give us something to prove He is real....

...and then there was....Rob."

Indeed. If there is a eucharist for this, I think it would involve face scruff, moles and shiteous Nikes.

And with that, I am officially going to hell.

showme said...

seriously Twi, they just want to tease us for years to come LOL

Rob Lover, again, we ALL wish we were jumping into Rob's arms...

Lizalou said...

Hmmm... Sophia - jeans on the floor after you've done the honor of undoing the button fly, eh? ;p

RobLover said...

Haha. I should have known. I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to this Robsession. No one around here where I live(at least that they'll admit) seems to appreciate his Godliness. It's all new and tingly to me!

Gemgirl65 said...

Stacy, you like "cleaner" Rob, like my friend Meli does.

Unfortunately, many of us seem to be further down the evolutionary chain, and the dirtier and hairier and scarier Rob looks, the more we're turned on.

Again...going to hell.

showme said...


"And with that, I am officially going to hell."

Stacy said...

Am I the only one that LIKES the Nike's?

And the moles ... and his hairline. YUM.

Leann, I'll see you in hell:)

crazy said...

Cullengal~ and wasn't he terrific in the role??

Hi Twiheart! yeah, the parted lips are what got me going after i noticed his eyes...

Sophia Z.86 said...

Cullen wants to adopt RobArt... wow... italian hubby would miss his night job...

CullenGal09 said...


Soph-you are really bad tonight girl! I'd rip that beanie off and go to town-who'm i kiddin'? ;)

Stacy-isn't it though?!?-LOL

Lizalou said...

FUK! Someone tell me why I had to go there with the button fly???!

RomeRob wearing buttonfly jeans.

Soph - i think i'm on the RobPUBESsesion with you tonight

Sophia Z.86 said...

Crazy, BF will be 30 soon...

Stacy said...

I like a little dirty Rob ... little scruff, little wear, but yeah, slightly clean.

crazy said...

Liza~ the dragon movie LOL....he was soooo hot when he took his gf behind the curtains.......THUD.

Kathy#1 said...

Wow, he is gorgeous as always in this photo. I love everything about him, but especially his lips and mouth....yes....lips and mouth!

Stacy said...

Damn, I'm supposed to be working on my fic and you guys got me all up on Rob!

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-and then was ROB-LOL!!!

Button fly?!? Holy crap.

Crazy-yes, he was awesome as RobArt! So vulnerable and sweet.

Soph-LOL-Italian hubby no like that. ;)

Lizalou said...


Yes, the dirtier, scruffier, badder, the better.

Oh, that calls to mind the sexy, dirty London punk rocker pic. In the leather jacket, with his head bent to light the ciggie...

Lizalou said...


YES!!! when he takes the gf behind the curtain the dragon movie I nearly peed myself. And then I felt so dirty... he was like peachfuzz Rob then...hmmm

CullenGal09 said...


Ring of Nebulings, or whatev-he was hot in that. Saw it on SciFi channel. Scruff is pretty hot too.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Liza, you are for sure!

showme said...


We got a NEW ONE who just started her Robsession on here...

she's just getting the tingles...

We shall do our best to flood you with tingly goodness, Rob Lover

Here's my contribution...

(That one was actually made by gets so good at the end you want to die)

That was for your eyes...

This one is for your brain...

Sophia Z.86 said...

Can life get any better than that?

Gemgirl65 said...

Stacy, have you not seen the "Personal Jesus" video?

*asks innocently*

It's the only video that made KK drool in a lustful way for Rob. Lasted several days before she got a grip on herself.

Kathy#1 said...

Stacy, totally agree, scruffy Rob is unbelievably hot.

CullenGal09 said...

Holy big packages, Liza! You had to bring that up. ;)

The "after wild night of hot passionate lovemaking pic". ;)

showme said...

Dude, i have to see this Dragon Movie, I've seen some stills, but not the movie....what kind of Robsessor am I?

crazy said...

i still get the shirtlessRob images out of my head. The shoulders, the arms, the chest, the abs, .... oh we all know where this is going. heehee.

CullenGal09 said...

You guys are in rare form tonight! LOvin' it.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Show! one for her eyes, one for her brain... ok,ok. Now one for the "south" part... be good...

crazy said...

Liza~ i remember that scene so well because i was there!! in my head anyway....

showme said...

Leann...i just watched the Personal Jesus...and that's ALL gotta post that for stacy...NOW! DO IT! DOOO IT!

CullenGal09 said...


Crazy-OMg-shirtless robward takes the taco-I'm dying. Again. *thud*

Gemgirl65 said...

Stacy, we'll be in hell together come November! Boo-ya!!!

And since I must ALWAYS post this link:

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Why wasn't this shot used? Rob looks like a full-blown film star here. Yowza!

Looks like the gang is here, Dani, Sophia, Showme, Stacy, Jewels, Crazy, Mechevpao, Lizalou, Leann... Looks like I missed KK, AGAIN!

My fave shots of Rob are the white t-shirt GQ outtake and the green plaid young cheesy smile shot (very young in that one). Love them all, though.

Sophia~DH's hair has grown out of the Rob cut I gave him...must do a touch up...

Stacy~Love, love CR, especially the Czech & Slovak Nat'l museum and the restaurants down that neighborhood. I've taken many, many friends to CR for the day from the Chicago area. I stumbled on it by accident when I had to work for a week in CR once. Bill Clinton and the two presidents (of Czech and Slovak republics) came to dedicate that place. When the floods happened, I was watching it all online and bawling my eyes out. Even got some people to donate to the recovery. How were you affected when the Mississippi flooded? The photos were shocking...

crazy said...

"Show" Personal Jesus!!! (claps and jumps up and down)

CullenGal09 said...


ShoMe-LOL-don't kill the Newbie! She's just a fragile little human after all. ;)

Gemgirl65 said...

Dang Liza, I guess I gotta watch that Neibelungs movie! It's the only one I haven't seen, aside from Little Ashes.

We seem to like the same sort of Rob. I'm allergic to smoke, but with Rob, I'm willing to just plug my nose.

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-you so crazy! LOL

Chicago in La-Howdy! the gang is in rare form tonight! ;)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

*panting* Stop it, you guys! I have to leave to pick up DH and be a coherent driver!

Lizalou said...


I had never seen that video of yours until SHo just pasted the link. Girl, you've officially slayed me. I'm dead. The barrage of RomeRob near the end did it.


CullenGal09 said...

Leann-watch it-learn it-love it. You won't be sorry-medieval Rob is way hot BB!

Diane said...

After 10 days in NYC, I leave for CA just as Rob does the opposite. Sigh. But what a homecoming – a Tivoed MTV Movie Awards that turned out to be All Rob All the Time (From the moment Andy Samberg yelled “If you played Edward Cullen . . .” it was clear we were in for smooth sailing) and shirtless Robward in Italy. More sighs – but much happier.
With no computer access I could only wander the mean streets making sure every newsstand had something worth looking at. They did. This would have been my third city in which to catch Little Ashes, but unfortunately, it was no longer playing in Manhattan, so I took a photo of “The Persistence of Memory” at the Met. Didn’t do a thing for Rob, but it made me feel better somehow.
It was great to find out the Sessors had been voting their charming little butts off while I was gone, so the whole world got to behold his Robiliciousness and join in an exploration of the age-old question – How come he still can’t dress himself? Shout out to the shitteous Nikes center stage - woohoo!
No way I can go thru all the blogs to catch up. So what’s the burning question of the moment? Anybody discussing their thoughts on the New Moon trailer? Cause I’m in possession of some issues. Did KK ever succumb to the commentary? Has Leann fallen into a fan-fiction induced coma? Inquiring minds want to know.

CullenGal09 said...

Oh and LEann-allergic to smoke-LOL

crazy said...

Neibulungs is not great, so fast forward to all of Rob's "parts" hee hee

tinababy1 said...

You Crazy Gutter Girl, you said second thread!!!!!!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hey, Chicago! You got to give him a new hair cut then. BF is keeping his short...hehehe. I really hope that his soccer team wins tonight.

I keep asking him: what is the score now? And he answers, gently (the poor thing) why? would you like to watch something on tv?

Jeez! I feel so dirty...

showme said...

We're not going to hell, you guys....we're going to Rob Heaven. It's a special special place where u finally get to be with Rob...your own personal Rob.

When you walk thru the gates, he's waiting there on a big feather bed, with button-fly jeans on and no shirt, with jack in hand, holding a cigarrette and smiling that ROMEROB smile...



YOU THAT is my version of Heaven.

CullenGal09 said...

Diane-HI! Your comments-LOL

janehofstra said...

Netflix the dragon movie, showme. He's only in it for less than five minutes total, but I get a kick whenever he got all belligerent 'cuz there was no way he could've taken any of those big Nordic warriors LOL

Stacy said...


Hell yes we will be in Nov. We need to get a hold of Marilou's ass and tell her what she needs to do, lol.

I watched the personal Jesus video, and it's nice, but ... yeah, I'm still loving him right now. I like just a bit of scruff. I do like the GQ Outtakes, altho the hair's a bit too long. LOVE the VF outtakes and VMAN look.

Lizalou said...

What is this RomeROb link that everyone is talking about??!?

Gimme gimme gimme!!!! Please???? ;p

crazy said...

hey gals, hey Tina!!!

oops...can count...too much talk of Rob's bones and pubes over here... ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Crazy-Rob makes it worthwhile-oh, yes.-LOL


ShowMe-that's some view of heaven. LOL

showme said...

Hi Diane...oh you've missed soo much....

Shirtless Rob Day was EPIC

~KY~ said...

hey crazy, tina, other ladies!

Gemgirl65 said...

Chicago! *waves* I'm from Burlington, Iowa, right on the Mississippi...visited last year during the flood, and it was the worst I've seen in my lifetime. Got lots of sad, unbelievable pics.

DIANE! I cannot believe you missed Naked Rob, MTV Rob, Morning After Rob...I missed you! *smooches*

CullenGal09 said...

Stacy-VMAN-very nice indeed.

Lizalou said...


That image you painted - bed, buttonfly, jack, ciggie, RomeRob smile... i'm nearly catatonic now.


tinababy1 said...

Bones??? Pubes????



crazy said...

Hey KY!! we're all lusting again...what else is new?

Sophia Z.86 said...

Even Tina is back tonight. WOW!

crazy said...

Me???????????????? Neva!!!!!!!!!!!!

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-an Iowan-COOL!

ShoMe-shirtless day was beyond epic!


Emmes said...

that pic reminds me of old sexy

crazy said...

RomeRob looks like he was effed in the car on the way to the premiere.
Hot dayum!

Gemgirl65 said...

yay Liza! I killed another one. ;D Dani actually posted my vid as a news item on a slow day here....I about died! Seriously. That's the first video I ever made. Out of two. LOL The second one is Riviera/Cannes Rob. Yummers. *sigh*

Stacy said...

Leann - I am loving that link showme posted tho. UNF.

Yeah, CR is beautiful, and Czech Village was beautiful. Downtown is so sad now. It's so far from being back on its feet, and there are so many houses just standing empty and rotting, and people living in houses they shouldn't be. We actually live in Marion, so we were totally safe, but the day the flood started, I was 90 miles south at my parents, and everyone was predicting that it wouldn't be that bad, so I wasn't worried. Well Rob (MY hubby, lol) called me in the morning and said that if I was coming home, I needed to leave cause water was coming in fast and I wouldn't be able to cross the bridge. I barely made it across (I took HWY 30 on the outside of town) the water was nearly even with the bridge at that point, and the state patrol was watching it. I think they shut that bridge down like an hour later. It was awful - you couldn't really get a feel for it until you took 380 around and looked down, and saw half the town basically missing. Over a 1000 city blocks!

Sorry for the OT, girls.

tinababy1 said...

Hi KY have you checked your tweets lately> someones got a new avi

Diane said...

I'm not only sorry I missed being here for the big day, but getting hit with He Who is Without Shirt and the Glory that is Rob all over my big screen almost proved fatal!

CullenGal09 said...


Gemgirl65 said...

KRISTEN!!! Where you been chica! (((hugs))) Of course if I ever showed up on FB I'd see you there! LOL

tinababy1 said...

Hey Sophia, how you bb?

CullenGal09 said...


crazy said...

Hey Emmes! GREAT avi, bb! let me at 'em...let me at 'em...rohr!!!

crazy said...

Hey Emmes! GREAT avi, bb! let me at 'em...let me at 'em...rohr!!!

Emmes said...

diane...that was THE was heavenly

CullenGal09 said...

Diane-He is without shirt-LOL!

tinababy1 said...

Anybody heard from the Spunkyshoefucker tonight?

Lizalou said...

*Liza can't seem to get through the Personal Jesus video... she keeps hyperventilating 1/4 of the way through*

Anyone have a paper bag? Putting head between the knees doesn't seem to be working...

Emmes said...

I know craze...rob and buttons...explosive combination right there

showme said...


i'm gonna take that image to bed tonight....LOL

Mechevpao said...

OHH I´m lost in the conversation.. wait are you talking about bones


CullenGal09 said...

Emmes! Your avi is starting a pnaic attacks! ;)

tinababy1 said...

Nearly didn't survive shirtless Rob day. Mind you we nearly don't survive anytime he does ANYTHING!

Emmes said...

Liza...tell me fave video ever!!

Shoefucker must me hiperventilating herself over the shiteous nikes ling I twitted her

CullenGal09 said...

Tina-who?!? LOL


Sophia Z.86 said...

I really hope that the girl that is going to work with gorgeous in Memoirs is stupid and has small boobs...

crazy said...

Hey Leann! heard you liked the FrankenRob! I like ComicCon Rob the best i think. ;)

Emmes said...

CullenGal...I aim to please

Gemgirl65 said...

diane...I have not had time to read any more fan fiction. You know I'm almost as allergic to it as I am Rob's cigs! LOL

too busy gaping over Rob's naked torso. You wouldn't believe how time-consuming that is.

Biggest brouhaha is, per usual, Robsten: did they or didn't they at the ultra-romantic Charlie hotel Sunday night? Mad bedhead photos the morning after suggest...YES. But of course no one knows for sure.

CullenGal09 said...

Mechav-that's easy to do tonight! ;)

Ladies, i gotta go-sorry! It's gettin' late, and I want to check out a little jaw and finger porn with HTB-all the RobArt goodness.

Lizalou said...


Ur so right. RomeRob definitely looks like he was effed in the car on the way there. He even has the dirty boy grin to go with it.

crazy said...

Liza~ yeah, saving the personal jesus for later, when i can go sirectly to bed.

I heard from shoefucker a couple of hours ago...?

Emmes said...

frankenrob was epic lolz

Diane said...

Now just a minute, Sophia, they aren't THAT small, and I'm only a little stoopid

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hey, Tina greek girl!

Gemgirl65 said...

Crazy...I was there for night two of FrankeRob...what a creation! ComicCon Rob is about #3 on my list, after Rome and Sex Drive.

Rob with crazy blonde hair everywhere is just about the best. thing. ever.

tinababy1 said...

Em - I saw that link, she has probably ordered a dozen pair. Did you get the pic I emailed you?

CullenGal09 said...

Emmes! Thanks. ;)

I really do have to go guys. It's been fun. Hope to do it again tomorrow perhaps-catch up with some of you.

Emmes said...

rome rob....hummina hummina

tinababy1 said...

Sophia - ti kanis? kala?

CullenGal09 said...

Night ladies, and happy and naughty Rob dreams to you all....;)

Emmes said...

checking it now tina

CullenGal09 said...

I puffy heart you all-good nighty!!! Muuuuaaahhhs all around!

tinababy1 said...

Robcasso Rocked. That was probably the best night on here ever!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Liza, did you miss the RomeRob link?

It really cannot be posted enough.

tinababy1 said...

Night CG

Sophia Z.86 said...

oops, sorry Diane... 'stoopid' me... but are you sure they are not too small?

Lizalou said...


RomeRob is still hottest for me. I have no idea what was going through that boy's mind (I'd like to find out!), but it's his expression, too, that adds to the hotness.

Fug me sideways! Argh!

CullenGal09 said...

Sophia-extra puffy heart to you, Leann, and ShoME. Crazy-you too! Mechav-stay cool!

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