Happy Robler on a Bike

Thanks to the fabulous socialitelife.com once again for the pictures and the ROBsessed mention :) Check 'em out for larger versions of the pics :)

Best Smile in the world? Oh yeah...


Kate said...

Ooh yummy pics thanks Goz!!
Love that smile!!

Maryann said...

For now I think this batch of pics from the RM set is my faves so far....seroiusly gorgeous pics every single one of them! Not sure if he is in character or not but he seems happier atleast, maybe he missed the bike lol.

But seriously I LOVE these pics! Gorgeous!

Anna said...

Happy Rob is truly dazzling. Oh the smile. The SMILE, people...

Anonymous said...

Mmm....I'd like to num num num on his adam's apple!

Pinkpixiechick said...

Gorgeous! Love the smile.

Jennifer said...

Love that freaking smile.

Haystackhair said...

For the love of all that is holy...please stop. No don't stop. I'm dying happy. RIP death by Robgasm....Goz, I bow to you (right before I die)

Mother After God's Own Heart said...

yay! The beautiful smile we have been waiting for since he started shooting RM.

WinWin said...

Gozde, I usually hate plaid and flannel, but Rob can surely sell it. lol.

I've read comments that he can't ride a bike, I thought he did in Little Ashes.

Anyway, seeing his hotness everyday is bad for my health. Gotta get back to work.

Waves to Littlebear and 30 (I saw you on last thread, saying hi in advance)

Yvonne said...

This is my favorite plaid, these colors are very good on him. And that smile doesn't hurt either :)

VeilsofLight said...

I'm gonna stay with my original alien theory, it's the only POSSIBLE logical explanation. I'm getting sick of hearing myself say this, but how is it possible for a human being to get more and more stunning with each passing day? Not just 'happened to have a good day' stunning, but beyond belief stunning.

I agree, this batch of pics are up there with my favorites..those eyes and that smile that light up that entire city. I've never wanted to hug someone so much in my life. That is, when I was taking a brief break from wanting to tear his clothes off.

Eyes, lips, neck....god, thanks Goz, if we haven't told you recently, you're wonderful. :)

crafterika said...

i love the shirt and the smile :]]

Alexandra said...

Pouty and smiley pictures in the same post? Just kill me now...

anna F said...

Lovely smile indeed...

and Winwin, I'm with you about the plaid, it's only bearable on him LOL

leaving soon for the evening, happy robsession everyone!

Melanie said...

Enjoying staring at Rob while at eat my my lunch at my desk at work. I think the Rob pics are more delicious than the food. yum.

Melanie said...

Boy I just had some wonderful English in my last post--good luck reading it. lol

kARLOTITA09 said...

please tell me he smiled on his own and not cause he was acting..

Loisada said...

Lucky lucky lucky bike prop girl....
she must be expecting sextuplets already!!

Mechevpao said...

OOooooohhhh his smile is the best!! it is like everthing lights up...

Also his eyes, such intense stare, imposible not to be dazzled.

enjoykim said...

Love his scrubby hair...And I couldn´t work on a filming set with him,I would just stare at him and grin like a Cheshire cat...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Beautiful pics, and that smile is to DIE for...

Are those his new clothes? They are yummy-effing love the plaid on him...

Pet73 said...

I loooove Robs smile - but I have to confess this pic of him, pressing his lips together .... yum :p.
I never saw this expression on his face before. Love it! Really love it!

Pet73 said...

Oh, and I forgot - also love his gaze in this pic!

phosphorus said...

@ WinWin, of course he can ride a bike. He did so in Little Ashes.

maha said...

gorgeous pictures love his smile

thanks for the pic

RPnKSaddict said...

When he smiles it's like a ray of light!
I love the way he rocks the plaid.
Beautiful, beautiful,man.

lostinphilly said...

Thanks Goz, awesome pics. Rob's smile is so gorgeous. I just love looking at all the emotions he portrays in these photos. Amazing!!

Gemgirl65 said...

I agree with everyone here...if anyone can sell me plaid, especially fug green plaid, it's Rob and that smile. GAWD. I have more lives than a cat, apparently, 'cause every day I come here and die dead, only to be resurrected the next day for more Death By Rob.

Of course Rob can ride a bike! Here's proof of Rob's bike-riding skills, AND proof of what he's packing between those yummy thighs of his: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv8azdDCvkE

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