More From Remember Me July 6th 2009

Once again thanks to the fabulous Robert Pattinson Source for the pics :)
Check out their gallery for all HQs!

Thanks to Celebrity Gossip Net :)


Thanks to Twifans for the pix :)
Untagged versions of the WENN Exclusives:

Thanks to Celebuzz for the pictures, check 'em out for more.


There is the smile :)

Thanks to Bauer Griffin Online for the pics. Check 'em out for more :)


Photo Credit: Splash News Online | Pacific Coast News Online | WENN | Fame Pictures
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Anonymous said...

Jaw porn!

Stacy said...

Yay. LOL, see, no worries. He is human, after all!

meryma said...

First smile this week :)

WaitingForRob said...

To Suz or anyone else who has the script - I know the storyline for Remember Me so it won't be a spoiler for me, but alas, curiosity of what the script looks like as gotten the best of me and I have some 'reading' time today. Would anyone care to share?

lostinphilly said...

Yep. the smile is slowly taking over; knew he wouldn't be without it for a whole day! He's only human is right!! Yay!! Love SmileyRob; so cute!!!

Pet73 said...

Always love me some smiling Rob! Makes me smile, too :)!

Yvonne said...


I have it if you would like me to email it to you :) I'll check back in a few minutes, let me know :)

Yvonne said...

Of course Rob is homesick for London, the poor guy has been traveling the world almost non-stop for over a year.....I can't even imagine. He's pretty much all alone, all the time, with the few exceptions of going home for the holidays, or seeing his friends for a day or two. And on top of all that, he's working A LOT, and is bombarded with screaming fans and a lack of privacy. I hope he can get a break, realx a little. He needs it, or he will burn out. I hope his management sees that and can arrange for him to go home.

Yvonne said...

That one picture without the sunglasses is beautiful....The scruff, wrinkled shirt, and flat mussed up hair....undeniably gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Rob doesn't seem that skinny in these the outfit

Xtyn said...

He looks like he is really fed up being followed around. 'CAn't blame him, but 'can't blame the papas either. They are just giving us what we wanted. I too have stopped following him around on the sites such as this, but my feet keeps on dragging me back on the same direction as I was. LOL.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love the "Tyler" jeans on him-nice and form fitting-and doesn't look quiet so skinny...

I just wanna lick the whiskers on his face!

Damn that guy boils my blood!

Cuccicella said...

Yeah.... too much screaming fan on the set, can stress him out. poor rob.

Or maybe he stayed up late on the weekend with his friends or the brit-pack partying late and he got a hangover...

Oh it's possible :)

Tinker said...

The thing is, if he's fed up with the fans, and a lot of people are blaming the fans for this, well then, I can always turn our attention to those who wants it. He must remember though that w/o us, his movies won't be as successful.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I really don't believe he's fed up with his fans, and he knows how important his fans are...

However; there is a big difference in the way some fans are treating him, as if he were on display or a piece of meat. What other guy has girls getting him in a head lock out in public?

There's a difference in asking for a photo or autograph than stalking him, groping, molesting, and interrupting his work.

I don't think it's asking too much for people to be more respectful of him whether he's a celebrity or not-he still has a right to be treated with respect, right to privacy and a right to not have his personal space invaded by physical attacks..

Sorry, not trying to put you down, but this is exactly the kind of stuff that just pisses me off to no end, and frankly, he deserves better fans than that.

*steps off of soap box**

Lynn said...

**LE SIGH** Rob is just so fucking pretty to look at...plain and simple!

Loisada said...

Have to agree with Gozde, the boy looks hung over. I'll be good and won't break that down one bit, cause like rpattzgirl says, we really should refrain from looking at him as man meat. (Tho we've all seen him looking at some busty ladies like sweater meat!)

He looks beat, but do hope that something other than mad shooting schedules and crazed fans are doing the beating... after all we fanladies prefer to see a beaming Rob!

Haystackhair said...

and finger porn again!!

Haystackhair said...

OMG I just refreshed. That first one!! I AM DIED!

Gozde said...

Agreed rpattzgirl :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh & let me clarify one comment I made...

I don't think our drooling & dreaming over all his photos is the same thing as stalking him or treating him like a piece of meat...

We are simply just appreciating some fine ass beautiful art work...

kphrase said...

In the very first photo (dark t-shirt) he's doing a little 'keira knightly' pout... Yeah, he looks gorgeous, if a little worn out or hungover... :-)

flower said...

Oh! I'm so sad for him! He doesn't look happy. And though I like knowing what he's up to, I can't wait for this shoot in NYC to end. The guy needs a breather! TAKE CARE ROB!

flower said...

Oh! I'm so sad for him! He doesn't look happy at all! And, though I like to see what he's up to, I also can't wait for the filming of this movie ends. He needs a break! I hope he has more privacy once he's out of NYC. Next time DON'T shoot THERE! Take care ROB!

WaitingForRob said...

@Yvonne - I emailed you!

Mon said...

Hello ladies!

I haven't posted here (because of my creepy english I suppose) but have been reading for a while.Promise me you won't laugh at my awful enlish, okay? =)

I'm usual when Rob is involved. Just can't figure out how is it possible for someone to become more & more gorgeous in hours.

P.S. To my lovely southern neighbour Gozde: I love you! Yeah, I know it sounds creepy but it's still true. You and your blog are really amazing. Keep up with the good work!

Hope I'll visit your beautiful country again this summer. I've been there last summer and I'm totally in love with it. =)

Cougar71 said...

In the one pic without his glasses on Rob looks like he's got dark circles under his eyes. Tired? Stressed? Hungover? Likely a combination. I remember a few different times during the filming of NM when he stated either in interviews or fan encounters that he doesn't party or get his drink on quite as much if he's got an early call the next morning. He seems to be responsible about the drinking, but then again, given the level of stress he's under he may hitting the bottle more.

My two cents in response to a few comments: It seems that Rob does know that without the fans he wouldn't be where he is now, and that's probably what's kept him from going all Christian Bale on the papz and obsessed fans standing around on set. Frankly, I think he deserves to unload some of that angry steam (not to the extent that CB did). If he did, maybe people wouldn't gawk at and taunt him like a damn zoo animal. He's made himself too easy of a target, imo.

Juli87 said...

So if he's really hungover - good for him! 'Cause it means that he probably had fun and a nice weekend. Since he's only 23 that's absolutely fine and just normal.

And just imagine: Being hungover, still wet from your morning shower, your hair undone... but there are already 100 cameras directed at you. Awful!! I wouldn't have any motivation to smile for such photos either...

Gozde said...

Awww, thank Mon! :) Noone on this blog will make of you because of your English :) I am so proud of and love everyone that comments here It gets heated sometimes but very rarely rude.

Come down here Mon. It's beautiful right now. We moved to the summer house and I am at the beach all day long :) Heavenly :)

I'm going to bed now y'all! Hugs :))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Freaking love the "going all Christian Bale" line...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks Gozde,
Have a wonderful evening & thank you for all the great posts...

You are the best!

Anonymous said...

I'm so late for these pics :)

Hang-over much Robbie? The dry lips and eyes are a dead give away hahaha, I should know

Mon said...

Oh, yeah, Gozde, I know it gets heated, and I know who must be blamed about that.

Well, it's very, very hot for me yet. Maybe in september :)


Anonymous said...

Does his hair look like it was trimmed a bit????

Suz said...


four days off
look good
on Rob.

work it, baby

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I wonder when we still start seeing Pierce on set? I'd love to see he & Rob together, they will make quite a striking father & son...oh lord!

Yvonne said...

rpattzgirl, I agree, he's a very handsome man, they cast it well.

lostinphilly said...

Our baby need a break, a well-deserved time to relax, chill out, have fun,and see his family and friends. I could just CRY looking at the photos of his so-sad face, its breaking my heart!!!

marya said...

rpattzgirl- thats exactly what i thought when i heard pierce was playing his dad...oh lord! hahaha can u imagine the not-so-young crushing over rob and pierce at the same time...that must be a sick strange feeling to be having when watchng a movie...having dirty thoughts about the father AND the son at the same time LOL!!!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi ladies!

And thank you for these images, Gozde!

Ladies, I have an eerie feeling of prescience re: RP's wardrobe (lobster cap/Yankees cap/ the grey hoodie!). Please click on my profile, and then my blog, if you would like to see another view of said hoodie. ;P

(Perhaps that would be one my vampire "special powers"—the ability to predict what RP will wear next. Then again, I suppose that's not such a challenging task! ;))

Ripley said...

rpattzgirl - "lick the whiskers" I can't stop giggling.
cougar71-- going all CB, very funny.
Very humouous comments today. I'm so glad I'm not the only crazy obossessd person.

Ana73 said...

the pics are great but with a little sadness to now know how homesick he is. i hope he does go back home before eclipse starts and takes a break from it all. there are rumors that he is going to Comic Con, i really hope not for his own peace of mind, there are enough of the other cast going.

as far as all of those rumors of him and kristen, they have just gotten really out of hand and i hope those magazines can be sued. on another site, its has pics of her stomach looked to be bloated. if a bloated stomach is what it takes to start rumors, i would have been pregnant everytime i was on my period. :)

Cuccicella said...

Goodnight Gozde.. :)

Ripley said...

Is that the same white shirt he wore in Italy between takes? Jus sayin' I don't care what he wears or doesn't.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...



WinWin said...

I'm kinda sad that he's hating on NY. I hope it was exaggerated. :(
I thought he got attacked just once. Did it happen again. I think it's quite annoying that fans get annoyed that he doesn't look or wave at them. I just think he's schedule has been rough. NM then Cannes then Italy, back to LA for MTV and then directly to NY. Being a Nyer, I was hoping it would be better here for him. But I guess weekends he still tend to go about business unnoticed. Maybe he hides in hotel room. I can't wait for Remeber Me promo interviews to see what he says about his experience filming here. I'm still embarassed about the fan attck happening here. Sorry for the rant.

Kirtana B said...

I have a huge huge huge huge huge favor to ask you guys. See, I like Rob and think he's cute and a good actor but I'm really not Robsessed. But my best friend who is doing her study abroad in Paris this summer is absolutely crazy about him. She asked me to take pictures of him even if it was just from far off. Can anyone let me know where he is going to be tomorrow? Please.. She turned 21 in June and I have'nt given her a gift yet. This would be perfect.. PS.. Rob does make me smile!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you WINWIN. It is a bit embarrassing the attack happened in NYC. But then again, I think the production company grossly underestimated the amount of security they would require for their star. Couple that with the fact the movie is shooting while school is out makes for a horrible fan filled shooting. I wish there was a way to talk sense into the set stalkers...I mean, really, would you want a whole group of people staring at you while you were trying to work 7-12 hours? But since the majority of them are teens, it would go in one ear and out the other. I too, cannot wait to hear what he thought of the experience.

Georgie said...

I've never "followed" the making of a movie as intensely as this one and assumed that stalking movie sets to such an extent was uncommon. However I watched Sex and the City movie on cable on the weekend and they had a bit of a doco afterwards which showed a very large crowd of excited women behind barricades on a NYC street watching a scene being filmed with the 4 main actors - and it wasn't even the Carrie wedding scene either. I realise this is different to a group of women screaming and harrassing one guy, but doesn't seem to be an exclusive occurrence.

Gemgirl65 said...

Georgie, you are right...there is an absolutely gorgeous photo from Vanity Fair in which Carrie and Big are embracing on some stairsteps in front of a HUGE throng of watchful fans in the background. Hopefully Rob understands that this means he has arrived, and can take it all in stride.

He doesn't look very happy lately though, I must admit. I'm sure he hasn't had time to bond with the RM cast like he did with the Twi-NM cast, and feels a lot more pressure to do well with this film. Those two things may conspire to make Rob a stressed-out boy until this shoot is over. *sigh*

Kathy#1 said...

ok, he's gorgeous in these pics...serious scruff and I love his matted down hair.

Nora said...

Our bb looks wiped out!

Oh, and Rob? Would you please go eat a cheeseburger for me? Thanks! ♥

showme said...

i love the one with the white button down, wet hair and no glasses

he looks weirdly preppy but still scruffy. quite a hard look to pull off LOL

Anonymous said...

LOVE the scruffy look....MM...MM..GOOD!!

You know, I wonder what Rob's security detail must think of all this mania around him 24/7.

These beefy guys surrounding this ....skinny kid....protecting him from screaming girls/women.

I was chatting w/someone yesterday and she said that Rob needs seriously butch lesbian women to ward off the screaming girls..I thought ex-Navy Seals would do the job too!!

spellbound said...

Has anyone noticed the young guy who's always walking next to Rob? With the Rob hair-do & scruff? Same coloring, etc. So I have been wondering if he's only security or is he also a "decoy" or double. He actually looks more like Rob than most of his "doubles" that I've seen. (at least from the back or side, not the face, lol). Either that, or he's just copying Rob's look hoping to get some of the overflow women...

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