Robert Pattinson Arrives People Scream


Haystackhair said...

I don't know if my heart can handle Rob and Pierce on the same movie screen. EPIC WIN!!!

WinWin said...

This is what I saw today. I had to check the crowd to make sure I didn't get papz stalked. LOL

Anna said...

Oh well, at least he's filming inside today, he can work in peace.

Emilie is so pretty, and looks so sweet. Damn it I hate her :)

Krissy said...




Not necessarily in that order. ☻

Anonymous said...

Im sat here wanting to watch this video but I CANT bring myself to play it because Im already flinching at the thought of hearing 'screams' ! Do these girls not realise you scream when either you are either:
1. Frustrated or upset
2. Scared for your life
3. Being mugged or raped
4. Frightened by a ghost

Seeing/meeting Rob is NOT negative so why react with a scream ?

Please don't because........


Please pass this message onto all screaming pathetic fangirls, so that I can start enjoying Rpattz video's again without enduring the ear bleeding torture! Can someone tell me if this Video is safe to

enjoykim said...

I wish I wouldn`t live 6000 km far away from NY...

WinWin said...

Jenbob, I was there it was NOT that bad. There was just an audible gasp. The crowd went crazier when trucks drove by blocking the way. The truck driver's were playing with the crowd and it was hilarious.

I think he is fine, he's just not doing anything to hype up the crowd.

Marna said...

I wonder what the scene is, Emilie looks really pretty.

WinWin said...

Honestly, it wasn't even screams, it was more cheers. I was there and didn't find it frightening. Big crowd yes, not scary crowd. Many curious tourist and passerbys added to crowd though once they found out who was there.

wanabRPsmom said...

this is VERY FUN to watch ladies...hope you all can LOAD it. Very worth ROB-- sessed.

@ robert pattinson...who? site.

Alexandra said...

This doesn't seem as bad as certain other days... this is more cheering than screaming I think

Anonymous said...

That wasn't really bad at all, we've heard so much worse. I mean for the huge amount of people present it looked pretty tame.

Georgie said...

Yes seemed more like excited cheering.
If you've read the script you'll recognise the scene.
Gee that guy (personal assistant or whatever) that accompanies Rob is a real Rob look-alike as far as physique and hair go; I wonder if he's used as a decoy sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to see this scene. It looks fancy.

enjoykim said...

I know,I also thought it was Rob for a second,the grey pants,dark grey Tee and hair...I`m sure some girls took a photo of him... LOL

Isabell said...
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Haystackhair said...

OMFG wanabRPsmom!! that vid was .....WOW!! THANKS!! THUD

RPnKSaddict said...

This was not as bad as last week. The beatle mania crowd...

winwin- soooo cool you got to be there. thanks for sharing any details to those of us not in NY.

Dazzle said...

Pierce is very hot....and so is Rob! I'm not quite sure who I'd choose to be with at this point...probly Pierce, since Robby is a little too young for me!

Anonymous said...

Wow...look at 'em all..(eye roll)..

**sarcasm**...I just don't understand why Rob is so paranoid about being attacked...

I notice he moves fast from the trailer to the building! HA!

I wonder how Rob would look as the new James Bond...after Daniel Craig retires OF COURSE!

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