Celebrity Mundane-Rob buying boxes

I posted this in the morning, some people found it intrusive and I removed it but since then people emailed me to put it back up so everyone can see it if they wish to. So here is your warning, this is a paparazzi video, it's the video of Rob and Nikki buying boxes. I don't think it's intrusive, the pap is polite(albeit a bit off "do you like Morrisey?" say what?), keeps his distance, even offers to help them.
We do post paparazzi pictures and videos unless they are very intrusive. We didn't post the pictures of Rob in his slippers getting his newspaper, we didn't post the video of paparazzi following his car, we didn't post the video of him at the airport where he looked extremely irritated. You know we love Rob, we wouldn't post something that was bad for him but he is a celebrity and these come with the territory :) Anyhoo, here is the video :)


Rose said...

Hmmm. Rob surely looks irritated here. Nikki looks like she doesn't mind...
I find myself watching these kind of videos with a grimace on my face. One part of me wants to watch ANYTHING that has Rob in it...and another part (the human one, I guess) cringes when I see how annoyed he is...
I do love how he fumbles for his keys...and I also liked how he pretty much ignored the Pap...
I just wonder how anyone found him at a box store? Interesting.
Thanks Goz...for leaving the choice to me! :)

Ellie said...

Goz, I'm glad you put the post back on. I thought it was a tiny bit intrusive, at first, but you're right, the pap was very polite and was even willing to assist Rob and Nikki with the boxes. Rob handled it very well. And he was cute fumbling for those keys! :)

Kim said...

I have so much to say about this it isn't even funny.
1) I was actually giggling out loud when I saw Rob not prepared with his remote.
Rob: Always come out with your remote out and ready.
2) Buy a Range Rover sport, it would be the perfect car for you.

Rob looked a bit annoyed and I was imagining internal dialouge going on his head.
He looks like he needs someone to take care of him, like he's lost quite a bit of the time. Nikki seemed to be the one in charge of the situation.
I like a man who has his remote out ready;) Nikki was patient and so cute there,
I think as women we often have our remote out prepared, mostly because of the evening training, etc. and I don't want people who are driving with me to wait, so I always have it out. I'm also a little too nice.

Concerning Nikki and those whom might not think she's all that great:
She seems like a VERY nice person.
She says thank you a lot and seems very courteous and polite. I like her.

I was so proud of Rob that he knew how to work the convertible and get the top down. He seems a bit mechanically challenged like me and I smiled watching him.
Sorry Rob, if I enjoyed this vid more than I should. It's such a insight sometimes on how you really might be. It's one of the guilty pleasures I have concerning him.
Even thou he did look a bit annoyed, I think he was at the pap's intrustion annoyed, I would be, I hate my invasion of privacy and the pap asking what the boxes were for, so rude, and perhaps a bit at himself, I'm glad you posted it Goz, it wasn't too much.
Wish Rob didn't have to have this intrustion in his life but it's par for the course when you're a celebrity.

Jenn said...

Hello Ladies! Been lurking here since the day you started back in October and can I just say...you rock!! I don't even want to admit how many times a day I come to this site:) I feel like I'm going through withdrawl by not seeing daily photos of him..so I too have been hitting the fanfic! Loved Wide Awake and might I recommend "I Love L.A." for you all:) Enjoy...

Anonymous said...

I agree Jovie, It is pretty funny the whole key thing and I think Nikki even says something that sounded like I'm doing the mans job??
I laughed that Nikki was putting everything in the car he seems kinda befuddled sometimes.

And how did they know he was there? I mean the pap said into his walkie that it was Hollywood/La Cienaga but really a box store?? Not your typical celebrity sighting spot.

Thanks for posting

Melissa said...

I did find this video a bit intrusive...but like everyone else I watched it. Part of being a celebrity is having your picture taken and videos...etc...It does come with the territory, I will agree. He does seem annoyed and he also looks like he just woke up-so maybe he was a little grouchy???LOL The paparazzi here was somewhat polite but also annoying. Nikki was very nice and I don't understand why so many people do not like her????? Anyhoo...I will continue to watch any video posted and will continue to have an opinion just like everyone else...thats what makes this whole thing FUN!!!

So...Goz & Dani please keep up all the good and hard work you both do to keep our Robsession going....you guys ROCK! Thanks again!!!!

Kim said...

Sorry that I do not edit.
Note to myself for the New Year:
Jovie edit on Robsessed!

An intrusion like this is sometimes insightful, only because I notice Rob backs up and let's a little guy in the door before he leaves the UPS store. Rob seems to have good manners.
Also, he seemed flustered and with these pap things sometimes he doesn't put on his seat belt.
Please stay alive Rob, LA is brutal out there, they drive like maniacs and please put your seat belt on.
Thanks Nikki that you reminded him.
And why do I write as if I'm talking to them, In god's green acre what in the hell is wrong with me?:)
I know you Robkats understand, what is wrong with me.

The vid should have a warning of the LOUD car honking, in the beginning.

Amy said...

I agree with you Jov. I love Nikki. She seems like such a doll and a very kind person. He seriously needs someone to help him out and take care of him sometimes I think and its sweet that she is helping him out. Fans are very harsh on the girl and they don't even know her, lol. It's a bit ridiculous and so sad that they treat her that way. She's a friend/co-star of Robs and fans should respect that and not be so cruel all the time. Like criticizing her for being polite in the video and twisting it by saying she 'enjoys the spotlight' and stuff??? Ummmm yeah NO. She is used to the paparazzi craziness and Rob is still adjusting to the swarming pap invasions when doing daily mundane things. If he gets paranoid as is, I can't imagine what is going though his head when people are filming him randomly, watching him intently and then taking pictures - it HAS to be a weird feeling that's for sure.

Melissa said...

Jovie-you sound like you're talking to them directly because you are ROBSESSED!!! :) IT comes with the territory....I do the same thing sometimes...Oh, and I LOVE the moniker "Robkats"...so cool....good one...

Kim said...

I agree Amy.
I think it's because of the Thirteen movie and people look down on her. Sometimes people, never think a person doesn't grown and evolve.
I don't think Rob would chose to spend time with an asshole.
People are just too harsh and judgemental often.

Kate said...

Ya Jovie did you see Nikki jumping out of her skin???
At first I thought they were honking at Rob!
Oh and just for the record I was the one who looked at it first (just out of bed and grouchy) who thought Rob looked so annoyed in the vid so it was my fault it was taken down the first time :-} but I asked Goz to put it back up ;-) Sorry Goz I didn't mean to cause any trouble and i hope i didn't upset anyone.
I Love Nikki in this vid she's so lovely and dealt with the pap so well (can't say I would have been able to do the same) .
I too got a laught out of him looking for his keys and loved the big smile that he gave the sales lady at the end, aaah!
Also did anyone else notice that since he has his hair cut short you can see that he has a really cute mole on his hairline, it's at the end of the vid when he's in the shop paying, ok this is what withdrawl does to me, i start examining every little thing !!!!LOL

Amy said...

yeah they are and it's a shame.

Kim said...

sorry meant people grow

Gozde said...

Hey Kristen, welcome to commenting :) It's fun, it gets crazy (1000+ posts!), you should comment more :)

Gozde said...

LMAO @ how long the comments are for this video:)) We are all totally Robsessed and over protecting/over analyzing :)

Kim said...

Sorry had a phone call I had to get.
Yes, Kate, I did notice the mole, the first time during the Edward in his room movie trailer and I have imagined many times kissing that mole, working my way up to it, etc.;)
Sorry seeing him in real life, gets me a goin'.
Also, I chuckled at where he found his keys, it's was a pocket he had already checked. He is so damn cute.

JKristen70, hi don't ever worry about diving in here, we're a friendly, loving bunch.

Kate said...

Sorry Goz I'm in that type of a humour today LOL
I'm suffering from WA withdrawls as well as Rob withdrawls I shouldn't have rushed through it!!!LOL
I need a new obsession any suggestions?? LOL

Kim said...

Damn right Goz, we're protective of him.
When it comes to Rob, I'm firece.
LIke the Christian guy:
That's fierce.
Luv that expression.
Hi Goz.

Kim said...

sorry, didn't edit.
hanging my head in shame.

Ellie said...

Hi, Jov, Kate, Amy, Melissa, and everyone else!!

Jov, yes, you KNOW we understand.:)
Hey, just realized, you're on here early...what you ditchin', girl?? LOL

Welcome, JKristen! We're always happy to have newbies here!!!

Trixie said...

Hey Everyone!

Yeah, it is tough to watch these videos - I haven't watched it yet. Usually they give me a stomach ache.

eternaltwilight said...

kate -- you can see that mole in the twilight movie! it's in the scene where bella knows edward is a vampire and walks past him at school into the woods. isn't it the cutest mole on earth?

goz -- i'm glad you're here girl, how far did you get in WA?

how are all you ladies in here? rob does look uncomfortable in here but he's the same in most of his interviews. i semi-cringe everytime. lolz.

Kate said...

Thank God Jov that you noticed it too. I tend to notice moles on other people because I have a big one under my right ear, I often thought about having it removed but it reminds me of my Dad he loved it and used to call it my beauty spot aaah !! So that's the reason I spotted Robs ;-)

Ellie said...

Goz, didn't see you there...how are ya', darlin'?

Jov, don't even mention the word fierce...Here comes TomFierce dancing in my mind...lol

Trixie said...

Okay - moment of irritation... I got a salad for lunch from our cafeteria and I grabbed a spoon instead of a fork! I don't want to run back to the cafe to get a fork! Ugh!

Eating salad with spoon = big fat mess!

Kim said...

Goz, I think we are so protective of him that if his life was in danger we could all form a circle around him like a pack of wolves.

I'm thinking of the first time my niece read me something she was laughing her ass of about and I asked her what and she said she just read on the Hayden Christensen website that there was a poll: Would you take a bullet for Hayden?
I laughed so hard at that.
I'm like what's wrong with these crazy girls?
And in the poll it was a winner on the yes they would take a bullet for Hayden.

I would not take a bullet for Rob, unless he was my husband/lover etc
But I am extremely protective of him, I notice.:)

Melissa said...

I totally noticed the mole in Twilight!! You see a movie 4 times and you start to notice these things...LOL Then I proceeded to think "He needs to remove that"...theres a few plastic surgeons floating around here at work...so its on the BRAIN!


Kate said...

I forgot to say hello to Kristen welcome !!!{{Waves} and also hello
Eternaltwilight, Trixie, Ellie, Jovie, Goz, Amy, Melissa, hope I didn't miss anyone.
ET I'll have to go and see Twilight again I couldn't concentrate on it properly with my friends there so I never saw the mole ;-)

Trixie said...

Kate - I went to see twilight alone last friday - it was great to give it my undivided attention!

Trixie said...

the movie got my undivided attention - not the mole...

just wanted to clarify :)

Kim said...

Damn these freakin phone calls, I have to get this one also.
I'll be back.
Don't they know I'm in love?

Melissa said...

Damn work!!! Don't they know I'm Robsessed?? Geez, patients...help yourself!! hahaha kidding...I really care about patients....

Melissa said...

Seeing Twilight alone may be a good idea, Trixie...thanks for that inspiration....hehehe

Kate said...

I might be going to see it again this week. May have to go into Limerick and the cinema just happens to be near where i'm going so I may just have to go in there!!! They have daytime showings whereas the one here in town only shows in the evening. I figured it would be quieter during the day ;-)

Trixie said...

Melissa - it was GREAT to see it alone! I went to an 11:40 showing last Friday - only about 30 people in the theater - felt like my own private showing :)

Gozde said...

Hi babes! :)
I get a phone call and there are over 30 messages already, LMAO!
I never noticed the mole, I'm one of those people that don't notice things. I never remember what people were wearing etc :)

Trixie said...

Kate - I have a new obsession for you... making videos of rob! I just discovered that I have movie maker on my computer - LOL!

Gozde said...

Did y'all see the Summer house trailer I posted? I'm surprised there are only 2 comments on it! It's HOT!

Kate said...

I found moviemaker a while ago Trixie, I didn't know I had it either {blush} and so far I've only made 1 movie and shock horror Rob wasn't anywhere to be found !!!
Oh hang on I'm lying I used "never think" on it ha ha just can't get away from him!!!

Kate said...

I meant to go back and look at the Goz, is it the one that was on You Tube, if so then ya i have to agree it is HOT HOT HOT.
When is that one out??? Is it going straight to DVD does anyone know??

Gozde said...

Oh and Kate, I'm still at chapter 2 of wide awake (hangs head in shame:). Maybe you've noticed, I've been updating the site today, lol :) And I've been taking LONG walks everyday since I have no job and nothing to do :) So I save WA for before sleep and keep dozing off at chapter 2 :)

eternaltwilight said...

that "nape mole" is even more delish on the big screen!!! i've seen it all for times, can't help but stare at his neck whenever i see robert. it's one of the first places on him that i want to attack. the other neck is next in line!

Gozde said...

The summer house is scheduled for April 2009! It's going to be a Robfull year :))

eternaltwilight said...

oh no goz...u still haven't reached the land of the unicorns? lolz...i read that story in 3 sittings and foregoed sleeping, showering and eating. tehehe. now i'm back to another bad case of withdrawal and good hygiene.

eternaltwilight said...

typo edit *all four times* not all for times.

Kate said...

I think I did it in 3 sittings too and now I can't bring myself to go back and finish BD.
Goz it's really good and I didn't think I'd like the fact that the vampires weren't in it etc but it really works!!
Also I think that's why I woke up in bad form this morning because of WA don't want to say anymore coz it'll ruin it for Goz ;-)

Gozde said...

Okay I've read a couple more posts about WA being sad and I don't want to get into anything that will break my heart! New Moon kills me everytime I read it :((

And Kate I can't believe you still didn't finish BD!!! It's amazing!

Kate said...

April cool, is it going to DVD then??
I don't think it'll be shown in the cinemas here and i'd say I'll have to order the DVD on the internet. The people in our local store will be looking at me with blank expressions, I'll be able to get "Twilight" easily alright but not the others.
ALso i hope they release "New Moon" here the same time as they do in the US I think it was a big mistake not to do that with "Twilight"

eternaltwilight said...

f**king cookie kate! we are so bad! and can you believe this, angstgoddess003 says that she'll be posting up chapter 39 in the next 3 weeks or so but the story will be on hiatus for awhile after that. she's turned me into a monster, i don't know if i can wait that long!

Kate said...

All I'll say Goz is that the last few chapters that are up are sad but it's not finished yet and I don't think it'll end up sad from what the author has said, she said she's a romantic so I don't think it'll have a sad ending but atm I'm :-( because of i

Trixie said...

What??? WA will be on hiatus???

I don't think I can handle that!

Gozde said...

Okay I'm not reading it. I hate fanfics that have no ending and the 3 week hiatus etc. sounds awful. Sigh, now I'll never be in the unicorn land, lol :)

eternaltwilight said...

yeah...it's cuz she still doesn't know where the story is leading to yet. :(

read it here -- http://community.livejournal.com/mygirlsunicorn/44715.html

eternaltwilight said...

lolz...goz! if i had a choice to change it again, i'd still pick unicorns over a hiatus. heck, unicorns during the hiatus too!

Trixie said...

It's midnight sun all over again. Grrrr!

Gozde said...

Oh don't even get me started with Midnight Sun. I LOVE Stephenie and understand her loss with the leak of the story and truly believe she will finish it. She has to.

Gozde said...

Okay just checked the awards the story has been nominated and umm, best sex? I guess I AM going to read it afterall :)

Kate said...

I;m back had a phone call, seems to be contagious LOL
3 WEEKS !!!!!!:-0
I would have taken my time if I'd known that !!!!! OH GOD I can't wait 3 weeks.

Trixie said...

LOL Goz!

Read it! Even if she never finishes it - seriously, it's great!

Kate said...

Oh Goz do read it it's really good and it will have to be finished or there'll be a mutiny!!!LOL
I haven't read "Midnight sun" yet is there no ending to it :-( maybe I won't read it :-?

Trixie said...

Kate - I KNOW! 3 weeks is just unacceptable.

I thought she had said in the posting of Chapter 38 that she had outlines for 9 more chapters! Why the hiatus??

Gozde said...

Kate read midnight sun and BD stat! Seriously woman! LMAO. Even though MS isn't finished we do know the story so it's not THAT bad. And it is AMAZING!

Gozde said...

Okay, I'm off to read WA! Kisses all around!

Kate said...

Sorry another phone call. My cousin only got back from England after Christmas and has to go back urgently and I didn't get a chance to see him so now I'm even more :-(
Goz I think I'll read Midnight Sun before BD and ya I forgot about that, sure I know how the story ends DUH !!
I hate the fact that you can't print the bloody thing out!!!

eternaltwilight said...

happy unicorns all, i'm off to work, olive juice!

keely said...

Kate, I really like it when you say bloody ;-)
Now, where you and Goz mentioned Midnight Sun I so wish Stephenie would start to finish it. So used in reading some Edward stuff :-)

Jenn said...

Gozde I feel your pain...it's so frustrating when the author doesn't update regularly on fanfic...serious tho..try this one:) http://www.twilighted.net/viewstory.php?sid=1764

It's just great...funny and sexy at the same time!

Gozde said...

Kristen, I added that to my bookmarks :) Will get to it as soon as I'm done with WA!

Have "fun" at work Thao. And when I make a lot of money I will MAKE Stephenie finish Midnight Sun :PP

eternaltwilight said...

lolz goz...after you read WA goz, you wouldn't mind so much if stephanie decides to end MS. i swear, it's that good!

Gozde said...

Oooh, it's a Rob fanfic! Those creep me out big time! When it's Edward, it's HOT but reading someone's fantasies about an actual person is just weird :)

keely said...

Yeah, I´m sure you will convince her, Goz! Go for it and relieve as all :-)

eternaltwilight said...

alright...i'm running late now...it's terrible i'm still here refreshing this site for your comments. lolz, kisses to all. see you here tonight after work!

Jenn said...

I know Goz..but it's gooood! He's hilarious in this one...although I don't think he's that "confident" in real life...just my thought! But we can dream eh??!!!

Kate said...

LOL @ Keely "I'm glad I amuse you"

Kristen I must bookmark that one too ;-)

Roigt I'm gonna take the bows off my Camella boots!;-)
Back later!!

Gozde said...

Alright, I'll give it a go :)

Melissa said...

So many comments to read...so little time...I do need to get back to actual work here....see everyone tonight!!!

keely said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
keely said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynn said...

OMG, alright I was okay until I atually heard the camera clicking in the second half of the vid....then my heart started beating like crazy for Rob and Nikki. I know it's a part of the lifestyle but it just seems wrong in many ways.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Sorry, but no matter how nice she "seems", I still cannot stop my hatred for Nikki. I don't know what it is--she just seems fake and she's always stalking Rob and or Kristen. She's always hovering around. Ok, ok. I guess I can't blame her..Believe me, I'd be hovering around Rob, too. Sorry, Nikki lovers--I just needed to vent! Don't hate me :(

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where I can find those other pictures and videos they mention they didin't post here?

el said...

kate or gozde,
where can i find the fan fic that you guys are talking about. I am so curious now. i think i have to read it. can i get the link?

Anonymous said...

There's a photo of him in slippers getting a newspaper?!?!?!?!?!?!

I haven't seen that anywhere!

I wanna seee! :(

Anonymous said...

Hello ladies. I want to applaud you! Because this is now the site I go to for ALL Rob news. ;)

I just wanted to tell you that I come in here so many times, that my friends know what I am doing on my cell now automatically. :p

I really liked the video because it shows Rob's human side. I is darling how he just kind of stands there and lets Nikki do everything. So adorable!

Well, I'll be posting more now that I've introduced myself. :)

Gozde said...

{{waves to all the newbies}} welcome to our little blog and thanks for the compliments :))

The fanfic we are talking about is called Wide Awake. Here is the link:

Enjoy :)

el said...

Thx for the link!

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