According to and Star Magazine Rob's abs are fake! Dum Dum Dum!
Do we really care? Nah! Not in the slightest. We like joking about how we wanted Robward shirtless but we loved him before the abs and we'll love him with a beer belly :) ROBsession isn't skin deep...

Sorry, Tweeners, Robert Pattinson’s washboard abs have been pegged as phonies.
The Twilight heartthrob — considered one of the hottest men on Earth right now — left fans swooning when he went shirtless while taping a number of scenes for the upcoming sequel New Moon in Italy last month. But according to Star Magazine, Pattz’ six-pack is missing a few cans. Set spies say the 23-year-old Brit achieved perfected his look with the help of modern makeup.
“Rob had a team of makeup artists working on his stomach to make it appear as if he had a six-pack,” spills one set source. “Rob is definitely not that in shape,” the informant adds. “He hates the gym and will never really be a muscle man!”
How did professionals manage to create the illusion that Rob has chiseled, ripped abs?
“They used all the tricks — including liquid body paint, shading, and airbrushing — to make his torso look toned,” according to Star’s unidentified Twilight informant. “Whenever they stopped filming, Rob would duck back insider to get touched up by the makeup team.”
And that’s not all: “The lighting team helped as well, creating the perfect way to accentuate the shading and highlights.”
Thanks to RobPattzNews for the link :)
Although we don't care if they are real it's still nice to look at so thanks to Corr for these pictures :) And we once again volunteer to inspect them and report if they are real or not ;)

I stopped reading after "according to star magazine" - I mean really?
No I don't care if he had a little help but makeup only goes so far...
There have been TONS of other fan reports that say the exact opposite. that they're shaded but the structure was there.
whatever, you can see it in the V. they can't FAKE MUSCLES LITERALLY STICKING OUT
but yeah, i could care less. but i'm sure he worked hard and deserves credit, so screw them
TwiHeart yep that is so true, and the makeup was to enhance cos his ABS would dissappear in the white makup and lighting. From what I have read it is NOT unusual to do this in movies lol.
And to be honest...I do agree..I do not care really...he looks GREAT still...that is a fact.
Yes, you have to have the raw material there to be "enhanced". Something tells me you can't fake a V like that ;)
And really no one cares! As said, you can only do so much with make up so even if they did help him out a bit he'll have the base there so he deserves credit for working hard!
Anyway, abs or no abs, we still love you Rob! x
hi alie! :)
totes agree makeup only enhances! who cares if they're real or not... he looks damn good with his shirt off.
Whew! I don't have to get out my John Madden pen and show the structure. We can count on Robsessers for expert opinions on this. We have closely analyzed each photo!!
Yes, we love Rob regardless. See I am sure that they did enhance a little bit, but the muscle is clearly there; the V, back, shoulders, etc. So one cannot help but assume that the abs are there too
Oh, and Hi 30 - I didn't see you there :)
He may not have a 'six-pack' but he definitely does not have a beer belly. Nobody is perfect...give him a break. He is still the most gorgeous guy around and just the type you want to take home to mother. God love him!
Of course you're right Zelda. But looking at these pics just makes me want to take him home...
I'm sorry..none of us care either way-he's still the most gorgeous man alive. He's tall, lean, skinny, small butt, it's all good. And you're right, you can't fake that wonderful "V" that he has.
I get lost in his face & smile anyway...
Hey TS & Alie..
Make up agreed can only go so far..but he is ROCKIN the "fake" abs... I so dont care.. Whatever.. Rob is perfection Rob style...
I love him for it!!
Alie... take him home.. hee hee tra dat girl!! wink
So a "twilight insider" is the source of Star mag... hahaa
Of course those are no Taylor´s kind of six pack or Kellan´s kind, but he did work out to look in shape, and he is looking just the way we like, besides.. who cares about six pack with that strong V, driving us crazy.
Geezo peezo...his torso IS completely "toned," it's just not "ripped." And none of us care. I'd actually rather see the boy eat some more Kobe meatballs and fill out some more, muscles be damned! He's soooo thin. I just want him to be healthy! Man cannot live on ciggies and Heinies alone, Rob baby!
seriously how can you fake abs? if you can, teach me how. haha robb got the real deal. sexy no matter what anywayss
Hi ladies!
And hi Leann (howdy, stranger! :))!
As for these photos: I actually felt my brain throb (at least, I believe it was my brain) upon viewing photo #7, which I don't recall seeing previously.
Are those angel's wings sprouting from the shadowy background?
And, of course, the veracity (and durability) of the tummy muscles is fairly irrelevant. If one really cared, one could argue that the startlingly defined arms and shoulders are hardly fakes....
But the most important point (though it is still a superficial point, I realize—and I SWEAR, I admire RP most for his non-corporeal qualities...) is that the HAIR is all real. ALL the hair, ladies....
*throb recommencing*
Of course they ehanced him. They have to for every actor because of make up and lighting. And Rob had to be covered in white kabuki make up first.
He's in beautiful shape, just not ripped. And I doubt he ever will be 'cause that's just not his thing. But look at that "V" (oh dear god, look at the "V") and look at his arms. No enhancing there. Boy's been to the gym (and probably bitchin' the whole way. LOL).
And what do ya wanna bet when it comes time to promote NM, they're gonna ask him about the abs and he's gonna quip...'oh hell no, they were totally fake.' You know that's just what he's gonna say.
Who cares? Six packs and fake tits are the new Hollywood standard of what's hawt. And it's all so phoney. And that's the last thing Rob Pattinson is...a phoney.
yea well fuck me.. where do I sign up for the motha fooking makeover??
I want abs too!
Some of it has to be real... you can see the V... come on.... hahahah
That V gets my head swimming. I don't care if the abs are real or not. I love skinny Rob or 6 pack Rob. But, hey that V is real!
Real or fake-There's no way in hell I'd kick him outta bed.
Just sayin'....
BUT honestly, his abs look pretty damn good. Like, AMAZING in fact.
No complaints here...
Six packs are okay, but I mostly like guys who are slim and trim for some reason. I loved how Rob looked in the suit in the last part when they were dancing in "Twilight". I really just am not into the really buff look. I will love Rob with or without abs.
No, matter if the article takes a negative or a positive approach, the facts are the same. Make-up is always used (and would be especially crucial with Rob's fair skin)but you can't paint a flat stomach on someone. (If you could, believe me I would have tried it by now.)Enhancing is hardly "faking." Gee, wonder if any of the women in movies improve their cleavage? Nah, that would be cheating.
lmao seriously? Star magazine? haha I agree TwiHeart 'according to star mag' stopped reading there...
Treasure - you are so right. I just realized that for some reason him at the suit - long, lean and lucsious - just makes my heart stop!
I really can't type - I meant in the suit.
Diane,actually I've read Keira's is enhanced in the pirates of the caribbean movies.
Absolutely, even if you go on a game show, they make you up or you'd be just one featureless surface under all the lights.
Of course they used some makeup, they always do in filming. You can't fake the rest as everyone has pointed out, the tummy is flat, his arms are strong, and who cares? As it says in the book..'it's a great tribute to his face that his body only holds interest for a few seconds'..I look, but immediately go back to the face everytime.
i don't care if his six pack is a keg- i'd still lick it
Mrs. R
I'm with you about photo#7. I'm in a Rob over-dose coma.
I am sure he is toned...well he looks AWEFULLY toned to me. But I'm sure there was makeup to have it stand out more. I don't really care...I love his body type..I'm not into the muscle man guy anyway. I don't care if he doesn't work out - he doesn't need to. Love that he is lithe and hot.
Hey sho, wondered where you a different posting...
Lynda, well I look and then look, go back to his face, but then I have to drop down to his pants...sorry, but that's the way it is - espec the Italy pics...
I think they meant that they enhanced those abs.
I mean look! U can't fake a flat stomach like that.
Melissa...that V is a killer...I want him...
Kathy - please don't say "drop" and "pants" in the same post. It could cause a riot in here.
Nik, I laughed out loud (at work) about Rob bitching all the way to the gym....LMAO. The V..making things extremely warm in here.
sho...quit with the MUCSCLES LITERALLY STICKING OUT...gahhhhh....
I meant MUSCLES...yes I can spell.
anybody see this:
See what?
i'm quite sure he had some air brushing to give him a six pack, cause he doesnt really have a really defined one..but pffttttttt
OMG, OMG, OMG... even my dog knows that those pics KILL ME!! The happiest happy trail and the pubic hair. THE PUBIC HAIR!! Oh boy, he smells so good from here...
Who cares about the six packs??? Come on, the happy trail and pubic hair are real, aren´t they?? Oh yeap!!
One last drooling thing... I even like a beer belly ~ though not a big one...
Not that this mag carries any clout of course, but clearly the writers have not really inspected the pics.
The rockin' body is obvious. Those of us who spent so much time oogling it when these pics first came out should know!
(seriously, I was ruined that week and it was not because of a bit of makeup)
I can just hear the questions in press junkets now...and yes Nik, Rob confessing to the 'fakes' as well. I can't exactly see him bragging about his time in the gym, lol.
Would someone please drag me away from here? I've got to meet a deadline on Monday morning and looking at these pictures of Rob does not help to find the first three sentences. In fact it does not help at all, it only makes one drool. Help!
As far as I'm concerned he indeed could have a beer belly, he'd still be hot and gorgeous.
Rob is simply stated....
All other men cease to exist.
hahahha next plz i dont care if they look real or not but man those look real
I don't care either...I can still see the shape of his bod and biceps and I definitely like what I see, makeup or not.
Who really cares if it is makeup? I couldn't care less. I like chubby boys and I'm anxiously waiting Rob to cultivate a beer belly. I'm deadly serious about it.
One of the side pics (not the one in this post)of him you can see the muscles, so yeah I don't put any stock into what lame star rag mag has to say
Ahh... totally do not care not one little bit. His torso looks very sexy and what I wouldn't do to have mine touching his horizontally
Just read your button - LOL. Too true. He puts the Rob in robbery.
i think the muscles are his and i also think some shading was used to make them more apparent against his pale skin for the shoot.
Look he is a great actor... and super good looking man and it was for a part in a movie... It isn't like he went out and committed a crime for goodness sake.
He's great and we all still love him :-)
Diane~yes its so true. Damn it... the stuff I don't get acomplished due to this man
Sorry - those are REAL - you can't fake that hotness!!!
whether they're real or not, he's still thin and defined when you look at the side pictures. Everyone who has met him seems to say that he's very very tall and skinny. But like all you ladies have said, the "V" is the most amazing f**kawesome thing EVER! Looking at that is slowly robbing me of my breathing (ha, "Robbing" me)and will be the death of me yet!
yes I read that too and I was thinking about when he does interviews again if he will be asked about it--just as someone brought up already.
checking in here every few days. I love how you gals change up the banner, it is always so breathtaking!
And no I don't care either way--he is so beautiful regardless.
It's pretty obvious looking at his arms, shoulders, even his neck, that he's put some effort into beefing up. Not that it matters, but I say the abs are real! He may have had a little assistance with the definition...but the "rags" just have to try (emphasis on TRY) to discredit him any way they can. Ha!! They'll never learn.
Jesus. Really? A, who cares, and B, it's the "Star" - great source that it is, and C, THEY ALWAYS DO THAT! They ALWAYS shade actor's abs in shots! Especially in the bright sunlight, especially on fair skin, especially in distance shots! EVERY guy in 300 had the same thing. That's NORMAL. He had real abs, but they were made up to be more obvious. Just as make-up is put on to make faces stand out more. Jesus. leave the poor guy alone. He's beautiful, but aside from that he's an amazing talent, AND A HUMAN BEING!!! I'm sure it's hard enough to have to stand there half-naked in front of all those people, especially knowing how analyzed and picked apart he'll be. I wish they could focus on his WORK a little more!!
seriously make up can only do so much. It can enhance stuff, but no way are those entirely fake. and even if they were fake, hes still fucking hot.
The man is gorgeous any way you take him (and I wish I could!).
The people who do these mags are just jealous, plain and simple.
I don't give a rat's ass if they're painted on, tattooed or surgically enhanced!
Twicat likey!
That's all Rob.
So, when will those stupid mags get it, that Rob's fans will love him either way? There's simply no discussion!
Personally, I love his slender figure, that he is tall and slim. Now that he's put on some muscles (as anybody who has eyes can see) he is just perfect. I don't want him to look like a bodybuilder on steroids. He has the advantage that he is very tall so there never is any use to work out that hard.
However, I think he will continue working out since as far as I remember there are some more steamy scenes in Eclipse which we all surely would like to see him in shirless. And after reading the script of unbound captives I'm pretty sure he has to be in good shape in that movie too since he plays a "half" red-indian boy riding horses half-naked.
Kathy-shucks, I was just trying to stay clean and sober..*sigh* Edward is four years older then my Dad..Edward is four years older then my Dad..Edward is four years older then my Dad...
It's obvious he has some abs and muscles of his own, they couldn't have created his abs if he had not any to start with, make-up can only do so much. Of course they were enhanced with make-up. He has been working out since the beginning of the year. And as somebody wrote, he is half-naked in half of his scenes in "Unbound Captives", so he has to keep working out a bit. He never will be a Mr Universe, that's not him and his body type, he is tall and lean, that's why suits and tuxes look so great on him, he has the perfect body for them. I hate overworked out bodies, Taylor Lautner does nothing for me, and it's not only because he has an ugly mug with small squinty eyes and a pug nose.
Can they really make fake abs look like that?
Anyway, I really love pic #6, kinda post-orgamisc face LOL
All I have to say is look at the source. STAR magazine for crying out loud! Since when did that rag become a pillar of truth? ROFL. Agree that shading had to have been used due to the full body make up used to make him look vampire pale, but to create muscles, where non exist? No way. If make up artist are able to fake abs like this, then, where do I sign up my boyfriend? LOL. Seriously, if it were possible to make him look this cut now, then, why didn’t they do that in Twilight in the meadow scene?
I personally don't like too many muscles. I like a good combo between the physical and mental ... like our Rob. Pure perfection.
BTW ... thanks for pic#7 ... never seen either. Makes me blush just looking at him!
Hold up, hasn't Kellan Lutz already confirmed this shit? What more confirmation do you need when someone that's part of that freaking cast already mentioned it?!? Seriously, these tabloids NEED a break, they're so worked up, they start crappin'!
Besides, Rob looks good with or without those abs. 'Nuff said.
the abs may be painted on but you can't fake the 'v'!!!
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