May The Force Be With You

Thanks to Lara for the picture :)


Suz said...

What the...?

rpattzdude said...


phosphorus said...

Erm, I said "Free the hair", yes, but that's not what I had in mind.

Tess said...

Gah!! make it stop!!!

I just pictured Rob wearing the Princess Leah/Return of the Jedi bikini and it won't go awaaaaaaay!!!

This is worse than the zygote photo's!

Suz said...

lol Tess...

Zygot Rob mad an appearance on E News last night. they were doing a segment on stars who began as models...

I cried.. a little.

Suz said...

man.. i need coffee

Zygote Rob made...

Musk said...


Sophia Z.86 said...

"Hey Rob, gorgeous lover... what hair is that? I love it, no matter what!"

Ellie said...

Damn, that man can rock a pair of sticky buns~~
Leia's got nothing on him!

Anonymous said...

Agree with Tess! Ahh make it stop!

Sophia Z.86 said...

If there are brazilians around:


Sophia Z.86 said...

"Rob, gorgeous lover, wanna be my Valentine? The real one? With all the good stuff that comes with it? Then, come here, babe come..."

Kate said...


albaville said...

Considering that Star Wars old trilogy are my favourite movies ever,,its so cool to see Rob like princess Leia..I can see him with the white dress getting married to Ian Solo..what a nice couple!!:))

Aija said...

he reminds me more of Mickey Mouse

Melanie said...

Funny picture, but the guy just cannot look bad-impossible!

crazy said...

Damn, his eyes in that pic are killing me! I can't see anything else.

bbonin said...

OMG I just saw that Little Ashes are showing in my town, rochester, but is it in spanish??? I hope so so i can watch it in subtitles cuz i'm deaf. so if they speak in english, i'm fucked. :(

Tenneil said...

OMG ELLIE.. did you just say sticky buns... to early to be going to the gutter...NAH what am I saying.. HAHAH

Morning ladies!!!

Anonymous said...

aaahhh crazy with the eyes... love'em

morning ladies! only here for a sec... happy friday though!!

bbonin said...

morning :) anyone know about my earlier post? they're showing LA tonight and i'm hoping hoping that it's in spanish.

Tenneil said...

Morning TS!! happy f*cking friday!

Anonymous said...

guyd, pls keep on voting for rob in vanity fair poll for most handsome man !!
voting ends on june 15

his lead is narrowing ...

Aija said...

bbobin, as far as I know, it is in english..
i think it's in spanish only in Spain.. dunno really

Hana said...

This made me LOL and almost spit out my coffee! Thanks for the laugh!

Kathy#1 said...

OMG - that pic is hilarious!

Kathy#1 said...

LA is in English - I've seen it twice - with a Spanish accent LOL! UNless they dubbed it for you guys. I find it hilarious that The guys who speak Spanish had to speak English and Rob had to learn to speak with a Spanish accent.

Kathy#1 said...

Suz, didn't see ET - why did it make you cry??

WinWin said...

After the LA Movement we should seriously have a Zygote Extermination Movement. Although I think Dani and Godze like to torture us with those once in a while.

Poor Suz (gives big hug). I would have cried too.

RPnKSaddict said...

Makes me want to run my fingers through his hair. I'd never ask in a million years but I sure think about it.

showme said...


Gemgirl65 said...

Suz, even my mom felt bad for Rob when those zygote pics showed up on E! the other night, and she has no feeling whatsoever about Rob, and no idea about my Robsession. I mentioned that I thought he was "adorable" and left it at that. She thinks I'm just a big Twilight fan...and that's okay. That way she won't commit me to a home.

Anonymous said...

Morning Robsessors!
What a fine pic to wake up to!
Goz, really, where did this idea
come from? Did anyone watch the
ET segment on Rob? I'm looking for it on YouTube but it's just a very short clip of him on ET. Is that it?

It's so frustrating how the media people have Rob to themselves then when make a big announcement that they will feature him on their show, he only shows up for fifteen seconds or less and it's on to other bullshit. They just leave you hanging and it's not fair!

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi luffscruff---I didn't see the ET segment, but I saw the one on TMZ and I wrote a transcript of it in the post with the video. I'm guessing the whole vid of Rob getting up in the pap's face is on TMZ somewhere (though I hate to endorse that site.)

xoRobxo said...
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Dahlia said...

This just proves he looks good in anything! x

bbonin said...

yah i called the theater and it's in english. :( i'll wait when it comes out on dvd then. :) i ordered HA so i'll get to see it soon. haha.

happy friday to y'all!

lostinphilly said...

Rob still looks F-I-N-E no matter what's on his head! The man could put a dead octopus on his head and we would still say he's sexy!That photo is funny though!!

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