MTV Movie Awards Best Kiss

Thanks to HYBeccer for the gif and Kate for the tip :)


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Lisa said...

You know that killed her to stop, right? I mean, seriously, who could resist THAT?!

Allyson said...

His expression at the end is priceless, that is cute.

Anonymous said...

The thread labels on all of these posts are one of my favorite things about this blog. Haha!

Dahlia said...

Wow, Kristen has so much more self control than I could ever have!!

Rob looks adorable, how he just stands there like :o with shifty eyes. Doesn't even look like it was planned, that's how good an actor he is!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hans - I know! This was great acting. You could tell they were really having fun with it. And the overacting was hilarious. They should receive a nomination for best "kiss" acting!:))))

Gozde said...

Oh yeah, so practiced and so hilarious. I loved it! Kristen is GOOD! The shy, about to kiss act is priceless...

Anonymous said...

My heart started to race when it looked like they might actually kiss! They radiate such HEAT!!!!

Martina said...

If I were there instead of her and had already planned not to kiss him, I would probably mess it up by kissing him in the last second. :)
It`s like dr. House once said: "Her lips say no, but her hormones say 'Oh my God, yes, more!" :D :D

TwiHartRK said...

"I'm not going to kiss you" - who are you convincing Kristen? Hard to resist huh? I love his disappoint/surprised face after. Hahahahaha.

riddleinside said...

Hi ladies! I'm still recovering from last night. These two showed an amazing diffrence from other superficial actors like Disney's kids who seem so fake to me. I was proud of Rob and Kristen, they are actors not entertainers, they knew everybody was waiting for them to kiss, and in the light of all those rumours, what they did last night was just awesome. They just don't give a shit. I love them everyday more. I watched the trailer more than 20 times I'm sure about that.

Now I'm going out, time for celebrating the end of the finals. Dance floor here I am.

See you laters ladies

ps:littleBear I want to hear what you thought about last night. Hope to talk to you soon.

Kathy#1 said...

I love is does she stop? I agree A/L.A., I love the thread labels - they are hysterical. Agree, love his look afterward...funny and so so cute.

Anonymous said...

this was great! imagine if kris actually would have kissed him, he would probably have been even more surprised about that:) for real! but I don't think he would have mind:P I think u can call them friends with benefits hehe...

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Rob mentioned that this was pre-planned not to kiss a few minutes in advance. I think we all were the ones who were surprised! I think the joke is on those who believe Rob and Kristen are more than good friends.

No matter what, if it were me, I'd be too embarrassed to kiss him with the world watching.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago! You there?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago - We have to plan a date or something so we can be on the blog at the same time. :))))

crazy said...

Gozde~ has this been posted here yet? Excuse me if you have. If not...

Check it out and VOTE!

Lijzo said...

Oh myyy, ass-shot!

crazy said...

oops,'s a more "decent" avatar pic. Although I think "decent" is a major understatement, hee hee ;)

Suz said...

Hey K, we have a word for that where I come from....



Anonymous said...

So he must be heading to NYC now?!:)

Melanie said...

Poor thing could barely get through that airport today. I don't know how he knows where he is at half the time with all of the flying he has done lately.

JaneSC said...

The non-kiss was my favorite part of the show. They looked so embarrased through most of it, but they are on familiar ground here. They can't help but be sexy....

Sara said...

Woahh have you seen this?:

Seriously makes my heart hurt and is why I hate saving pap pictures.
Gurhhh. And people wonder why he keeps his head down and hood up.

Jala said...

Crazy - I just went and voted for the world's most handsome man at the link you posted and the results so far are, that out of the 18 men you can choose from, Rob has 77% of the vote and the number 2 is Johnny Depp with 6%. Hugh Jackman's on 4%, David Beckham on 2% and the rest can barely scrape a 1%. LOL.

Are we surprised? :))))

Jala said...

'Scuse my manners. Afternoon, ladies.

Jala said...

Gaahh! Sara, that looks terrible and all kinds of scary.

No wonder he hides under his hoodie.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yup...I hate those pics, but Rob just keeps his head down. I'm sure that if any of those paps really got into his face, he has a bodyguard to beat them down.

So Rob jumped on the big plane earlier today? At least he'll be able to settle in NYC for this point awhile is anything longer than a week.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

And he's got an old friend in NYC. YAY!!!!!!!!! Don't know why that makes me all kinds of happy. :)

monika said...

that's crazy,poor guy

CullenGal09 said...

Hi KK, Jala, everyone!

CullenGal09 said...

Just popping in for a few to say hi-been gone all day, haven't been on the computer until now-it's awful-i'm in Robsession withdrawal-ha.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Mon! How is everyone today? Did Rob not wear you all out last night?!? ;)

CullenGal09 said...

He was so heavenly in that blue jacket. YUM! And too cute the whole night. What a character.

CullenGal09 said...

Whether or not there's anything there-he and Kris sure had the sparks flying last night too! Loved it.

CullenGal09 said...

The trailer was amazing too-took my breath away-just floored me. NM is going to be unbelievable. A masterpiece. Rob, Tay, and Kristin-all looked unreal in it. So did the "Cullens"! I can't wait for the finished product.

CullenGal09 said...

Jala? KK? Monika? Anyone there?

monika said...

Hi Cullengal:)

CullenGal09 said...

Did I miss everyone again?!? This time of day too?!?! CRAP! LOL Well-if i did-i hate that. Lots going on today it seems, as wellas the tremendous show last night, and its aftermath. Rob's already headed to NYC, huh? Damn. Makes me want to take a bite out of the Big Apple-LOL

CullenGal09 said...

Hey Mon! What's goin' on, girl? What have i missed? A lot it seems.

CullenGal09 said...

I am still buzzing and worn out from the show last night! I swear-Rob is gonna kill me. He looked fantastic! I'm so excited about NM and Remember Me too. He's working so hard.

CullenGal09 said...

I'm glad he's kicking butt appparently on that Hnadsomest Acotr thign or whatever too. He so deserves it. Johnny Depp is in a class by himself-too fine. Brad Pitt has had his day, and is a good actor besides, so whatever, it's ROB TIME!

CullenGal09 said...

Monika?!? You on that link? Whatcha doin'?

CullenGal09 said...

Where is everyone?!? Well-it is Monday. YUCK.

CullenGal09 said...

Well, i didn't figure i could stay on long anyway unfortunately. Real life calls loudly. It will all this week and weekend i'm afraid. YUCK again. LOL

CullenGal09 said...

Bye Mon! Bye KK-if you're out there lurking-lol. Bye everyone. Try to pop in for a quick minute later. Bye!!! MUUUAAAAHHHHH!!!

Treasure_7 said...

They are so good together!! They have great chemistry!!

Yvonne said...

Sara, Mon, thanks for posting those links (pics of R leaving LAX)...It is so sad to see him mobbed like that...I HATE those pictures, he looks so miserable. And tired. I hope he gets a rest soon.

One question...where the hell was the body guard? Hmmmm?

C'mon Mr. Big Bodyguard, where are you? I was loving you back in Cannes, but not so much right now. Our boy should not be trying to navigate airports and papz all by himself...tsk, tsk....

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi everyone:

Just here for a moment...but I wanted to comment about the Best Kiss psych-out scene.

And I suppose it's a good thing that I seem to be alone, now, since I fear the flying popcorn statuettes that would be aimed my way, if more of you were present....

Based on her performance in Twilight, I have been a bit disappointed and underwhelmed by Kristen's skills as an actress. The two words that came to mind, as soon as she appeared onscreen—and remained in my mind, throughout most of the movie—were "cold fish."

Now, at this event, she had a chance—with the lighthearted nature of the awards—to loosen up a bit, and let a little warmth soften her icy demeanor. After all, how could Rob's space-heater effusiveness not affect her, when seated in such close proximity?

And, to her credit, her face looked GORGEOUS last night—her eye makeup, in particular, was fantastic. (I will venture no further south in critiquing her appearance, however....)

So when it came time to accept the Best Kiss award (could there be any doubt it would be them?), I was rooting for Kristen—rooting for her to take advantage of the opportunity, and charm us a bit!

Come on, girl! Rob likes you—I want to like you!

And everything was fine, initially: Rob was over-the-top, and pointedly self-conscious...letting us know that he was "in" on the overacting...and Kristen looked lovely, fidgeting convincingly, in profile....

I was actually buying the chemistry (which I never really bought, between them, in Twilight, save for the kissing scene—but that is all thanks to RP).

Oh, Kristen! Why did you have to (for me) ruin the comedic yet sultry moment, by spinning to the camera, and botching your "thank you so much" line with a forced delivery and insincere posture? (Paging Catherine Hardwicke! Couldn't you have rehearsed these guys in your bedroom, beforehand??)

Thus I groaned with dreadful recognition:

The return of Cold Fish.

*Mrs. R still open to the possibility of Cold Fish thawing*

Deftonesgirl said...

Poor guy thats horrible..but then again..its kinda par for the course right? He seems to be handling it ok..hopefully he wont burn out and go crazy.

Allyson said...

Who dresses this poor guy, does he have no one in his crew that can let him know he is leaving the house with his shirt buttoned ass backwards?

It is just so cute that he HAS to realize it at some point and just doesn't bother to fix it.

Like someone said before, maybe he is trying to set a new fashion trend. :)

Deftonesgirl said...

I know right..first thing I thought of was "what the hell is his manager getting paid for"..she was right there she couldnt stop him and let him know to fix his shirt..but its all good it was cute

margot said...

Mrs Robinsane ... true.true.

RPnKSaddict said...

Loved this part. Kristen cracked me up and Rob was per usual adorable. I'm glad they did what they were comfortable with not what every one expected them to do. It was there night!!! Applause,Appluase!!

Stacy said...


What you said sums up my feelings about Kristin (and I suppose the IDEA of R/K) exactly. I think this is why I struggle to like her, and the idea of her and Rob together.

She does seem like a cold fish, (and I realize that it may be nerves) and I completely agree about the chemistry in Twilight save for the kiss. I'm sure she's capable of more, if Rob likes her, but it would be nice to see every once in a while.

And for once, I was actually SEEING the chemistry that everyone else talks so much about last night, until she turned around and got all .. weird again.

I don't know, I can't put my finger on it, but its so hard for me to really get behind her, and think you're reasoning is a big part of it.

I'm still loling at his shirt!

RPnKSaddict said...

Hi CG missed you again. Catch you maybe later.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Stacy - Working on my email....

Mrs. R. - How are you??? I've been writing like crazy, but I think of you...Let's get in touch via email in the next day or two, yes????

Anonymous said...

okey this is going to make all the R & K supporters happy:

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

You know...even I may be convinced by these photos (you heard it here first...)

Stacy said...

KK and all

This is exactly what I just posted at L&L regarding those photos:

OK, a few things. First off, who's the chick in the green? There are more pics of her then KStew...

Second ... it can't actually be confirmed unless they confirm it, and no, there's no pics of a kiss, but at this point, even I can see the writing on the wall. Between last night, the dinner, and this, and the lack of MA, it's hard to draw any other conclusion.

My only reservation is that she was at least with MA in April, when he was in VC ... so all of this has happened since then, which is fine. I just hope Rob isn't a rebound for her, because if they are together, he's obviously wanted it for a long time.

I'm going to try to be unselfish and be happy for Rob, and hope like hell it doesn't eff up the franchise. Like I said ... I just hope this is real for KStew.

anna F said...

About the X17 pictures:
If those pictures where taken "where" and "when" it was said in the article, I guess good for them (though it sucks to have no privacy!).

JaneSC said...

Mrs Robinsane--no, you're right, she did sort of botch her lines, but see the tag "Kristen Stewart is fabulously awkward." She's not good at that kind of thing, but at least they didn't try to be sexy and fail. I think they succeeded in being sexy, which was important!

Don't have time to comment on her acting, as I am at work, but I'm actually a big fan. I think she's quite talented. And I think her restraint, or whatever (cold fishiness?) plays off well against Rob's warmth. Maybe he responds to that?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Stacy - I'm not jumping ship yet, babe. What girl in green???? Where are you looking?

rpattzdude said...

hahahahaha goooossh i dont like her at all i dont want to see more of her fake face oooooh gosh Rob doing that and not kissing damn i totally agree that is the best AND hotest non kiss ever! hahaha dont know how she could resist damn what a girl!

looove those labels you write :P

anna F said...

LOL KK, we are so very skeptic here (so am I actually). But I would be glad to hear Rob gets some real loving for a change...

Stacy said...


If you look thru all 69 pics, there's a girl in a green zip up hanging around, she may be part of a management team.

I dunno, I mean ... it's hard to explain this away, in the context that they're in, and given the events of the last few days.

rpattzdude said...

i truly get annoyed by her body movement against Rob jeeeezz can she be more annoying or what?

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Thank you, margot and Stacy!

I thought I would be banned, for my heresy.... :P

And by the way, my complaint about Kristen's demeanor is not just confined to her (apparent) real-life personality; it is central to my disappointment in Kristen's (or is it Catherine's?) interpretation of Bella.

As many have noted, we never, in the movie, get to see WHY Edward is so smitten with Bella—beyond the olfactory lure of her blood, she is supposed to also possess endearing human qualities that cause Edward to love her, not just desire to kill her.

In the book, we can see the way that Bella takes care of her father, and, while quiet and guarded, she is a generally perceptive and thoughtful teenager...and we can surmise that Edward is observing these qualities in her, too, and falling for her the way a regular "human" boy might.

But in the movie: where is Bella's tenderness? Where is her singularity—her PASSION?

Why would passionate Edward choose to LOVE this empty girl?

At least her little eyebrow-raise in the New Moon trailer gives me a bit of hope....

anna F said...

Oh, could anyone tell me why people wishing or even claiming that Rob and Kristen are together are called "shippers"?
does it come from "to ship" = "to send"?
I've always wondered...

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know what I believe anymore regarding the R & K stuff and this pictures... If they are a couple they probably is not going to announce it anytime soon, however the close friend thing is also a big possibility still though, I think. It's probably not easy founding someone u can trust in this business and I really think they founded a great friendship and really like being with each other, or I don't know...

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi KK!

So glad you are blazing through your book!

And re: email—I believe the ball is in your court, my dear. ;P

Stacy said...


I agree completely about the interpretation of Bella. She missed the mark in Twilight COMPLETELY. I'm hoping that she redeems herself in NM.

Stefani - no, we prolly aren't going to get a confirmation from them (nor should we expect one) or a public make out session, but IMO, it just all adds up.

anna F said...

Mrs R.:

I had not seen things your way, but I guess your complain is sort of valid... Even though I have always chalked it up to the script.

So much is skipped from the book that we don't really discover who Bella is, and neither does Edward. This hopping in the trees was beautiful but took away time to show who Bella is and why she should be this likable/lovable. We don't even see them falling in love, that was my main complain actually: where were their discussions/questions-answers sessions? To me, Bella-edward interactions were important missing pieces.
And likewise, we should have seen scenes of Bella showing her character before they really interact, to explain Edward's interest in her (more than just the smell, and the mind silence).

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Oh, lord: one last thing, before I sign off:

That x17online copy is priceless!!!

I mean, doesn't RP ALWAYS look like he "just rolled out of bed"??

And if Kristen was "hiding behind her sunglasses," exactly how did they determine that she was "looking a little tired"? Did she have feathers in her hair, or something??

*RP would depart in AM on STRETCHER, from bungalow shared with Mrs. R*

Mrs. Robinsane said...

And good night, all! :P

Stacy said...


I completely agree about the script, and that's why I'm giving KS the benefit of the doubt for New Moon. I think its script is way better then Twilight, and CW is a much better director.

showme said...


i thought they'd wait and hold hands in NY or something...


showme said...

Leann, where are you?????


marya said...

im very confused with robs attire last night! is his shirt once again buttoned up wrong?? omg like wth? it seriously worries me that this guy doesnt know how to dress himself!
but its still so adorable...
i volunteer to teach rob how to dress correctly...starting from scratch...if u catch my

oh and about the robsten rumors...ill believe it when i see it...and this pics are showing nothing...sorry
i too want to believe it but...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yup...that looks like her mom in the black hair. What would her mom be doing there if they spent a romantic night together???

I don't know what's really going on between K/R. I really don't get it if they're together. If they are together, I'm sure we'll see them go back and forth between NYC. They both knew these pics were being taken by paps (were looking right at them), so maybe now they'll be more comfortable bringing their relationship more into the open. What they get from being in the open couldn't be worse than what they've been getting up to now. I hope people respect their privacy. Time will tell.

Rob's happiness is important to me and so whatever makes him happy is good enough for me. :) And that's all I'm going to say about this whole thing.

TO Twicat said...

According to another blog, the woman in green is Kristen's mother. Having never seen the woman, I can't confirm or deny.

Are Rob and Kristen together? Not sure, don't care but he is definitely not a happy camper in some of those pictures and the ones at the airport.

Stacy said...


I have to admit, if you haven't read my earlier post, I think you may be right now. I don't know how else to explain it.

I just really hope two things: one, that Rob's not a rebound for MA, cause they obviously haven't been broke up for long, and two, that if R/K have relationship problems, it doesn't effect the movies.

showme said...

i think he's prob pretty happy, bc like stacy said, he's obv wanted this for a long time.

My NM filming "shift" theory now feels very justified.

Stacy said...

No, the woman in the black leather jacket is her mom. She looks like her, and the chick in green is way too young to be KS's mom.

KK - I agree, they had to know they were being photographed, which to me, says a lot ...

showme said...

i agree stacy...i hope those things very very much too

and i can't imagine this is a rebound thing for her. i think she prob broke up with mike to be with him, and that is not something u do lightly, esp in front of the whole world.

she must have wanted it pretty bad too.

Stacy said...


What is your NM filming "shift" theory?

And I'm still amazed that I didn't pic up that Rob's wanted this ... I guess that's what bugs me ... I didn't see all the chemistry, or the fact that he "wanted" her, if he did. I guess I'm a bad judge, lol.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I just googled a pic of Kristen's mom and they look like dead ringers.

Anonymous said...

stacy: yeah we don't expect a confirmation about that, it's all up to them, what they wanna tell other people (who's not family or friends.) Gosh I can imagine how big deal it would be if they would confirm it, it would be on every magazine (and internet to of course), "Rob and Kristens lovestory," and "How the falled in love," and bla bla bla...
And I can understand they don't want shit like that, it takes off the focus from the movie to much.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Stacy - Check you email.

Stacy said...


She may have, altho who knows what there relationship was like. I kind of don't like that she dumped her lt bf to be with Rob, but I guess it could have been something that was building, and I don't know all the details, so I will try not to judge.

Mechevpao said...

Mrs, Robinsane.. you made me laugh so much with your comment!! I agree with you about Kris soooo much, if she had pulled that line better saying thank you.. it would had been more realist.. but then I didn´t care that much at the moment because I was amazed that Rob sort of channeled Edward Cullen in 5 seconds, he went from being he usual fidgeting nervous self to a very controlled and constricted sort of Edward Cullen for the kiss.. at the end at list for him, his expression, it made it funny.

marya said...

oh yeah kristens mom is there...and shes hugging rob and saying...well done kido...i was so sick of that oregano kid...
please give me a break

showme said...

ok, i'll lay it out there just this once.

There was a distinctive 'shift' in R/S 's behavior towards each other about midway thru NM filming. Mike came out in late april, but by mid may, she and rob did EVERYTHING together. Yes, they were with other people but they seemed to always end up together by the end of the night. Add the bday dinner meeting his parents with her brother, the Sam Bradley concert...

i KNEW...I KNEW that that girl's eyes looking at him that night and his smile was something more than friendship. i'd thought it before, but i definitely wasn't sure. After the pics that night i felt confident they were together or about to be.

i recongnized those fuck me eyes as ones i've had before. that's just not something you can hide.

Then it just kept on adding up...the Italy thing...them out together. MA not there...

And Rob's comments since Twilight have been very revealing to me...even tho we know shit flies out of his mouth faster than lightening, when people asked him about having a crush on kristen, and he'd be like, "well, i dunno...uhm, when you're filming you get these feelings."

and i was like, oh boy, that kid has a serious thing for her. which concerned me, bc i was very unsure of her returning his feelings in that way. I felt the way she constantly teased and played with him in their joint interviews hinted at her true feelings, but like you said many times, that proves nothing and i could completely be reading into it

i accepted that might be the case, but the month of May really confirmed it for me.

so, in summary, i think she prob fell for him a long time ago, had very conflicted feelings about it obviously, as anyone would, and they had some time of come to Jesus during the middle of filming NM where he revealed or she revealed or hell, maybe they just couldn't fight it after all those kissing and intimate scenes they did together, and it finally happened.

and i'm very glad for him that it did. bc i felt he wanted it before he even met her. he had a crush on her after seeing her in Into the Wild, for heaven's sake. then obv her personality just did it for him.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi mechav! Hi Stacy! Hi all! I'm popping back in for a bit after all. :)

marya said...

seriously people...stop speculating...

CullenGal09 said...

Mrs. R.-if you read this-your comments are a riot! You are a mess, girl! LOL Feathers in the hair indeed.....;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Marya!!! ((waves))

showme said...

hi cullen gal..

and marya...i only did that just once so i could fully explain the NM 'shift' theory i had....

i've no need to speculate anymore.

CullenGal09 said...

What's up guys? All the Rob/Kris action last night stirring up the pot? ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hey ShoMe. Your theories are interesting...speculating is another thing. Everybody chill. Only they know for sure. It's cool. They look greeat together in any case. Awesome chemistry.

showme said...

more like the 'morning after' pics CG...

seems they spent the night together.

CullenGal09 said...

Who's on tonight? Everybody bail again?!? Man-my timing is too crappy. ;p

CullenGal09 said...

Oh-hey Sho! Morning after?!?! What pics?!?!

CullenGal09 said...

I admit-I am a tad intrigued. He left for NYC pretty early today though, I thought?!?

CullenGal09 said...

Where are these alleged pics at? What site?

showme said...

Read up CG

Mechevpao said...

Hi CullenGal!!
Hi every one

I just saw those pics at x17.. WOW
I´m not going to add any comment to it, lets see what happens

CullenGal09 said...

I haven't seen them yet-missed those. You know i'd be trippin' on that if i had seen them! ;)

showme said...

more here
with kristen's mom (we think)

marya said...

showme- but where does mike fit in all this? we dont know theyre not together anymore...just because he didnt show up to the awards doesnt mean theyre not still going out...hes an actor too maybe he had other things to do...who knows

i stand by what wise gozde said once...
i dont care who he shags as long as its not me...:)

oh and hey cullengal!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Mechav!!! ((waves)) Will check them out. Things that make you say hmmmmmmm.....;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Marya! I like Goz's motto on that too-but these pics are sure top spark the rumor mill-no getting around it.

CullenGal09 said...

I think it's great if they are actually-who cares? They look good together, seem to genuinely care for each other very much, have much in common, etc, so how would this be bad thing?!?

showme said...

no hide nor hair of mike in months marya...

if kris wanted to dispel rumors, mike would have been there last nite. if it had been me and my boyfriend's rep and our relationship were on the line, no matter what he was doing, he would have flown back for the nite.

just my feelings.

CullenGal09 said...

Specualting is not good though-0i admit. It's their lives-let them live them. They're just there to entertain us, after all. They're just people like us.

showme said...

i'm just super super happy for rob, bc i want him to have what he wants.

CullenGal09 said...

Sho-i have to say, that's a good point. Having Oregano there would've done much to quash said rumors that have been floating for some time now. Conversely, his not being there surely didn't help.

marya said...

but why would they spark anything??
if there was indeed a "brief" kiss how come no one photographed it?
there are 69 pictures or so in that site and not one shows k and r me thats just plain proof that all this is big BS!

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-i understand. It would be nice-but that's up to them. Again, it's their lives. Let them have them in peace, i say.

Anonymous said...

showme: wow you're really rooting for R/K?!:) very analyzing there:P but yeah, u can tell that their attraction is to strong to just be friends, and with all the make out sessions for the movie they've done, who can blame them for falling for each other?! and spending so much time together also, must have maked the feelings just stronger and stronger.
It probably took long for Kristen to admit her feelings for him, because she was together with Michael, but now when he's gone they've maybe took it to the next level, who knows... But yeah just friends or not, I just hope they are happy:)

CullenGal09 said...

Marya-perhaps-but only they know the truth. That's the whole point. Again, who cares?!? LET THEM BE AND LIVE THEIR LIVES!!! :)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Stef! Well put. My sentiments exactly.

showme said...

looks like stephenie meyer is just as excited as we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"June 1, 2009

Thank you, everybody who voted at the MTV Movie Awards! It was awesome to see Twilight get so much love. Congratulations to Catherine and Rob and Kristen and all of the cast and everyone at Summit and everybody on the crew! You all did an amazing job and you deserve your popcorn!

Twilight fans are the best!


P.S. You got to see a little taste of New Moon tonight, but I promise you this: when it comes to New Moon, you haven’t seen anything yet! Can November please come faster?"


marya said...

i think kstew doesnt give a shit about rumors nor does rob...and if mike couldnt make it then why would she insist on him going?
im not saying that its impossible for this to be could very well be...i have also noticed mikes absence...but we have no proof and thats why i think its wrong to speculate

CullenGal09 said...

Well-i gotta pop out again for a while. Sorry guys! Hubby's home, can't neglect-real life calls loudly. (sigh)

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-thanks for that! Very cool-from the LADY herself. :)

anna F said...

come on, we will soon see if Rob and Kristen visit each other or if Mike returns to his belle... Mike may not return, and K and R could still not be an item by the way LOL

those pictures were taken in the morning (are we sure of the lcoation, X 17 could lie), before Rob left... but the merry family around, it's a weird note. So I am not casting my vote for sure...

As I said, I would be happy for him if it turns out to be true! The boy needs some sweet loving.

Latebloomer said...

I have to say that I am almost NOT looking forward to NM because I DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM KISS! ARRGH!

They/she never holds her head the right's like they're mashing their faces together from the forehead... down!

I KNOW... I KNOW... Rob is portraying Edward as being careful... he's tortured... holding back... yada yada yada.

But KS never even helps the situation by tilting her face in even the slightest fashion so that Rob can at least lay one (albeit a "controled" chaste kiss) on her good fashion!!!!! HELLOO... is there nothing in the budget for kissing coaches????

Onscreen kissing is tougher than people realize... there is lighting to consider, camera angles... it's not all just locking lips and "going with the flow". There is a technique to doing it right for the camera.

Whoever the lucky girl is gonna be this summer (Remember Me/Untitled Movie)... it will be interesting to see if SHE turns out to be a better on-screen kisser! Based on what I've seen, there's nowhere to go but UP!

marya said...

oh and i also want rob to be happy...thats why i dont care who hes with as long as hes fine with that person
i wish these rumors were true because i feel like they have a good friendship which is always a good place to start and their chemistry is plain obvious...
but i rather wait and see...
my opinion :)

marya said...

anna F.- i agree! :)

Anonymous said...

And if they really wanted the speculation to stop, Kristen would have gone to the show with Michael, or has he so many movies hes working on that he can't take a couple of hours off to support Kristen there?!
Have their reps. ever denied it btw? all this rumors around them, I can't remember...

showme said...


i know it SEEMS that way to you, but i'm not a normal shipper. i've thought about it, alot, yes trying to analyze their actions the past month or so, but it's not about kristen...but rob being happy

and it seeming fitting since they'll be together the better part of the next 2 easy "hollywood" relationship when you're constantly filming and doing press tours together

CullenGal09 said...

I'm back-sort of-in abd out-bear with me! ;)

showme said...

exactly stef, i said that farther up...

ALSO, now IMDB doesn't look so dumb, huh?

Like i said days ago when the dating each other stuff came up on their profiles, maybe IMDB is the Facebook "relationship status" of the celeb world LOL

CullenGal09 said...

You guys are crackin' me up tonight! :) Post show syndrome?!? ;)

showme said...

i have "rob" syndrome in general, i'm pretty sure CG LOL

marya said...

by the way
awesome butt pic...

marya said...

oh!! trailer analysis right now live!! at imrpint!!! :D

Anonymous said...

showme: yeah maybe imdb was right there for a while, now it's gone though. Who change the things there?!

showme said...

stef, there was a debate about the IMDB thing. some said only actors or their management could change it, others said anyone who was contributor or something could do it.

i had no idea, so IMDB held no sway in my feelings one way or another, but i found it very interesting it never got changed. Even after people like TEd C and Perez contacted IMDB to ask about it.

showme said...

oh, so it did change then?

huh...who knows.

Anonymous said...

and yeah they are going to spend alot of time together in the next two years so it better happen something more between them sooner or later. We'll see now if Kristen's going to visit Rob now in NY, I bet we'll see her on a flight to NYC in a couple of weeks:)

showme said...

Me, too, Stef.... :)

Anonymous said...

showme: I've just checked the imdb page, and it's gone on kristens trivia page...
But the most reasonable thing would be that their management would change that kinds of things, because if anyone could do that it would be pretty weird... I though imdb was a serious and respected moviesite, and that they don't post things that's just speculations....

Deftonesgirl said...

I know major photo assumption but really..Im thinking Robsten is here!!

showme said...

yeah, stefani, i always thought IMDB was an authority on stuff. i didn't realize just anyone could change things w/out it being cleared first.

Stacy said...

OK, I'm just gonna say a few more things and then I'm done with the R/K thing.

First, I want Rob to be happy, and if they're together and he's happy, great. I do have my reservations about it ... if K broke up with M, it's only been a month or so, and I don't want Rob to be a rebound. For all we know, M could have broke up with her and she was alone, vulnerable, etc. and turns to Rob, who she knows has a crush on her, etc. I just hope she was really ready for him, because he strikes me as a person who goes all in, and ... I dunno. I think because of her age, and the fact that she had to have recently broken up with MA, I have a bad feeling about this. I'm afraid Rob will get his heart broken, but I guess that's a part of life and that how you grow.

And I really don't want the next movies to be messed up because of their relationship problems.

Anonymous said...

kaileys: yeah I already gave a link to that:P

Deftonesgirl said...

Woops sorry I got so excited I didnt have time to glance above

anna F said...

I understand the issue with the hypothetical "future breakup", but well, let's imagine that they actually really love eachother: should they restrain themselves untill the 4 movies are done to be sure not to mess with them?

I'm neve sure what to think there^^;;;
that's the same problem with TV shows' actors getting together actually. I always hope that they can deal with things and stay professional I guess.

Stacy said...

I know what you're saying. I guess I just have a bad feeling simply because of KStews relationship and how things (look) like they came about.

showme said...

agreed would be absolutely beyond ridiculous for them to hide things, etc, or wait (which obv anyone knows who has been in love that's impossible) til the movies are over

hopefully all will work out well.

anna F said...

well, it's very very late, and my bed is calling me...

It's not as if having the answer is going to change my life, so I'll leave as clueless as yesterday.

goodnight ladies!

Anonymous said...

annaF: No they shouldn't restrain themselves for 4 movies if the really love eath other, I don't think that. But I think they both are really aware of how big is gonna get if they "come out" as a couple, because magazines and all the gossip sites are more interesting in who they are dating than about their work. So the best for them now and for a while forward would be to just keep a low profile I think and see what's happens with their relationsship and if it gets serious they shouln't need to hide it or anything. Costars dating together in real life just get so complicated hehe... Can't be easy for them if they are a couple going through all this.
But Im just hoping they are happy!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi guys-popping in again-so is the jury still out on robsten?!? ;)

Saw the pics byt he way-intreesting for sure-very hot-yet, not 100% conclusive i'm afraid.

CullenGal09 said...

Night Anna-if you read this-;)

CullenGal09 said...

Anyone still on?!? Am i alone again? :(

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Stacy - It was really great to talk to you, babe!!! We'll talk again!!

I personally think it's stupid for them to hide it at this point. They don't need to have a ticker-tape parade, but they could reaveal in in subtle ways. They'll actually gain more privacy that way because then paps wouldn't be stalking them nearly as badly as they are now because everyone would know they are together. Whoever has been orchestrating the "cover-up" or whatever it is has done a lousy job. If this is true, I believe we will have definite confirmation now of a relationship within a few weeks that will end all speculation.

Oh...I wasn't going to say anything else. Sorry.

CullenGal09 said...

My timing strikes again. Man-everyone's a no-show tonight for soem reason. Someone turn on the Pattzsignal!!! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi KK! Good point. Thank you.

Stacy said...


It was great talking to you too, and we def need to talk more:)

And I completely agree with everything you've said. And I think that coming clean at this point might help them avoid some backlash.

CullenGal09 said...


Sam said...

hot damn! i was going to ask if anyone had airport pix yet cause i figured he's be flying out out last night or today!!! woohoo!!!
Thanks to the person who posted this link first! xo

CullenGal09 said...

Hi again Stacy. :)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Sam/Lesa! Hot photos for sure. Things that make you hmmmmm......;)

showme said...

I just wrote the practically EXACT same thing to someone in an email just a second ago, KK....

i was like, at this point, why all the cloak and daggers separate vehicles going to the same places, it's pointless. and their handlers suck at it.

i agree that the paps will back off some and take normal pics when they go out if they act like a normal couple....

CullenGal09 said...

I will be interested to see how things progress from here. It's been a cat and mouse type thing it seems for a while now. So rediculous.

CullenGal09 said...

ShoME! Hi again! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi CullenGal! so what do you belive about all this stuff about R/K?

CullenGal09 said...

Paps need to back off anyway. Like i said. Rediculous. Leave them be for Petes sake!

Sam said...

holy shit! the pic of him looking down-side view... he is fucking beautifuL!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh

CullenGal09 said...

I believe it'll be kind of intresting to see how it plays out, but i think it's best to let them live their lives and just treat them like anyone else. The paps should def do that-but they won't. They're vultures.

CullenGal09 said...

Sam/Lesa-let the jawporn begin! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

He is beautiful in any "position". LOL

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Stef-by the way. Sorry! ;)

Anonymous said...

the paps are not going to leave them though, I can pretty much garantee that. Because so many people are interested in them, they are the IT people right now so the paps is making lots of money of them for sure!

CullenGal09 said...

I think if they are together good, but if not that's ok too.

CullenGal09 said...

Stef-yeah-unfortuantely. Like i said-vultures!

Mechevpao said...

I insist: lets wait and see.. I do think like KK that at this point if they together they should show it, does it mean that it will stop the gossip and stalking... no! if it is confirmed, then will come rumor of cheating and break ups and pregnancy and engagement and uff.. so many rumors..
If it is just a friendship or if they are really an item, they weren´t hiding too much, we´ve seen pics of them in Vancouver and Italy hanging out, and it is the same as here, they are not 100% conclusive to confirm or deny anything, so we will see.

CullenGal09 said...

I hope all this mess doesn't make rob rethink things-that has been my fear all along since this madness with Twi started. He seems to be handling it well-and better all the time sometimes, but i still see him being very uncomfortable with it all.

CullenGal09 said...

Mechav-hello! Well put.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said... we will have to deal with the "Trouble in Paradies" rumors. Now they will be analyzed for whether or not they are unhappy or fighting in pics or whether or not they are cheating on each other. Can they ever win???

CullenGal09 said...

Let nature take its course, i say.

Sam said...

poor kid- even the peeps in the wayyyyyy far back background are all staring towards him...

and whats up with the weather in LA? I noticed that no matter what time of year it is alot of peeps in LA have a jacket on or at least with them..( I know he uses the hoodie for hiding, but still- isn't it too hot for that?)... anyone know about LA weather?

CullenGal09 said...

Kk-LOL-i think it's premature to worry about that, but you're probably right.

showme said...

rob is not an idiot. he'll make more money of these last 3 movies than most actors make in ten years....u know his people negotiated CRAZY box office return deals, bc there isn't a woman who would go see that movie if rob got out now. he's got serious power.

after these movies, he'll be able to do whatever the heck he wants for a decade, and never worry about money.

Anonymous said...

the celebrity world can look so glamourous on the surface, but when u become this popular like these two have, they definitely get to see the ugly side of the celebrity culture. So many speculations and rumors here and there and constantly supervised of the outside world. I hope they don't loose their minds completely in the end...

CullenGal09 said...

Sam/LEsa-i agree! Was thinking the same thing, LA in late May with a hoodie? WTH? Even if it is "Hoodie Woobie"-LOL

showme said...

LOL KK... you're totally right and i promise, i WON'T be joining in those rumors....

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-very true.

Stef-i agree 100%.

Stacy said...

Cullengal - Hi!

I agree about the trouble in paradise rumors, especially with him being in NYC. I give a couple of weeks before the first rumors start.

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-LOL-glad to hear it! :)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay, ladies. Have fun tonight! I'm off to write another chapter! See ya!:)

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-LOL-glad to hear it! :)

Mechevpao said...

KK: no! they can never win!! that is how things work, thy just have to live their life with out taking notice people are looking at them analyzing everthing

CullenGal09 said...

BYE KK!!! You lovely lurker you. ;)

Hi Stacy-i hear you.

CullenGal09 said...

Mechav-say it, girl.

CullenGal09 said...

They need to give them a break-seriously!

CullenGal09 said...

Go back to Brangelina or some shite.

CullenGal09 said...

Robsten is gonna get tired real fast.

showme said...

Night KK....

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