OK! Magazine Cover

As Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart took the stage to accept the prize for Best Kiss at the May 31 MTV Movie Awards, the apparent hormonal combustion ignited Universal City’s Gibson Amphitheatre and flew out over the airwaves to 5.3 million viewers worldwide.

Ditching his chewing gum, the smoldering Robert braced himself for a steamy smooch with his onscreen paramour; Kristen stood hands on hips, seemingly daring him on. They drew closer, and Rob’s lips parted, while the erotic heat built to an unbearable pitch. Then, at the last second, “Bella the Reluctant Virgin” demurred and pulled away, leaving “Edward the Conflicted Vampire” ... dangling.

“Thank you sooo much,” Stewart told the audience, sounding every bit the 19-year-old from L.A.

Were all those feverish pheromones for real, or were the onscreen lovers merely doing their best to create a romantic Hollywood illusion? Rumors have been rampant that the introverted, guitar-playing Rob, a 23-year-old Brit who is arguably filmdom’s foremost fantasy, has been nursing an unrequited passion for his leading lady, who has been dating actor Michael Angarano, 21, for five years.

“Robert and Kristen spent a lot of time alone together when they filmed the first
Twilight movie — they’d stay up most of the night talking, laughing, playing
music,” a friend of Stewart tells OK!. “Although [Robert] knew Kristen had a boyfriend, he made no secret of the fact that he was crazy about her.”

Clearly, there is a mutual attraction.

“Kristen and Robert hit it off the minute they were introduced,” Kristen's friend says. “When they auditioned together for the first time [back in 2007], sparks flew. The
problem is, she’s torn between her onscreen and off-screen loves.”

Michael, for his part, has had enough of the scuttlebutt. “A lot of guys would not
be as understanding as Michael has been the friend. “But one thing Michael is not
quite as understanding of is all the gossip about her and Pattinson.”


Anonymous said...

come on.

TwiHartRK said...

Yes, Dani, they MUST be. Look at that picture - GAH! How did she not slip him the tongue through those part lips...

I know Rob would have chemistry with a lawn chair but I realize over the last few days that I would not be disappointed if KStew was the one to give him some satisfaction, in that, um, area, uh arena...the romantic one.

MADEinPARIS said...

BS........ Another "make money" cover......... LOL

Sam said...

if Ok says it, well, then... ok....hahah Love the label you put on the bottom

Jedspard said...

WOW. They must be desperate for material. did they even watch the show? wtf.

keti said...

honestly, I do think they have something going...
she mimics his every move, she also plays with hair alot, see
her acceptance speech at MTV movie awards.
I use too say no way .... But now I'm thinking Hell Yeah
Is KS still with her boyfriend? I heard they split!!

RobLover said...

Oh, puh-lease! I mean, I love R and K as much as the next person (although I'm not convinced), but this is total crap. I like how they always use pictures that are totally out of context like people will think they were "candid" shots or something. I guess those that aren't Robsessed and don't follow their every move could believe these for true pics. Not that I would be opposed to seeing these...if they were real. I think I'd superimpose my head over Kristen's...and dream. Ahhhhh.....

keti said...

Rob lover, I hear you... I had the same comment last week, but I honestly think behind close doors they have it hard for one another. F*ck who wouldnt LOOK AT HIM : )

TwiHartRK said...

Well we should respect what they've said - that they aren't dating. That KStew has a boyfriend...hmmm anyone seen Oregano lately...

RobLover said...

Keti, I hear ya! The man is B-E-A-U-tiful! I hate to speculate, but I agree with you about their feelings for one another. Not sure why I care, but I think most people like to fantasize that it could be for real. The sexual tension is way there anyway. It would definitely make for one helluva love story.

keti said...

Yeah Where is Oregano "Out of sight, out of mind" lol lol
Ok so they aren't dating, but I think they have exchanged some sort of
sexual relations - off screen.

Anonymous said...

hell i think they got some action going on. she does seem to mimic him and even lean his way (unconsciously?)when they are standing together and i've never seen anyone look so damn interested when the other is talking. interviews. she's always looking up at him. and what about those pics outside that hotel yesterday? her and rob at his SUV and her hair looked like she'd been f'd 12 ways in 12 hours...hmmm..i wonder....

keti said...

Hey Rob lover, The Sexual Tension is there. You can see it.
Say what you like - Behind close doors is another story.
Give me there text messages .... I don't think they would be
very clean and professional : )

TwiHartRK said...

Rob admits to a crush on KStew when he first met her - it's hard to imagine him pining away for someone. Plus we see him as lonely and a bit isolated right now. That along with the amazing chemistry they OBVIOUSLY have makes me happy at the thought of him being with her. What kind of shitstorm would this be for him to start a relationship in? Poor guy.

RobLover said...

Ya know...it's sort of weird that there are never any pics of Kristen or Oregano on line. You see Rob everywhere (and for good reason) but you'd think they'd be following K and M too. If nothing else than to prove that they're not together right now. Who knows, but I never see their pics splashed all over the net.

keti said...

exactly my point, see stares at him with such interest when he speaks, most definitely unconsciously!! last week I would
of said no way, but after the MTV movie awards I'm starting too think differently ....

keti said...

I'm thinking, give it some more time.... I think he is secretly in love with her ( or she knows )
ha Is he Jacob in real life lol lol he does say he always goes for the girls he cant have...

Unknown said...

OMG I knew it was true! OK Mag is so reliable.



keti said...

We need to start reading between the lines...

keti said...

Brad and Angie said no at the beginning Denied all rumours ... now they have 1000 kids together

RobLover said...

Oh, what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall in that hotel room, airplane, trailer on set, cab, etc. Anywhere they are really. All I know is that if they really truly are together, they're the best ever at hiding it. It would have to be difficult though. Everyone has an opinion and to start a realtioship with that kind of scrutiny would be so unbearable. You'd have to have major balls and feelings to withstand that kind of pressure. Cheers to them if it's for real.

keti said...

I'm with you Rob lover, If they are hiding it they have their reasons too.
The media can be very cruel, and definitely don't leave Rob
alone, Watching her at the movie awards really made me re-think their
** A fly on the wall would be great.... ha ha if only

AnnaD said...

I still call bull on this. And really...so what if it's true? It's their life, and if they want to be together, who am I say it's right or wrong? And the same goes if they don't want to be together. Just my opinion.

RobLover said...

I get what you're sayin' Anna. I just wish there was some sort of conclusion to stop our curious minds from wondering of the endless possibilities. If they were seen holding hands...or even making out with someone else, at least it would stop the questions...a little. Either way, at least we'd know something. It's not like they owe it to the public, but COME ON. Inquiring minds want to know. = )

Anonymous said...

I'm so confused. I don't know what to think anymore. How could one person be with someone for 4 years and breakup or whatever. Turn their feelings off and be with someone else? That's what Kristen is doing. I guess. I heard by my BFF that they weren't together anymore, K and M. I'm not sure. I haven't read anything or seen pics. Hell, a month ago there were pics of them in Vancouver together. Sometimes I really believe they are close, good friends. I have had best friends that were guys in school. Why can't they be friends without all the rumors. If they are an item, I don't understand why they don't come out and say it. They may be private, but they do owe it to their friends. Don't you think? Rob said in Cannes, he is single and doesn't have the time for a girlfriend. He isn't settled. So now what? The pics from the hotel is unsettleing to me. Why were they there, her mom, why was she there? Everyone wants them together, because they are Edward and Bella. They feel because they are in love on screen they must be together off screen. Haven't anyone had a friend, doesn't matter if they are the opposite sex, but that you really cared about, and ADORED? That doesn't mean your sleeping with them. Kristen may be pretty when she is all fixed up and she may be cool and laid back and yeah, her and Rob may have a lot in common, but she is so unemotional. She couldn't even make herself cry in the part where Edward left Bella in the woods.. She is stiff and just weird sometimes. Of course Rob knows a side of her and vice versa that we don't..And what's up with Nikki? Haven't seen her around. She lives in LA and didn't come to the awards with the rest of the cast? What's up with that. Does anyone think that she had feelings for Rob and he didn't return them and she is upset with Kristen because they maybe an item and Kristen dumps Micheal? Why would Rob and Kristen get together now? After shooting 2 movies together why now? I don't know if I want them together or not. If it doesn't work out, the movies could suffer....

keti said...

Everyone has their opinion, no one is saying its right or wrong, we are purely speculating
there relationship and their chemistry. If they are together I will celebrate if not, I will celebrate because I absolutely LOVE Rob and his work, with KS or not!!!

RobLover said...

Wow Kimmie! That's a lot to ponder. Ya know, another thing people don't mention much is that they could also just be friends with benefits. I mean, why does it have to be all or nothing? Maybe they're hooking up, plain and simple. They don't have to be madly in love to be attracted to each other. They're 19 and 23 for goodness sakes! What other celebs their age are in a long-term serious relationship? Not many. While everyone has their opinion, I happen to think that it makes a whole lot of sense for there to be SOMETHING goin' on. It doesn't mean they're getting married, but all signs point to "yes". For K and M...they must have been through so much and changed so much in the past 4 years. It doesn't mean she ditched him, but maybe they've just grown apart or are better off as friends now too. That certainly happened to me at that age. The Nikki thing is beyond weird though. I'm gettin' odd vibes from that situation, especially since she didn't show at the awards. Not sure what to make of that...

keti said...

Kimmie 38...
Reading what you wrote really put a smile on my face, they most definitely can
be friends without all the la di da, its only speculation. Why do people move on
after 10-15 years of marriage - they fall out of love, they change as a person... move on
with their life...
I personally also think KS is a bit of an ice - queen... and RP has alot too offer
plus more. But I honestly do believe he has a massive crush on her, and her him, We don't know her
personally, she might be more relaxed out of the spot light, we do have to remember she
is only 18 years old. I guess the rumours come with Robs honesty , he has admitted to having
a crush on her - an KS saying he can never lie.... So we continue to speculate. Nikky, Michael ...
We will never know I guess...

RobLover said...

Amen Keti. On a sort of related/unrelated side note, it's going to be weird seeing Rob in a romantic role with someone else now. I wonder how the fans will react after seeing his smoldering chemistry with KS. I had never seen any of Rob's movies until Twilight. I also had no idea what Twilight was so I wasn't biased there either. I just happened to see it and love Rob for Rob. I think he's so talented, unique, heartbreakingly gorgeous, squidgy (that's my word for him..I just want to squeeze him). I'll admit that I can't really picture him with another actress after KS. I don't know why that is though because I don't have that issue with other actors. I've thought about it and just can't see it.

keti said...

Hey Rob lover,
My husband doesn't understand my obsession with Rob, and god love my
kids call Rob MY BOYFRIEND lol lol ... I bloody wish ... every part of me wishes
he gets want he wants in life even if it is KS
He is definitely very very talented musically as well.
We will have too hold onto our seats because we will be watching him with
another actress when Untitled "remember me" is released ... I cant wait... Honestly
New moon is killing me .... November cant come quicker

blackbird said...

@ TwiHeart: "Rob would have chemistry with a lawn chair"--I so agree! LOL

Personally, I just don't see their chemistry offscreen as anything but that of good friends. Onscreen, camera angles and lighting and contextual storytelling do a lot to promote intimacy and sexual chemistry where little may exist.

I prefer to picture Rob with a taller, more buxom, more educated and in general more mature woman....someone who is capable of expressing herself coherently in public as well as embodying a sense of grace under fire when needed.

RobLover said...

Keti and Blackbird. You're funny. I agree that I just want him to be happy too. It's funny that we have such strong emotions about this celebrity that we've never...and most like will never meet, see, etc. He just has this...thing...I don't even know what it is, but it draws us to him. Amazing that someone can possess that quality. Shitty luck that it can't be the guy next door that I'd actually have a chance with. Such is life. Kristen is definitely a bit of a social idiot, but it's a little endearing. I think she plays up the awkwardness a bit. I know she's not the typical hollywood type, but she's not as awkward as she tries to be either. You can totally tell. Blackbird, I'm all for seeing him with someone else, but I just can't picture it until it happens.

Anonymous said...

I have thinking about this so much since sunday night. I just don't know what to think. Rob is a gentleman. It's obvious and he said he was and he respects women. He had 2 older sisters remember? So I don't think that he would be with Kristen as a friend and sex too. Hell, who knows. I love him for him and want him to be happy. I have seen all his movies and going to see Little Ashes Friday night. He is a great actor and muscian and incredibly talented. He is a complicated person and very intelligent. Kristen is very intelligent and complicated too. They do have a lot in common. I know he probably has feelings for her and vice versa, but they could still be just friends not wanting to cross that line. Maybe now, that Michael is 'so called' out the picture the are taking it slow to see if will work. Who knows? He'll be gone for 2 months. If we see pics of them in NY, then yeah, I would say Yes. But they are watching their every move very closely. I say if you are, why hide it. Paps are evil, but so are the rumors. Just squash them already and lets move on.

Unknown said...

I just don't really buy the whole Kristen is uncomfortable in the spotlight thing. In some interviews she seems quite articulate and other times she acts like a complete dork. I don't think anyone really can say what she is like.

I really want to like this girl but you have to really scratch the bottom of the barrel to find something likable. She hardly smiles and seems angry all the time since when did surly girls become so cool?

As for the whole Rob and Kristen thing what is the big deal for them to say they are together or not? Be honest for goodness sake. The press can't get any worse. I have noticed that some people here are quite disrespectful to her longtime boyfriend.

The poor guy may not be as goodlooking or famous as Rob but he is a human being and has invested in a relationship for 5 years. There are not many young guys who can say that. I hope that whatever happens that he is treated with respect.

I really wish that Kristen and Rob would get their act together and start acting like adults for a change. Maybe they can take a leaf out of Taylor Lautner's book he seems to be handling things in a really mature way.

Unknown said...

I just don't really buy the whole Kristen is uncomfortable in the spotlight thing. In some interviews she seems quite articulate and other times she acts like a complete dork. I don't think anyone really can say what she is like.

I really want to like this girl but you have to really scratch the bottom of the barrel to find something likable. She hardly smiles and seems angry all the time since when did surly girls become so cool?

As for the whole Rob and Kristen thing what is the big deal for them to say they are together or not? Be honest for goodness sake. The press can't get any worse. I have noticed that some people here are quite disrespectful to her longtime boyfriend.

The poor guy may not be as goodlooking or famous as Rob but he is a human being and has invested in a relationship for 5 years. There are not many young guys who can say that. I hope that whatever happens that he is treated with respect.

I really wish that Kristen and Rob would get their act together and start acting like adults for a change. Maybe they can take a leaf out of Taylor Lautner's book he seems to be handling things in a really mature way.

keti said...

Ha ha .... Rob Lover - I know exactly what your saying ... Rob is taking
over my life, slowly but surly... I do laugh at myself - I guess my life can be a
bit miserable at times and Rob is my escape, Watching his movies, constantly
on his blogs - obsessing over him wearing his beanies & hoddies - LOVE THAT!!
ummm I loved him at Cannes - That week killed my life.. Its funny how a celebrity
can fully take over your life and your train of thought. 4 me Rob doesn't act like
a typically 23 year old - I call him an old soul. What do you think ?? Kimmie he is
defiantly a gentleman, very sweet - his smile brighten my day.

RobLover said...

All right. Goodnight y'all. I gotta get up early for work. Dang job is gettin' in the way of my Rob time. = )

Veronica, no disrespect to Michael. There's just not been much of him as of late to talk about. All I know is that there's one thing I'm sure of..and it's that I'm not sure of anything.

I'm certain that I'm not certain until I see the cold hard facts. I just call 'em as I see 'em, but everyone see's things differently. That's why I like this site. It offers other opinions to those who may not have thought much else.

Keti, I like your thoughts. I'm right there with you all the way.

Noe said...

ha i know better than to read anything from tabloids. but it doesn't stop me from fantasizing about there being a robstew. its hard not to when their chemistry is so palpable.
yet its also pretty hilarious when people criticize kstew so much. she is awkward and young, but if rob (our God of a man) see's something special in her... who are we to question his taste?
cuz i am pretty damn sure he thinks everything around him quite thoroughly. so if he wants some kstew we should accept it and stop with "ice queen" jabs.

have a little faith in our boy :)

keti said...

great talking too ya Rob lover ... go get some sleep, its only 3.57pm here Australia ... Sweet Rob dreams

keti said...

Don't get me wrong Noe, I do love KS - but she does act like a bit of an ice-queen ( sorry ) Very sour when taking pictures with Fans rarely smiles -
give us a little enthusiasm is all we are asking

Noe said...

haha hey keti. i didn't mean you personally. sorry if it came off that way with the quotations. i just get quite protective over my leading lady. and yes it wouldn't be so bad if she smiled every once and a while. i wouldn't have to back her up so much than.

and oh australia?! awesome! i'm from hawaii so it's 8:09 here.

blackbird said...

Nothing against Kristen here, she just seems a little unpolished and sulky (teenage hormones?) in her public persona.

The irony is, I saw her in "Into the Wild" and admired her soulfulness so much that I watched "Twilight" to see her in it. Back then, I didn't know anything about Stephenie Meyer or Robert Pattinson. *Gasp--the blasphemy!

Kristen is also awesome in "The Cake Eaters", totally bringing to life a disabled girl on the brink of womanhood and death.

I just don't think she captured the likeability of Bella's character in Twilight, making it hard to understand from the film why Edward would fall for this fragile human...

WithinMe said...

Luv & agree on yr comment BB,

So far wat I saw in KS (on / off) screen is teen angst and really pushing the envelope. I do feel bad saying that bout her since i dunno her personally but that's how she potray herself

Krystle said...

Sometimes I think there is something between the two: When Rob speaks, Kristen does pay attention... BUT... I've also noticed that she rolls her eyes at him a bit, like she doesn't like what he says/does - one example at the MTV awards when Rob accepts his award, and another in an interview with Rob, Kristen and Stephenie Meyer; Rob says cats don't live long lives and Kristen looks disgusted by the comment after saying she would die without her cat. That's a couple of quite a few moments.

Personally, I think they are just good friends (you can have chemistry and still only be friends - talking from experience).

This fake would-be kiss on the MTV awards was just playing up to the fanatical followers who would love a relationship between the two. It's quite humorous.

Dahlia said...

Whether something is going on or not is their business at the end of the day. What made me laugh was the context in which OK have used these pictures!! They must be desperate for a story!

Treasure_7 said...

All I have to say is that when Rob is any where near Kristen he looks very happy....and I know that he looks happy much of the time, but when he is with her it is different.

wanabRPsmom said...

hi ladies..

as usual enjoyed all your comments/opinions.:)

as for me I really do not want Robert to be attached with any gal right now. He is filming another love story type RM. To think that he is with KS or anyone else kind of kills the 'romantic aura' of the script....imo.

as for KS...am sure she is enjoying RP's attention and company. WHO wouldn't?!?

I do feel bad for Nikki and Michael though. All of a sudden pictures of both just stopped! Where/what happened to them? Very strange...

Anonymous said...

Whatever............trying to sell magazines....making something out of nothing.

Would it be cool to see these two together with all the sparks they throw off? Uh, YEA but for the love of pete, leave this story alone...it's NOT True!! sheesh!

Anonymous said...

I love the way they've used the picture of the two of them kissing in the New Moon scene to suggest that they are an item.
It's all part of the hype machine that's kicking off now to drum up some publicity for New Moon, the build-up to November starts now!
If they do get together or already are I hope it lasts as wouldn't it be awful if they broke up then found their onscreen chemistry was ruined before they finish filming Eclipse and Breaking Dawn! If they want each other maybe they should keep their hands off till Breaking Dawn wraps, so that the sexual tension sizzles super hot in the final two movies!!!

Erin said...

That is so funny...I love how they are using 'scripted' things now...can't actors/actresses just be friends???


Dandy said...

I totally think he is in love with her and she loves to lead him on!

gardenfairy said...

mainly @ kimmie at 12.56 AM but also to all the others:

i still haven't decided yet whether to think if they are together or not. sometimes it looks like it and sometimes it doesn't. i don't like kstew - even though i don't know her - in public she seems often arrogant, insecure, superior combined with shy and snotty. (i liked "ice-queen") a really weird mixture. sometimes she looks at rob like she's glued to his lips and sometimes she has such a dismissive kind of compassion towards him . her humour comes across as offending and even envious (you remember at comic con 2008 when she said "yeah, ah, i got to do the audition with robert pattinson" and shook her head in an arrogant way - imitating fangirl hysteria- that was one of the moments i thought "oh god".)
anyway, long story short: he obviously has more than a crush on her which surely means that he knows and loves her like she truly is. as loads of you all said: they have a lot in common, spent heaps of time together and we just have to trust his ability to judge. if she is what he thinks he needs???!!
better her than any stupid-dumbass-model-starlet-actress-cow who comes along and who has nothing achieved in her life apart from being born with good genes!!
and kimmie you are right: if they are together and should split up again the next films would definately suffer

Mommamary said...

I personally think they are just really close friends. When we see shots of them out at clubs or anywhere, they rarely stand very close, they seem to be doing their own thing and just hanging out. When the group is together, K always is hugged up to Ashley or Nikki and they don't even seem aware of each other.
But in any case, they are probably not going to say much more than they currently have b/c this keeps the interest up for the movies as well. However, in the interviews during the start of NM filming, he was sort of irritated when asked if they were dating and he said, NO, she has a boyfriend and I have no idea how all that talk got started. I think they seem close, but not like that. However, if she did break up with M to date Rob or anyone, that is understandable. Most relationships that start at age 14 or 15 will last a lifetime anyway. That is another reason I doubt R&K are a couple, she was only 17 when they met. She would have been jail bait for him.

gardenfairy said...

a shit i forgot:
if she feels so akward in public why the hell does she always wear these "look-at-my-bare-skin-i-am-nearly-naked" ultra-short-mini-dresses.
these wouldn't make me feel safer either
if i ever see her in one of those dresses again (and yes, i know this will happen quite soon anyhow) i'm sure i'll flip!!

Mommamary said...

Veronica, I agree, it is really difficult to find anything likable about Kristen. She seems pretty unpleasant. She is not really nice in interviews. Even after the awards when they talked to them about the almost-kiss, she snapped I JUST TOLD HIM 'I"M NOT GOING TO KISS YOU.'"
So she is maybe shy and these personal appearances are probably difficult, but they have had a year to adjust to all this. And Rob has it worse b/c he can't even bend over to retrieve his shoes at the airport w/o someone zooming in to get a pic of his butt crack.
I am truly looking forward to seeing him act with someone else. The almost kiss at the awards is the best acting I have seen Kristen do. I want to think of her as a good actress, but she has certainly not impressed me in anything yet. I think Rob does a wonderful job of exhibiting emotions just under the surface. He is fantastic.
But think about it, guys. They are co-workers. Why would that mean they are automatically be lovers in private? We all have worked with guys and been friends and even gone out for drinks and hung out to party, etc, with co-workers w/o any sexual tension. I personally think the chemistry we see betweem them is a strong friendship bond that has formed with all the stress of this movie series and the fact that they are both shy and a bit introverted, so they draw from each others' strengths. They are co-workers. And friends. Probably nothing more.
I bet Rob can have strong chemistry with different actresses b/c he is just that into each role he plays. Seemed like there was just as much chemistry between him and the spanish gay guy in Little Ashes, actually.
I don't hate her, just don't see romance between them. He is funny and silly a LOT and she seems like the kind that would get on her nerves quickly and she would constantly be telling him to stop it.

Ana73 said...

Well i WAS one of those that did not believe that there was anything going on(besides friendship) but...
after seeing pictures of them together the day after the awards show and just the two of them were out to dinner after the awards show (many confirmed that it was just them two). well now i actually believe the gossip i dont think they are a couple but they more than JUST FRIENDS. They could have hung out with the whole cast but they chose just the two of them after the awards and there were pics of them together they next day late morning. if they are, i hope they are having fun and enjoying it :)

rpattzdude said...

wow its fun to read your thoughts and all the rumors hihi
I am confused. I dont know if i believe that they have a thing together beside the whole co-working, friends etc. Or if they are simpely friends and that its nothing more or less then that. How the media make this this big is fantastic in one way and in another so damn scary, because they are just humans, they are like you and me...

i want to believe that friends can go out together without anything or anyone added.

the pic of Kristen i get is getting worth and worth each day that goes... feels like she is sick of this celebrity shit... feels like she changed her mind about Twilight or something like that...

a thought just popped up on my mind, that maybe Robsten are so tired of media that they only see the solution of lying about their feelings, that maybe that is the reason for why they shout out that they only are friends or that Kstew got a boyfriend...

Any other ideas of yours? Like your thoughts. fun how we talk about a guy this intense

I want to say that i agree with many of you... :D Especially all about Rob :P

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