Thanks to for the pictures :)
Italy native Jessica Di Lorenzo had the luck of a lifetime recently and got to meet Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart during one of their leisure times while they were in Italy filming! Jessica writes:
"I had the good fortune to meet Rob and Kris nearby Montepulciano in a restaurant, they are fantastic, Rob is very open and gentle... these are the pictures taken ..."
I think that the starving children in africa look happier than kristen. she is getting on my nerves.
Nice. This is the night where the hot, jawPORN cigarette photo was taken.
C'mon Kristen smile girly!!!
But seriously, I just want to jump on him! Rob just gets better and better! xx
Looking good, as always. I love how he looks like a tall, broody, sexy man...
...oh wait, he is :)
What the hell is wrong with her! I'd be smiling ear to ear all the time knowing I get to make out with him in the movie! Why is she such a pill?
ITA agree about Kristin. I know she's had a lot to deal with, but she just looks pissed most of the time.
This was the night where hot jawporn was taken tho:)
This is so funny! My friend and I had lunch twice last week there. The place was recommended by our hotel (same as Rob's) and when we got there we both realized "ooooh, this is where he came last weekend!"
I love Kristen's bitchface,she does that a lot,though she should smile a lil bit more
Wow! That was one major SCORE! I'm hoping to find him filming Remember Me while I'm in New York at the end of June.....I'll be celebrating my 5th year breast cancer remission status and what a treat meeting Rob would be!!!
Wish me luck!!!
Good luck! And congrats on 5 years cancer free:)
if I'm kristen...I'll be smiling ear to ear! She's with the hottest guy on the planet right now. So what's a lil' smile for the FANS souvenier?
Look- RP no matter what, he does his BEST...reason the guy has so much love from the fans...tweens or post-tweens. :)
ok Kristen- pull that stick out of your ass
See, that's just. I get that she's overwhelmed and all, but she can't be any more overwhelmed then Rob. The screaming and craziness has been more about him ... and yes, people deal with stuff differently ... and I have NO problem with her giving the bitchface to paps, but when it's for a fan ... who basically employs her, then yeah, I don't get it.
Hopefully she was just having a bad day/moment.
my parents in their all lifetime don`t earn as much money as she does in just a couple of months. so she should be a at least gratefull.
Okey she could have smiled a little more maybe. But Kstew isn't one of those girls who has to put on a big fake smile, she's not like that... She maybe was a little tired here just.
hahahahaha oh so everybody noticed Kristens face? huh? fuck she is destroying the pic why why WHY? poor Rob who have to endure her haha
Wow how lucky they are to get to be that close. If it was me I probably would just pass out....and Rob would really think that I was dumb....LOL
Rob left for NY today: The pappz are onto him again..wild. He looks as cool as cucumber, though. I like that.
Lucky girls to have gotten to meet them. Kristen looks tired but pretty as usual.Rob always looks divine.
It was gracious of Rob and Kristen to take the time for a picture. They're both awesome.
at least she took the picture, she could have said no
I'm in my comments mode,
KS cud be projecting the Sophia Laurent type u know take pic in certain angle. For KS maybe she believe she looks awesome with the disinterest/bored/tired angry look.
They were really meet them just in the first day before all the caos and panic...
Rob is very nice and friendly as usual..Kris always the same "fish" face....mah..
no girls, Kristen wanted to do the photo, we asked if he could come and take the photograph, is only posing! .. was nice and available throughout the evening, he also thanked a hundred times together ..... rob, the defend because it is always been very nice jessicacullen89
Girls, be patient with her :-)
I just tried to imagine I would be frinds with someone everybody adores. I guess she is just used to hang around with Rob, there are frinds, it´s normal for her. If it comes to me...I would keep grinning like a Cheshire cat :-)
Thanks for clearing that up, Jessica :-)
guys i was in italy while they where shooting new moon and i had the chance to be one of the extras
so i got to see both off them from really close.
kristen is very kind and she was smiling to us!!!
maybe in the photo she realy had a bad day.on the other hand rob wasnt so nice to us
he didnt even look at us
and i'm thinking the same think maybe thursday (thats the day that i was an extra for the film)wasnt a good day for him...(and we keep reading that he is very kind with fans)
so nobody can really know...
on thing i wanted to ask is
where the photo was taken??
in chachiano therme??
because the backround is kind of familiar
have been shot has chianciano that suits with us is one of the other photo is an enlargement, but I assure you is true .... ke no falsehood ...... if you have any doubt is your own ..... jessica
sorry but i didnt understand you...(my english aren't very good)
it was taken in chianchano??
i think it was there beacause i know robert and the whole cast was staying there and the sign from behind-i know i have seen it again
sorry if i'm wrong....
you were very lucky that you got to speak to them
i wish i could speak to them
cause i only had the chance to see them from really close
sorry you know, I think I misunderstood the comment before, unfortunately they were very controlled in those days is not an excuse left to breathe ....
yes they where very controled
i know
we where told that they where aloud to come to public only for the shooting and twice a day for lunch and dinner....
me and my friends came to chianchiano in monday and we went to their hotel-but noone was there
when did you meet them???
what did you talk about???
I like these pics, Rob looks so open and friendly, like he was genuinely excited to be taking a picture with these girls(lucky girls). And apparently I totally misinterpreted Kristen's look because to me she looked like she was going for sophisticated and just not pulling it off very well.
Look, you could excuse KStew looking bored and bitchy to the paps or once in a blue moon. But it is a constant theme with her and THAT is why people are commenting on it. A little charity work would do that girl a boat load of good. She needs to pull the stick out of her ass - no one has forced her into this line of work. She grew up in the biz. She knows the ropes.
angepsi, rob spoke but I was so taken by him ke are not able to follow very thanked us several times ... that was answering a pleasure ............ and we thanked them .. . robert replied that it was truly a pleasure and we should not thank us ..... sweet ....
I totally agree with you! So many starlets would die to get a piece of work and stardom.
Just to show..when things are handed it's less appreciated. I see Dakota Fanning...what a sweetheart..and the girl is an award winning actress!!
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