Which Twilight Hunk Has the Best Abs?

I have to be fair and say Cam's abs slay me :)

We loved Rob before the abs :)

Edit: Apparently the question is Who has the best Chest. LMAO! Cam's abs made me blind, I see Cam and I think abs. Oh deer...

From People.com:

The heartthrobs of the Twilight series had fan-pires drooling – even when they were wearing long sleeves and hoodies in the chilly Washington setting of the first movie.

But now that Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson and Cam Gigandet have each shown off their toned chests recently, Twilighters are thirsty for more.

Lautner put on 30 lbs. to bulk up for the role of shape shifting werewolf Jacob Black in New Moon. His buff bod was unveiled when the movie's trailer debuted at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday. Pattinson displayed his white hot abs while filming in Italy. And Gigandet has been spotted out showing off his chiseled muscles. (Gigandet does not appear in New Moon, but he won MTV's golden popcorn for best fight scene along with Pattinson for their Twilight face-off.)

You can vote HERE.

Thanks to Coral for the tip :)


annycullen said...

oh damnn rob<3 and taylor (=

Sara said...

Cam's body is insane!
It always boggles me, that man is ripped.
If we're judging chest alone, clearly Cam wins, but if we're thinking of the person it belongs to...well that's a different story ;)

crazy said...

Wow i am totally Robsessed for sure! I STILL think Rob is hotter in EVERY way. Who is Cam? ;)

Lisa said...

I'm sorry but I think Rob's got Cam beat. I like the little bit of chest hair he has going on....

anna F said...

I agree with you Gozde... Cam has the ultimate chest!

Rob was perfect "sans abs", it's like a nice unexpected bonus in his case LOL

averagegirl56 said...



anna F said...

Side note: We need Rob's chest a bit less pale to make a fairer assesment maybe. It is a known fact that tan helps the figure...

averagegirl56 said...

oh and i just wanted to say that i've been visiting this site for a while now and finaly decided to sign up. i love reading all the comments everyone posts so thaks for keeping me entertained!

Sara said...

AG56- I was closet case for a while too!
Trust me, it'll be fun to interact with the conversations now ;)

Sara said...

And just to add, I'm digging Rob's chest/stomach hair. Idk why the teens are scared of it.
Abit of hair on a man is so sexy. Tbh, I think he could do with a bit more at the happy trail though? ;)

Anonymous said...

Do I have to choose?

Um, ok......eeeney meeny miney mo....catch a hottie by the..heehee...toe.....

Rob still wins!

averagegirl56 said...

BELIEVE me, i've wanted to join in for so long, but i was scared that if i joined in, my already unhealthy levels of robsession would only grow.

oh well, i'm already in now so i may as well enjoy the ride!

Sara said...

AG- Haha, there is no such thing as being too Robsessed!

Lizalou said...

Blech. Cam doesn't do it for me at all. Have you seen him interviewed? He's a total dipshit. He's just man-meat.
The lights aren't working in the attic on that guy.

showme said...

i personally think rob's whole torso is WAY hotter bc i love the chest hair...i mean, plus it's rob

showme said...

Labels: Cam and Rob in a manwich would be the best gift ever., Robert Pattinson is a GOD, You are welcome


Lizalou said...

I was perfectly content when Rob looked like string cheese ;p

margot said...

AG welcome :))))))

Yvonne said...

didn't Rob say he looked like string cheese when he ran?....anyway, yeah, has nothing to do with it, the man is perfection, even when he had no muscle definition at all. I like the skninny, pasty white, scruufy Rob...

Yvonne said...

AG....welcome to the club friend....your Robsession will def. grow here...Goz and Dani are the best dealers around...no lack of Robcrack here, it's 24/7 bb.

margot said...

as to this poll - who is cuter ... whatever...

actually it might be an excellent idea if Taycob won some competitions so that large number of teen fans moved (with the NM movie and Eclipse where Taycob's importance will grow it's possible)
because ...
there is too many fanatic fans after Rob. Does it need to be justified that he is the best in everything ? We already know who is the best (as we are Robsessed) , Rob not only doesn't give damn but also is embarassed and a target of papz and hordes of fans. That might paradoxally calm the hype down (and make little puppy-wolf happy)

Mrs. Robinsane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi ladies!

Oh lord, I can't believe I am commenting on this topic....

*Mrs. R dispatching urgent APB—for own dignity*

However! Away I go!

At the risk of sounding blindly loyal and sycophantic (love you, RP!) I must sincerely cast my vote for Rob in all categories torso-related (and sub-torso-related?).

There is an element of over-preening with Taylor's physique...as if we are seeing, too overtly, the potentially narcissistic hours spent laboring at the weights. (I know—blame Summit.)

And Cam, at least in this photo, has a sort of disturbingly raw quality to his skin...like an extremely detailed (and veiny) Ken doll, violently undressed....

But Rob.

Oh, Rob. Manly, faintly hairy Rob!

(Side note: the sepia-tinted versions of these photos enhance his...um...scratchable...friction-reducing...indicative of sexual maturity...chest and belly hair even more.)

Oh, my lovely sailor man...my RPopeye!

*APB not working*

Sara said...

Margot, you are a genius.

margot said...

I know but ...why ?? roftl

Lizalou said...


Did you get my msgs on twitter? On how to see if someone responded to your tweets??

margot said...

but srsly I do think so

the fewer wins the better for Rob

the producers in Hollywood know already about his potential of drawing ppl so making money,

then he will (I hope) prove that he can move from Twilight (whatever this film is) some adult - for the lack of better expr. and sorry for this - movies,

he doesn't like winning those silly contests and even doesn't care, and also he doesn't need it for anything

he needs his life and interesting roles

Lizalou said...

Mrs. R.: d'accord!!!!!!!!!!

MandyW said...

Hi Ladies

Rob wins for me hands down, there wasn't even a contest.I loved Rob before we saw what he had under the plain gray t-shirts. BUt as soon as I saw RomeRob OMG.

margot said...

I think I love Tie Guy best, GQ, the one in white Tee and almost beard, vulnerable face plus similar in suit ... is it GQ ?

Anonymous said...

Cam is reminding me of Steve McQueen lately...
Nice, but, I feel nothing when I look at him.

Rob. Nuff said.

Shani said...

Cam is rockin them abs like....

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Cam is truly "ripped." Rob is toned and then contoured with makeup. My preference? ROB, of course!

I'm all for brain over bod.

Ms. Bonderson said...

It's Rob all the way for me... I like a little hair on the chest. :)

Aitch said...

They are both gorgeous men. But I am in love-lust with Rob!

Babs said...

I liked Rob before the abs so they are like icing on the cake for me. Cam's chest is gorgeous but his pecs look bigger than my boobs :) so my vote goes to Rob. And I like some hair too.

My opinion is biased though :)

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