Angry Robert Pattinson on the Hot Tin Roof

Maybe it's the vodka I've been drinking but that's an extremely SEXY, angry look isn't it?

Source: SplashNewsOnline, check 'em out for more :)



Redgie said...

Completely sober and completely sexy! Thanks Gozde!

Anonymous said...

OH SNAP!! oh my!! can i get a full size cardboard cut out of that GOZDE??? i know how talented you are...with all the photoshopping and all....!!!

Cherry said...

Blame it on the ah ah ah ah alcohol LOL. Like Redgie said, I'm sober and Robert still looks sexy.

Kate said...

Same here I'm completely sober and he's looking sexy to me too Goz!!

Yvonne said...

Holy shit.

lostinphilly said...

Well, I've been Rum-ming it today myself (blame the inner pirate in me, oh, and the Irish drinking gene)and I agree with you Goz, that is one hell of a SEXY angry look from Rob!!Think of the angry sex you could have with him (oops-I shouldn't have said that, sorry)Goz, you are THE BEST EVER for giving us all these gorgeous Rob pics, thanks.And the pirate in me says, Arr-rrr, thanks!!!!!

margot said...

I think I'm going to stop saving all those pics... like right now ...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He can be angry at me, I don't mind cuz then we can kiss & make up!!

Sexy beyond words....

Dahlia said...

Sober.... sexy! Although I don't think it is possible for him not to be!

Anonymous said...

Margot - you MUST save hot angry Rob, how can you NOT?

YOU MUST!! i demand it! LMAO!

Carys said...

wow. they BETTER have posters of Rob in Remember Me! so i can add to the 7 i already have of Rob =P

Suz said...

Prolly Paps on neighboring roof tops annoying the fuck out of him.

Hate the paps

Love the Paps...

Love RobertFuckingPattinson.

AngryAnnoyedRob = S E X

Noe said...

nope it's not the vodka cuz i haven't drank a day in my life and that pic of him is SEXY!!!! woah robert take a breather with looking that fine.

LDB said...

No vodka for me, our friendship ended years ago, lol. Is Rob supposed to be looking angry here? He looks a bit sad to me. But SEXY? Hell, yeah!

I've been so busy lately, I'm sure I've missed tons of pics and vids. However, just wanted to say I sincerely appreciate everything you post here. I check it out as much as I can.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO@SUZ!!! too true!!!

hate paps/love paps/love pissed off Rob!

Chris said...

Wellll..he looks a *wee* bit pissed. I bet his ears are, click.. and I wonder if all those lens aimed at him are unnerving? Sometimes, random thoughts of *the people's princess* comes to mind...

hey, I'm SELFISH..cheers 4 pics

Tenneil said...



Paps are crazy... heart in overload

Suz~ my Mortal beloved...meloveyoulongtime...

lulusfolie said...

mmmm his pecs look amazing in that tshirt... YUMMY!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

God, we're gonna die when this movie is done...

don't think we'll get this much love from Eclipse....

Haystackhair said...

um what was the question? THUD

captain said...

Angry Rob with a guitar. It's a good thing.

Treasure_7 said...

He looks good as always angry or not.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Uuhhh, he looks good on that roof. Yeap! For sure a super sexy angry look. And man! You look yummi in that purple t-shirt ~ those arms will be so good all around me...

Stacy said...

At this rate we are going to see the whole movie being filmed. I really hope Summit's publicity strategy doesn't backfire on them.

Thanks for the pics!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Do you guys know if he plays guitar in this movie?

monika said...

soon we'll be getting less and less pics when they start filming interior scenes,unless Summit allows paps inside too.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Is that a guitar he's holding???!!! Ooooh!

Rob, I need you to make me laugh and pull me out of my depression over Michael Jackson's death...

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Hey Sophia! Hi Stacy!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hey, Chicago! How are you doing? Depressed over MJ´s death, uhg? I remember "dancing" thriller when I was THIS little...

Stacy said...

Hi Chicago!
Yeah, I am very saddened by MJ. One of my earliest clear memories is the year he won all those grammy's and moonwalked. I remember watching it with my brother ...

Still can't believe it.

monika said...


Chicago girl now in LA said...

Thanks for responding Sophia and Stacy~

You know, being in LA, the nightly news now is 90% MJ (and 10% that California is nearly bankrupt). They are talking about a large, public memorial service at the Staple Center. I'm seriously thinking about it. All of his songs keep playing in my head, even when I'm sleeping and there are soooo many. He grew up in pretty much a suburb of Chicago. I also had an abusive father so I know exactly where he was coming from on that front. We always sang his songs right from the beginning. In many ways, it is much worse than losing a relative because he gave so much more over a very long period of time. DAMN!

Maybe Rob could comfort me by singing "I'll Be There,"......

Chicago girl now in LA said...

P.S. What the heck happened to KK and all of those posters????

Stacy said...

Hi again Chicago:)

I heard about the public memorial. I think you should go, if it's something that you can do. Sounds like his music really touched you, not to mention his personal troubles.

He was such an icon, despite everything, and it's just very sad. I feel for his mother, and kids. My brother was killed 4 years ago, and I have seen first hand what his mom is going thru mother is a huge MJ fan, and she bawled when she found out, not just because of him, but because she instantly related it to losing my brother. Sigh ... and his poor kids. They are really going to be in the middle of it now.

KK has been really busy, and a lot of the other girls go on chat at night, just because its easier.

lostinphilly said...

Okay, so let's get this straight. For the past few days we've seen Rob with his hands:
- in his hair
- on his hips
- in his pockets
- on a bike
- on a guitar
- on his ciggies and lighter
- on a coke can
- on a water bottle
- on cups with beverages in them
- on his sunglasses
- on his "cheat sheet" paper
- on dunkin donuts coffee cup
- AND last, but not least, IN HIS MOUTH!!!
Now, I ask you, where can he possibly put his hands that's different from all the other days than ON THE PRIZE, girls???????If we ever get to see that, we are all dead!!First-class package delivery!!!!!
Yeah, I've lost it.......

rpgirl27 said...

so I was looking thru my fanfic updates
(yeah, don't ask how many I'm reading)
and it seems that robsessed and our commentary on the whole nyc- fan-riot-crazy-bitches-who-dare-put-their-hands-on-Rob-episode
has now been immortalized in fanfic
...ummm it is kind of Robporn so no minors!!!
*Do not judge me on my reading material* LOL-okay judge me....

kespax said...

Oh my heavens this film will kill me - rob playing guitar, yummy is he singing??? and cute kid on mushroom.

Kat said...

Oh Yum.

Rose said...

Good Grief...

Tess said...

I just find it incredibly sexy to see him with a guitar!

Chicago girl now in LA said...


I'm soooo, soooo very sorry for you and your mom about your brother. It is always harder for the survivors. I think the thing about Michael is not just his talent, but over time, his vulnerability and openess. I feel bad that so many people just looked at the surface and didn't make the effort to understand.

Shoot...gotta go...

Anonymous said...

My DH walked up behind me and exclaimed; "Are YOU still saving those Bmps and converting them into Jpegs of Rob Pattinson?!" I said.."Yup!"...he sighed and said.."Ok, you REALLY need a life, and I think that's what I'll do tomorrow, go out and find you one! Maybe if I put 10% down and take out a 20 year installment plan I can swing it!"

Damn but he's sarcastic!

captain said...

Funny! I have similar conversations with my DH regarding my Robsession except his sarcasm isn't nearly as creative as your DH's.

Stacy said...

Thank you ... it is something that gets easier with time but never goes away.

And I agree with you about MJ. He was very misunderstood, and it's all a tragic waste.

WithinMe said...

@ Stacy - sorry to hear bout yr loss but "time does heal all wounds" eventhough its a cliche' but it never really goes away though does it? Just lessen the memory a bit.

Georgie said...

What a feast!! To add to Lostinphilly's list of Rob with his hands:

Can he get any hotter??!!

Anonymous said...

Bring back stoli shirt!
Down with ugly purple shirt!
Better yet,
Take it off!
Take it off!
yeah, I'm talking to Rob even though
he won't be reached. ='(

Team Stoli Shirt Rob!
Team ShirtlessRob!

Anonymous said...

*reluctantly tears eyes away from pic*
After a lengthy observation, Rob looks more irritated an angry I think.

Anonymous said...

Ah... can't wait for 'Remember Me'.

Anonymous said...

Yes he does look very p'd off here doesn't he? Can't say I blame him...poor Rob. Maybe he's just heard about the latest anecdotes from his Aunt Diana in Life & Style magazine. Would love to be a fly on the wall at the next Pattinson family get together.....crikey.

Babs said...

Is he cutting back on the coke for some healthy evian water?
I wonder what his daily intake of caffeine is.

Anonymous said...

I'd be pissed too if people were up in my grill 24/7....damn sexy beast!

Laura said...

He looks angry alright. Also sexy as hell!

It's gonna be tough when the volume of new photos we get every day starts to taper off.

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