DVR alert: Robert Pattinson repeat on Ellen Degeneres

If you missed Rob's appearance on Ellen the first time you can catch it again on Wednesday July 15th. Check your local listings for time and channel :)



Anna said...

Yep... that's when I fell in love with Rob. He is DEADLY in that interview.

Lorna Gay Lopez said...

Love the shots of his mum and dad...

Christy P said...

His laugh is so sweet - love it. And everything else as well.

xoRobxo said...

I adore Rob in this interview. When he walks out, my heart skips a beat. From the sexspender pants to when he says to Ellen in his sexy accent" Is that the sign for the cougars?" To getting to see his Mom and Dad and sisters to his cute little story about his windshield wipers.

I have this on tape and I think I have literally watched it 50 times. I agree with LB~he is deadly in this interview. Oozes sexiness and charm- but when doesn't he??

RPnKSaddict said...

This is one of Rob's most swoonworthy interviews he's just so adorkable.

Haystackhair said...

yes, this one made me fall head over heels. He is so adorable. I love Ellen. "I think you're wrong." LOL

Anonymous said...

...aaaahhhhh! i love this one. it was on my dvr forever before the bratty kids got ahold of the remote. i do still have the mtv movie awards and his leno appearance :)

Anonymous said...

This is also one of my favorite interview of all times lol. He handled himself well in this one. I love the pout when he said "that's good" lol. aaahhhh I love him

Marna said...

He gave permission to grab him? That explains a lot LOL. This is a great interview.

Shani said...

Oh but it gets better with the Q&A behind the scenes.

If there is a problem go to Ellen's site.

Elena said...

This interview and the Tyra Banks interview are what started my obsession.
"the little wipey thingies..."
Ugh. I can't get enough of him.

bbonin said...

Done! I just tivo'ed the interview and am looking forward to see it tomorrow! Whoo hoo! :D

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