"Experts" Weigh in on The Robsten Kitten Rumor

My bitchin' blogger friend "The Moon is down" at Letters to Twilight gathered a panel of obsessed freaks experts on the subject of all things Twilight, Kristen and pregnancy. And since I am one of those obsessed freaks I was in the panel :)

I turn now to my panel of highly esteemed journalists, Robsten followers, snarky commenters and legal experts for their reactions… Let’s play Hardball!

First up from the always on top of it Rob Pattinson site “Robsessed” we have the lovely Gozde. What is your opinion of the news that Kristen might be pregnant with Rob’s love child?

Gozde: Rob can impregnate with a stare, true story, but for this time I say ‘What a Load of Crap’

Moon: As proof Gozde has brought along this lovely picture below to help prove her point. Can we get that on the screen now? (look below) *sees rob* Uh… yea I’m gonna have to say you might be right… I feel my ovaries spontaneously ovulating… NEXT expert! Quickly!!

Kristin: *interupting* “I would also like to mention that after seeing pictures of Rob and Ruby (his pint sized costar for Remember Me) together, my uterus spontaneously impregnated itself, so if there is a babymama, It’s me, spelled with an IN. Just in case you were all wondering…”

Moon: Well, I guess we’ve proven your point Gozde, maybe a Kristen IS pregnant from his stares, it just might be OUR KristIN, instead.

Check out the rest of the "indepth analysis" based on complete snark at Letters to Twilight :)


Lorna Gay Lopez said...

Oh, I haven't seen those unzipped pics before... Interesting...

Anna said...

lorna - and by "interesting", you mean "what a load of crap"?


pat said...

I can relate to the impregnation thing... but I don't think kristen is pregnant. Also, they say that now he is dating his co star in Remember Me... does he falls for ALL his co stars?

RPnKSaddict said...

I read somewhere that Kristen had just eaten a grape.lol the pants are tight leather.. c'mon even a thin person will have a bit of spillage.

Remember when they had to pour Olivia Newton John into her leather pants for Grease? Yeah I'm that old.

RPnKSaddict said...

PS I love Letters to Rob, they are fantabulous over there.

wanabRPsmom said...

Gozde and Dani:

You have the BEST HQ pictures!!

Though your site freezes my computer most of the time I'm logged....I still LOVE you. ;)

Thank you for catering to my R-ob-- session ...:)))

Anna said...

"Also, they say that now he is dating his co star in Remember Me... does he falls for ALL his co stars?"

==> YES. In fact, you should believe everything 'they' say, because all the rumours are true. He is gay and a man-whore. He never showers and sleeps with ALL his co-stars (Daniel Radcliffe, I'm looking at you). He got kristen, nikki and emilie pregnant, and proceeded to dump them all for his one true love Tom Sturridge.

Any more questions?

Haystackhair said...

LMAO. I love you guys.

Anonymous said...

mmmm it's nice seeing that pic of him online, but i got the real deal in hard copy and nothing does it justice. rob in print is beautiful.

anna F said...

Thank you to this panel of experts to have solved the mystery... (Did they actually?)
You should mail this to some more respectable gossip rag so that it gets printed and cleans Rob's name!

phosphorus said...

@ LittleBear: Well, he is genuinely a sweet dude, as Jamie Campbell Bower said. ;-)
And amazing in bed, as we all believe.

anna F said...

Hi LB,

you are such a romantic, helping us keeping faith in Rob's true destiny: ROBSTU!

Kate said...

LOL Love this Goz! Also love the tag at the end! I'm sure you and Rob would make beautiful babies!!

Anna said...

I know anna, I know... me and my avatar are just doing what we can to keep the dream alive :)

Sara620 said...

OMG this is too funny! I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and last may I found out i'm pregnant,, so i go tell my parents and i'm like 'i'm pregnant' and my mom goes 'really, whose is is' and me being my sarcastic self go 'Rob pattinsons' then my mom get really exited and then she's like,, 'but you've never met him, and I go ' no, but i was impregnated by his stare !!! haha omg i'm like freaking out here, this is too freaking hilarious xd

phosphorus said...

Perhaps the baby will even have his "father's" looks, brains and character. :-)

However, congrats, Sara!

Anonymous said...

ah! LOVE it! We are the bestest panelists (in field reporting would be REALLY FUN with this particular news story, LOL) ever!

babbles said...

LOL... Goz as far as I am concerned you are an expert LOL... and your word is gold LMAO!
Love You xoxoxoxoxo

baby pooches and just ate lunch bulge are extrememly different, especially when on a stick figure like Kristen... no baby happenin in that belly...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rob has been a busy boy to have all these affairs between all the films...but Rob can do anything, so I guess anything's possible!!

That was too funny-thanks Goz!!

Anonymous said...

My clothes spontaneously fall off when Rob lays those stares on me so getting preggars from the stares isn't too far fetched!!!

snarl....RrrOooAaaRrr...oops! 'cuse me...my inner cougar slipped out!

PoetryParlour said...

I think you fret too much about tabloids.

Pet73 said...

This is so much fun to read ;)! Thank you Goz!

Mother After God's Own Heart said...

Job well done experts! The hilarity is beyond words, I am speechless (rhetorically speaking of course). Cant wait for the next Hardball :D

Shani said...

I read it the day she posted it. Always with great insight and she brings the funny.

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