Robert Pattinson Bloody, Bruised and Oh SO Pretty

From yesterday 07/16/2009:

Thanks to Lion and Lamb Love for the pics and Melainii for the tip :)


Thanks to as usual. I selected the ones below there are more of Rob "walking and standing" :) You can check 'em out at the source if you'd like :)

And here is another fan video:


Georgie said...

Oh goodness, these look more severe than the previous takes they did (assuming it was for the same scene).

Anonymous said...

My goodness that must've been one heck of a battering....poor Rob - sorry- Tyler!

Hello, I Love You! said...

Georgie - I was asking myself the samething...Was he not bloody enogh the first time around?

Haystackhair said...

oh wow. OUCH. but YUM.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap. Why are those so hot????? WTF is wrong with me?!?!

Dahlia said...

Oh my god!!! Their make-up artist is damn good! It actually looks painful!

WinWin said...

Is it wrong to find bloody Rob hot as hell? It's so sexy and manly. Quite frankly if he was picking his nose, I would think it was sexy. He has us all under a spell. : )

Anonymous said...

Wow.....great make up.

Wonder if it's due to an ass beating or being hit by a car on his bicycle....

Can;t wait to see the movie!!

Georgie said...

I have to keep telling myself it's not real, otherwise my heart would break....which by all accounts it will when I watch the movie anyway!
And yes I agree ladies, he is still hot!!

wanabRPsmom said...

Same here, can he be bloodier than the previous scenes? Did he get beat up again?

Just have to vent:
Am so JEALOUS with ALL the fans that had pictures taken with Rob!!:(

WinWin said...

That last one can surely impregnate any female within 10 miles. Thud!!!

Kate said...

OMG all that blood!
Gosh the make-up artists are doing a great job!

Treasure_7 said...

I thought it was cute how he spoke to the fans that were after him. They were behaving sensible which makes me happy for all of us RPatz fans.

Moychy said...

omg, make up is really good ... he looks so...beaten up...our poor boy ;)

Doreen said...

Oh! It pains me to look at him like that! I just want to take care of him.....Make him all better.

Unknown said...

Good grief. What they heck are they doing to his character? Putting him through a human sized blender? x3

WinWin said...

Quick rant, why is Taycob in Interview magazine. I want a Rob Interview mag cover so bad along with a Details magazine one. : (

anna F said...

the look of his bruises really hint at R rating for the movie... they look so real too~
I agree that they whould hire the make up artist for the twilight saga, mabe Rob would finelly end up looking totally dazzling as Edward (I'm not a fan of the Edward look untill now).

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Does he have a sore throat? Mama in me is showing....although, I really don't want to "mother" him..

showme said...

HOT DAMN That candid getting in the car....

enjoykim said...

@ annaF
I know,it´s too much lipgloss...
But I just can repeat and say:
Bloody Rob is damn hot!!It looks so manly and rough and ROAHR :-) - basic instinct´s calling...

riddleinside said...

love the way he keeps the script always with him. It's his porte-bonheur!!! (lucky charm? this word in English sounds childish to me for some reason)
Anyway, I love Rob and the blue script!actually I wish I were that blue script, Rob seems handling it in all ways possible ;)

Mommamary said...

Man oh man, the other guy in that fight must be dead! And how can Rob still look so HOT when he is all bloodied up. That man can't escape the hot factor. He defines it! WOW!

Cindeeloo said...

I can't help but think of the LUCKY makeup artist who was able to bloody up those BEAUTIFUL POUTY LIPS!!!!! Gaaahh.

I have a Band-aid Robbie!

Unknown said...

Anyone else notice that Rob has very unusual ears???

Shani said...

That make up artist is damn good. It looks so real and scary. Love it.
Rob in getting into the car pic was hot.

I feel a bit bad for Tate that no one ever acknowledges him. Well,I'm sure he doesn't want to be recognized seeing how the fans go crazy over Rob. But he is one of the main characters. Being the BFF of Tyler.

spellbound said...

Lovin' the forearm porn! God I just love his arms & hands.

Marna said...

I can't beleive how realistic the makeup is, that's really amazing, but I'm wondering why he's more bloody too. I kind of know what happens, so I don't why it wasn't enough before.

Sara Tavares said...

I loved the tatoo!

maha said...

he looks so awesome in pictures number 5-6

thanks for the pictures

Tess said...

Ouch!!!!! Did they redo the scene?? The contrast between the blood effect and the white T is shocking...

Diane said...

Riddle- thanks for proving again that everything sounds better in French! And I empathize with you script envy. That thing looks like it's been f**ked six ways from Sunday.

Aleigh said...

OMG! all that fake blood made my heart stop. I wanna make sure he is perfectly fine and has injuries, even if they are fake. TOO MUCH STRAIN!

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