More New HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson On "Water For Elephants" Set (3rd June)

More New HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson On "Water For Elephants" Set (3rd June)


Click and Click again for HQ

Source TwilightItalianMoms


Anonymous said...

FIRST ! So I get the job of the one that gets to touch his hair! LOL...

LovesJasper said...

the girlie bits are ALL RILED UP!

Angie said...

Damn it sissidelyon, I wanted to fluff his hair!

Oh well...guess I will have to fluff something else...

tedgirl said...

Noticed Rob's gorgeous smile towards the lady for looking after his hair.

What a lovely young man !!!!!!!

Loisada said...

Oh frickety, fruck, frack....
come to mama baby!
He's got me blubbering again!

(Do you think she takes care to never wash that hand when she leaves the set?! And please ADM, don't start talking about the fluffer's job and Rob, this early in the morning!)

Haystackhair said...

GAH!! Damn him for being so gorgeous.Is it wrong I'm jealous of that lady? And she is one tall lady! I guess she feels the need to fluff between every line Rob says. Hell, I'd go for a fluff and grab. LOL

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

@siss - Can I be your assistant? It looks like its more than a one woman job. Someone has to step in once you pass out (after I knock you out of the way.LOL). I volunteer.

nikola6 said...

Well when you guys are through fluffing his hair or...whatever. Will ya send him on over to makeup?
'Cause that's the job I want. And I'm gonna cheat. I'm gonna apply it all over dat body in loooooong, even strokes.

C'mere baby. Dis won't tickle.

Oh yes it will **she purrs**

Ana73 said...

First, I LOVE these pics !!!

but i kind of feel like we are invading his work. i am grateful for all of the pics and i love looking at all of them but with seeing so many i kind of feel a little intrusive. i know i may get negative feedback but i dont know...
ok i will shut up now.

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

Nik - you have the make up but I have the sun screen! That goes on first!

HeneciaD said...

@sissi heartthepretty and nik girls I want to the durt woman

nikola6 said...

No Ana...

Don't shut up about it. God knows I've wailed on about it. It's a conundrum. We want to see what's going on, but by doing so, the papps are intruding on his work. And I dunno. Maybe he's getting better at handling it. He doesn't look as stressed as he did in NY last summer. Although...that was a friggin' nightmare.

The other day I suggested this...

They know that the papps are not gonna give up 'cause he's the hottest ticket on the internet at the moment and they can't stop 'em because they're on public land. So what if at the end of the shooting week, the studio released a handful of top quality shots from throughout the week.

Would that then put the skids on the jackals because they might have difficulity peddling their inferior shots because they'd have to compete with sanctioned 'quality' shots? Or...would the fans download the papp ones anyway?

Or maybe the studio could say...we'll give you guys some good ones, but if the downloads for the papp shots continue, we'll stop giving them to you and you can just have inferior shots from the papps.

I think this could work and if so, then it wouldn't feel invasive looking at them. 'Cause they'd be sanctioned.

Just an idea. 'Cause these bastards are not gonna go away unless you beat them at their own game.

Kathy S said...

That's one tall lady!

And one very hot man!

Deelight said...

He always smiles at the person who is tending to him. He never looks down at them. To me he looks as though he treats them equally to a cast member or a director. He looks happy to be involved in the project/film.

He impresses me with his smile, it looks genuine.

Kathy S said...

Nik, I'm with you. Official shots would put the kibosh on the pap shots for sure!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

For the love of all that is holy this man will be the death of me..


angie-k said...

OMG!! Playing catch up after too much time in NRW...

at a loss for words...



Becky said...

screw being a nurse. i'm going back to school to be a make up artist.

second, how in the hell are we supposed to handle hard working blue collar rob? so help me, if we get a picture of him with one of those barrels thrown over his shoulder in the wife beater, my 3 kids are gonna need a new mama.

nikola6 said...

Okay. I've changed my mind. Woman's perogitive, you know.

I want clean up at the end of the day (and no, I don't mean Rosie's clean up).

I wanna get him into a tub and scrub him within an inch of his life. I'll get the sunscreen, the makeup and the durt off of him. Then I'll towel him off and then get something else all over him...


I'll even forgo a salary. Hell. I'll pay the studio for the privledge. However, I will require my daily perdium. Well. Gotta eat.
Gonna need my strength. Oh what the hell. They can keep the perdium too. I'll just chow down at catering.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

That is so true...he's so respectful and thoughtful...and always there with a smile..

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

Nik - LMAO!! For a chance to be on the set, I think I would even be willing to sun screen Rosie!

nikola6 said...


Ask any actor who the most important people on a set are? It ain't the directors, it ain't the producers and it ain't their co-stars.

It's hair, makeup and wardrobe. They are the one who make them look
like movie stars.

I'm not kidding. Ask any actor.

nikola6 said...

And a really smart actor will never
show disrespect to the lighting director or the cinematographer.

'Cause they're gonna take what hair, makeup and costumes have done and turn those actors into dreams.

Oh yes. There is a hierarchy on a film set. And the people who make the actors LOOK good, are at the top of the food far as the actors are concerned.

The smart ones anyway.

jmm4832 said...

I want to remove the shirt and hug that gorgeous newly buff body!

HeneciaD said...

@nik you are right than I just want to be the one who helps him to wear I would probably be like 'I didnt like this pls take it off' LOL

nikola6 said...

But please don't misconstrue. I wasn't suggesting that Rob was kissing up to a hair dresser just so that she'd make him look good.

From all accounts, he is lovely on a film set. Treating everyone with the manners he was raised with.

nikola6 said...

In fact, you know who knows most of an actor's secrets on a film set? Makeup and hair. Oh yeah. A very intimate relationship can build there. And no, I don't mean a sexual one (although that does go on too. more than a few actors have gotten romantically involved with a makeup artist).

You know how we get to know (and talk candidly with) the people who do our hair and nails and whatnot?
Same thing here.

Yup. My dad always said...if you wanna know who's sleeping with who on a movie set, go ask hair and makeup. They know. They know EVERYTHING!!! LOL!

angie-k said...

♪♪♫ Heaven, I'm in heaven..♫♪♫

Ana73 said...

becky - my stepdaughter just got her cosmetology license and she is moving back to LA (that's where we are originally from)and she is hoping to got to a makeup artist school in hollywood. she has already researched it and that's the best one.
i told her that my dream is that one day she is going to call me and tell me that she is working on robert pattinson and then i would fly down and be her apprentice LOL. and of course she rolled her eyes at me...

bevo said...

Haircut = HOT!

Robs Bitch said...

Has anyone in the history of humankind had his hair touched as much as Rob? Between him touching it himself every second and all the attention it gets on sets and photoshoots, I'd imagine he'd easily win that world record!

And I want to be part of this historically significant phenomenon, damn it...

woms said...


Lynn said...

God the pictures from WFE just get better and better. I can't wait to see this movie, Rob is perfect as Jacob.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO Becky!

Woms, are you alive sweetie?

Anonymous said...

I just want to run my fingers through his hair...

Great pics, and I love the ones where he is in a red vest. I didn't expect to see so many pics today! Yay for the lovely Robert pics. I can't wait for WFE!

nikola6 said...

LMAO at woms...

No words. Just a flatline.

I mean, I've seen it before around here, but it just cracked me up.

Ain't it the truth?

Devil. Angel. Some kind of alien/human hybrid. Whatever it is...

It's gonna kill us all.

nikola6 said...


Did you get my last e-mail? I know.
I'm so long winded and horribly rude that I'm guessing when you look in your in box and see that I've replied, you probably think...

'Oh shit. not another one. Doesn't that psycho know that I've got a life?'

Well. It's just that I posed a question to you and I was wondering...yes or no. That's all you gotta say.

Yes. or No. Do you wanna? 'Cause I will.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO! If it's the question I think you asked....I would love to...if you think it's worth it!

nikola6 said...

For you darlin'...Anything!

I'll do it.

Anonymous said...

I am *DED* from all the Robowski pics...he is just getting hawter and hawter! OH-MY!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

hehehee, I'll get my ninja outfit ready!

Anonymous said...

Correction about my vest statement in my above post *blushes*, it's not a red vest, but a brown vest. A reddish brown vest, and Robert looks eddible in it.

nikola6 said...


I was thinking...nuns! Who would accost a couple of nuns?

If were not careful, this could turn into an episode of Lucy and Ethel?

Remember when they stole John Wayne's footprints from Graumann's?

Maybe we could get the elephant. Hold her for hostage or somethin.g I dunnol.


nikola6 said...

I can
can't even fucking typey.


brijjiann said...

It may be lethal to stare at him so much but I'll take that chance!

MsTaurus14 said...

Dirty dusty Rob....I don't care...he's got a cute smile for the smiley tall lady touching his hair...if I were her that would make my day right there...sharing a smile. I'm really liking his hair this way, I think it enhances those beautiful features he has. I can't wait for this movie. I know it's probably intrusive on the papz part, but I'm guilty, I love seeing these pics, as long as they're not obnoxiously in his face, like for RM.

Meeno said...

did you that pic with a female crew was fixing his hair??? He looks like a little boy, so still and being good while his hair is being fixed! He is soooo cute in these pictures.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

ROTFLMFAO Nik!!!! OMG, Yes I remember than episode....


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ohh, maybe we could get his feet in cement, then he couldn't run!!

Becky said...

no wait, i got it. we want the picture of him pouring that bucket of water over his head. uh huh. i'll join woms on the flatline.

Ana76...i'd have to think about disowning my daughter a little bit if i got the eye roll about rob. i mean, he's hot, yeah. but the whole personality is completely win and just makes him that much better. his mama did a good job.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Good gawd, we're gonna get arrested, I just know it!!!

Apotamkin said...

why does this woman look like his mother and he looks like a little boy in that pic. Is it Clair?

nikola6 said...

Well. I've come up with something else but were gonna have to rent a moving van.

Animal Control.

We'll just march up there and start barking orders...


"You there cutie. Whadda you do around here?"

"Uh. Well. I'm the star of the picture."

"Good for you. You got anything to do with this elephant? Does it listen to you?"

"Uh. Well. Yeah. Were quite close actually."

"Great. Get you ass in the truck. C'mon RPG...he's in the truck. Let's get the friggin' hell outta here."

Although...I think that cement idea could work too.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love the way you're little criminal mind works there soon!

Oh, and get the crops & floggers ready...heheeee...

LM said...

Rob is generous and gracious. I love the way his whole entire face lights up when he smiles.

** eavesdropping (again) ** Nik & RPG you guys are going to need one hefty bail bond fund. Have you set it up yet? Not many days left until Robstock II.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

IKR Laurie? We made need to add bank robbery to our MO for bail $$(just kidding FBI)

nikola6 said...

Well Laurie...

I'm always looking for a good Ethel to my Lucy and I think I may have found a partner in crime in RPG. Although come to think of it, with my 'all talk no walk' I'm probably more Ethel than I am Lucy. Hmmm...

Yanno. Whenever I think I'm getting too deep into this fangirly thing, I always think of Lucy trying to meet movie stars. Remember when she lit that fake nose on fire in front of William Holden? God, that was funny. So maybe if I approach it like a caper, then I might not have a heart attack.

'Cause ooooh...I loves me a caper.

That's it. That's it. Were going up there dressed as Lucy and Ethel.

It's perfect!!!

Lucy and Ethel with Animal Control.

Well. I say if you're gonna land your ass in jail, you wanna do it up big enough that you end up plastered all over the evening news.

And Lucy and Ethel and Rob and Rosie (hey. that sounds like a movie...a very weird movie) with Animal Control...oughta do it.

nikola6 said...


RL a callin'

Dontcha just hate that?


Yeah. Me too.

Laters baby...

LM said...

I can see it now--
Traffic was at a standstill today as a runaway elephant was spotted on the freeway carrying Rob Pattinson and two unidentified women clinging to him and the elephant. Pappz going wild taking pictures with telephoto lenses caught this amazing sight. The women were later arrested. Pattinson, who is filming Water for Elephants, said it was one of the best experiences of his life. The elephant was not injured in the escapade. Pattinson, who is always gracious, has refused to press charges.

Anonymous said...

Robert Thomas you are so HOT! Even more than that you hold inside pure and natural qualities, like kindness and humility.
No wonder you have us all at your feet!!!!!! I am spellbound!

Noe said...

i was too busy looking at rob but after i stopped ogling him, i noticed that lady is f%&k tall!!! she has flats and is the same height as him. holy molly! lucky tall amazon!!!

Jane said...

Loved the thread today. Lots of funny and interesting comments with everyone on the same wave length. Just loved it.

nikola6 said...

OMG Laurie...

I'm dying here LMFAO!!!

That's exactly how it would play out, huh? And he would think it was one of the best experiences of his life 'cause he's such a little wierdo and well...that just wouldn't be something you'd see everyday, would it?

Thank you for the laugh. I wanna stay and play, but I gotta get busy.

Loisada said...

Another movie title that comes to mind is Sammy and Rosie Get Laid! Tho of course this time we'd tweek it to :

Rob and Rosie Get Waylaid....

(aka RPG and Nikkie Try to Get Laid!)

LM said...

Loisada --

Choking on my milk & cookies here... all the chocolate is gone. I'm probably high as a kite. Loved your title(s).

BellaMarie247 said...

@Laurie..holy shit, I laughed like Lucy when I read your caper news.

Also, when asked about his relationship with Rosie, RP grinned a crooked smile and said: "We're just friends."

LM said...


"Just friends," I like that, really like that.

jc(britlover) said...

I'm SO screwed!!!


LOL @ your dialogue! Good times!!

Kimmie said...

@ nikola and rpg- even though you guys are talking among yourselves, we can figure what you two have planned to do. Lol.

All the possibilities with an elephant, Robert and you guys trying to get close to rob is funny.

Ripley said...

He does look like a little boy getting his hair fluffed. He is so adorable.

BellaMarie247 said...

look how cute he is just standing there with his arms down at his side, looking sweetly at the lady doing his hair, like a good boy that he is.

i want to mess up that hair, dammit, and then i want him to mess up my hair, and then....well, you know.

i'm over the edge...really, not kiddin' over the f'n edge and sliding down into the abyss.

Oh & I'll definitely chip in for some bail $$ if you guys get close enough to him to need it.
Just give us all the durt 'cause we'll be anxiously awaiting details!

BellaMarie247 said...

what do you suppose she said to him while she was doing that?
"Hmmm, let's just give this a little fluff here, and a tug there."


Petra Eller said...

Oh my God. Rob, please give us a break. This is unbearable.
Sorry Rob,
I look at these paparazzi photos. But I can not help it. They are so wonderful. I am hopelessly lost. Even if I do not want. I can not help it.
Every single photo is so beautiful.
Thank you.

nikola6 said...

I got so much to do today ('cause I'm runnin' away for the weekend), but I just had to check back in and see if RPG and I had landed in the pokey yet.

And Loisada...
Your movie titles had me on the floor. In fact, I'm typing from the floor (much like Angie this morning). Hey. Did check out that other thread (oh Nik. stop being so specific. well. i can't remember names of I'm running down the freeway on the back of an elephant). But anyway, we took a vote (okay. I took a vote) and you have been elected as the new weathergirl for northern Ventura County. More specifically, the WFE set. There's a heatwave a coming and we (okay. that would be me again), were curious as to just how hot dat boy can actually get.

As for me and RPG and Rob and Rosie...
Were just being idiots (uh...okay. once again, that would be me).

I'll bet we could pull it off though. heh heh

Est said...

buuff i'm very lost with so many comments...he's gorgeous!!!

Est said...

ok, i have a big doubt and i need you to answer me

i'm on another blog chatting with latin girls and one of them has told me rob had a facebook, but someone hacked it. I've told her i don't think he was really Rob, someone could impersonated him.

Please, IS THAT TRUE??? answer me i'm discussing rith now!!!

garay1989 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I am seriously laughing my ass off!!!!

Oh my god, will you handle our press when we get caught??

You forgot to add that both women were panting uncontrollably and chanting Robowski, Robowski!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I'm rolling on the floor now.....

ROBsessed89_MIAwithROB said...

There just aren't enough words to describe these****thud***

Nik and RPG

OMFG you guys are masterminds you girls totally created the perfect pland lol....even though i will be seeing you in the news soon...ahaha hope all goes well ahahaha ROFLMArseO =)

Gosh the things THIS MAN women DO :P

idk why it did it above with my name ahahah oh well (=

jlsentangledweb said...

count me in for bail money!

damn, that man! How in blazes can he be cute as mama's boy and hot at the same time?!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

work day is done...bbl

MsTaurus14 said...

Nik, Laurie RPG, you guys are just to funny LOL, of course I come to this site for our beloved boy, but the "entertainment" is priceless. And I'd love to see a movie with your "Lucy and Ethel", Rosie, and Rob, always wanted to see Rob in a good comedy, that would be it right there!!!!

jc(britlover) said...

The plan that's been hatched is so freaking hilarious..I almost wish it WOULD happen. I keep picturing Laurie's scenario!! bwahahahah!


Loisada said...

Nik: weather girl I can handle.... always wanted to poke that stick around on a big screen!

So... today is only around 70-80 ℉ but it feels hotter because it's muggy. The kind of skies that can fool you an really burn. I'm thinking that even slathered in sunscreen Rob's going to be getting pretty brown. (He does look like he'd burn, but I remember a premiere where he was very tanned.... anyone got a pic?)

Hope they're not filming this weekend because it's going to be a scorcher. Have to be outside all Saturday and will be wearing a big ole hat!

LM said...

OK, RPG & Nik (when you come back),

I think to make this really work you may have to dress up as clowns. Didn't Lucy and Ethel wear some sort of crazy stuff when they did one of their capers? Then when you do get arrested you can plead--"but we're Robsessed, we're Robsessed." And Rob will be laughing his head off. He would definitely think the whole thing funny as long as he didn't recall the wheelbarrow and melted butter incident in New York during the red carpet event for Remember Me and connect the dots. But then he is a guy with a quirky sense of humor, he might just like it anyway. And if you are clever you might get your way with him while he is laughing.

RPG --

Yeah, I handle the press and include the Robowski stuff. Maybe even make a vid to put on YouTube or pass it along to Biel. She makes the best.

But you know to do this, I'll need a WHOLE LOT more chocolate. Let's see, bail bond fund + chocolate allowance. It's going to add up fast.

Petra Eller said...

I never thought that this short haircut can make me so crazy. But he's just screaming for it. "Touch me at the neck." Rob you want it, right? With your hair . You are the first man in the world who can kill us with your hair ! That is incredible.

LM said...


I know. Have you ever rubbed a little boy's head just after he's had a buzz cut? Oooooooh, I think Rob's neck must feel like that with this new haircut.

Ana73 said...

ok just checking in real quick...

there are MORE pics of "jacob" doing manual labor on the twifans site. rob looks so freaking hot.

Anonymous said...

Great blog - if you like this check this oine out

Rob Pattison: More dating Bull - Snooki advice - and Rob's head!

shirleegirl said...

He certainly is looking beautiful and beefed up. You can tell by his chest and his butt is back - he had totally lost it! Love Rob as Jacob J

jc(britlover) said...

OK, Laurie...just thinking about rubbing Rob's head is making me crazy! (crazier is more like it).

I'd be happy to have a part in the Rosie escapade w/Lucy and Ethel. I'd even be Fred if I could tag along.


LM said...


It's going to take quite a few of us and maybe a ladder to get Rob and RPG & Nik up there on Rosie. I'm sure any and all help would be appreciated. It might even turn out to be as funny or funnier than watching them tear down the freeway.

OK, RL is crowding in. I've got company coming for dinner and am outta here. bbl, maybe.

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

wow just when we thought Bel Ami would kill us all he goes and gets all sexy in durty 30's clothes. OMG why does he do this to us???
Ana--can i be your assistant? to your neice--i'll be very quiet and just watch--can i please touch his jaw and his hair just once tho??

angie-k said...

Laurie - as a member of the original NY Robstock team, I can say without a doubt that Rob thoroughly enjoyed his ride in the buttery wheelbarrow...



p.s. I think CullenLover would agree with me!

Ana73 said...

wens - but of course :) it's my stepdaughter not my niece.

she's the artist, i'm the apprentice and you could be the assistant...Perfect :))'s so nice to dream...

Ana73 said...

OT - did anyone notice the FF style has changed...i kind of like it better cut the words are bigger. i sound real old cuz i need the letters bigger LOL.

BellaMarie247 said...

you must check out this video on YouTube. I wish I knew how to give you the link but it's called:

Robert Pattinson - Lost In You

posted by lostimortal2

the song and the pictures will send you all over the edge of the slippery precipice we all cling to...
Most AMAZING Rob video to date! Even Biel was blown away.

angie-k said...

BellaMarie - Here's the link. I've seen it. It is BEAUTIFUL!!

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

awesome ana--i'll even be the brush holder if i can touch and smell him--i'll be sneaky about the smelling tho don't worry-don't want us to get fired on the first day LOL

BellaMarie247 said...

angie, you rock! thanks so much.

go girls, we're not kidding. you won't get over it for hours!

tulpen said...

Sweet Mother Of God.

Robowski will be the Death of me.

Can't wait for this movie.

lallieb said...

Loved the thread, especially Nik's scenario about being Animal Control Officers...that would be ingenious to capture him. Like an episode from "Punk'd" If only you could pull that off!

@Laurie, YES, I would sneak up behind my little brother and rub the back of his little buzzed head cause it was just so nice and soft. He hated it!!

nikola6 said...

You guys...

There's another video by this Natalia that YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE!
And maybe some of you have. It's called "Have Mercy" and it was on this blog I don't know how long ago, but it only got 10 responses and I figured for whatever reason it just got buried quickly.

I don't know how to post a link or even download a video. Don't laugh.
It's not nice to laugh at technotards. But I loved this video so much, that I just saved the page it was on in my favorites. I said...stop laughing.

Go look at this video. It captures his screwball personality better than any video I've ever seen AND it's hot as hell as well.

And this new one "Lost In You"...
Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you Natalia. Very talented.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


We gotta be really covert on our was almost arrested trying to sneak on the set!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Go read my blog....last nights post...and I responded to both your emails!!!!

OMFG on is happy OMFG, one is is a pissed the mofo off OMFG!!!

nikola6 said...

I just went and posted on your blog about this unhappy situation with Kristen. And as soon as I post this, I'll go check the e-mail. And I went and checked that link and all I gotta say is...

They're gonna have to catch us first. Ha Ha

Sorry. I can't muster any funny at the moment. I just found out that Coach Wooden died tonight. I have loved and admired him since I was a kid. What a truly great man he was. A personal hero. I was having the best time today playing on this thread and just like that...the day turned. Life is funny that way.

Night guys. Thanks for the fun today.

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

@ BellaMarie - thanks for the recommendation. Loved it!

@Nik - here is the link to the video you talked about:
Talk about hand and jaw porn, oh my!

Loved them both, Natalia!

I am looking forward to the further adventures of Nik, RPG, Rob and Rosie! Just don't end up on the local news. LOL! I think the nun ploy also stands a good chance. Good luck! Where can we send contributions for the bail fund. LOL

Noe said...

hello ladies what i'm about to say is absolutely random and if you could just entertain me for a sec i have something that my apparently guttered mind heard while hearing this song...

okay ff to 1:26 and guess at what i may have heard while listening? hahaha idk what's wrong with me but if someone can supply me with the actual lyric so i may take my mind out of the gutter.

because all i hear is "you can f*%k me"


Anonymous said...

The utube Rob videos are going to be the ruin of me. Shots of Rob With really good music, the perfect combination. My favs are 'sexy' and 'wondrous place' both by petitbiel. I play them everyday they are like an enormous fix. I love the way she zooms in. Oh help got to watch them againn now........

Petra Eller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tedgirl said...

@ AngieK & BellaMarie

Thank you for the link. I've watched it nearly 10 times.......

An undeniably handsome specimen of a man with youth, exuberance,graciousness and refined manners. !!!!!!!!! accompanied by a beautiful, soulful background music.

Never tire watching this >>>.

Barbara said...

@ Noe ~ Certainly sounds like what you said you thought you heard.

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