Normal Fan Encounter at Remember Me Set

We all know that MOST Robert Pattinson fans are normal (almost normal:)) that they respect his personal space, that they don't look under bathroom stalls, that even though we call him God a lot, they know he is a normal person who is just doing his job and we all know that they hang out at ROBsessed all day ;)

We adore him, we like looking at him, we LOVE watching his movies, interviews and we support him.

There are fans like the fans that our Trixie reported from NYC yesterday or the fan that was at the same bar as Rob and didn't even take a picture or the fan that bumped into him at NYU yesterday (from

Brayndi wrote about her fan encounter with Rob yesterday:
I totally agree with all the comments made about the lack of respect that was shown to Rob yesterday while filming. I am an NYU student and I was there before I had to go to one of my classes, and the pandemonium was even more intense that the pictures or video make it out to be. I am a fan of Rob myself, but I understand that he is WORKING and isn't some circus side show for people to oogle at. I stayed behind the barricades and watched from where the producers told us to. But some of those girls, and I did see the "girls" that made it into the video, were relentless. Every time that he was minutely unprotected they rushed him to try and get autographs and pictures. It was disgusting.

When it was time for me to go to class I walked into the building where most of NYU's classrooms are and just happened to see Rob standing by the elevators apparently trying to escape the craziness outside. (They were also using the building for other movie purposes as well) I approached him very nicely and ASKED him if I could take a picture with him and he was more than nice. He asked me if I went to school at NYU and told him I was actually on my way to class. I commented on the hysteria outside and he laughed. So I hope that I was able to show him that not all fans are as batsh-t crazy as the ones that were mobbing him.
Thanks to Brayndi and TwiCrackAddict :)

And thanks to everyone that sent me the link to this ;)


Corinna Spencer said...

yay-normal fans, we are out there and clearly Sir Pattz can spot them and is happy to chat and have pics taken.

He is a dude :)

Emmes said...

Thanks totally made up for the skank fans outside!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks for posting such a nice normal Rob encounter. What happened yesterday was so scary and out of line, it's nice to know he's not completely afraid of all of us now!

Loisada said...

It looks the pounds are melting away by the day. Stress or too much work? Somebody needs to head NY way with some home cooked food for our boy. Want to take in the care package Win Win?!

TheCheshireCat said...

Yay Brayndi! I'm glad you showed Rob that not all of us are crazy people (well not crazy to the extent of the hystaria going on outside!). I'm glad Rob can spot us non-crazy people and will chat and take pics. Such a sweety!

Kate said...

Yes and thank God the normal real fans outweigh the crazy ones!!!

Chicago girl now in LA said...


Noe said...

three cheers to the normal fans. *air high fives across the board*

thank God for this girl and her post. further shows that we are normal people with a big infatuation on a normal guy who is just so happens to be God's gift to women.

Gemgirl65 said...

Brayndi, I heart you almost as much as I heart Rob! It's good to hear he could laugh about the madness that was going on. Hopefully nice, normal fans like this balance things out, as much as that is possible.

Anonymous said...

Good Job Brayndi! He seems like such a nice and normal guy(and your remarks reinforce that) and it would be dreadful if some crazy fans ruin it for him and make him go nuts!
Thanks for the normal and nice way to meet such a neat guy!

Anonymous said...

Wow Rob so blends in with the undergrad look. The plaid, the backpack. I *heart*

He looks more convincing as an NYU student than the girl next to him. Lol.

After all the chaotic batsh*t crazies that literally went after Rob, it's nice to see some one who ACTUALLY appreciates him by treating him like a HUMAN BEING. Meaning, with a little thing called R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Go NYU girl!

Anonymous said...

I mean, Brayndi!
Sorry girl, I missed your name.

bbonin said...

Thank you Brayndi! I feel so much better! Yay now Rob knows not all of the fans are skanks like those four. Wheee!

I'm crossing my fingers that Rob'd make it to Rochester lol lol.

katykeene said...

If this was after the attack in the street why were there no guards around him . How did Brayndi and whoever took the picture get so close after that scuffle.
I am not that impressed with the story. Sorry! sounds like she just waited for an opportunity also. Summit, being the diligent guards that they are, were no where to be seen, and that made it easy for her.
Glad to see they are being more careful today.

MandyW said...

Brayndi- Thanks for showing there are normal women out there who are fans.We are not all crazy stalkers.

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